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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Civil Rights Icon Clarence Clemmons Deceased at 69

All I knew is that he had a sudden stroke, and (as they broke it on the news during Justice With Judge Jeanine) died from said stroke and complications thereof at 69 years old while he was in a Palm Beach, FL hospital; thus, he ended his career. I didn't think about him being a Civil Rights icon until I thought about the following a little further: he was a legendary saxophone player beginning in 1972, just as the Vietnam War was going to end (in 1974) and four years after a Black Republican who Bruce Springsteen wouldn't see eye-to-eye with on many issues (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) died.

So, a bandmate and friend of a White Democrat coming on the heels of a prominent Black Republican icon in the Civil Rights and Vietnam Era is pretty significant, and his or her death would thus be significant. Therefore, a Black saxophonist in a often-labeled "secular" field and in a band led by a very-liberal White Democrat left a legacy of being a breakthrough man or pioneer, and a stark contrast to the D.Div. holder who was obviously a Modern Conservative (Classical Liberal) and in a often-labeled "sacred [as if anything else isn't sacred] field.

Here's a Hell of A Statistic

At least two of my great-grandma Gaydos (née Marysia Elizabeth Rusnak)'s Fosko uncles (Ferencz "Frank, Sr." and András "Alexander") committed suicide (His death is mentioned in the title-linked document. Great-Great-Granduncle Frank hung himself and was found dead in his shed on February 11, 1935). That's how I know that their dad, István "Stephen" Fosko, committed suicide: two of six sons are known to have committed suicide, and he died in 1905 when he was 45- you cannot tell me that 1/3 sons committing suicide does not point to the died-young dad having committed suicide.

Friday, June 17, 2011

There Were A Couple Times Where I Thought About Committing Suicide Today. Why?

  1. I am a diagnosee of OCD/Anxiety/Depression and Diplegic Spastia Cerebral Palsy, and self diagnosee of IBS (I know what I have; thank you very much. My dad has Chron's, and my granddad has had Chron's- but not that he'll admit it- and Colon Cancer).
  2. I am housestuck and single especially because of the Cerebral Palsy.
  3. I am housestuck and single because said CP renders me unable to drive.
  4. My mom sides with and/or enables my abusers and persecutors, and gets angry when I confront them; and takes advantage of the fact that I have Cerebral Palsy, can't drive, and am single. Thus, I am still stuck in her house.
  5. My dad and quite a few in his family are evil, enablers of evil, and both.
I could give more reasons, but you get the point.

Where's Hebrew Transliteration?

Lo tov, Google (Not good, Google; not cool, Google.).

I'm Not Wishing My Dad Something That He Doesn't Deserve

Last night, after Hannity; I decided to go outside while Donald Trump was blabbing on On the Record and my sister was blabbing on the phone. When outside, I called my dad and told him what he needed to be told: that I wish him and Cindi a miserable anniversary (June 20), and him a miserable Dad's Day. I slipped and told my mom, who was pissed. After she told me to go to my room (and I'm 21 for goodness' sake), I had the following conversation with her:


Well; crap; I forgot to save the conversation. The point of it, meanwhile? Mom is not as successful as nothing-to-hide Kara Dioguardi, the martyrs such as Jan Hus and John Wycliffe (without whom she'd still be stuck in the Roman Catholic Church, and this time unsaved to boot), and those who want to stop Dad from hurting me and others.

Why Tanakh (including "[Brit] Hadashah") is the Word of G-d

  1. "Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you." (Deuteronomy 4:2, JPS)
  2. "All this word which I command you, that shall ye observe to do; thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it." (Deuteronomy 13:1)
  3. "Every word of God is tried; He is a shield unto them that take refuge in Him. Add thou not unto His words, lest He reprove thee, and thou be found a liar." (Proverbs 30:5-6)
I could give other parshot (readings, verses); but you get the point. Meanwhile:

14 Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve Him in sincerity and in truth; and put away the gods which your fathers served beyond the River, and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD.

15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell; but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.' {P}

(Y'hoshu'a 24, JPS)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

This Is The World's Softest Object Compared To Casey Anthony's Heart


RT @Nickidewbear world's softest object compared to #CaseyAnthony heart. Me: u can't be serious. She put hearts on duct tape. @AnthonyCumia

14 minutes agovia TwittelatorFavoriteRetweetReply

replies ↓

NickidewbearNicole Czarnecki

@USNCowboy69 @AnthonyCumia Did you look at the picture? If you didn't, you missed the point.

1 minute ago

The picture is linked to in the title of the blog entry. Tim, are you looking at it? Meanwhile, how Casey Anthony will get out of using George Anthony's phone in an unauthorized way- i.e., to contact a convicted kidnapper- is made only harder by Casey's trying to say that both George and Casey contacted the kidnapper. And not to Casey could do better, anyway. She's already set this case for herself. And the charges: First-degree murder with intent thereof, aggravated child abuse and infanticide, possession and use of paraphernalia (chloroform), conspiracy to commit and cover up the aforementioned crimes, perjury, lying to police, grand larceny, fraud, embezzlement (re the check), and other charges.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Or Frank Could Always Block Me

I guess not...

1995 Southern Baptists Apologize for their Racist Past.On June 20, 1995, the Southern Baptist Convention adopted a resolution apologizing for their racist roots and their past defenses of slavery.

EscapeNewJersey 1 minute ago




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Unblock UserBy the way, trust me nobody wants to "pursue you". Get over your arrogant self.

EscapeNewJersey 2 minutes ago

1873: Pope Pius IX Prays that God Remove the Curse of Ham.

He prays that “Almighty God may at length remove the curse of Cham [Ham] from their hearts.” God’s curse on Ham is that the Canaanite people would be forever enslaved. Some theologians had long used this Biblical passage to justify enslavement of Africans. (The Raccolta: Or, Collection of Prayers and Good Works, Published by order of His Holiness, Pope Pius IX. Maryland: Woodstock College, 1878, pp. 413-415.)

