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Friday, August 12, 2016

Pictures Of Thursday's Morning Grind For Reilly And Camille, And How Reilly's Barking Can Affect Life Dangers

I almost did not survive to today's morning grind, and the long story made short is this: 

When I woke up at about 5:45-6:00 AM, I had to head to the restroom. Since I have IBS, anyway, I should've headed to the restroom earlier and not waited until Reilly starting barking like a banshee. Since I waited until Reilly started barking and I had to put the muzzle on her, I was already stressed enough. Hurriedly running to the restroom and closing my bedroom door to keep Reilly from escaping my room, I ended up turning around and almost falling down the staircase head first and on my back.

Luckily, I was able to scream for help as I held on to the staircase pole and was able to stay in the precarious position in which I ended up until help arrived (and this is not withstanding that getting lectured about being "a fall risk" by my mother, whom had to help me and also gave me a hard time about my IBS flareups as well as what else she perceives to be my fault, is embarrassing). Then I was able to get the restroom and come back to where Reilly was waiting patiently, although she had barked while I was in there.

When I came back and took the muzzle off of her, I discovered that she'd already gotten it off of herself. She may have gotten it off when I was in the bathroom. although the barks that I heard indicated that she had the muzzle on her and couldn't bark significantly. In any case, I unbuckled the muzzle, went through a schpiel about not barking, gave her scritches, and finally got up early after I couldn't get back to sleep. Besides, Reilly needed to "go potty" and loves going downstairs to see Camille and "Mom Mom" in the mornings, anyway.

Meanwhile, the pictures below show a typical morning grind for Reilly & Camille. The typical grind includes, besides the morning-greeting sessions and "going potty outside":

  1. Eating breakfast ("num nums") after a morning walk, with consummate foodie Camille particularly being excited about having her "num nums".
  2. Scouring for "nasties" and wanting their human family's food, despite that they just ate.
  3. A morning playtime session.
  4. Their morning nap (BTW, dogs can sleep up to at least 12 hours in a day!)

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