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Showing posts with label Maltipoos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maltipoos. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

A Weird Toy That "Momma" Saw While She Browsed Online, And Moving Camille Upstairs Because...

According to Camille's "Mimi", Camille's safety was at risk—Camille messed with Reiser and got "grrr"ed—cranky Reilly (partly again due to Momma) let her know that she was not having any morning shenanigans. Camille came back downstairs by the time that "Auntie Nicole" came downstairs, though.

As for the weird much as "Momma" can see that Barkshop is having fun with it, it seems weird unless a dog owner's suitor or significant other is proposing something and bought it for both the owner to be creatively surprised and the puppy to have something afterwards—or perhaps for the puppy to find the ring or whatever else it is for the owner*. The same goes for the "Molly's Mistletoe" toy: weird, since mistletoe carries a romantic significance, and especially likely to confuse the not-so-smart puppy.

*Maybe that wouldn't be a bad gift from someone whom'd have Reilly find a ring for "Momma".

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Scared Reilly Doesn't Even Try To Play "Find The Treats In the Blankie" Now! At Least...

She was able to snuggle with "Froggie" when she and Camille were napping—whoever gave "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" her paw first got Froggie, and Reilly surprisingly gave "Momma" her paw—"Auntie Nicole" thought that Camille would want to snuggle with "Froggie", though she ended up snuggling with "Buddy" when "Auntie Nicole" gave her a toy to snuggle.

Reilly also later got treats because she was too scared to even be near Camille during "Find The Treats In the Blankie"—despite "Momma"'s/"Auntie Nicole"'s coaxing to try to get Reilly to play ("Go ahead"; "You're okay", etc.) and admonitions to Camille to share.

Camille quite often gets jealously possessive of treats and toys like "Froggie".

Don't let her innocent face fool you.

Reilly snuggled with "Froggie" when "Momma" put "Froggie" under her arm.

Camille preferred to chew on "Buddy" and only sort of snuggle with him
(The toys are assigned genders if they're toys like "Froggie" and "Buddy".). 

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Jealous Reilly Is Jealous...And She Lets Camille Know When She's Jealous

When Reilly and Camille went to greet "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" and came up to her yesterday morning, Reilly got jealous enough for "Mom-Mom" to have to take Camille out of "Auntie Nicole"'s room for Camille's safety—"Reilly! No, no! We don't do that!"

Reilly later attempted to keep Camille from getting on "Momma"'s/"Auntie Nicole"'s lap, and she otherwise attempted to keep "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" from paying attention to Camille throughout the day—and "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" had to use one of the common phrases which Reilly's human family has to use all of the time: "Reilly, I can love two puppies."

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Wait Until Hanukkah & Christmas, and What Reilly & "Momma" Want For Christmas

Even though Reilly was overwhelmed on Thanksgiving, the jury is out on Hanukkah and Christmas. For the past two Hanukkot and Christmases, she did well (😢—"Momma"'s baby's growing. She'll be three human years—and 32.3 dog years—exactly three months after Christmas, and she'll always be "Momma"'s puppy—and a puppy's always a puppy, whether a baby puppy or an adult puppy. 😢—"Momma"'s tearing up again.).

"Momma"'s not exactly sure if Reilly was okay with the nerot shel Hanukkah, though she did well overall. However, she merely tolerated the Hanukkah and Christmas cards for the first ones.

"Momma" made the card using Powerpoint.

"Mom-Mom" took this photo.

Reilly was grinchy about regular pictures on Christmas Eve, too.

As far as Christmas, Reilly liked the treats and toys—and she was heartbreakingly heartbroken and sad when "Momma" had to throw her donut-shaped toy—which was one of her favorite toys—away ("Donut has to go bye-bye". Poor Reilly was whimpering and whining in a gentle and "Please don't throw 'Donut' away" way. Incidentally, "Donut" was replaced with a squeaky-wheel toy named "Speedy".).

Reilly will then want the same kind of gifts for this Hanukkah and Christmas—e.g., treats, toys, family presence. As for "Momma", she wants a God-given gift for herself and Reilly—and Reilly would certainly be a gift in turn, though whether "Momma" would be may be questionable.