EscapeNewJersey 5 minutes ago

@EscapeNewJersey And Roman Catholicism's just as bad as Mormonism. Try something else.

Nickidewbear 2 minutes ago

1861: Presbyterian Church Splits Over Slavery Issue

The Presbyterian Church in the United States of America splits and the Presbyterian Church in the Confederate States is formed in the south. They later rename themselves the Presbyterian Church in the United States.

EscapeNewJersey 11 minutes ago

Nicole, It probably just comes down to you being jealous that I have far more views, more friends, and more subscribers with just a tiny fraction of videos. Grow up and get your bitterness and jealousy under control.

EscapeNewJersey 14 minutes ago

You are an arrogant coward Nicole, your mother and college is right to be sick and tired of you. Do me a favor and block me before you say something stupid or bigoted again that requires correction. Your mouth and personality will get you in much trouble in life, mark my words.

EscapeNewJersey 18 minutes ago

I have already proven to you that there are Bible verses in Deuteronomy and Proverbs that say don't add and take away from these "INDIVIDUAL BOOKS". Since you like to believe the Bible was written entirely in one sitting and don't see the obvious result of your logic that would prove the New Testament, I guess it is pointless to discuss such simple historical facts with you.

EscapeNewJersey 26 minutes ago

I really resent you calling the LDS church a racist organization. That just shows how much of an uneducated religious bigot you are. I could just as easily call Judaism a race supremacist organization and have far more realistic and tangible evidence to support it. The fact is is that there is more non-white Mormons than white Mormons in the world with over 50,000 missions all over the world!! Where are the Jewish missionaries? There LDS temples in Ghana, Nigeria, and South Africa!!!

EscapeNewJersey 36 minutes ago

@EscapeNewJersey Ever heard of Jews for Jesus?

Nickidewbear 1 minute ago

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Can we say "Mormonism fail"?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Self-Hating-Jewish Mormon Is Pursuing Me, and Geraldo Rivera Has Become a URJ Antimissionary?

First, the Self-Hating-Jewish Mormon and Mormon missionary (not to mention, on the other hand, an Antimissionary- i.e., an Anti-Christian, Anti-Messianic Jew): EscapeNewJersey. Frank (That's his name.), lo toda: yo soy una yehudi'ah mesjikhi'ah; no quiero ser una mormona (and Spanish and Hebrew at the same time; there you go.). As for Geraldo Rivera being under URJ influence: re death-penalty opposition and Andrea Yates.

I'm Not Giving Up On Great-Grandma Czarnecki Until I Die or Get Raptured

As I stated in my latest video description: "And we let Casey Anthony get hammered when Pop-Pop is still walking...Yuck!..." To leave a murder from February 12, 2007 unprosecuted because we're too damned dreadful of Pop-Pop while we criticize Caylee Anthony's murder and all the other avodah zarah looks bad on us. And so what if Pop-Pop harassed the key witness after the Luzerne County DA called him to further inquire of him as the accused? We have more blood on our hands than Pop-Pop himself originally did because we won't prosecute him- and unavenged blood does replenish and have multiplying blood cells. For example:

‘The LORD is longsuffering and abundant in mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression; but He by no means clears the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation.’ (Numbers 14:18)

By the way, as a Diasporan Jew, I should know: I have thorns in the flesh such as a hemmerhoid and IBS, and OCD/Anxiety/Depression all because of the sins of my ancestors (cf. Leviticus 26:14-42 and Deuteronomy 28:15-68). Also, keep in mind that the Diaspora is only beginning to end. See Congregation Yeshuat Yisrael's study on the End Times.  

Monday, June 13, 2011

By the Way, Sometimes My Video Descriptions (Like This One) Get Longer Than the Videos

From now on, I'm posting video descriptions that are long (especially longer than the videos which they describe) as blog entries as well. By the way, the video for which this description was written is linked to in the title:

The lighting is much better in my room (and by the way- surprise!- I look Whiter than I normally do; when I'm "piss stained" or yellow (not Yellow) looking (to be fair to Yellow- Asian- ethnic groups. By the way, the Indians and Middle Easterners- of whom I am a part as a Jew or Israeli, even in the Diaspora- are whole other ethnic groups from Asians, and that's a whole other- or as we say in Baltimore, "a whole nother"- discussion).

Meanwhile, I'm still organizing my room (I've been taking a summer class and been busy.); and I want to remind everyone (even my haters, who I can still report and block if I need to) that I have a Facebook page. Y'all; 61 friend requests are too much. If you all aren't family, closer friends, disabled people (who I should've mentioned because I'd be stupidly remiss if I didn't add disabled people, because I have Cerebral Palsy), or even celebrities who have taken an interest in me as a public figure (apparently, Karl Rove and a few others have), and anyone else that I mention; please like the following page first:

Also, (where I'm freer from Mom's censorship, by the way; and I stopped following her as well).

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Catholicism, Mormonism, "Rabbin"ical Judaism, and Mohammedism (Islam): All On the Same Vein

As a Ashkenazic Jewish "mamzerah" who comes from a Crypto-Jewish and Messianic Jewish, and Frankish-Gaelic-Slavic and Spanish (Sephardic?) Catholic (Roman and Byzantine) background; and having my eyes opened by 9/11 and doing a lot of learning about and research on Mohammedism (Islam), I know of what I speak. As for Mormonism, same thing with Mohammedism, except I'd heard a lot and read Under the Banner of Heaven and have been to a Mormon (Secular, Non Orthodox (Non FLDS)) church. I am also currently attending a Roman Catholic school- my grandaunt Bern's alma mater, in fact. By the way, her brother Aloysius Ignatius "Steve" Allen and aunt Agnes G. "Sr. M. Rosalita" Reilly (OSM) were clergy in the Roman Catholic Church.

