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Monday, June 4, 2012

I've Stated Before That I'm Not Covering For Great-Grandma Gaydos...

Now with Dr. MaryAnn Gaydos giving Jack Czarnecki control of the Fosko-Rusnak Family Reunion, all credibility that they possibly could've had is gone, shot, down the drain. First, Jack Czarnecki was not born a Fosko Rusnak. Secondly, he has no right to ban anyone who was born a Fosko, a Rusnak, or a Fosko Rusnak to ban anyone from the Fosko-Rusnak Family Reunion. Thirdly, Grandaunt MaryAnn and Pop-Pop (and Grandma and others) are playing games--this is all part of who will help them cover up (among other things) our Jewish heritage and what happened to Vilmosz Rusznak's side of the family; and cover for (among other people) Great-Grandma Gaydos.

By the way (and this isn't just to Kevin, but to anyone else who'd like to give me and others a hard time), you know why "a quick first look at the microfilm from the 1820's and 1830's didn't show Gyorgy [Rusznak]'s baptism record"? It didn't show it because it wasn't there. With all due respect (and my apologizes to you, Zlatica and Mark at, the Rusnaks on the Gyorgy Rusnak side did not convert until 1820 or later--to be fair and honest to you both (Zlatica and Mark, and to anyone else as well), the generation of Jakub (Great-Great-Granddad Andrew Rusnak's dad) was probably the first one to convert or be baptized (and not all adult Anusim--e.g., Gyorgy--went through baptism if they converted--it was enough to be Anusi; to be meshumad would've made it worse for them). 

I'm not playing this coverup game for my great-grandmother Mary Rusnak Gaydos, who tried to cover up our Jewish heritage and (in part of the coverup) betrayed the Vilmosz Rusnak side of the family during the Holocaust--not writing to your relatives when they are asking you for life-saving help, even if they sat shiva for your side of the family before, is sick.

By the way, Non-Evangelical (Non-Christian) Catholicism is a bunch of kofer, meshumad crap ("kofer" translating to "apostate" or "apostate's", and "meshumad" translating to the same in this case; and I'm using both as adjectives). The Vatican--the Roman (and frankly, its Eastern equivalent, the Byzantine) Catholic "Church"--has caused (among other things) the pogroms, the Crusades, and the Inquisition--all Anti-Semitic, Pseudo-Christian (and Anti-Christian) events. So, with all due respect to my Anusi, Non-Evangelical Catholic family and so to speak, get your head out of the sand and come to know the Messiah Yeshua. 


Fosko Family said...

Your case would be much stronger if you posted what you had to indicate that George Rusnak converted from Judaism.

Next time I can get to the Family History Center I will look at the marriage record and each of the baptismal records and make copies.

Right now we have no genealogical evidence to link Vilmos and the other Kosice Rusnaks to the Rusnaks from Zlata Idka. MA Gaydos' mother wrote to Alexander Focko. I have the address from the envelope and a summary translation of the letter in English.

Even if you were to see all the letters, would you then say that MA Gaydos must have others that she is hiding, or that she destroyed the ones that you claim were written to non-relatives in Kosice?

Nickidewbear said...

The problem is that, as far as I know, we have the same summary--that they wrote asking for money. If I see the actual letters (which I and others should if there's nothing to hide, I maybe will acknowledge that I messed up only if the letters show that she indeed wrote to Alexander Focko. Nonetheless, even then, the Fockos themselves were Jews--Anusim in particular, though openly Jewish or Anusi didn't matter to the Germans. So, either way, Great-Grandma Gaydos betrayed and refused to help relatives.

Fosko Family said...

Point taken. Though, they did send food over, which was confirmed by Emil Focko (Alexander's son).

Nickidewbear said...

But that didn't and won't bring back the lives of the betrayed Rusznaks/Foczkos/whoever (else) was betrayed. My problem now is with the coverup--I think that that's why I had a hard time forgiving Great-Grandma Gaydos: that is, because of how she and others had and have covered it up for so long. And besides and again, the generational curses--not to mention that we lost the opportunity not only for Vilmos' side of the family to be physically saved, but to be also spiritually saved and to come to know Yeshua.