PS As "Auntie Nicole" was typing this, she gasped and dropped her mouse because she thought that she saw a bug crawling on her phone—and Camille looked at "Auntie Nicole" with a "What's going on?" and an "Are you okay"? expression.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A Typical Night At La Casa De Santa Reilly Rosalita de Yerushalayim

  1. "I was bringing the girls down, and I almost forgot to actually bring them down!" 
  2. The one almost-forgotten girl licked "Auntie Michelle" affirmatively when "Auntie Michelle" "asked her if she needed to 'go potty'." The other almost-forgotten one, meanwhile, curled up on one of the chairs to wait for the one almost-forgotten one. (10:34 PM)
  3. Both curled-up-on-the-chair Camille and napping-on-the-sofa Reilly napped until Camille decided to jump down and jump up onto the sofa to be near Reilly (10:50 PM).
  4. Both Reilly and Camille wait for "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" and "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" to wrap up for the night (10:51 PM).
From Reilly and "Momma" (and Camille and her "Mimi"), "night nights" and early wishes for a:

  1. ליום לתודה שמח! ; גוט יום-טוב פון דאַנק! (in "Momma's" ancestral languages)
  2. ¡Feliz Día de Las Gracias!; Feliz Dia de Ação de Graças! (in the languages that Reilly's name honoree's father spoke)
  3. Bonne fête de l'Action de grâce! Joyeux Jour de Grâce! (since "Auntie Michelle" will insist on the remote-ancestral language)
  4.  In one of the languages that one of Camille's name honorees spoke....or not. Trying to look up the Portuguese, check the Yiddish, and endure the pedantry of "Auntie Michelle" was enough, thanks!   

Behaving-Hypocritically Reilly 😞, And Camille The Blankie Dominator and Yogurthead

Leave to Ri to growl at Cam and—as "Auntie Michelle" observed—for being impatient at "num nums" time, and then barking like she's doing as "Momma" types and hasn't stopped since she came in from going "potty". Also leave to Ri to:

  1. Give "Momma" a hard time in trying to take her "potty" prior to her walk—and not letting her get her harness and leash on her at all—and at least "Auntie Michelle" acknowledged that blaming "Momma" for Reilly's running in the opposite direction , etc., was (as "Momma" put it) "insensitive bull****"—"Momma" can't run and catch or corner Reilly!
  2. Trying to chase a squirrel and eating "nasties" at an earlier time that she's going "potty"
  3. Misbehaving on her walk, as "Auntie Michelle" reported
Reilly's misbehavior is disendearing and disingenuous—"Momma" gets that puppies are like toddlers, and she nonetheless knows that Reilly knows better than to inappropriately bark, eat "nasties", chase squirrels, and otherwise misbehave.

As for Camille, she was misbehaving for a bit as well—she tried to, eh, dominate her blankie as usual; and she growled at Reilly yesterday when Reilly tried to play the "Find the Toy In the Blankie" game (and Reilly continues to be afraid of Camille when Camille does that, despite that Ri has the right to keep her mind sharp by playing, too). She also was not patient in waiting for "Auntie Nicole" to drop the blankie:

Reilly finds Camille "weird".

Meanwhile, Reilly surprisingly did not lick Camille's head when some yogurt accidentally got on it—and even left a Harry Potter-scar shape. Cam tried to lick it, though, and licked whatever fell off of her head—of course, she wouldn't let "Auntie Nicole" exactly take a picture or wipe the yogurt off of her head—and she decided to wipe her itchy head on the chair covers.

PS Again, that "Momma" has a hard time managing Reilly due to her disability is part of why "Momma" needs a helpmate and a "Daddy" for Reilly—and if he is who she thinks that he is, he has to contact her, since she doesn't quite know what he wants.

Monday, November 21, 2016

#MondayMotivation, #MaltipooMonday, And a Confession From "Momma"

Update per the confession below (1:35 PM EST): Since "Momma" wants to clarify and give no wrong impressions, the person who "Momma" thinks might be Reilly's eventual "Daddy" is someone whom is from one of "Momma"'s ancestral states and whom she has known for some time, and may have made a donation to St. Jude's in her honor.

While "Momma" is still looking for a full-time job—which reminds her that she needs to finish a project related to job seeking, by the way—she petsits her furniece and watches her "dogter"—both of whom give her two reasons to live and sometimes laugh, not to mention motivations for Mondays and the hashtag "#MaltipooMonday".

She also checks to see if a certain someone, whom she thinks is Reilly's eventual "Daddy", checks her blog (Feedjit and Clustrmaps, e.g., are useful apps 🙂.). Many a nights, that has kept her up—to Reilly's detriment—and unable to get to sleep right away—there's even a loneliness that pets can't fulfill for their owners, let alone that Reilly for "Momma". Especially as life closes in on both her and ever-patient Reilly, she often sighs out of heartbreak.