Catholicism (perhaps excepting Byzantine Catholicism to some careful extent), Mormonism, "Rabbin"ical Judaism, and Mohammedism are all on the same vein: they are all cults. For example:

  1. All add to The Scriptures. Roman Catholicism and any denomination below Conservative Judaism deny TaNaKH (Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim, v'Hadashah) as the Direct, Dictated, Written-Down-As-Instructed Word of God. In my Religious Studies classes and in the Reform Jewish Pittsburgh Platform, Tanakh has been called anything from "man's response to experiencing [or to an experience with] God]" and a mix of truth and myths and legends (Roman Catholic), to (and I quote from the document to which this blog entry's title links): "a system of training the Jewish people for its mission during its national life in Palestine...[as] all such Mosaic and rabbinical laws as regulate diet, priestly purity and dress originated in ages and under influences of ideas altogether foreign to our present mental and spiritual state...."
  2. As for Haredi ("Orthodox") and Conservative Judaism, Mohammedism, and Mormonism; they add Talmud (and as I said, any denomination below these will group Tanakh with Talmud as "originated in ages and under influences of ideas altogether foreign to our present mental and spiritual state"), the Qur'an (and Googling it would be enough; but read this at your own risk: I am not touching it if I don't have to), and the Book of Mormon (Moroni) (as I said about the Qur'an, so I say about the Book of Moroni. By the way, see Galatians 1:6-12).
  3. Catholicism adds to the very Tanakh to they attempt to skewer: i.e., the Apocrypha and Pseudographia (which both the Council of Yavneh (Jamnia) (80 AD (BCE)) and the Council of Nicea (325 AD (BCE)) rejected. Only the LXX (Septuagint) included the Apocrypha and Pseudographia as part of Tanakh. The Apocrypha and Pseudographia could be seen as Talmud Yavani (the Greek Talmud)).
I'll write more later.   

Friday, January 28, 2011

You Didn't Tell Me How The Story Ends, Mom

So, Geri Jewell has Cerebral Palsy and she's a success in Hollywood, then gets married. Yeah; but has she appeared in much since then? And you didn't tell me the other part, Mom: she got divorced and is now a lesbian who hasn't had too much success as even a speaker since. And these comments are from the article on her:

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mmh1234 5 minutes ago

There has to be a truth in advertising law for actors in TV shows - in order to prevent gays from pretending to be non-gays.

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bugsbunny 10 minutes ago

Car accident, I hope she wasn't driving. I remember her from the fats of life and I'm sure she wouldn't make a good driver.

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educationspower 13 minutes ago

The book IS NOT about her being gay, that is just ONE part of the book Fox decided to focus on. Ignorant fools. Hateful nonsense

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louann Petrucci 20 minutes ago

Dear Haters: Just 'cause U couldn't "Make It" in H-Wood is no reason to go all nasty, evil, jealous, envious, blah, blah, blah. Or, maybe it is, since that's all you "got", eh? How's that working out for ya? Geri is AWE-SUM as a person, actor & inspirational comedic phenom. She has the goods to work through real--I know!---physical pain, be honest, forthright, funny AND do so with grace & dignity. Can't say that about, well, most people. GERI ROX! (Don't bother retorting, haters; I'd almost feel guilty for making your tainted brains try to think, like real hard, & be clever. As if.)

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airwx 2 minutes ago in reply to louann Petrucci

I would ask you to look at the hate meter when you post something....

1. I don't care if she's gay....that's not my job...

2. To call people nasty, evil, jealous, envious, blah, blah, blah....who is hating?

3. I don't need H'wood's "got".... period...ever

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rmerr 28 minutes ago

Attention! I'd like to make an announcement! I'm heterosexual, healthy, and have no particular hang-ups. I am not writing a book about it. Thank you.

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meatbeerwine 28 minutes ago

i feel sorry for these folks.they come out with this like its something to be proud of.instead of writing a book read the bible everything happening right now is in forgiveness not acceptence

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educationspower 0 minutes ago in reply to meatbeerwine

First of all never end a sentence with "of", it's a dangling participle. Secondly, if you believe in the God I believe in, he loves us ALL. Try searching for forgiveness for your ignorance in your Bible, sweetie pie.

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karma1959 11 minutes ago in reply to meatbeerwine

If reading the bible works for you, that's great - but it doesn't work for everybody. I personally prefer a book with some facts in it, but I do respect the rights of others who find solace and comfort in reading the bible.

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wussyus 48 minutes ago

I guess when one's career dies, one has to seek a sympathetic audience somewhere.

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howlingmad 55 minutes ago

Just 'ANOTHER useless 'Eater' . . .

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smalltowndude 1 hour ago

Oh. I thought it was gonna be Jo when I read the headline.

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CheesyRider 1 hour ago in reply to smalltowndude

Nancy McKeon, known as "Jo" on 'Facts of Life' came out as straight eight years ago. I was shocked, to say the least.

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doubledown7 1 hour ago

Another washed up one time 'celebrity' attempting to shock people for a little attention.

Guess she couldn't find a job so she wrote a book.

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zingore0711 1 hour ago

Phase 1 - Have some sort of name recognition due to TV/Radio/Movie/Reality Show

Phase 2 - Release memoir of how you're "out" and how life was a struggle

Phase 3 - ????

Phase 4 - Profit!

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cadbane 1 hour ago

'Facts of Life' Star Reveals: I'm Desperate For Attention!

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bhaal 1 hour ago

I've never understood if being gay is normal and ok why those in the public eye have to come out of the closet and explain how they have struggled. This may be a news flash but everyone struggles no matter what your orientation or creed. Some of us don't have any special protections to use as a crutch.

(Edited by author 34 minutes ago)

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gccnc 1 hour ago in reply to bhaal

I'm guessing cause we aren't trying to push a book and make some easy money.

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karma1959 1 hour ago in reply to bhaal

come on.. you can't seriously be saying you think heterosexual people experience the same amount of social pressures as homosexuals. be realistic...

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bhaal 7 minutes ago in reply to karma1959

Ok so lets be realistic. You talk of social pressures, thats called life and I would say that they are heterosexuals that do experience more pressures than homosexuals. Every person is different. Some have more issues than others thats just the way it is. I'd refer you to people horribly burned so bad that they scare adults. How much social pressure do you think they get? I guarantee it's nothing like the typical person.

