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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Just a Few Examples: You Might Be Antimissionary If...

  1. You don't believe in Jesus.
  2. You not only don't believe in Jesus, but you don't tolerate that anyone else does.
  3. You've sat or you'd sit shiva even for your Anusi loved ones, or who you now consider ex-loved ones.
  4. You like to pretend that Jews for Jesus (Hebrew Christians, etc.) aren't Jewish and are nothing but Pseudo-Jewish Anti Semites who know nothing about or of Jewish culture (as someone accused me of).
  5. You allow anyone to believe in anyone or anything but Jesus; or if you're more extreme, only Judaism and especially not in Jesus.
  6. You support groups such as Yad L'Achim, the Jewish Internet Defense Force, the Jewish Defense League, and Jews for Judaism; or on the other extreme, the Union of Reform Judaism and Central Conference of American "Rabbi"s, and the Anti Defamation League. You also support Antimissionary and other haredi and Likud, or URJ and CCAR policy.
  7. You devote whole websites or sections of websites to Antimissionarism.
  8. You link to Antimissionary websites.
  9. You go to Messianic Jewish websites (e.g., Jews for Jesus' website) just to attack and persecute Messianic Jews.
  10. Most or all of your life is devoted to being an Antimissionary.
  11. You don't allow Messianic Jews and those tolerant of Messianic Jews to have freedom of speech, religion, the press, or other freedoms.
  12. Your favorite sexual position is either "Missionary" by a different name or not "Missionary". (I'm sure that there are Antmissionarys like that.)
  13. You sit in a yeshiva and are a haredi talmid l'talmud-Talmud Bavli, yom l'yom v'laila l'laila; and read Tanakh only in an Antimissionary way.
  14. You support terrorism against those such as Ami Ortiz.
  15. You burn or otherwise destroy sefirot such as full copies of Tanakh-- Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim, Brit Chadashah; and you complain about Jewish and other Christian sefirot, websites, etc. when nobody's forcing you to engage or utilize them.
  16. You constantly twist out of context or have never even read-- and still twist out of context-- Brit Chadashah.
  17. You blame Paul for saying that Yeshua ze Mashiach when Paul just affirmed what Yeshua said.
  18. You're Abraham Foxman, Skylar Curtis, Noah David Simon, David Appletree, or any person or organization who supports them.
  19. You compare every Jewish Christian to or stereotype every Jewish Christian as Pablo Christiani and Nicolas Donin; or you even you compare Jews for Jesus to the Nazis who tried to destroy all Jews, including Messianic Jews.
  20. You consider Messianic Jewish websites and organizations as hate, impostor, or similar types of websites and organizations.
  21.  You spit, plug your ears, usr hand sanitizer, or whatever else every time you hear the name "Jesus", see a picture of Jesus, etc.


Nickidewbear said...

I had to publish these comments to show how misunderstandings can occur. "Antimissionaries" are perhaps Anti Mormon, but "Anti Missionary" specifically refers to Anti-Messianic-Jewish Jews and gentiles.

Nickidewbear said...

You certainly don't understand. An Antimissionary is not an Anti Mormon, although he or she may be. An Antimissionary is an Anti-Messianic-Jewish Jew or gentile.

Anonymous said...

I never said that a Antimissionary is Anti-Mormon. I was making a different point that I don't think you will ever understand.