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Thursday, March 23, 2017

National Puppy Day 2017, &c.

Remember that "Momma" wanted Reilly to have a more-obedient nature by her third birthday? That is apparently not happening—after all, what better way to mark National Puppy Day is there but to eat many "nasties", bark inappropriately, and even play roughly enough with Camille to the point at which Camille yelped as puppies do when other puppies are playing too roughly with them?

As "Momma" has said, she needs somebody to be a helpmate to her and a co-human parent to Reilly (and this admittedly is partly a "hint, hint" to whomever Reilly's "Daddy" is supposed to be, especially if he is who "Momma" thinks that he is). After all, for example and as "Momma" has also said, being 5'1.75" with Cerebral Palsy far from helps her, for instance, be able to try to roll Reilly over when she inappropriately barks.

Re "Christian" As An Adjective

I just have a few thoughts. For example:
  1. Being a non-proselytizing Jewish Christian, I myself agree with many that many so-called "Christians" (including the notorious so-called and David Brickner-run "Jews For Jesus", whom far from actually follow the New Testament) are Christians in name only (Moshe Rosen would be ashamed. Read Stuart Dauermann's open letter to David Brickner re the Anti-Semitic "That Jew Died For You" stunt).
  2. Sadly, Webster wrote the definition for "Christian" back in the days when it was indeed assumed that only Christians can do good, notwithstanding that Tanakh says that nobody is righteous.
  3. "Christian" is used usually only in regard to self-professing Christians such as not-at-all-a-Christian D****d Tr**p.
  4. During "Roe v. Wade", Catholics and Protestants did indeed identify as Catholic Christians because of the anti-abortion tenet within Christianity.
  5. One's politics reflects one's worldview, as can be seen in the "Roe v. Wade" example alone. By the way, real (or at least strong) Christians would be both against abortion and for reforming the adoption system.
  6. Real (or at least strong) Christians condemn racism (especially Anti Semitism), sexism, xenophobia, ableism, and other bigotry, such as Muslimophobia (Islamophobia is another discussion, as Mohammed hated both Jewish Christians—and other Jews—and gentile Christians. One can hate certain ideologies, including religions, without hating their followers. By the way, most Muslims in at least the Western World are moderate, or secular).
  7. "Turning the other cheek" was actually a Samuel Jackson type of defiance. "Say 'what' again..." became "hit me again...", and "turn the other cheek" has been misinterpreted for years.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

More Of What "Momma" Wants For Reilly's Birthday & Camille's Hebrew Birthday

Besides what "Momma" already asked, and—for example—didn't quite get when Reilly ate "nasties" (as "Momma" heard from upstairs when "Auntie Michelle" and "Mom-Mom" confronted Reilly—and barked inappropriately this morning) "Momma" wants people to at least look at (if not buy) some copies of Reilly's books—re Reilly in general and as a "dogter", and re Reilly's "stella" snow day (for which "Momma" needs to finish the paperback copy). Also by the way, "Momma" was again exhausted yesterday and is having a ton of anxiety today partly because of not getting certain clear answers about a certain person (and one that Reilly'd want to meet, might "Momma" add)—especially as Reilly's getting older, and turned three yesterday at sunset (Adar 23, 5776), and "Momma"'s not far from 30 at all (and in "Momma"'s condition, 30 is old indeed).

By the way, Camille's Hebrew birthdate was Nisan 6 or Nisan 7, 5775—and "Auntie Nicole" is not sure of which, since she has no clue as to whether Camille was born before or after sunset)—so, Camille has a while before she is officially two (since the Hebrew calendar is what God created to overall all calendars, with a harsh caveat in Moses' time up until the Diaspora due to the Romans).

Re Paid Access To Read "The Nicole Factor" Or Any Other Blogger Blog

A fellow tweeter alerted me to that, and that should not be happening. I don't know whether Blogger was hacked recently, at least two suspicious visits from Russia that registered on Feedjit and not Clustrmaps or Revolver, or anything else had to do with it. Nonetheless, Blogger never makes anyone pay for access to any blog whatsoever.

Meanwhile, I would not be surprised if the suspicious Russian visits had anything to do with it—I have been one of the more vocal laywomen against Trump (not to mention a more-exhausted one for various reasons, including the effects of cyberbullying by Trumpites).  BTW, keep an eye out if you suspect suspicious Russian or any other visits on your blog—given that, for example, I lost a cousin in the Sho'ah around this time 43 years ago (since he was kidnapped on March 31, 1944; in SuwaƂki as a hostage, and murdered by hanging in June 1944), I myself would be remiss to not speak up, especially since the Russians treated other cousins on that side no better afterwards (and even in being Anusim and b'nei-Anusim, my family did not escape the effects of either the Holocaust in Germany or the Holocaust in Russia—since the Holocaust actually began in Anti-Semitic Stalin in 1922 and did not end until the gulags closed in 1960, 12 years after Stalin implemented a "Final Solution" plan). 