This does not give me hope, Mom.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Carolin "Cora" Berger Deceased After Sixth Breast Augmentation: I Have One Key Question

If she's Jewish, what will her beit din and shul do? Whether Carolin Berger is a Jewish "Berger" and not just a German "Berger" is what I tried to find out after I first read the news of her death on AOL. Searching on Google and reading through quite a few articles, all I can conclude is that her husband (Tim Berger) may be Jewish; and if he is, his beit din and shul has to decide on the halakhah involved in his wife's case.

From what I've read, Jews with tattoos were forbidden to be buried in Jewish cemeteries unless the tattoos were forced on them (i.e., in the Shoah, in a trafficking ring). Nowadays, Jews with tattoos can be buried in at least Non-Haredi P'rushi (i.e., Non-"Hasidic"; Non-Orthodox P'rushi) cemeteries. Meanwhile, no Jew who committed suicide- P'rushi, Anusi, or otherwise- unless due to circumstances like the Shoah (i.e., that horrible day known as Kristallnacht on which many Jews did commit suicide) could be buried in a Jewish cemetery. The suicide ruling still applies.

On a side note, by the way, Great-Granddad Czarnecki (born Chernetski) was an Anusi Ashkenazi Yehudi who was an Anusi from the time that his parents became Anusim during the pogroms (He was 2 or 3 then.) to the time that he committed suicide on December 2, 1964. He's a case of an Anusi who would not allowed to have been buried in a Jewish cemetery, even if he became a "ba'al teshuvah"- although the only real  ba'alot teshuvot are Meshichim Yehudim,  but that's another discussion.

Meanwhile, back to Carolin Berger: so, she will not have tattoos held against her (as far as I know) and she did not commit suicide. Then again, would unnecessary breast augmenting be considered indirect or second-degree suicide? Meanwhile, unless the breast augmentation is held as suicide, she will have it apply to her only as tattoos would (as far as I know).

By the way, Yahadut Kara'i (Karaite Judaism) and Yahadut Meshichi work differently than Yahadut P'rushi (Yahadut "Rabbanit").

Friday, January 21, 2011

In Case You're Wondering About Jewish Surnames

Grant that Tracy R. Rich is not right about all this, by the way. I have thoroughly researched this beyond, which I should note also has a Haredi P'rushi bias. Meanwhile, for example:

A lot of the surnames that sound Jewish to Americans are simply German names such as Klein, Gross or Grossman, Weiss or Weisman, Rosen, Schwartz or Schwartzman, Segal, Siegal or Sagal, and anything that contains berg, stein, man, thal or bluth. German surnames are very common among American Jews, and many people seem to have inferred the converse: if most Jews have German surnames, then most people with German surnames must be Jews. The reasoning is appealing on a gut-level but logically flawed. Consider this absurd but logically identical argument: most Jews have ten fingers, therefore most people with ten fingers must be Jews. 

"Siegal" and other variants may actually be like "Katz"- variants or acronyms of kohein, kohen, etc. Also, "Levy" and other variants are, with perhaps a 0.01% exception, always a variant of Levi (As I said, has a Haredi P'rushi bias, and Tracy R. Rich has no problem attempting to delegitimize  Patrilineal and Messianic Jews.).

As for the following:
Russian and Polish surnames are also often assumed to be Jewish surnames, for example names ending in -vitz, -witz, or -sky. It is commonly believed that "-sky" is a Jewish surname while "-ski" is not. This spelling difference, however, seems do have more to do with the source of the surname: Russia or Poland. The correct spelling of this common surname suffix in Polish is "-ski", and Poles usually kept that spelling after immigration to America. In Russia, this suffix is spelled in the Cyrillic alphabet, -sky (in Cyrillic), and may have been transliterated into English as either -ski or -sky. However, a Jewish friend of mine who comes from Moscow tells me that in Russia, names ending in -sky (in Cyrillic) were usually Jewish. 

I can tell you that records from sources such as and show that Non-sky (in Cyrillic) (Non-цкий) could be and were Jewish as well. She also missed "cki", "czki", etc.

There are other disclaimers about Tracy R. Rich and JewFAQ, but the linked-to JewFAQ page is like Wikipedia: a good start and for at least some of the basics.  

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What Happens When Your Dominant Hand Is Out of Comission

I normally type with my pointer finger on my left hand, by the way. Click on the blog entry's title to see why I did a YouTube Vlog entry instead.

Update at 1:28 AM: See the photo above. P.S. It's on my Facebook page (and I'm typing with my pinky).

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Reminder To Jewish Supremacists And Anti Missionaries: We're No Better Than the Goyim, and Many of Whom Blaspheme HaShem Because of You

