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Thursday, June 7, 2012

My Mission Statement, At Least In Short

I would rather make and have enemies for the right reasons than make and have friends for the wrong reasons; and I have people in my own family that I don't like and maybe'd even hate if doing so was Christian. So, if anyone's got an issue with me not liking them, too bad. As bad role model Eminem quoted, "You got enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." After all, while I'm not Jesus, I'm called to be like in Jesus in that (as someone once pointed out about Jesus) He didn't come here to make anyone comfortable--in fact, He came here to make the comfortable uncomfortable.

I've made all kinds of people uncomfortable--Blacks, Jews, Whites--and I'm a Jew of White descent--; heterosexuals, homosexuals; fellow Christians, Mohamedians, and on the list goes. If I wanted to be comfortable, I'd "shut up and grow up" as my cousin defines "grow[ing] up"--and what a fool! She doesn't know how corrupt the Czarneckis et. al. are, and she doesn't know who are of the righteous remnant among them. 

If I wanted to be comfortable, I'd be anything but a Christian--I'd perhaps be a Non-Evangelical Catholic or a Reform Jew. Why not? After all, both Reform Judaism and Catholicism have strains that teach that:

"Heaven is not a gated community. The righteous of any people and any faith have a place in it. Our actions, not our specific beliefs, determine our fate. No concept of Hell exists in Judaism. The closest we get is the fate of apostate (a person who renounces God, faith and morality in this world), who is said to be “cut off from his kin.”"

By the way, they're in for a literal Hell of a surprise--Heaven is a gated community and nobody gets to Heaven but through Yeshua (Jesus). I could go on, but you get to the point: as an old saying goes, "I please only one person a day. Today is not your day"--and no day is your or anyone else's day, because every day is (or should be) Yeshua's.

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