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Saturday, November 5, 2011

I Should Look Back At My Old Posts More And...

I should see who, how, what, and where I've been; and why I've been who, how, what, and where I've been. I see that quite a few people read my older posts, and maybe I should start rereading them-- reading them again for the first time (and not like Marcus Borg suggests doing with the Bible, either. I hope that every day, Dr. Weiss and others will remember and know that I've not forgotten that drek called Reading the Bible Again For the First Time).

By the way, Dr. Weiss; when you do affront the Word of G-d, you affront the Jewish people. And you and Sister Eileen, and the others, don't scare me one bit now that I look back. The more I've grown in understanding the Word of G-d, the more I've grown in understanding my Jewish heritage, or visa versa. I don't need your or the rest of Notre Dame's Anti Semitism to affirm or deny the Bible for me: in fact, the more that you deny the Bible, the more that students and former students like me will only affirm the Bible.

PS The only "ancient peasant rebellion"-- which the Exodus was not; and the only "ancient peasant rebellion"-- going on is the one in your hearts, the same one that your lowly and fallen fathers-- Adam and the Devil-- committed when they said that G-d's word was not his word and fell from their exalted places--Adam when he partook with Eve and fell from the glory which he had in the garden, and the Devil fallen from being the archangel known as Lucifer. "Those who are first will be last, and those who are last will be first"; so your doctorates in the Vatican and other degrees help youu not. 

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