4 Speak not thou in thy heart, after that the LORD thy God hath thrust them out from before thee, saying: 'For my righteousness the LORD hath brought me in to possess this land'; whereas for the wickedness of these nations the LORD doth drive them out from before thee. 5 Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprightness of thy heart, dost thou go in to possess their land; but for the wickedness of these nations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee, and that He may establish the word which the LORD swore unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. 6 Know therefore that it is not for thy righteousness that the LORD thy God giveth thee this good land to possess it; for thou art a stiffnecked people. 7 Remember, forget thou not, how thou didst make the LORD thy God wroth in the wilderness; from the day that thou didst go forth out of the land of Egypt, until ye came unto this place, ye have been rebellious against the LORD. 8 Also in Horeb ye made the LORD wroth, and the LORD was angered with you to have destroyed you. 9 When I was gone up into the mount to receive the tables of stone, even the tables of the covenant which the LORD made with you, then I abode in the mount forty days and forty nights; I did neither eat bread nor drink water. 10 And the LORD delivered unto me the two tables of stone written with the finger of God; and on them was written according to all the words, which the LORD spoke with you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly. 11 And it came to pass at the end of forty days and forty nights, that the LORD gave me the two tables of stone, even the tables of the covenant. 12 And the LORD said unto me: 'Arise, get thee down quickly from hence; for thy people that thou hast brought forth out of Egypt have dealt corruptly; they are quickly turned aside out of the way which I commanded them; they have made them a molten image.' 13 Furthermore the LORD spoke unto me, saying: 'I have seen this people, and, behold, it is a stiffnecked people; 14 let Me alone, that I may destroy them, and blot out their name from under heaven; and I will make of thee a nation mightier and greater than they.' 15 So I turned and came down from the mount, and the mount burned with fire; and the two tables of the covenant were in my two hands. 16 And I looked, and, behold, ye had sinned against the LORD your God; ye had made you a molten calf; ye had turned aside quickly out of the way which the LORD had commanded you. 17 And I took hold of the two tables, and cast them out of my two hands, and broke them before your eyes. 18 And I fell down before the LORD, as at the first, forty days and forty nights; I did neither eat bread nor drink water; because of all your sin which ye sinned, in doing that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke Him. 19 For I was in dread of the anger and hot displeasure, wherewith the LORD was wroth against you to destroy you. But the LORD hearkened unto me that time also. 20 Moreover the LORD was very angry with Aaron to have destroyed him; and I prayed for Aaron also the same time. 21 And I took your sin, the calf which ye had made, and burnt it with fire, and beat it in pieces, grinding it very small, until it was as fine as dust; and I cast the dust thereof into the brook that descended out of the mount.--


So now, what should I do here," asks ADONAI, "since my people were carried off for nothing? Their oppressors are howling," says ADONAI, "and my name is always being insulted, daily.

"Therefore tell the house of Isra'el that Adonai ELOHIM says this: 'I am not going to do this for your sake, house of Isra'el, but for the sake of my holy name, which you have been profaning among the nations where you went.

Isaiah 52:5; Ezekiel 36:22 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Even Marylin Manson Acknowledges The Following

Of course, Marylin Manson (as have most other Non Believers like Mr. Manson) acknowledged the following in the most vile way (and one which I still remember seeing on middle-school classmate Brad Heath's T Shirt):

The time is close; it is quite clear/The Antichrist is almost here
By the way, Brad Heath later got arrested for theft of a police car- all while we were still in middle school. But back to the point: so even vilely-unbeliving Marylin Manson (and perhaps Brad Heath) acknowledge the coming Seven Years known as the Tribulation. Apparently, that "time" is indeed "quite close", and it will not be a pretty one:

Israeli sources on Monday confirmed that the US proposed that Israel lease parts of the Jordan Valley from the Palestinians for an additional seven years, Army Radio reported.

According to the Monday report, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu agreed to the idea, but demanded that the arrangement be for a longer period of time than the original offer. "Seven years is not enough - an arrangement like this needs to last for dozens of years," Netanyahu said in closed talks, according to Army Radio.
YouTube user TaoistWarrior sent me the article, by the way; and informed me that the Seven Years begin when Israel gives to Palestine more than Palistinia (Philista) in Judah. I misinterpreted when I thought that a peace with the Arabs meant signing a simple treaty after 10 days of tribulation in Mitzrayim (cf. Deuteronomy 28:68, Revelation 2:8-11). But who knows? Maybe that that's what will lead up to the treay- if China wants to make the USA pay, maybe they'll send one of Israel's most vile haters human collateral for the US- American (and perhaps other, including any remaining Chinese) Jews (including Obama, whose late mother is Jewish- as I learned from a fellow Jew and Googled when I thought that she might be kidding or perhaps misread something).

Egypt has already banned marriages to Jews and has persecuted Christians. They may surely want to re-enslave who (or to them, what) will now be China's collateral holding on behalf of the USA. Meanwhile, we will either be sold or try to sell ourselves but Egypt won't buy us- even for or from China, or for or from the USA. After 10 days, somebody will get frustrated- and some of us may even die (Surprise! Another pogrom *rolls eyes*.).

Meanwhile, am I the only one who thinks that what I call Parshah 'Elah Tovah and Parshiot Beshlachah v'Yitro have been prophetic of Messiah (Yeshua, Jesus) coming soon? Also, the head video on the channel of taoistwarrior (who is, despite his screenname, a Messianic Jew) includes Revelation 4:8: "Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adonai Tzevaot Yahveh"  (The translation comes from and

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

If Jews Don't Believe In Jesus; Does Jesus Not Believe In Himself? And Is Christianity Not At Least a Sect of Judaism?

As I've noted several times, the hackneyed "Jews don't believe in Jesus" line is getting older than it already is. It's as hackneyed or even more hackneyed than "Republicans are White, senior-citizen, Protestant Supremacists and chauvinists", and "Blacks and Hispanics are Democrats, and want nothing to do with 'Whitey' or 'el gringo'."

By the way, I'm surprised that the "gringo" line didn't get more flap on The O'Reilly Factor. I myself am happy that Jared Loughner was White (only because State Senator Russel Pearce and Governor Jan Brewer (R-AZ) both have egg on their WASP-Supremacist faces); but I am of course not happy that Rep. Giffords was shot (though if I were her, I'd take being persecuted by Jared Loughner as an honor), and I'm not happy that Daisy Hernandez referred to Whites as gringos.

Newsflash for Señorita Hernandez, by the way: los hispanos originales- the Spaniards and Portuguese- were considered "blanco". Latina America became latina only because of los iberianos. So, blanketing every White as a "gringo" is beschmirching muchas hispanas, none of whom (as far as we know) are at fault for what an Irish- or German-American Supremacist did (I am not sure of the origins of "Loughner" at this time, but I can tell you that you won't blanket in this española y judia in with that Anti-Hispanic, Anti-Semitic Loughner.).