By the way, Reilly was oddly very playful at dawn as "Momma" woke up for a little while—she gave some kisses and nibbled "Momma"'s hand, and she enjoyed some belly rubs as well as ran around playfully (Eventually, "Momma" had to say that she and Reilly needed to go back to sleep for a while.). Maybe empathetic Reilly sensed some of the pain that Momma's enduring, even during this Thanksgiving month.

Also, by the way, Reilly did lick Momma's ring when she did show her it and asked her if she remembered it when she showed it to her last night—as "Momma" forgot for a moment (The exhaustion and, e.g., ADD get to "Momma".).

Sunday, November 20, 2016

"Who Made This Mess? Was That You? Was That You?"—And Camille Ringled!

When "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" was upstairs, she heard "Mom-Mom" ask Reilly and Camille, "Who made this mess? Was this you? Was that you?"

As "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" found out, why the laugh-provoking admonishment occurred had to do with two puppies whom went into the bathroom and tore up the bathroom trash, and—as "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" has experienced when they've gotten into the bathroom trash before—left it on the hallway carpet. She also found that Camille betrayed herself as the ringleader by giving the guiltiest looks that she could give—and she also heard Reilly's barks of protest against incrimination. Reilly, of course, gave "Momma" an "Uh-oh; I'm in trouble" look when "Momma"—whom later gave Reilly a talk—got downstairs.

Imagine if there'd been more people around to see Reilly's and Camille's antics

Somewhat Offbeat: Even When, God Willing, "Momma" Ends Up With Reilly's "Daddy"...

She'll never stop blogging about Reilly, especially since Reilly has been incredibly patient with her "Momma" since she came home two May 24ths ago. Incidentally, even though "Auntie Michelle" says that Reilly bites her nails quite a bit when she's cleaning her own paws, Reilly was quite reluctant to let "Momma" see her nails this morning—even softly growling at her and not easily letting her take her paw to examine it, trying to keep it under her chin to keep it to herself.

Patient Reilly shortly after "Auntie Michelle" brought her down to "go potty" and just before she took her.

Somewhat Offbeat: A Lonely "Momma" In A Crowded Room—And Even Putting Reilly Through Something Like 2014 Again?

"Momma" has realized for a while that her mental-illness flareups due to worrying about herself and Reilly have put Reilly through something like 2014 again. As "Momma" wrote a while back:

Despite her OCD, etc., Reilly is honestly among the reasons that she's still alive. She missed much of her first year for several reasons, among them being—if not with most of them stemming from—that she'd oversleep due to a Depression flareup after—to make a long story short—a relative's ex-boyfriend's sister used even LinkedIn to cyberstalk her in order to intimidate she after she had confronted the ex boyfriend about something. At least, meanwhile, Reilly got some naps when "Auntie Michelle" would bring Reilly upstairs to her room and there while she overslept—and puppies need up to 20 hours of sleep per day.
With "Momma" often staying up later than she should and being more sleepless compared to many others, she has exhausted both herself and Reilly. Even worse is when she's been lonely even with Reilly—her "dogter"—around, and even when Camille—her furniece—is around as well—let alone when she's been in a crowded room or at least enough of a crowd, with or without Reilly.

Being lonely is pretty easy for "Momma" when she isn't trusted about Reilly, anyway, let alone when she doesn't have someone whom'd understand that "Momma" is trying her best to be a good "Momma" to Reilly—not to mention that she thinks that she knows who her helpmate and Reilly's "Daddy" could be down the road and he seems to be sending her incredibly-mixed signals if he is who she thinks that he is—either way, "Momma" wishes for both her sake and Reilly's sake that:

  1. She knew who Reilly's future "Daddy" is.
  2. That the person who's sending her mixed signals would just tell her, especially for Reilly's sake

Friday, November 18, 2016

Another Instance When Barking Was Good On Ri's & Cam's Part

This time, the instance involved a creature that makes the doberman that once ran down the street look like a Maltipoo—that creature happened to be a buck, and a huge back at that! Of course, "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" exclaimed "Holy ****!" when she saw him—he also walked up the street and behind a neighbor's house like it was nobody's business!

