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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

You Know What? Great-Great-Granduncle Frank, Sr. May've Been a "Great Depression Suicide"...

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Then again, that was only a small part of it. The Swoyersville are was a poor area, so 154 Owen Street was among the last to get hit by the Depression. At the time, Great-Great-Granduncle Frank was the widower of Anna Kraal Fosko and had three children to support, and lost three children previously (which I just found out, and he lost one of the children just on September 23, 1928). He was also an Anusi with a brother and his parents deceased back in Aranyida, and trying to balance the deaths that he had to deal with (which included two suicides) and living a good, Crypto-Jewish Catholic life on 154 Owen Street in Swoyersville.

Then again, the search may've led to a blog entry about Great-Granddad Czarnecki. Well, what difference would that make, really? He was in a Wood River, Illinois mental hospital and far from his Diasporan home in Sugar Notch in 1930; he lost his firstborn son in 1934 (and Great-Grandma was pregnant when they married); he lost his difficult mother the same year that his second son came along, and had his ailing mother with an on-the-way son and a soon-to-be-orphaned (Cecelia) to help look after-- that is; help his sister Alexandria Alice look after their mom and Cecelia, and his wife after his coming son. His depression was in part a product of his experiences during the Great Depression.

Meanwhile, I'm a product in part of Great-Great-Granduncle Frank's sister Julia and of Great-Granddad Czarnecki; so is any wonder that I've been depressed and suicidal in the past (including recently, which got me into a lot of trouble for even mentioning it)? By the way, I've promised that I would never act out on any suicidal feelings that I would have-- I'm afraid of what happens if I survive a suicide attempt. Besides, I could end up like Great-Granddad-- change my mind and kill myself, anyway: in other words, like him, I could do something to myself and then want to live when the opportunity to keep living comes too late.

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