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A Few Things That "Momma" Wants Reilly To Have For Her Birthday

Reilly will be three on March 25th by Gregorian dating (and by Hebrew dating, today at sunset, the 23rd of Adar! L'Yom Huledet Same'ach, Reilly!). As far as "Momma"'s birthday wish list for Reilly, it includes:

  1. A more-obedient nature, and an obedient nature that only enhances (not diminishes) what independence, individuality, etc. that she as a puppy can have. After all, for example, disobeying "Mom-Mom" by eating "nasties" to a point at which "Mom-Mom" had to give her another "Mom-Mom"-to-Reilly talk resulted a few hours ago.
  2. A less-jealous nature, and a less-jealous nature that only enhances her loyal and loving nature, since perhaps (for example) she'd be nicer to Camille were she less jealous!
  3. That a certain person would enter Reilly's life
  4. That "Momma" would be a better "Momma" to Reilly (which, especially as Reilly stares down "Momma" again, "Momma" knows that having a certain person in Reilly's life would help).

Monday, March 20, 2017

OSU's Hillel & Real LGBTQ Homophobia ("Homophobia" Being Actually Discriminating Against Someone Simply For Being LGBTQ)

Ohio State University's branch of Hillel engaged in discrimination against LGBTQ students and other LGBTQ people in Ohio. Nowhere in Tanakh (also know as "The Old Testament" or "The Hebrew Bible") does it read, "Thou shalt cut off from thyselves any woman whose heart desireth not a man, and any man whose heart desireth not a woman."

One can oppose the LGBTQ lifestyle (e.g., "Thou shalt not lie with a man as one lies with a woman...") without discriminating against LGBTQ people ("I desire mercy over sacrifice...").

Please remind OSU's branch of Hillel to love their neighbors, including LGBTQ neighbors, as themselves.

Countdowns To Birthdays, An Anniversary That Happened Re Writing About Reilly Two Weeks Ago, &c.

Reilly will be three years old in five days on the Gregorian calendar, and Camille will be two years old in a week. Meanwhile, "Momma" is also remembering another milestone: exactly two weeks ago, two years passed since "Momma" became a mentoree to the main person whom inspired her to write about Reilly and become an author in general; and three weeks and two years will have passed since "Auntie Nicole" became a mentoree on Camille's birthday.

Of course, Reilly has example after example of when she's spoiled, whether it's her birthday or any other given day. As for "Momma", not so much—in fact, "Momma" wonders if God loves Reilly more than He loves herapparently, for example, it's good for "Momma" to be alone while it's not good for anyone else, notwithstanding that "Momma" needs a helpmate and Reilly needs a "Daddy". Also, how will "Momma" surely know, for instance, whether the guy is a total stranger or even one of the guys among guys and gals whom inspired "Momma" to write about Reilly, no matter what "Momma" thinks in regards to who is or might be Reilly's "Daddy"?

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Bark, Bite, Kick, Nose An Arm...aka, How Reilly Physically Expresses What She Thinks And Wants

For example:

  1. Barking: ranges from, e.g., "Hi" to "What is that?", to "I hate your guts [e.g., one of the neighbor's notorious-noisemaking cars]".
  2. Biting, non-play biting: ranges from, e.g., jealousy to dominance, to "**** off"—e.g., Reilly bit "Momma"'s hand when she was trying to bite Camille out of jealousy yesterday
  3. Kicking: Expressing displeasure from being rolled over when she barks inappropriately (as she kicked "Auntie Michelle" today when "Auntie Michelle" had to roll her over. She also kicks when she does not want one to stop a belly rub.
  4. Nosing one's arm, headbutting, etc.: wanting attention and/or trying to block or otherwise prevent someone from giving Camille or another puppy attention (as Reilly moved "Momma"'s arm out of Cam's reach when "Auntie Nicole" reached over to pet Cam). 
Reilly is definitely a spoiled brat (by God and humans alike). 🙂

Saturday, March 18, 2017

More Reil-ish or Rei-rish Luck

After a lucky St. Patrick's Day for Reilly, Reilly gets:

  1. An auspicious date for a week prior to her Gregorian birthday: the 18th. In Jewish tradition, "18" is "Ś—Ś™" or "life". She also gets a Yom Shabbat. Also, 1 + 8 + 3 with "3" for the third month = 12.
  2. Her Gregorian birthday is on the 25th, also a Yom Shabbat. 2 + 5 = 7. As for 2 + 5 + 3 = 10; and "10" is considered a number of perfection in many traditions.
PS God does use numbers as, at the least, reminders; and Reilly has both math and Shabbatot on her side this year. 

Friday, March 17, 2017

Luck Of The Reil-ish Or Luck Of the Rei-rish? Either Way...

Reilly had a better Saint Patrick's Day than "Momma". She and Camille (as one can see below with Camille snuggling one of the gifts, "Ducky") even got early birthday gifts (Brats! 😉)—and one of the gifts has green in it!

Reilly definitely got the luck of her name honorees (or the supposed-to-be luck, anyway—as they did not have easy lives!).

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: "Momma"'s OCD/Anxiety Is Flaring Up Because...

Her possible helpmate and Reilly's possible "Daddy" won't reach out to her and give her a clear answer, thus affecting her to be anxious, exhausted, etc.. Even last night, "Momma" stayed up thinking about her possible helpmate and Reilly's possible "Daddy"; and she's anxious enough to be nauseous right now.

She is not looking for any easy way out of anything at all—in fact, she's writing the books about Reilly and other books partly to be able to become an author with enough money to provide for Reilly and stand in her own right—nonetheless, that doesn't change that, for example, she needs help rolling over Reilly when Reilly barks inappropriately and carrying Reilly's water bowl back and forth (and "Mom-Mom" and "Auntie Michelle" criticize her for simply having to pour new water into Reilly's water bowl instead of dump the old water and pour completely new water). Besides, she wants to be able to walk Reilly  in the future and have someone with whom to walk with her and Reilly.

