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Friday, June 1, 2012

The Kind Of People That Toby And Krystal Keith Are

When all you surround yourself with are people who are willing to idolize you & never constructively criticize you, you live a sad life. Too many people are content with being falsely exalted than truly growing. Two of those people are Toby and Krystal Keith. As you can see in my last blog post and with me starting with Krystal Keith, Krystal Keith is a woman who is neither interested in taking constructive criticism nor interested in growing--her attitude will continue to get her, if nothing else, only up to eight followers for every one thousand of her dad's followers. She may also get dislike, perhaps even hatred, within the music industry.

She seems to have already gotten hatred in her hometown of Norman, Oklahoma. How merited that hate is, I don't know; but that the hatred is merited would not surprise me:

09-11-2006, 01:20 PMDoesn't it take a while to release an album? I'm assuming that she rushed as a freshman or sophomore and told her dad about it and when time came to pick the name, that's what he chose. It says that she was 19 so maybe she was a soph?
She was 19 when she was a freshman. She was the tackiest little snot- she went to the school my parents teach at, and she had my dad's class.
I would think her being cut would have more to do with the fact that she's rude than the fact that she's new money.
09-13-2006, 02:26 PM
Also, betting on the college she is at, since her dad lives in Norman, and so does her mother, I'm betting OU."

From all of the girls I know in good sororities at OU........Toby Keith's daughter apparently had a pretty bad reputation."

As for Toby Keith, as seen on YouTube, he is already losing fans. Even one of the sorority members on that forum that I mentioned harshly stated, "I wouldn't have pledged her until her dad agreed to start singing country." This was in 2006, around the time of Toby Keith's downturn--that is, when he started writing songs like "Stays in Mexico" (which was in 2004) and recording songs like "Red Solo Cup" (which was in 2011).

I myself once stated that perhaps Toby Keith's years at Polydor and Mercury were better for him because he was at his best when he was getting criticism, both constructive and unconstructive. 

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