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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Part 11 Of My Stage32 Submission

This is another jump-ahead moment and pre-written part. Nonetheless, it'll give you an idea for when I jump back to describe Great-Great-Grandma Czarnecki and her three like-mom-like-sons children: Great-Granddad, Great-Granduncle John "Johnkie" Felix Czarnecki, and Great-Granduncle Joseph "Suzy" Paschal Czarnecki. After all, particularly the latter two evily exploited Great-Granduncle Bernie and were especially like their mom in doing that--as devious and cunning as they could be. To make a long story short, they got Great-Granduncle Bernie to sign off his Social Security account to them--so that his benefits would go to them instead of Great-Grandaunt Alexandria Alice Czarnecki Dombroski (by then, a widow with a son to still raise and now an infirmed brother for whom to care) when he died:

Born to Ashkenazim Anusim who converted during the pogroms in Poland Russia and were forced to immigrate to America due to their conversion, Bernard S. Czarnecki (nee [sic., should be "ne"] Chernetski or Czarniecki) served with the 111th Infantry Division Medical Corps of the United States Army in World War Two. Serving from December 1940-December 1945 in the U.S. Army, Pfc. Bernie Czarnecki was wounded in combat and died as a result of his war wounds in 1963 (the wounds for which he was discharged in 1945). Never formally recognized even with a Purple Heart, let alone a proper headstone at his gravesite, Pfc. Czarnecki died at the age of 43 as an unknown and dishonored Jewish-Catholic veteran of World War Two.

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