In any case, "Momma" thinks that her possible helpmate and Reilly's possible "Daddy" love her and Reilly, though she's just not sure. In addition and as aforestated, not having a clear answer from Her possible helpmate and Reilly's possible "Daddy" affects her to OCD/Anxiety flareups, etc. and be a bad "Momma" to Reilly. Furthermore, neither "Momma" nor Reilly are getting younger—and Reilly's Gregorian birthday is on the 25th of March.

Also, "Momma" has asked before what she needs to do to get her possible helpmate and Reilly's possible "Daddy" to reach out to her—the case isn't, as far as "Momma" knows, that he isn't strong enough to help her—in fact, he's quite strong enough to help her and Reilly. 

How Did Reilly And Camille Mark The Publication Of The New Book About Them?

How else did they mark the publication but by running outside when they weren't supposed to be in the backyard, eating nasties, and having to be bribed with treatsDe-ja-(Malti)poo!


  1. "Momma" knows that puppies really can't mark publications of books like that (or can they? At least Reilly did seem to understand "Momma" when "Momma" talked about how people read about her and Camille. Pets, and other animals, do have uncanny abilities to at least sometimes understand what humans think that they can't understand).
  2. Speaking of de-ja-(Malti)poo...a certain furball was curled up on a family-room chair and is now staring down and waiting for "Momma" in a "dogterly"-equivalent way to how "Momma" is waiting for the other person to whom Reilly is also supposed to be a "dogter". Maybe if "Momma" and Reilly have Jirish luck by St. Patrick's Day and/or one of Reilly's birthdays (be the birthday her Hebrew birthday or her Gregorian one....yehi ratzon Yehovah la'asot ratzono). ✡☘
At least Reilly and "Momma" have consistency in their lives...though it's not all good consistency.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Reilly's And Camille's "Stella" Snow Day 2017

In short:
  1. Reilly and Camille ate "nasties" such as bird food, notwithstanding the snow or "Mom-Mom"'s explicit instructions to not eat the bird food.
  2. They enjoyed running in the snow, chasing snowballs that "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" threw.
  3. Camille did not want to come inside, in contrast to unusually-obedient Reilly.
  1. "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" had to stay on the porch to photograph and videograph Reilly's and Camille's snow day.
  2. Trying to get all of the pictures into another way to document it flared up "Momma"'s ADD, etc. severely.
  3. "Momma" and Reilly hope that Reilly's possible "Daddy" got through Snowstorm Stella safely and warmly, since Stella hit and may continue to hit the area in which he lives. "Momma" and Reilly also wish other loved ones in that area—including distant family—safety and warmth as Winter 2016-2017 wraps up with it's last hurrah! 

Sunday, March 12, 2017

A Few Examples Of How Reilly Is One Spoiled Puppy, And In Contrast To Other Puppies

She has human loved ones whom:
  1. Get her toys and treats for even occasions that one would not expect—she even got made-for-puppies hamantaschen in lieu of a hamantaschen-like toy and at "Momma"'s behest—in other words, Reilly gets gifts even for occasions for which "Momma" doesn't get them!
  2. Talk about what a special puppy and lifesaver she is—for example, she has a "Momma" whom devotes a significant chunk of her blog to writing about her and admits what a ****-up of a "Momma" that she can be. As far as "Momma" knows, many—if not most—puppy parents actually won't do that—that is, they'll just fall back on "Be the person that your dog think that you are" instead of say "You might as well admit to even your undyingly-devoted dog what a ****-up you are."
  3. Talk about her on a significant level on Facebook, even try to get the word out about her in their writings, and even try to relate seemingly-not-related-to-her subjects—such as the death of her fellow canine Bodza—to her.
  4. Have spoiled her doubly when they've given her belly rubs, scritches, etc. on multiple occasions. For example, Reilly has had her head and belly rubbed at the same time (sometimes with one person giving a belly rub while the other gives her scritches on the head), paws massaged by at least one human while Camille has cleaned out her ears ("Spa treatment" indeed, as "Auntie Michelle" puts it!), and belly rubbed when she's been asked to move—and how many other puppies would be allowed even once to exploit that loophole of moving by rolling over for a belly rub, thus technically moving?
  5. Consider her in their life-changing aspirations and decisions—including a certain one that "Momma" has had for a while in terms of another person in both her life and in Reilly's life.
Many—if not most—puppy parents and puppies' other human loved ones who can do at least something for their canine family members don't even try to do all of that—whether they're poor or rich, with or without disabilities, single or not single, or anything else and/or anything in between on the gamut of human facets. For instance, many puppies' capable-enough human loved ones—in contrast to what Reilly's human loved ones do:
  1. Constantly underspoil their puppies or even abuse (including neglect) them. On the other hand, some—such as Paris Hilton and David Best—extremely (and selfishly) overspoil their puppies—such as Mr. Amazing the Pomeranian, Ă  la famille de Hilton with a purchase price of $13,000; and Elvis Best with a "bark mitzvah" party worth $10,000.
  2. Consider their canine family members either "just dogs" or more worth being treated like humans than humans, thus finding no reasonable place on the gamut of treatment of pets and other animals. In other words, they see their furmily as either background objects or idols, and they have no idea of how to be healthily involved to be in pets' lives.
  3. Detrimentally underinvolve or overinvolve their pets in their lives.
No puppy parent or other puppies' loved ones will be perfect—allpuppies' loved ones willl underspoil or overspoil, take for granted or become a little too obsessed with, and/or underconsider or overconsider their canine loved one to some extent from time to time. Still, one can find a healthy and reasonable way to dote on her or his "dogter" or "granddogter", fur niece or fur nephew ("neph-woof"; or for a kitty, "nephmew"?), or other canine family member or friend.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Offbeat: To "Momma", A Reminder Of the Reilly & Air Force (And Other Military) Personnel For Whom She's Grateful