Had someone shot that buck, Reilly and Camille could've had venison with their "num nums" or as separate treats for a week! As was the case, though, the buck just went about his business—and as "Momma" types, Reilly is going on a walk with her cousin in tow and working-from-home "Mom-Mom" being the puppy ("dog") walker (and "dogs" are just really adult puppies).

(Incidentally, if only "Momma" had her eventual helpmate and Reilly's eventual "Daddy" in her and Reilly's lives—to be able to walk with Ri on one of her walks and to not walk alone on the weekends, e.g., would be incredibly nice—maybe even a Thanksgiving miracle will happen, and "Momma" will have something for which to be thankful like she hasn't been able to have in a long time—not to mention that Reilly, being a Matrilineal Poo[dle], would probably love to go on a hunt for venison someday if God willed.)

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Is Camille Finally Honoring Her Jewish Heritage—Despite "Mimi" Having Camille Honor Mostly the Remote French One?

According to "Mimi", Camille listened "intently" as "Auntie Nicole" had V. Monti's "Czardas" playing. Perhaps Camille is honoring the unintentional honoree whose known first name is the Polish form of Camille's middle name—"Dominique". Camille is also watching as "Mimi" dances to a replay of "Czardas"—so is Reilly, sleepily trying to watch and feeling tired at the same, reminding "Momma" of a savtah or yeldah whom wants to take in the simcha of her kevorah mishpachah dancing and go to bed (Her facial expression pretty much conveyed, "Anti rotzah lishon!")

By the way:

  1. "Monti" can be an Italqi name
  2. The "father of czardas" was Jewish!
Incidentally, "Momma" is still holding out for that day when Reilly will have a "Daddy" with whom to dance—after all, "Momma" can't dance (She has Cerebral Palsy; and contrary to popular, Jews can dance—besides the obvious example of Fred Astaire, one example is the dancer Thomas Andrew.). Also, for only "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" to be able to dance with Reilly with Camille gets boring—can't "Momma" watch Reilly dance with someone else?

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Somewhat Offbeat: Poor Reilly Is Exhausted Because Of "Momma" Dealing With A Difficult Time, Etc.

As "Momma" continues to deal with life closing in on her and Reilly, Reilly is being affected again—poor baby! Contrary to what "Mom-Mom" alleges, the case isn't that "Momma" doesn't care about Reilly—the case is actually that she does care about Reilly and wants a "Daddy" for Reilly and a helpmate for Reilly.

As she has written:
"Then have people wonder why you sit up alone at night thinking about both your future and poor Ri's future, despite that you should be taking Reilly back upstairs and going "night nights"—and you're amazed that even reading at night doesn't always help you fall asleep or sleep well enough, and you also know that Reilly's patiently waiting for you to finish reading before turning the reading light off affects her to be a little more sleepy during the day."

She was able to figure out that exhaustion is affecting Reilly and was affecting her to, as Mom-Mom stated in regards to how Reilly was affected to, have "been acting funny this morning." Mom-Mom, of course, lectured her when she figured why Reilly was "acting funny"—which had nothing to do with the uncooked quinoa noodle that she ate and refused to drop yesterday.

Meanwhile, part of why "Momma" is exhausted, etc. is because she feels that someone who could be Reilly's future "Daddy" may be—so to speak—sending her funny signals right now, and she just wants to know what he's thinkingis he going to be Reilly's "Daddy" in the future, and does he even want to be Reilly's "Daddy" and "Momma"'s helpmate?

"Momma" and Reilly are also not getting any younger—in fact, Thanksgiving falls right in between when "Momma" will be 26 ⅚ years old and Reilly 2⅔ years old—not to mention that "Momma" doesn't want to end up with the kind of disappointment and heartbreak that Gwen Ifill (of blessed memory) had:

"Ifill never married not had any children. When asked about in 2008, she still seemed hopeful. 'I don't know why I'm not married,' she told TIME. 'I just know I will be, so I don't sweat it.'" 
"Sadly she never got the chance to fulfill that wish. She died on Monday - just two days before she was scheduled to receive a prestigious award, the John Chancellor Award, at a Columbia University ceremony, reports."

She also feels like a female equivalent of Nick Carraway, whom F. Scott Fitzgerald made to have his full birthday in September (with no connection to Reilly's half birthday, of course):

"After a moment Tom got up and began wrapping the unopened bottle of whiskey in the towel.
'Want any of this stuff? Jordan? . . . Nick?
"I didn’t answer.
“'Nick?' He asked again.
“'Want any?”
“'No . . . I just remembered that to-day’s my birthday.'
"I was thirty. Before me stretched the portentous, menacing road of a new decade...
"Thirty — the promise of a decade of loneliness, a thinning list of single men to know, a thinning brief-case of enthusiasm, thinning hair." 

