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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Broken Blog Shabbat: "Pennsylvania v. Sandusky" (2012)--Composed From My Tweets

That Jerry Sandusky was found guilty by a Penn State-biased jury is amazing. We know that G-d wasn't on Joe Amendola's side. But there is one problem regarding "Pennsylvania v. Sandusky" (2012): the only problem in "Pennsylvania v. Sandusky" is that "Kennedy v. Louisiana" (2008) took the death penalty off of the table.  Thanks to a racist who twisted facts to get his waySandusky will still have some time alive. In other words, the Supreme Court must be (albeit belatedly) kicking themselves for a decision that would and does have long-term ramifications--pedophiles such as Jerry Sandusky will never again be legally put to death for essentially (and in some cases, entirely) taking the lives of children--in other words, Jerry Sandusky would be put to death only if he had actually physically murdered one of his victims (though, if I were a prosecutor, investigator, etc.; I'd charge him with murder if one of his victims committed suicide as a result of being sexually abused).

Meanwhile, I thought that Geraldo Rivera would at least tweet about "Pennsylvania v. Sandusky" (2012). Maybe that he didn't is better for everybody. In other words, now is not the time for Geraldo Rivera or anyone else on either side to plug in anything selfish, sensationalistic, etc.. I'm just saying, he has had a reputation for injecting too much self interest and sensationalism into stories. 

The "then again" side  is that he is a lawyer and has an actual and proven reputation of caring for children. So, why hasn't he tweeted? The only reason that I'm saying this is that I remember when he first tweeted about the case saying that he'd beat up Sandusky.

In conclusion, the Supreme Court will hopefully reconsider their "Kennedy" decision in light of "Sandusky"; and Geraldo Rivera--who, if one can say nothing else about him, does have a reputation for caring about children and wanted to beat Jerry Sandusky up for hurting too many children (since even one child is too many children to hurt, and Sandusky hurt at least 10 children over the course of at least 15 years). Anyway, Geraldo Rivera--will hopefully tweet something (hopefully non selfish and non sensationalistic) about the "Sandusky" verdict.

By the way, as I said, one can at least say that Geraldo Rivera does have a reputation for caring about children and would have loved to beat up Jerry Sandusky--too bad that Geraldo Rivera wasn't a prosecutor in the times before and when "Kennedy" took the death penalty off of the table.

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