Upon reading about Bodza Smith (Ś–'Śœ) and Sgt. Kyle Smith (USAF), "Momma" once again thought about the Reilly for whom she's grateful (especially as she's reminded that tomorrow was as guaranteed for Bodza as it is for Reilly, and is for herself as it is for Sgt. Kyle Smith—i.e., not at all). She also thinks about especially the Air Force vets and active-duty Air Force members among her loved ones (family, friends, and others)—currently in her life and yet to connect or reconnect with her, known and unknown to her, having met Reilly and yet to meet Reilly, etc..

Remember that Reilly is, for example, a "grandniece" of a retired Air Force colonel and an Air Force veteran whom almost served in Vietnam, and a "great-grandniece" of a World War Two veteran whom served in the Air Force—all of whom are descendants of her name honorees. She's also a writing subject mainly due to the inspiration of another Air Force veteran, although "Momma" doesn't know if he served in Vietnam (She had the impression that he served stateside similar to how one of Reilly's "great-great-granduncles" whom was in the Army served stateside in World War Two.).

By the way, "Bodza" is a name mainly in Poland, Hungary, and Croatia—where "Momma" and Reilly have Jewish (and MaltiJewish) roots.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Offbeat: Reilly Staring Down "Momma" Again, And More On If Reilly's "Daddy" Were In Reilly's And Her "Momma"'s Lives

As "Momma" wrote last night:

"Reilly was actually just staring down "Momma" until "Momma" explained that she is actually just wrapping up right now—and then Reilly began napping and waiting for "Momma" similarly to how (though in a different way than) "Momma" is (and Reilly is also) waiting for a certain someone.

"By the way, "Momma" is (and in whatever way puppies can be aware of life's problems, Reilly is) aware that while "Momma"'s having her helpmate and Reilly's "Daddy" (especially if he is who "Momma" thinks that he is) in her and Reilly's life won't solve everything, it'll sure help "Momma" and "Reilly" with a lot."

This time, Reilly's staring at "Momma" through eyes which she's been trying to keep open, and "Momma" thinks about the question that she asks herself and God re who she thinks might be Reilly's "Daddy": when's he going to admit it—unless "Momma" is misreading something?

After all:

"The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a broken spirit who can bear?"


"A merry heart is a good medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones."

And that does not help Reilly.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

"A Flying Leap Off Of Mom's Bed," As "Mimi" Describes What Camille Just Did, And Other Moments

Somebody apparently had to "go potty" (and was outside as "Auntie Nicole" began to type), and "Mimi" didn't even have to greet Camille ("...Bingo! She jumped right off!").

When she went outside, "she chased a bunny", whom was her only distraction from being able to "go potty". (As far as the bunny, "Auntie Nicole" has no idea whether it peed itself because it got scared by Camille). Meanwhile, both Camille and Reilly ate "bunny beans" (and "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" guesses that she knows what the bunny did after all! 😉)

As far as creating earlier memorable moments, Camille decided to create two of those moments when she pawed Reilly from within her own crate earlier today and from outside of Reilly's crate yesterday. Needlessly to say, then, Camille created and helped Reilly create more colorful moments—moments that "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" needs right now.

PS As "Momma" was just typing, Reilly was actually just staring down "Momma" until "Momma" explained that she is actually just wrapping up right now—and then Reilly began napping and waiting for "Momma" similarly to how (though in a different way than) "Momma" is (and Reilly is also) waiting for a certain someone.

By the way, "Momma" is (and in whatever way puppies can be aware of life's problems, Reilly is) aware that while "Momma"'s having her helpmate and Reilly's "Daddy" (especially if he is who "Momma" thinks that he is) in her and Reilly's life won't solve everything, it'll sure help "Momma" and "Reilly" with a lot.

(Also by the way, Reilly stared down "Momma" again! At least four times total, with one particularly long-sustained staredown, and began napping again after the last one!)

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Spring Training, A La Reilly And Two Of Her Cousins

In other words, another playdate with Shelby occurred impromptuitously on the non-divine side of the universe today. 

Some Of the Events Of Reilly's & Camille's Past 24-Plus Hours

With "de-ja-[malti]poo" involved, events included the usual jealously episodes—at least one of which involved jealous whimpering by Reilly—and interesting potty-session happenings—with the most recent one providing, if you will, a confirmation of freezing or below-freezing ground temperatures. As for the more-unusual events, meanwhile, two of them involved Reilly and Camille being calming presences.

