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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Especially If And When I Become Famous...

I'm not going to be one of those celebrities who expects or wants everyone to adore me. While I'm not immune to wanting to be adored, I'm not going to be like-- for example-- Toby Keith's family. I still say that getting blocked by Stelen Covel for being honest about his family "friend" and suggesting that his sister try to make her own name is an honor. If the family wants to be idolized and have their every thought, word, and deed praised; that's their problem-- for instance, if they want people leeching off of them and if they want to inherit only this world (and not the world to come), that's their problem. 

I even let people lie about me at present, and I'm sure that I'll be more lied about if and when I'm famous. At least I'll be able to make my own name and be held accountable for my own actions instead of first coming under any paternal or other family shadow-- or any other shadow. At least I won't be cornered into a "Like parent, like child" type of situation-- too bad that Krystal (who, by the way, follows the Dalai Lama on Twitter) and Stelen (who can't admit that he has a fame-hungry "friend" from-- as he stated-- "podunk South Carolina") admire a man who:

  1. Lied to G-d in the first place anyway. I remember that Toby Keith once stated that he had promised G-d that he would quit trying to get in the music business by the time that he was 30 if he didn't get in by then. He got into to the business when he was 32. So, he broke his vow to  G-d; and as I told someone, "I wear as a badge of honor that someone thought me truthful and not worldly enough to block me. Especially the son of someone who lied to G-d in the first place. I don't care if sons of liars and others like them block me. It might hurt at first; but although I'm not Jesus, I guarantee that Jesus'd be blocked and reported by many were he online today."
  2. Does trashy songs like "Red Solo Cup." 
  3. Doesn't care about even the tiniest suggestion. As I told someone, "I want those of the world to hate me if they so feel compelled to hate even the smallest actions of those who are trying to be in the light." As someone else stated on YouTube, "yeah, everyone here is right. Toby Keith in the early too late 90s was great, not a bad song. Then How do you like me now came out which was a good album but after that he went downhill more and more on every album. I mean now every album sounds just the same and most of his songs are novelty and not the good kind. He had something going ,then he let it go, and the sad part is is that most people only know him for his new stuff. " The point of this criticism being reposted by me is that, now that I think about it, maybe Mercury Records and others did have a point-- when Toby Keith wasn't lavished and praised all the time, maybe that's when he was at his best.
In conclusion, here's a lesson to Toby Keith and his family: if you want to be like your dad and care more about this world than the world to come (and with this world, and not the world to come, including leechers and idolizers who worship you), that's your problem and I should be glad that worldly people like you consider me worthy to block. At least I have the chance to make my own name with integrity and to especially fall back on the hope of the world to come. I also have the chance to take criticism and consider it for what it is.

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