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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Who Was Great-Granddad Czarnecki Really? Besides a Jew, We Won't Know Now...

Szanowny Panie, informujemy, ze Archiuwm w SuwaƂkach nie posiada akt okregu mojzeszowego w Lipsku. Akta metrykalne z powiatu Augustow ulegly zniszczeniu w czasie II wojny swiatowej.
Zoja Luksza"

Dear Sir, We inform you the Archive in Suwalki the county does not have files of Jewish people in Lipsk. Records of birth certificates from the county Augustow were destroyed during World War II.
Zoya Luksza"
It means that whoever "Antoni Jan Julianowicz" Chernetski and his parents, "Julian Jan 'Feliks'" and "Aleksjondria Alicja" nee Andrulewicza Chernetski, were is gone from human knowledge. And "Antoni" and "Katarzyna" Chernetski, Danilowicza, Andrulewicz, and Morgiewicza ("Margiewicza")? Absolutely gone. 
While their being meshumadim and koferim (since they were Crypto-Jewish Roman Catholics) saved their lives and enabled them to live as Anusim in Sugar Notch, they destroyed much of their mishpacha for the knowledge of which they deliberately left them in lack. And while even many of their children became Meshichim (Alexandria Alice, Stanley-- which grandchildren Mark and Renee can confirm, since Mark even prayed with his "Pop-Pop"--, Edward, Bernie, and Cecelia. And as for Regina, I can't confirm since she died when she was 16; and Great-Granddad and his brothers John and Jospeh did not), they left both their Meshichim v'Lo Meshichim Zerim without a full and solid knowledge of their history and heritage vin Yisra'el v'b'Yeshua.

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