Anyway, the hackneyed "Jews don't believe in Jesus" line is getting older than it already is. Even Jewish Globe recognizes that:

When the phrases Jewish Christians, Hebrew Christians and Christian Jews are used in a modern sense, they refer to people who have a Jewish heritage, culture or ancestry. However, such people follow Christian tenets and philosophy, rather than Judaism. The terms Jewish Christians and Christian Jews are also applied to those who have formally converted to the Christian faith, and to those who do not practice the Hebrew faith, due to the circumstances of their upbringing, for example. The appellation Christian Jews can be used for those who are Jewish, but have been absorbed into the Christian majority. Although Christian Jews and Messianic Jews both represent a blend of Judaism and Christianity, Christian Jews are quite different from Messianic Jews, who are definitely Jewish, and only differ from other Jews in that they believe that Jesus was the true Messiah.
Although Jewish Globe may not get that "Jewish Christian" and "Messianic Jewish" are synonmous, "Christian Jew" is not the best term to use (long story short, "Christian Jew" is to a Jewish Christian like "Catholic Pole" to a Polish Catholic), and Messianic Jews do not have to denominationally Messianic (and I myself am a Patrilineal Jew who is a PCA Presbyterian and was baptized Roman Catholic and raised Episcopalian); Jewish Globe at least recognizes the crux of the matter:

At least some Jews believe in Jesus; Jesus Believed In Himself, and Christianity is at least a sect of Judaism (if not considered as Fulfilled, Complete, or True Judaism).

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dormant Blog

I leave this blog dormant and usually refer people to my AOL Red blog unless I have something important to post on both blogs.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Nicole Factor At Red Blogs

I post more on my AOL Red blog, because it's the main site for The Nicole Factor. At AOL Red, even though I've been my own return visitor twice (due to technical problems or just not being signed in), I've attracted 297 return visitors (295, without me); and I've attracted many unique visitors. Therefore, for the whole of The Nicole Factor, go to my AOL Red blog, which is linked to by this entry's title.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What on Earth?

Whoever assumed that I was lazy? School chum, I assume that you make other not-so-good assumptions.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Exploring Messianic Judaism and Judaism

I've been doing some exploring, etc., of Judaism, Messianic Judaism, the Bible (Old and New Testaments), the Tanakh (OT) verses the Talmud, and everything else in light of that. See it on my AOL blog.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Re: Smith

To Alex Smith:

I don't know whether you were spamming or what; but if you were, your comment was really inappropriate concerning the content of the entry.

To everyone else: The comment can be seen if you click the title.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

9-11: A Wake-Up Call To Me

I've put this new entry on my AOL Blog. Scroll over the title to get the link.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Free Speech

I'm afraid that since Google seems to support, I will quickly get censored. Since the Democrats like Hilary Clinton and Al Gore, who are popular in both American and anti-American circles, are each winners of some thing or things considered prestigious, and are ripe for President, I could easily be censored by the majority that are part of Google and Google-affiliated Blogger. But persecution of folks like myself has to happen.

P.S. Southernbapt2 used his/her free speech, and I appreciate how they used it.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

I'm As Human As One Can Be

I'll admit it: I'm as human as one can be. I laughed at the Joe Scarborough joke about Jeri Thompson, the "mean but funny" joke in reference to Sen. Thompson's wife being a quarter-century younger than him. But I've thought about marrying maybe a way older man myself, as a marriage of convienience. I've been hurt and broken more than some, but less than others; so just as anyone else has been... But one thing I try not to sin or be ashamed about is the Gospel. My favorite verse is this: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek." (Romans 1:16, NKJV)

Friday, September 21, 2007

Needing To Update

I probably need to update this blog more. But I'm a 17-yr-old high schooler with homework and other things to concentrate on both in and out of, and related and unrelated to, school. I also don't want to post any political cartoons without them first being syndicated.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Re: I Want Your Comments

"I've only had two comments on here worth reading and responding to. Also, my "Exactly What the Liberals Want" entry seems to have been ignored, giving the liberals exactly what they want. While you're staying informed, inform others, inform me. Do you have something to say? Is there something you want me to post or that you think people should read or pay attention to? Send me or post your comments, and check out"

Why am I getting no comments?

I am still not getting many, if any, comments on this blog. At least I haven't had anyone comment on any entry for a while. Comment on my blog; don't just read it. After all, in the words of Gary Larson, "Stimulus response! Stimulus response! Don't you ever think?" Don't be an ignorant or apathetic pinhead; have a voice to speak out and respond to others.

Vote In My Poll

Maybe it's AOL that doesn't let you vote (i.e., "Cannot process request"). But if you tried to vote before and couldn't, the poll can now process your vote at least on Internet Explorer.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Marc Rudov v. Tracy Byrnes

Mr. Cavuto,
Marc Rudov is so sadly the near-clone of the man I didn't wish a "Happy Birthday" yesterday, the man who I am estranged from, the man who has made me completely trust few- if any- men. That man is my dad, the dad who makes me relate well to Marc Rudov's kids, and the man whose brother and nephew that I'm not wishing "Happy Birthday"s either. In fact, I haven't talked to anyone, let alone any man, on my dad's side of the family in a long time.

Nicole C.
via AOL

I almost even wrote something like, "I bet my dad's not even watching this; but if he is, shame on..." and almost finished with, "you, Dad"; "men like Marc Rudov and my dad", or my dad's full name.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My Generation

Let me put this politely: If I were in school right now (and I'll be in school in two weeks), and my peers found out about this, I'd be much more unpopular.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Why Bill O'Reilly Needs Fridays Off

Someone asked why Bill O'Reilly needed Fridays off. The question was finally answered by a debate that ended with this posting:

Well, maybe; but sometimes people stay home when they fast, especially with Bill O'Reilly's energy-draining schedule. My granddad, on the other hand, fasted but didn't stay home on Fridays; and had nine surviving kids to provide for. I'm sure that providing for nine born kids, as well as losing two, was only part of the stress that should've given him reason to stay home on Fridays.

My granddad had been pro-life, but for some reason didn't take care of his own. At least the "Culture Warrior" knows when to rest, unlike my granddad, who would've been eighty-six this year. But at least two girls in Heaven get to see their dad. Meanwhile, Bill O'Reilly is resting to, like you said, spend time with a family who'll get to see him for at least until he's how old my granddad would've been.

