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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Graceless Gingrich and Sort-of Supercilious Santorum

By Former Speaker Gingrich's speech last night, one can easily judge that Newt Gingrich won't take his opportunity to graciously drop out of the race-- after all, he thinks that his home state (even though Georgia is only one of 10, and of two out of 50, states) will be enough to help him win.

As for sort-of supercilious (though more-or-less-openly-haughty) Former Senator Santorum, he's relying on 2012's Southern Strategy-- Oklahoma, Tennessee, and the southernly state of North Dakota; as well as the Trifecta of Colorado, Missouri, and Minnesota-- all quite southern in their Republican culture as well. The South, with few exceptions, tends to pick the Far Right (who are quite honestly RINOs and closer to the Southern Democrats) and the Far Left; the Southern Democrats of old (and speaking of "of old", the Classical-- 19th Century-- Conservatives, the 18th- and 20th-21st-Centuries Liberals).

In other words, the Far Right are really liberals and RINOs, better off as the Southern and other Democrats that they were, and best off not continuing to co-opt the Barry Goldwater play re the Civil Rights Act; and Rick Santorum-- as well as Newt Gingrich, might I add-- may as well drop out and join the Democrats and let the real and viable Republican, Mitt Romney, take the 2012 GOP nomination. But Santorum and Gingrich may be as the Democrats and RINOs-- too graceless and arrogant to take the quiet way out of a losing game for them; as Congressman Dennis Kucinich demonstrated that Democrats, with few exceptions, do, by the way.

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