The first one occurred when Reilly attempted to calm "Momma" down when "Momma" almost had to engage in "Castle Doctrine"-style defense of her computer, and let's just say that Reilly certainly would understand that asking "Auntie Michelle" multiple times to not touch her computer and watching as she brazenly went to do it warranted "Momma" to reach up from the floor to attempt to avert "Auntie Michelle" from going over there. Of course, Reilly didn't understand why "Momma"—who fell asleep as she waited for "Auntie Michelle" to bring Reilly down and take her "potty"—would have to reach up and not be able to just get up—notwithstanding that "Auntie Michelle" knows exactly why an exhausted "Momma" couldn't just get up from her napping spot. Meanwhile, let's just say that "Momma" got a ton of kisses from an arbitive mediator.

The second incident occurred when tail-wagging Camille indicated that "Auntie Nicole" was letting "Mimi" rile her up too much during a discussion—and she wagged her tail to indicate that the situation was getting too tense. When Auntie Nicole went to apologize for letting "Mimi" rile her up, Camille tried to defuse the tension by playing with—for example, playfully pawing at—and trying to get belly rubs from "Auntie Nicole".

Never a dull moment. Never a dull moment. This isn't to say that, e.g., there aren't lonely ones, even with Reilly and Camille around—especially when, e.g., who could help "Momma" out just isn't there right now.

Thursday, March 2, 2017


All too similarly to Sunday, today was another day for "Momma" to attempt roll over a barky—and this time, squirmy—Reilly and deal as much with Reilly's jealously as "Auntie Michelle" did after she came home from work and spent time with her own "dogter", as Reilly even took over and blocked her lap to prevent Camille from sitting on it. Reilly also got a particularly-disgusting piece of bathroom trash—which "Momma" will not mention by name—after the aide who comes over every day to help "Momma" get out and walk (at, as "Momma" has mentioned, "Mom-Mom"'s insistence 😳🙄) accidentally left the bathroom door open before she left for the day—and Camille also got some of what Reilly got after Reilly brought it out of the bathroom with her and "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" caught that Reilly had it!

Needlessly to say, "Momma"'s OCD/Anxiety flared up for quite a while after that.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Yesterday's Incident That Involved A Neighborhood Pitbull & A "Potty" Session

The long story short, regarding an incident in the afternoon of February 27th EST, is this:

Reilly and Camille made another good call in barking when they saw a notorious fence-jumping neighborhood pitbull from the window by the computer, though they really shouldn't have been barking—besides, as "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" told Reilly, Reilly and Camille didn't need to worry about the other puppy. 

Also, "Momma" thankfully had Reilly's harness and leash on Reilly when Fence Jumper* came and ran along the side of the fence that is opposite to the back porch. Then again, Fence Jumper could've jumped into the yard and continued to disobey her owner instead of eventually going back to her family's house**. Either way, Reilly and Camille—notwithstanding that their barking alerted "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" to Fence Jumper's escape and run in the neighborhood—ended up not having to worry about her.

* Real name withheld. Also, Fence Jumper is a sweet pitbull and one whom can be aggressive in spite of her sweetness. 
** That may've created a situation in which "Momma" would've needed someone to help her and Reilly.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Most Of My Commentary Will Have To Be On Twitter, My Blog, &c..

A couple of reasons for this are:

  1. YouTube's continued kiboshing of webcam-upload technology.
  2. Cerebral Palsy and mental illnesses—part of the reason that YouTube's kiboshing of webcam-upload technology is abysmally detrimental to me (and others with disabilities)—don't allow me to have the wherewithal—physically, mentally, or otherwise—to be able to write, type, hold a camera, etc. 17-15/7. There are even days on which I can't write about Reilly of late.
  3. I'm working on becoming an author and I have other things to do as well—I don't have the luxury to write, type, etc.. at least 8/7.
Thus, most of my commentary will have to be on Twitter, Blogger, etc. to save me strength energy, time. 

"Momma" Tried To Roll Reilly Over Herself; "Auntie Michelle" Had To Deal With Stubborn & Jealous Reilly, Etc..

Trying to roll over Reilly herself—although Reilly at least gets that "Momma" will roll her over if she has to do so, as she demonstrated just now—got "Momma" only to hold Reilly as she stood on her two back legs—once again evidencing that "Momma" needs to have her helpmate and Reilly's "Daddy" in both her life and Reilly's life as soon as possible. Also not helping "Momma" was when Reilly decided to have "Auntie Michelle" again "pick her up" to take her downstairs to "go potty" and bring her up to "Momma" as exhausted and fighting-off-an-ear-infection "Momma" was studying for an online class, fell asleep multiple times during the study session—though she at least benefited in inadvertently engaging in the study-sleep cycle of information retention—and was already upstairs for the night, anyway—and since "Momma" is not fighting off her infection with antibiotics, she still is a little more sleepy of late.

Incidentally, "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" fell today when she was carrying both the book for her class and what she needed to replace Ri's and Cam's water in their water bowls in their crates—and had Ri and Cam not been in their crates in order for "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" to have focused study time, a chair and/or "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" could've fallen on one or both of them—and she at least landed on her stomach and without hitting her face on the cabinet in front of her. Meanwhile, she stayed by Ri and Cam while she was studying—and she did fall asleep this time!

Speaking of and back to when she did fall asleep and was upstairs for the night anyway, "Momma" had to deal with a jealous Reilly both during "night nights" time and this morning—Reilly would neither let Camille say "night nights" to "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" or onto her bed when they came to greet her in the morning, and "Mom-Mom" had to convince Camille that jumping up on "Auntie Nicole"'s bed was going to be safe despite Reilly's jealousy. 