Bill O'Reilly does get to spend time with Maddie and Spencer. Yet, my mom and her eight surviving siblings- along with the loss of two siblings who would've been fifty- will have to see their dad again. But, maybe- as a further consolation- they get to see their dad with two girls that they've wanted to see as well.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Prayer Requests

I posted this on Jews for Jesus:

As I sit mulling and thinking over issues in my life, family, and this world, I just was thinking about a few things:

[*]I see a lot of potential for my family, particularly on my mom's side, to be faithful, strong Christians. Please pray especially for my uncles Paul, John, and Mark, and my aunts Terri and Ellen.
[*]Please pray for my dad and stepmom's families, especially for the ones who are saved; because I see few of them really living Christian lives in every way.
[*]Again for my friend, her friend, and their families, pray for my friend's friend and her parents especially.
[*] For the Presidents, Prime Ministers, and other political leaders in their respective countries; but especially for George Bush and the other USA leaders. Also, please pray for Jews and Christians- particularly Messianic Jews- being persecuted or losing hope in their countries.

What I typed is part of why I write political cartoons.

Friday, July 6, 2007

More To Talk About IMDB For

I was amazed at IMDB's secular-progressive bias, even allowing people to post death threats and unwarranted and uncalled for comparisons concerning George W. Bush. I even wrote:

I don't understand half of the threads on here. I mean, I get that a good majority of Americans and people in general are not as warm as previously to, dislike, or hate the 43rd President of the United States. But going as far as to compare George W. Bush, a Christian Methodist, to someone who killed 6,000,000+ Jews is going too far. Also, if you hate our government, go to England, Scotland, or Iraq. Maybe being overseas might just change your mind about the United States of America.

By the way, I put Christian Methodist as a distinction between religious Methodists and Methodists who are Christians.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

My Alphabet of Bias

To my alphabet of bias, I can add My alphabet of bias is what I'll cover in the next political cartoons I draw. By the way, the publisher and syndicator each did get back to impatient me; but I digress. Anyway, some of my alphabet of bias is as follows; and like Bernie Goldberg, with his 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America list, I may get dissesion with my alphabet of bias.

110th Congress of the U.S.A.
American University
Ann Coulter
Anti-Defamation League (In certain cases)
Comedy Central
Fairness Doctrine
Illegal Immigrants
Socialized Health Care

"My Alphabet of Bias", self-copyrighted © June 28, 2007. All rights reserved; e-mail me for permission to use.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Ann Coulter As An Example

As weird as it sounds, when Ann Coulter calls John Edwards names or wishes that Muslims would hurt Senator Edwards (D-NC)- or even attacks the Jersey Girls, as Alan Colmes pointed out-, posts like BornAgain's and Moishe Rosen shed a new light on people, philosophies, and respect. I've learned that, like Alan Colmes implied, that if I'm going to claim to be pro-life, I need to respect even Senators John Edwards, Edward "Ted" Kennedy (D-MA), and Hilary Clinton (D-NY). However, I don't have to respect forcing shared prosperity, one-world government, or public health care.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Needing Some Help

For weeks, I've been trying to get my political cartoons, which I don't post, syndicated. Like I said earlier, I purposely try not to look at others' or post my own cartoons for copyright and idea purposes. So, I've come at an impasse.

Also, I have this book which as seem to fall through with at least two publishers. I submitted the manuscript and kept in contact with publishers, one who rejected me and two who've hardly or not at all responded to me.

So, if you're an official publisher and/or syndicator, e-mail me at I'd be glad to submit my work via e-mail attachments.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Re: More Ignorant Than Ann Coulter

Is it me who's ignorant, or you who hasn't read either the Tanakh, Bri't Chadashah, or Qur'an? If you look in each of the three books, you will see that Islam is the same as Judaism without Jesus. The only difference is that Islam twists the Torah, and fits perfectly as what gospels are described in Galatians 1:6-9.

Also, in a recent poll, 25% of Muslim-Americans- some, if not all, in or around my age group- say that it would be okay to suicide bomb in some cases. So, your anti-Semitism and pro-Islam makes you ignorant as Ann Coulter, if not more. Trust me, I see evidence that Ann Coulter is a nominal or legalisticly religious, but not so faithful, Christian and Republican.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Islam Is "Peaceful"?

My teacher told me that my comments about Islam and Muslims went too far either directly or indirectly. Once I found an article about a Florida Muslim doctor, I wrote this e-mail tho him:

"I'm almost tempted to say that you owe me an apology, because- like I said- there is a fine line between race and religion; and I'd inter any Muslim now. Keep them all in one place and watch them, because even "moderate" (secular) Muslims could grow terror cells- right even in the camps. So, I think I know what I was talking about when I kept talking about Muslims and Islam versus Japanese Americans and Pearl Harbor.

I might be "close-minded" (re: [a fellow student's] comment), but I'm not stupid. I know Islam/nominal Christianity is different from race or true Christianity."

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Rudy W. Guiliani?

If we have another "W." in the White House, it won't be Guiliani, will it? Here's my take on whether I'd vote for or nominate Guiliani; as asked on IMDB.

"If you vote for Hilary Clinton or any Democrat, you are putting this country in serious and unquestionable danger. Hilary and Bill Clinton; Barack and Michelle Obama; John and Elizabeth Edwards; and the other Democrat couples are what they say they are- power couples. The Clintons especially will stop at nothing to get power; even if it means crashing the Stock Market, having affairs in the White House and making America a fornicator's and adulterer's bed; and ripping up the United States Constitution.

If John McCain or some other sensible Republican doesn't win, don't complain to me when the United States of America becomes the American Communist League of Uncouthness."

"It looks like Hilary Clinton has a lead over Guiliani. If they'd nominate John McCain, Fred Thompson, or a non-Mormon Romney, maybe the Republicans could keep the White House and not let Congress put too many pork barrels in what they want to make a storehouse."

