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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Re "Louisiana v. Mississppi" (1996) And Catholics Protesting Simmon's Execution...

Catholics protested outside of Gary Simmons' execution, and author Jewell Hillery took that part out:

Posted: Jun 20, 2012 9:03 AM EDTUpdated: Jun 20, 2012 7:36 PM EDTBy Jewell Hillery - bio | email

That Wolfe was collecting drug money doesn't matter: two wrongs don't make a right, even though Wolfe was (so to speak) playing with fire. I opined two, among other, points:

  • Don't these Catholics get the concept of nefesh l'nefesh?
  • [I don't] get why Catholics are so opposed to the legitimate death penalty when they illegitly used the death penalty for years--e.g., the Inquisition. Then again, I do get it--Catholics (not counting Evangelical Catholics) are hypocrites.

One of my Catholic friends in particular was pissed. I'm censoring his or her name to be generous, but this is how the conversation went; and I daresay that he or she is either remiss or stupid in that he or she doesn't know his or her own religion's doctrine, and that he or she would be remiss and foolish to try to school me again:

  • doesn't get why Catholics are so opposed to the legitimate death penalty when they illegitly used the death penalty for years--e.g., the Inquisition. Then again, I do get it--Catholics (not counting Evangelical Catholics) are hypocrites.
     ·  ·  · 

      • [Friend] Whoa there. That's wrong. Just because a small group of Catholics did that in the past doesn't give you the right to judge Catholics today. And the official church stance isn't against the death penalty if you read the catechism. You could also make the same argument for protestants today. And only the more vocal liberal catholics are so opposed.
        4 hours ago via mobile · 
      • Nicole Czarnecki As I said, I excluded Evangelical Catholics--those who believe in the inerrancy and infallibility of the Bible in its original languages and Holy Spirit-guided translations. And it was no small group, which was part of why reformers such as Jan Hus and John Wycliffe showed up.
        4 hours ago · 

      • [Friend] But you still say Catholics in general are hypocritical?
        4 hours ago via mobile · 
      • Nicole Czarnecki Yes. Not Evangelical Catholics, though.
        3 hours ago · 

      • [Friend] Wow. You are very judgmental of my faith. I will let it go though and pray that life experience will teach you differently. There is much you don't understand about the beautiful religion of Catholicism.
        3 hours ago via mobile · 
      • Nicole Czarnecki I understand too much about it.
        3 hours ago · 

      • [Friend] You are trying to instigate people today. One day you will learn the truth. In this life or the next.
      • Nicole Czarnecki 
        I'm not trying to instigate anything, with all due respect... And I come from a long heritage of Catholicism, Jewish and gentile. I was baptized Roman Catholic, raised English-American Catholic (Episcopalian), have Catholic relatives (Roman, Byzantine, and English-American), went to a Byzantine Catholic Church at family reunions (St. Nicholas in Swoyersville), used to defend even Non-Evangelical Catholicism as a legit denomination of Christianity, and went to University of Notre Dame of Maryland. I learned the hard way.

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