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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Camille's Very Patient With "Auntie Nicole", Too

Just as much as Reilly as a "dogter" has been affected by "Momma"'s difficult times, Camille as a furniece has been affected. Nonetheless, Reilly and Camille still somehow love "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole". In fact, for example, Camille was napping across from "Auntie Nicole"'s feet the other day:

By the way, pets can teach people a few lessons. For example, one lesson is that you should tell someone that you love him or her—whether in familial, romantic, or other ways—if and when you can—after all, for instance, maybe Reilly's "Great-Great-Granddad" Czarnecki would've made it to 112 (on October 24th) had he felt more loved in his life (and hurt people do hurt people, as he hurt others during his lifetime. Incidentally, do Hillary and insidious RINO Trump want to ban cars, bridges, and lessons on how to jump while they advocate banning guns? After all, Reilly's "great-great-granddad" committed suicide by blocking traffic on Falls River Bridge and jumping off of the bridge 52 years ago on December 2, 2016).

For another example, pets can save lives of especially those with physical and mental disabilities—including mental illnesses. In fact, Reilly and Camille are honestly among the reasons that "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" has not tried suicide—for instance, what would happen to Reilly if "Momma" did succeed in a suicide attempt; and would Reilly even remember "Momma" if "Mom-Mom" gave Reilly to a shelter? What if "Momma" didn't succeed, on the other hand; and what if she ended up in a horrid condition like Reilly's "Grandaunt" Mary did? Besides, what if things do get better for "Momma" and maybe, for instance, Reilly will soon have a "Daddy"?

Nonetheless, "Momma" does think about how she and Reilly are getting older, anyway . Speaking of getting older, by the way, Reilly's cousin turns one years old tomorrow (Happy Birthday, Shelby!)—and Shelby is a bright spot in any day that Reilly's "Momma" gets to visit her, as well as a bright spot in any day that Reilly and Camille get to see and/or sniff her (not like Donald Trump sniffs, though. Incidentally, "Momma" wonders how Reilly would react to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton if she ever met them.).

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