Amazingly, "Momma" hasn't died of exhaustion and loneliness yet—and even more amazingly (and miraculously), Reilly hasn't died due to her "Momma"-affected exhaustionmaybe there's hope for "Momma" and Reilly

Offbeat: The Ring That "Momma" Wore When She Met Reilly

""Are you Reilly?" Mom asked Reilly this and fell in love with her firstborn "granddogter" immediately...To answer "Mom-Mom"'s question and assuage her dreads, Reilly ended up licking the ring on "Momma"'s right ring finger! To confirm her answer when they went into Joyce's house to get to know Reilly better, etc., she crawled up from "Momma"'s lap to her face and licked her face."
Just this weekend, "Momma" ended up finding the ring on the kitchen table, where "Auntie Michelle" had put it after she found it.

Incidentally, if only "Momma" had a different kind of ring on her left hand maybe by Hanukkah or Christmas (or at least some time soon, anyway), God willing; and, God willing, if Reilly's "Daddy" is who "Momma" thinks (or at least hopes) that he is.

"Auntie Michelle" took this picture of Reilly, who's in "Momma"'s lap,


Perhaps "Auntie Michelle" and "Momma" contributed to Reilly's flouting of the camera,
ibid. Incidentally, you do sometimes wish that they were that little again—or at least 8-9 weeks old. Reilly came home on May 24, 2014; and she was born on March 25, 2014—so, Reilly came home when she was almost nine weeks old and almost a month after she met her human family.

The ring today

Monday, November 14, 2016

"Will Bite For Belly Rubs & Growl At the Jumping Foodie", And a Hanukkah & Christmas Gift For Reilly?

When "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" sent Reilly and Camille up to greet "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole", an insistent-on-continuous-belly-rubs Reilly growled at "Auntie Michelle" after she told her that it was time to go back downstairs—or actually, per "Auntie Michelle", she growled at and tried to bite her "auntie" as she picked her up off of the bed to carry her back downstairs.

Does this sound similar—á la Camille, perhaps? Besides, Reilly and Camille pick up habits from each other. Speaking of habits, by the way, Reilly decided that she'd had enough of one Camille's habits—and "Momma" again misinterpreted an incident. Instead of being jealous that Camille was being picked up by "Auntie Michelle" while they were waiting for "num nums", Reilly was talking to Camille and being glad that "Auntie Michelle" stopped her from impatiently jumping on "Mom-Mom".

As for the Hanukkah and Christmas gift: "Momma" double checked to see if there was an insert in the card—there wasn't any, as "Auntie Michelle" and "Mom-Mom" assured "Momma". Could the card be a sign or a hint that both "Momma" and Reilly will be honored this Hanukkah and Christmas—that is, honored to have Reilly's "Daddy" and "Momma"'s helpmate in their lives? Especially if "Momma" and Reilly have to flee to Canada or can make aliyah before January 20th, having Reilly's "Daddy" and "Momma"'s helpmate in their lives would really—obviously—help.

Friday, November 11, 2016

"Momma" and Reilly Thank The Veterans, Both Active-Duty And Non-Active-Duty Veterans

Remember that "Momma" even originally wanted a male puppy and to name him after Pfc. Bernard Stanley Czarnecki, WW2, DOW (בנימין שמריה בן יהודה יוחנן ושרה אסנת צהרנצקי, ז''ל). As for Reilly, she is a "great-great-grandniece" to Pfc. Bernard S. Czarnecki, and:

  1. A "grandniece" of a retired Air Force Colonel
  2. A "grandniece" of an almost-Vietnam War vet ("almost" because the war ended just as he was called to duty)
  3. A "once-removed cousin" of two Marines (one of them being an in-law cousin) and two Army soldiers (with one being a First Lieutenant, MSC)
  4. The "dogter" of a friend of an Air Force veteran, whom she has yet to meet
  5. The "dogter" of a friend of a Marine's aunt, whom she's already met
  6. The "great-great-grandniece" of a late VFW Commander and ACE member whom served in the European Theater and countless other WW2 veterans, including Pfc. Czarnecki (See above.)
  7. Countless other veterans
Reilly with one of veteran "cousins"

Many of Reilly's "relatives" are from the only state outside of Maryland in which Reilly has been. So is one of "Momma"'s friends whom was in the Air Force.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Offbeat: Logistics, Logistics. In Other Words...

