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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Part 17 of My Stage32 Submission

While I'm waiting for Bill O'Reilly to come on KABC, I finally have--and have made--time to continue with the anecdotes about Pop-Pop--as I stated, you should see a clear picture emerging. By the way, how often do you get to follow the writer through his or her writing process as he or she is writing? As I'm telling my family story--and indeed, now it can be told (since, after all, Dad claims to he has nothing--or mostly nothing--to hide)--, I also want you to follow my day-to-day--or however-frequent--writing process. Of course, the editors are going to have a heck of a time and process with what I notice already has some inconsistencies in terms of writing style, etc..

Anyway, another anecdote--and one that proves that the family were not even just secular Polish-Lithuanian Catholics. By the way, what compelling reason would Aunt Mary have to lie--which I've asked Dad himself--about anything? Aunt Mary's--and likely Dad's and Uncle Gary's--first knowledge about God and Jesus:

"God damn it, Joan."

"Jesus Christ, Jack--the neighbors will think you're crazy."

And then came the closing of the blinds and chasing around the house. By the way--as I've discussed before--, Aunt Mary was not named for the Virgin Mary--she was named for her grandmothers, Mary Trudniak Czarnecki and Marysia "Mary" Rusnak Gaydos. Also, her name was "Mary Joan"--and Grandma (going against her and Pop-Pop's agreement) deceitfully slipped "Joan" onto the birth certificate--her name was originally going to be "Mary".

So much for Polish Lithuanian--and (in Grandma's case) Czechoslovakian--Catholics, huh? 

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