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Friday, June 23, 2023

Personal Commentary: Not the Best Author’s Sales Pitch, Although….

While I grant that the following is not the best selling point, I can assure you of the painfully-honest following:

If you at least consider any of my books, you will consider helping me not have to depend on what I never want another person with disabilities to need—namely, certain kinds of assistance (and some people have actually been upset that I’ve disclosed that—never mind that God afflicted me to the point of needing such at this point!). I hope to get to a point at which I can help others never depend on what I’ve had to depend.

The painfully-honest part, of course, is that since I can’t yet drive and I am seen as my disabilities, I have to partially depend on the government that hates people like me and sees us as tokenizable disabilities whom otherwise aren’t worth anything (You try even having Cerebral Palsy—let alone having it comorbid with other disabilities, and then you can get back to me if you still disagree with my assessment!). 

Through my writing, etc., I hope to get off of the very things on which I despised being. When other people recommended that I fill out certain applications, I absolutely resisted doing so. I already knew that others (including taxpayers) view me as a burden. 

Being viewed as a burden is therefore crucial as to why I want to get to a point at which I can help to assure that other people with disabilities never again have to depend on governments and taxpayers whom absolutely despise us and see as tokenizable disabilities—they certainly don’t see us as human! 

In fact, I myself have even been called “lazy pig“ and “gimp” just because of my situation. I don’t want other people with disabilities to have to be victimized simply because we are people with disabilities. For whatever reasons, God afflicted us with disabilities as is. Why should we be victimized simply because God afflicted us with disabilities? I don’t dispute God’s right to have afflicted us with disabilities (and I dare not accuse God of victimizing us), by the way. I also despise that others are victimizing us for something outside of our controls. 

Anyway, as aforementioned, when you at least consider buying one of my books, you will consider helping me get out of a position in which I do depend on people whom despise me; and you also consider helping me get other people with disabilities out of having to depend on people whom despise them. 

I have no need or want to be a multimillionaire author with excessive temporal possessions that have little to nothing to do with my writing. I have certainly a need and a want for those with disabilities to not have depend on people whom want to tokenize us at best and do worse at worst. 

Thank you for your time, understanding, and consideration of buying my books. L’Erev Shabbat Shalom (that I were able enough to make aliyah and help others make aliyah, too, by the way! I even have looked into trying to make aliyah. Obviously, it has not worked.).