How will "Momma" flee from a Trump regime if she has to do so? Unless God stops Trump, anyone of Trump's ilk, and anyone worse than Trump, "Momma" will have to flee with Reilly—already, the situation in the United States is similar to it what was for, e.g.,'Jewish schoolchildren in the 1930s:

"'There have been reports that Trump's presidential win was announced at school today amidst chants of "white power." That white students referred to other races as their slaves, and at some points even spit on those students. I think we should all have a chat tonight with our students, whether they were participating, appalled bystanders, or victims. This whole situation is absolutely horrible.'"

Even getting barky Reilly to not inadvertently lead Trump's cronies to Reilly and "Momma" will be hard. Whatever "Auntie Michelle" does with herself and Camille is her business, meanwhile"Momma" can speak only for herself and Reilly. As for "Momma", she is fleeing if she has to do so lest she and/or Reilly get hurt—and other Jews have endured that their pets were hurt in Anti-Semitic attacks. For example:

"Between mid-1933 and the early 1940s, the Nazi regime passed dozens of laws and decrees that eroded the rights of Jews in Germany. Some were seemingly insignificant, such as an April 1935 edict banning Jews from flying the German flag; or a February 1942 order prohibiting Jews from owning pets."
"April 3[, 1936]
"The Reich Veterinarians Law expels Jews from the profession.

One can sadly guarantee that pets were taken from Jews by force and/or even murdered right in front of them, and "Momma" is not risking that Reilly would be taken from her and murdered.

Meanwhile, Reilly has definitely endured as "Momma" has had increased fatigue, mental-illness flareups, and other issues due to dread of how bad the Trump regime will be if God does not stop Trump—there've even been nights when "Momma" and Reilly haven't gone "night nights" until close to dawn, and Reilly hasn't really been able to resume the nightly sleeping that she was doing while she was waiting for "Momma" to wrap up.

Offbeat: "Momma" and Reilly, And Other Jewish Pet Owners And Their Pets

As "Momma" dreaded, the Second Kristallnacht did occur—even if it's not on a mass scale, it's happened in Philadelphia and going to happen elsewhere if people continue to close their eyes to how dangerous Trump and his ardent supporters are. 

Even more shamefully, a misguided Facebook friend has a Facebook friend whom wrote the following (One can see on his public profile that he lives there, by the way.):

"I live in Upper Darby, PA which is right outside of Philadelphia. I'm happy Trump won. I'm a conservative. I think Obama messed up. Black or white idc what he is he messed up. Hopefully Trump can fix it."
To be fair, he wrote this before "Momma" shared the article regarding the incident and asked, "Are you happy now?" Nonetheless, this isn't nothing that wasn't out there. 

Also, "Momma" and Reilly have loved ones in the Philadelphia Area—and "Momma" hopes that the ones whom aren't related to her would take her and her Reilly in if they could and had to do so. Other Jewish pet owners and their pets are in positions similar to that of "Momma" and Reilly, especially if they have disabilities like Cerebral Palsy and mental illnesses like Depression. 

Fellow pet owner Anne Frank and her cat Moortje were in the same kind of position years ago—that is, Anne Frank had to consider Moortje when she and her family had to go into the Secret Annex, pretending that they had fled to Switzerland and leaving a note on their kitchen table in which they claimed such. 

At the same time, Peter van Pels and his cat Mushi were able to stay together until Peter and the rest of the people in the Secret Annex were betrayed by two Dutch people (not their shelterers) and kidnapped from the Annex by the Getaspo:

"After they were arrested, the cat was still there. It did not run away. But the cat did not feel at home anymore. It missed Peter. But one day the office cleaner asked if she could take the cat. She took Mushi and gave the cat a new home."

For her own part, "Momma" would be like Peter and could not leave Reilly behind—in fact, Reilly is a part of why "Momma" is still alive

This remains one of "Momma"'s favorite pictures.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Reilly & Camille For Pupresident & Vice Pupresident?

Perhaps if Reilly and Camille were on a split ticket, they could be Pupresident & Vice Pupresident:

Posing for an official portrait

Looking at her vice pupresident

Split ticket 

Official ticket potrait


More portraits