Friday, February 24, 2017

Is Reilly's Bark Worse Than Her Bite? Apparently...

Her bite is worse than her bark, as she told "Momma" by nosebutting her hand when she asked her. Besides, Reilly did seem to concede that—for example—she could take advantage of "Auntie Michelle"'s lack of moral authority of her—basically, along with "Mom-Mom" (whom, for instance, once again refused to roll Reilly over when Reilly was barking like a klipeh) leaving "Momma" helpless in any case and all the more needing someone whom can have moral authority over Reilly (especially if he is who "Momma" thinks that he is). Reilly took advantage of this twice over the two past days alone.

The first instance occurred last night when "Auntie Michelle" took off Reilly's harness and leash after she took her "potty", thus leaving "Momma" unable to keep Reilly from running back to "Mom-Mom"'s room—which she does when she doesn't have on the harness and leash—and "Momma" persisted to no avail for "Auntie Michelle" to get Reilly and bring her into "Momma"'s room, and "Auntie Michelle"'s excuse for not getting Reilly is that Reilly repeatedly attempted to bite her.

The second instance occurred this evening when Reilly bit "Auntie Michelle"'s wrist and arm in order to try to get her attention.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: An Observation Re "Momma"'s Possible Helpmate & Reilly's Possible "Daddy"

"Momma" thinks that even less than a few could compete with him, assuming that who she thinks that he is, is who he is—besides (and forgive the language), "Momma" would like to see what happens if and when ones that are punks try to compete with him ("Momma" again assumes that who she thinks that he is, is who he is)—and how many of either the punks and non punks would stay with her in the long term, even if just for Reilly's sake? After all, even Reilly might not help—for example—their images and reputations with their families, their friends, or other associates—in this ableist society, including even among "Momma"'s own family, ableism prevails to the point at which "Mom-Mom" has pulled the card that many have pulled: i.e., the "people with disabilities shouldn't own pets" card; and never mind "V'ahavta et Yehovah Eloheikha..." or "v’ahavta l’rey’akha kamokha.

Also, back to the point about how many of them would stay with "Momma" in the long term—Reilly's "great-grandaunt" Kas rejected three marriage proposals likely because—as far as her grandniece knows and guesses by having lived it—she knew that they'd likely run in the long term because of the CP—whether or not they knew that that's actually what had (Score One for one of Reilly's name honorees—again 🙄, notwithstanding that she is one of Reilly's memorialized name honorees.).

Meanwhile, "Momma"'s getting Reilly to come back to the porch after she ran when "Momma" was adjusting her grip on her green leash (since "Mom-Mom" did not get her pink leash out of the cart wheel) was a real cinch—in terms of, for instance and in all seriousness, being tempted to have to crawl again because of an almost-entirely-non-maneuverable cart—who'd be willing to deal with that image & reputation cramper?

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A Planned Book On Camille, When "Mimi" Doesn't Spend Enough Time With Camille, Etc..

With the second edition of Reilly's book out, "Momma" gave away another copy (and as she's said, she really is working on trying to become an author)—and she polled to see if people would read a book on Camille (and "Auntie Nicole" made the giveaway a "no vote, no entry" one).The results are as follows:

If Nicole Czarnecki were to write a book on Camille, would you buy or try to win it?

More likely than not16%
More unlikely than likely5%

Incidentally, "Auntie Nicole" fails to understand why anyone who wouldn't read the book on Camille would enter the giveaway but for a few reasons such as:

  1. He or she likes trying to get free books, maybe even—in this case—to resell it offline if it's a paperback book, e.g.—and yes, there really are people whom hate "Auntie Nicole" that much (notwithstanding that, e.g., Reilly is currently napping by her "Momma"—at least some sentient creature loves "Momma" on a consistent basis, compared to even many fellow human sentient creatures in her life). If he or she also tried to get the book to resell it, or—on the other hand—get it just to make fun of it and/or have his friends make fun of it, that would not surprise Reilly's "Momma"—even "Mom-Mom" and "Auntie Michelle" made fun of it at first. 
  2. He or she is a big fan of Reilly and not Camille—poor Camille. 🙁
  3. He or she wants to get a free book for a friend.
Meanwhile, "Auntie Nicole" can relate in filial and non-filial ways to Camille's filial pain—even "Mimi" doesn't spend enough time with Camille (Who shouldn't own a puppy, by the way "Mom-Mom"? Even "Mom-Mom" has acknowledged that "Mimi" doesn't prioritize Camille as much as she should, and how hurtful "Mom-Mom" can be only adds to when "Momma"'s Jirish temper can be affected.). As a result of "Mimi" not prioritizing Camille as much as she should, Camille can get sleepy and feel depressed—and as recently as Sunday, this happened—and Cam wakes, perks, and lights up when "Mimi" comes into the room to actually spend time with her and, e.g., puts that darn Kindle or laptop down for once—even under guilt of being teased that, e.g., "Auntie Nicole" will become Cam's "Momma" if "Mimi" doesn't come downstairs from a long-enough nap to spend time with Cam.

In a similar way, "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma"'s loneliness and confusion re what exactly Camille's possible "uncle" and Reilly's possible "Daddy" wants continues to affect una noche oscura del alma en parte de su vida—a dark night of the soul in part of her life—as she is trying to be patient and wait on God to have Reilly's possible "Daddy" reach out to her—and patience in general is all the harder for a person with OCD/Anxiety, Depression, and ADD to learn.

