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Friday, June 1, 2012

I Know That I Have No Need To Defend Myself, But...

First of all, Denise Denis is (with all due respect) a liar. I am not a hater--I've just done my homework and, sadly and in doing my homework, gave Krystal Keith plugs that she shouldn't have or need. Secondly, I gave a suggestion which I thought might be useful in giving Mrs. Sandubrae (Krystal Keith), a public figure. If she doesn't want suggestions, constructive criticism, etc.; she shouldn't be a public figure.

By the way, her current number of Twitter followers is 1, 313--which is quite paltry for the plugs that I gave her and for her being Toby Keith's daughter. Her dad's followers are 158,600. Doing the math, she has about 0.008 followers for her everyone of her dad's followers, and eight for every 1,000 of his--pathetic. As for her Facebook followers, 2,510; and her dad's, 2,373,607. Again with ratios, about 0.001 for every one or 1 for every 1,000.

As I said, I've done my homework and am not a hater. Perhaps, if nothing else, both Denise Denis and Mrs. Sandubrae ought to do their homework or at least pick up a calculator and do their math--and as I suggested before, perhaps Krystal Keith could make a name in her own right and call herself someone like "Krystal Sandubrae" if it's not too late to do so.

Tiny Klout Flag36Denise Denis ‏@niecee_den
 i know. I just detest people who attack others in the open with no just cause. She must be a you know who fan hee hee :-)
23hTiny Klout Flag50Krystal Keith ‏@KrystalKeith
 I have no idea what your talking about :wink wink::
31 MayTiny Klout Flag36Denise Denis ‏@niecee_den
 ok there is some freaky chic on youtube bashing you. I let her have it!
31 MayTiny Klout Flag50Krystal Keith ‏@KrystalKeith
 thanks for having my back. I never pay attention to people like that. I always have more important battles than tackling haters

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