Monday, April 30, 2007

Don't Worry About Harry Windsor

So what if they target Prince Harry? He's doing a princely duty and fighting for his country, monarchy, and family. Prince Harry is also refusing to let his royal blood keep him from fighting a World War on Islam and Terror. Muslims will target anyone, anyway, anyhow; and Prince Harry knows that, regardless of whether he's royal blood, he's really just another so-called "infidel" to the Islamic community.

They can say, "Royal blood is more to go after" and twist "To whom much is given, much is expected;" but Bush's nephew is in the military, and he could be deployed at any given time someday. Also, what about those who aren't currently in Iraq, who are home or who are in the Reserves? Did anyone forget Virginia Tech and Kansas City serial killings? There are casualities at home everyday.

Quit whining if a patriotic English prince wants to serve his country, especially because "To whom much is given", such as a throne, "much is expected", such as defending the constitutional monrachy he rules.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Re: I Want Your Comments

"I've only had two comments on here worth reading and responding to. Also, my "Exactly What the Liberals Want" entry seems to have been ignored, giving the liberals exactly what they want. While you're staying informed, inform others, inform me. Do you have something to say? Is there something you want me to post or that you think people should read or pay attention to? Send me or post your comments, and check out"

Why am I getting no comments?

"Why Doesn't Ann Coulter Just Die?"

The scientific method goes like this:

Observation: "Why doesn't Ann Coulter just die?"
Hypothesis: God is keeping Ann Coulter around as an object of wrath.
Procedure: Take Biblical quotes, and put them up against Ann Coulter.
Data: Romans 9:6-24, Galatians 1:6-9 (NKJV):

6 But it is not that the word of God has taken no effect. For they are not all Israel who are of Israel, 7 nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, “In Isaac your seed shall be called.” 8 That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed. 9 For this is the word of promise: “At this time I will come and Sarah shall have a son.”
10 And not only this, but when Rebecca also had conceived by one man, even by our father Isaac 11 (for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls), 12 it was said to her, “The older shall serve the younger.” 13 As it is written, “Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated.”
Israel’s Rejection and God’s Justice

14 What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? Certainly not! 15 For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion.” 16 So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy. 17 For the Scripture says to the Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.” 18 Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens.
19 You will say to me then, “Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will?” 20 But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, “Why have you made me like this?” 21 Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?
22 What if God, wanting to show His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, 23 and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had prepared beforehand for glory, 24 even us whom He called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?

6 I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, 7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.

Analysis: Ann Coulter tends to be hard-hearted and preach a Gospel of hate of Jews, blacks, homosexuals, and liberals.

Conclusion: Ann Coulter has "pervert[ed] the gospel of Christ", and "God, wanting to show His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath [like Ann Coulter] prepared for destruction,and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy [like those of us who love all people but not any bad behavior] , which He had prepared beforehand for glory,even us whom He called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles."

Friday, April 27, 2007

FOX News: Fair and Balanced

If anyone needs proof that FOX News has a "fair and balanced" newscast, Google Ann Coulter, George Soros, Jane Hall, and Bernie Goldberg.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lax In Posting

While many things have been happening in this country, I'm stuck with schoolwork while trying to fight a culture, religion and theology, and moral war. I heard so many things on the news today, and I have a math quiz tomorrow. So, I'd post and political cartoon more, but I hardly have time or energy. I hardly have time to do other stuff as well, and what I mean by "energy" is "energy, prioritizing, and will."

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Just A Thought

1 Thessalonians 5:2-4 (New King James Version)

2 For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. 3 For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. 4 But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.

Is anyone else thinking that everything from the Virginia Tech Campus Massacre to the Beaufort Blue Angels crash, to the war protests may bea sign?

Friday, April 20, 2007

Alec Baldwin and My Dad

Alec Baldwin, ex-wife Kim Basinger, and their 11-year-old daughter are like my dad, mom, and my sister and I, respectively. My dad got away with what he did though. Why? He's not a celebrity, and my mom chickened out for years. Also, DSS and the courts hardly did a darn for Michelle and I; and in fact, two out of three DSS calls resulted in only one DSS member supporting my sister and me.

Also, Alan Colmes and the guest father's rights attorney debating against Melanie Morgan sound like people who supported my dad, including his parents. I'd name names if I felt safe from my dad, even though he's not allowed to visit us anymore upon our request.

I've compared my dad to a terrorist- God knows what he'll do next. I hope this entry will go through (unlike the one I wrote on the Virginia Tech Campus Massacre), and Dad and my stepmom (who compared my mom to Kim Basinger and supported Alec Baldwin) may be convicted by this entry, the tape played on FOX News or elsewhere, or something else.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Tax Time

I was searching for the verse of the day, and found this:

For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing. Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor. (Romans 13:6-7)

Very timely, I thought.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Not Blogging Much Lately, But Had To Blog This

I've focused more on politics outside of blogging. But this one I have to blog about. Country music is ruined. If you thought "Get Drunk and Be Somebody" was bad from "The Angry American", and "Hony-Tonk Badonkadonk" was just as bad as Don Imus' comments, wait until you see this:

PODCAST: Mr. Salama wants to be a country star

AP Photo/Courtesy ofKareemsalama.comThere's a lot of people gunning for a spot at the Grand Ole Opry: What makes Kareem Salama any different? Find out in this asap podcast. By CARA ANNA.

If the Grand Ole Opry would like me to come sing, I'd be happy to," Kareem Salama says.

Salama grew up an Oklahoma Muslim. Chicken-fried steak, trips to the rodeo every year. If he enjoyed writing songs, why wouldn't they be country? He made his debut in front of about 5,000 people at a national Muslim convention, and their response helped him decide to record his first album. He finished in September. Now he's working on his second while playing at college campuses (MIT, Swarthmore and elsewhere.)

More On Salama's bid for the Opry: Listen to the Podcast Here.

See the full article on AOL News. (©2007 AP/AOL, Inc.)

"American girls and American guys" have "put a boot up" their own "ass", because now "it's the American way" to act like an "ass" and allow anything to go, from Don Imus' and Jesse Jackson's mouths, to a man practicing the religion that allowed 3,000 Americans to fatally be attacked "to be a country star."