How fitting, by the way, that a converso coined that term!

Monday, February 20, 2017

When Reilly Brings Out An Ugly Side—e.g., The Jirish Temper—Of "Momma"

Give how Reilly caused a panic attack yesterday; take that she got into the bathroom trash again today and got "Momma" into trouble for it—this notwithstanding that "Auntie Michelle" left the bathroom door open again and that Reilly knows better; and add your understanding of the panic attack and trouble because of "Auntie Michelle" and "Reilly" to, e.g., the comments that maybe "Momma" shouldn't have a puppy because of C.P., etc—not to mention that she "shouldn't have kids" because Reilly can bring out, e.g., an irritably and a Jirishtemper to simmer, well, and/or flare up in her—and you will understand why "Momma" is less strong for Reilly than she can and needs to be. You will also understand why that Jirish temper quite a bit more often simmers, wells, and/or flares up in her.

By the way and just to clarify, "Momma" has never hit or otherwise abused Reilly.

*✡️ and ☘️

A Massacre In Sweden Really Did Occur, As It Happened In Bowling Green. Guess Who Really Caused It?

  1. Tr*** himself—bowling over massacring any liberty and freedom is dangerously making people đŸ€ą.
  2. Tr***'s offical and unofficial cabinet, including his family.
  3. Tr***ites from Milo to Newt Gingrich.
There are others whom caused Tr***'s Bowling Green Massacre, including pro-Trump and Anti-Zionist Benjamin Netanyahu—Agudat Yisrael's "natural partner". Meanwhile, not just the U.S., Sweden, and Israel are suffering—so are, e.g., Poland, the Ukraine and Crimea, and Slovakia, all of where substantial kehillot still exist. 

Somewhat Offbeat: When "Momma" Is Thinking About Asking Reilly How To Get Reilly's Possible Daddy To Reach Out To Her...

That is bad, especially considering that the same puppy on whom "Momma" just had to use the spray bottle could have caused her to die yesterday. Still, there is an impasse, and he's gotta budge—or at least give some clarification one or another way—and as "Momma" has written:

"She's also been thinking about Reilly's possible "Daddy" and what he wants—and she's told Reilly that and kept asking her if she thinks that the person in question will be her "Daddy". Reilly seems to have answered in the affirmative every time, as—as "Momma" has explained—a prophetess giving a prophecy or an oracle¹²!

"As she's written before, too:

 "'For all that "Momma" knows, though, maybe loneliness will count as enough of a fast for God to send her a helpmate for her and a "Daddy" to Reilly, whether soon or down the road—and whoever the 'Daddy' for Reilly might be could be anyone from a total stranger to even one of the guys among guys and gals whom inspired 'Momma' to write about Reilly, no matter what "Momma" thinks of the chances that any given guy would or will ever be Reilly's "Daddy".'"

By the way, "Momma" just had to use the spray bottle again—if only someone could and would help "Momma" roll Reilly over!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

"Momma"'s Near Panic Attack (Still Occurring As Of 1:58 PM EST), Trying To Take A Quiz, Etc..

Because of Reilly's barking and wanting scritches while "Momma" was taking scritches during a quiz for an online class which is taking, "Momma"—not withstanding that she did give Reilly scritches and persisted when Reilly wanted more scritches and had to wait to get more scritches after the quiz—got especially frustrated when Reilly barked and had no help from "Mom-Mom" despite that the quiz was timed for 60 minutes and "Momma" couldn't just get up to get the spray bottle—with"Mom-Mom" in fact categorically refusing to help "Momma" when "Momma" asked for help (something like, "I'm not doing that"—i.e., using the spray bottle or rolling Reilly over. "Mom-Mom" was also causing distracting noise by vacuuming after cleaning out the pellet stove—so, that really didn't help!)

...2:07 going into 2:08 PM, by the way, still has "Momma" having an audible heart rate, needing to really inhale for breath, etc. (2:09 PM, and Reilly is barking loudly again, and Cam is, too—still no rolling over or spray bottle, and let's see if "Mom-Mom" actually carries out her ultimatum to use the muzzle! 2:11, and like "Mom-Mom"'s simply telling Reilly, "Quiet", etc. is helping as Reilly continues to bark, stopping and starting—and 2:12 PM, and Reilly starts barking again as Camille barks! "Mom-Mom"'s closing the window is not helping, by the way!...

Does "Momma" really need to really emphasize, by the way, why she needs a helpmate for herself and a "Daddy" for Reilly, by the way? Is asking Reilly's possible "Daddy" to reach out to "Momma" too much—especially as her heart rate remains high (and reminiscent of when she had to go to the ER because "Auntie Michelle" scared her and effected her heart rate to go up to 133 beats per minute in later 2013, bruxism flared up, etc.?

By the way (at 2:17 PM), "Mom-Mom" finally got the spray bottle for "Momma" in case Reilly barks again—and "Momma" almost had to use it at 2:18 PM! Also, the spray bottle continues to be on standby for use as of 2:21 PM, and "Momma"'s ITB Pump hurt for a while at 2:21 PM due to an IBS flareup, the near panic attack, and stress now!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

A Jewish "Zhang" In China With MRKH? If So, Another Factor In the "Be Fruitful" Mitzvah To Examine Comes To Light

A 23-year-old woman named "Zhang", possibly "Joshua", had a corrective surgery to improve her marital and fertility prospects:

"As time went by, Zhang's parents became more and more worried that their daughter would not be able to date, marry and have children due to her condition. So the family contacted the No.1 Affiliated Hospital of the Medical School of Xi'an Jiatong University for help.
"Zhang was diagnosed with Mayer-Rokitansky-KĂŒster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH), a congenital abnormality characterised by women who have no vagina, womb and cervix...
"A B-scan ultra-sonography revealed that Zhang has no vagina or uterus, but she has functioning ovaries.
"She told the doctors that she had not been able to date any men because of her condition. She also had to turn down many admirers who had asked her out."

