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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Back To The Future?

As I stated on Twitter, "Yeah, I've dreamed about that. But one learns enough in the present so that time travel isn't a good idea." In other words, G-d made us so that we learn what we learn, can't change the past from which we learn whatever we learn, and be as satisfied with what we learn as we can. If we're satisfied with what we learn (not necessarily happy or joyful, but content and accepting that what happened, happened), we can use what we learn to affect the present and the future as much as humanly possible.

For example, I can't change that Great-Grandma Gaydos did what she did to Vilmosz's side of the family. But I can learn from what she did and make sure that none of our family--or at least as few as possible--ever pull a kapoesque stunt again. I can't change what Great-Granddad Czarnecki's parents did, but I can rejoice in my Jewish heritage and Messianic Jewishness--and that also what they did helped lead me to salvation, although their intent was only to be Anusim to avoid Anti Semitism in both Polish and America. I can't learn everything else about my families' histories in this lifetime, but I can seek out to know what I can and be content with what I know.

Besides, I'd rather have a moment like this:

Than a "Back to the Future" moment. 

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