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Monday, March 20, 2017

OSU's Hillel & Real LGBTQ Homophobia ("Homophobia" Being Actually Discriminating Against Someone Simply For Being LGBTQ)

Ohio State University's branch of Hillel engaged in discrimination against LGBTQ students and other LGBTQ people in Ohio. Nowhere in Tanakh (also know as "The Old Testament" or "The Hebrew Bible") does it read, "Thou shalt cut off from thyselves any woman whose heart desireth not a man, and any man whose heart desireth not a woman."

One can oppose the LGBTQ lifestyle (e.g., "Thou shalt not lie with a man as one lies with a woman...") without discriminating against LGBTQ people ("I desire mercy over sacrifice...").

Please remind OSU's branch of Hillel to love their neighbors, including LGBTQ neighbors, as themselves.

Countdowns To Birthdays, An Anniversary That Happened Re Writing About Reilly Two Weeks Ago, &c.

Reilly will be three years old in five days on the Gregorian calendar, and Camille will be two years old in a week. Meanwhile, "Momma" is also remembering another milestone: exactly two weeks ago, two years passed since "Momma" became a mentoree to the main person whom inspired her to write about Reilly and become an author in general; and three weeks and two years will have passed since "Auntie Nicole" became a mentoree on Camille's birthday.

Of course, Reilly has example after example of when she's spoiled, whether it's her birthday or any other given day. As for "Momma", not so much—in fact, "Momma" wonders if God loves Reilly more than He loves herapparently, for example, it's good for "Momma" to be alone while it's not good for anyone else, notwithstanding that "Momma" needs a helpmate and Reilly needs a "Daddy". Also, how will "Momma" surely know, for instance, whether the guy is a total stranger or even one of the guys among guys and gals whom inspired "Momma" to write about Reilly, no matter what "Momma" thinks in regards to who is or might be Reilly's "Daddy"?

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Bark, Bite, Kick, Nose An Arm...aka, How Reilly Physically Expresses What She Thinks And Wants

For example:

  1. Barking: ranges from, e.g., "Hi" to "What is that?", to "I hate your guts [e.g., one of the neighbor's notorious-noisemaking cars]".
  2. Biting, non-play biting: ranges from, e.g., jealousy to dominance, to "**** off"—e.g., Reilly bit "Momma"'s hand when she was trying to bite Camille out of jealousy yesterday
  3. Kicking: Expressing displeasure from being rolled over when she barks inappropriately (as she kicked "Auntie Michelle" today when "Auntie Michelle" had to roll her over. She also kicks when she does not want one to stop a belly rub.
  4. Nosing one's arm, headbutting, etc.: wanting attention and/or trying to block or otherwise prevent someone from giving Camille or another puppy attention (as Reilly moved "Momma"'s arm out of Cam's reach when "Auntie Nicole" reached over to pet Cam). 
Reilly is definitely a spoiled brat (by God and humans alike). 🙂

Saturday, March 18, 2017

More Reil-ish or Rei-rish Luck

After a lucky St. Patrick's Day for Reilly, Reilly gets:

  1. An auspicious date for a week prior to her Gregorian birthday: the 18th. In Jewish tradition, "18" is "×—×™" or "life". She also gets a Yom Shabbat. Also, 1 + 8 + 3 with "3" for the third month = 12.
  2. Her Gregorian birthday is on the 25th, also a Yom Shabbat. 2 + 5 = 7. As for 2 + 5 + 3 = 10; and "10" is considered a number of perfection in many traditions.
PS God does use numbers as, at the least, reminders; and Reilly has both math and Shabbatot on her side this year. 

Friday, March 17, 2017

Luck Of The Reil-ish Or Luck Of the Rei-rish? Either Way...

Reilly had a better Saint Patrick's Day than "Momma". She and Camille (as one can see below with Camille snuggling one of the gifts, "Ducky") even got early birthday gifts (Brats! 😉)—and one of the gifts has green in it!

Reilly definitely got the luck of her name honorees (or the supposed-to-be luck, anyway—as they did not have easy lives!).

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: "Momma"'s OCD/Anxiety Is Flaring Up Because...

Her possible helpmate and Reilly's possible "Daddy" won't reach out to her and give her a clear answer, thus affecting her to be anxious, exhausted, etc.. Even last night, "Momma" stayed up thinking about her possible helpmate and Reilly's possible "Daddy"; and she's anxious enough to be nauseous right now.

She is not looking for any easy way out of anything at all—in fact, she's writing the books about Reilly and other books partly to be able to become an author with enough money to provide for Reilly and stand in her own right—nonetheless, that doesn't change that, for example, she needs help rolling over Reilly when Reilly barks inappropriately and carrying Reilly's water bowl back and forth (and "Mom-Mom" and "Auntie Michelle" criticize her for simply having to pour new water into Reilly's water bowl instead of dump the old water and pour completely new water). Besides, she wants to be able to walk Reilly  in the future and have someone with whom to walk with her and Reilly.

In any case, "Momma" thinks that her possible helpmate and Reilly's possible "Daddy" love her and Reilly, though she's just not sure. In addition and as aforestated, not having a clear answer from Her possible helpmate and Reilly's possible "Daddy" affects her to OCD/Anxiety flareups, etc. and be a bad "Momma" to Reilly. Furthermore, neither "Momma" nor Reilly are getting younger—and Reilly's Gregorian birthday is on the 25th of March.

Also, "Momma" has asked before what she needs to do to get her possible helpmate and Reilly's possible "Daddy" to reach out to her—the case isn't, as far as "Momma" knows, that he isn't strong enough to help her—in fact, he's quite strong enough to help her and Reilly. 

How Did Reilly And Camille Mark The Publication Of The New Book About Them?

How else did they mark the publication but by running outside when they weren't supposed to be in the backyard, eating nasties, and having to be bribed with treatsDe-ja-(Malti)poo!


  1. "Momma" knows that puppies really can't mark publications of books like that (or can they? At least Reilly did seem to understand "Momma" when "Momma" talked about how people read about her and Camille. Pets, and other animals, do have uncanny abilities to at least sometimes understand what humans think that they can't understand).
  2. Speaking of de-ja-(Malti)poo...a certain furball was curled up on a family-room chair and is now staring down and waiting for "Momma" in a "dogterly"-equivalent way to how "Momma" is waiting for the other person to whom Reilly is also supposed to be a "dogter". Maybe if "Momma" and Reilly have Jirish luck by St. Patrick's Day and/or one of Reilly's birthdays (be the birthday her Hebrew birthday or her Gregorian one....yehi ratzon Yehovah la'asot ratzono). ✡☘
At least Reilly and "Momma" have consistency in their lives...though it's not all good consistency.