As an bat-Anusim, I would not be surprised if she is a Kaifenger Anusit and/or bat-Anusim*. After all, the reproductive aspect of "be fruitful and multiply" is heavily emphasized in traditional Judaism (not withstanding that some did and do focus on the non-reproductive aspects)—and in her case, it may have brought up another issue in Rabbinic halacha: "May one have any corrective or curative surgery that involves grafting a non-reproductive part onto a reproductive part, or would having such be a chillul Ś™Ś”Ś•Ś” in that it would involve l'sachek Ś™Ś”Ś•Ś”?"

*By the way, you will never catching me using "Anus" or "Anusah". If you can't figure out why, you may have never faced the kind of Anti Semitism that I have.

Friday, February 17, 2017

The Vo-Cam-u-la-Ri: aka, The Reilly and Camille Lexicon—Well, At Least Part Of It

As "Momma" promised:

  1. "Night nights": bedtime or evening nap
  2. "Potty", "potty outside", "outside", etc.: self explanatory (📖), including the bathroom for the humans
  3. "Peedy" and "poody": 📖.
  4. "Nasties": including the two aforementioned items, hair, dust
  5. "Num nums": food for them
  6. "Speedy" (a name for a tire-shaped toy that has yellow bones), "Froggie" (the desqueakered frog toy), "Mr. Monkey" (the monkey toy that each got for Christmas), and "Buddy" (a puppy-shaped bottle-holder toy).
  7. "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole": 📖
  8. "Mimi"/"Auntie Michelle": 📖
  9. "Mom-Mom": 📖
  10. "Ms. [Whomever]", "Mr. [Whomever]", etc.: 📖
  11. "No-no", "no-nos", etc.: 📖, including "nasties"
  12. "Blankie": 📖
  13. "Harness": 📖, including seatbelts for the humans "on a ride" (📖)
  14. "My bladder and colon [or colon and bladder] are acting funny": "IBS flareup" (📖)
  15. "Dentastick": used generically for a dental chew
  16. "Riley treat [or "Reisy treat"]": 📖
  17. "Birdie": 📖
  18. "Scritch": 📖
  19. "Belly rub": 📖
  20. "The blessing": The Birkat HaKohanim (with "Yevarekhakh" and "v'yishmerekakh"—which "Momma" needs to correct to "yismerakh")  that "Momma" does for Reilly every night (or almost every night) before "going night nights" (and Reilly's been prone to lick the oil that she's been able to reach, which is a "No-No").
  21. The word for which the possible definition will have to be self supplied.

"No Fox. She Wanted To Go After the Rabbit!"

Another pre-"night nights" "potty" session turned interesting. With "Auntie Michelle" already being exhausted and in dread because of a fox in the neighborhood, she became scared over a rabbit. Meanwhile, a certain furniece of "Auntie Michelle" wanted lapin for a midnight snack—not withstanding that she had a beef-liver treat the last time that she went "potty"!

By the way, "lapin" is the name of "rabbit meat"—and speaking of names for things, "Momma" plans to post a Vocamulari lexicon in another post.


1) In case you didn't see what "Momma" did there, "Vo-cam-u-la-ri". Now try to see what "Momma" did there.
2) There's one word which "Momma" doesn't plan to fully define yet, just in case she's wrong about the definition.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Reilly Could've Committed Negligent "Matricide" Today, And A Could-Be-Missed Opportunity?

For Reilly to be a loving "granddogter" to her "Mom-Mom" was fine for her, and to almost kill "Momma" today seemed better—this time, Reilly's getting the pink leash stuck in the crate entailed getting it stuck and tangled in one of the wheels to the point at which the cart is still basically rendered unhelpful for "Momma"—and Camille started it by running off of the porch while "Auntie Nicole" was going to get Reilly's leash unstuck from one being wrapped around on the sides of the cart.

"Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" ended up having to crawl on the ground to get back in the house (and roll over each of the girls and ask "Who rules?"), hold the girls' leashes while she crawled, and hold her left shoe and wait to put it on until she got onto the porch. Meanwhile, the left foot being bare (as has frequently happened when the right foot has been bare due to, e.g., Reilly not waiting for "Momma" as she climbs up the stairs) was the usual insulting reminderand of course without the hopeful side of the whole insult-to-injury ordeal. Of course, "Reilly's 'Momma'" remains the answer to the question of who misses an opportunity if "Momma" does decide to give up on waiting on Reilly's possible "Daddy".

Speaking of risk-and-reward and cost-and-benefit-analysis, by the way, that's part of why "Momma" tried to get the leash out of the cart wheel for as long as she could—the mud on her pant knees, shoes, and coat sleeves demonstrate that she had to take the dreaded risk of getting down on the ground and crawling instead of continue to try to get the leash out of the wheel and then instead of maneuver the cart with only three wheels available.