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Showing posts with label pet parents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet parents. Show all posts

Friday, August 11, 2017

At Least Before Reilly's And Camille's Naptime...

Both of them actually cooperated (to at least some extent) in getting ready for naptime. Reilly actually found a "potty spot" when "Momma" took her outside after she rang the bell, and Camille (to whom "to at least some extent" actually applies) voluntary got into her crate (instead of letting "Auntie Nicole" get her stuff on her to take her "[to go] potty", though).

Of course, mazel usually—as the saying goes—doesn't strike twice in a day. After all, Reilly had to insist on not "find[ing] a potty spot" when "Momma" took her outside for the second time. At least Camille let "Auntie Nicole" get her harness and leash on her, and she "[found] a potty spot".

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

More "Peedy" Mishaps And A Stubborn Cam!

As if Reilly's "peedying" in "Momma"'s bed wasn't enough, Reilly refused to "find a potty spot" when "Momma" took her to "peedy". Not only that, but she would've chased a butterfly to eat if "Momma" had let her chase it—and having licked her lips from eating "nasties" and watching that butterfly, Reilly was ready to consider that butterfly a snack!

As for Camille, she refused to even let "Auntie Nicole" get her harness and leash on her. She also chose to growl at her when she tried to reach into her crate to get her and get her stuff onto her, and she growled at her again when she took over grooming for "Mom-Mom" and had to roll her over on her belly!

As for Reilly in terms of grooming, in contrast, Reilly was a relative angel for "Momma" and got one treat for finally coming onto the couch and another for letting "Momma" groom her. Reilly also didn't leave a hashtag mark on "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" like Camille did:

Blue filter and circle for clarity. Original caption: "Hashtag: #YepCamsscratchesreallylooklikethat "
Cam desperately wanted the last part of the second treat for her, and at least "Auntie Nicole" was able to get one quick swipe at her with the electric toothbrush!

Peeing In The Bed And Getting "Momma" Into Trouble!

Leave to Reilly's misbehavior to ruin a day which had a bright spot, as the (albe-lovable) brat "peedied" in "Momma"'s bed and "Momma" found out by somehow getting wet feet when she got under her blankets! "Momma"—of course—got blamed and had to change her sheets, despite that "Auntie Michelle" should've taken out Reilly again when Reilly didn't "peedy" the first time—and despite "Auntie Michelle"'s excuse of having to get to bed early—leave 5'-5'1.75" "Momma" with Cerebral Palsy and Scoliosis to have to either take Reilly out and risk her and Reilly's lives, or have Reilly end up "peedying" in "Momma"'s bed!

At least "Mom-Mom" doesn't trust "Auntie Michelle" to Reilly to "go potty" at nighttime anymore—"Momma" nonetheless needs a helpmate for herself and a "Daddy" for Reilly, partly since "Momma"'s not wanting to have to depend on "Mom-Mom"'s (with-strings-attached) assistance and "Auntie Michelle"'s (ultimate lack of) assistance in the long term!

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Mostly Offbeat: A Bright Spot In "Momma"'s Day

When "Mom-Mom" was driving "Momma" to meet another relative for lunch, "Momma" had mentioned that she remembers when she went there with "Mom-Mom" and "Pop-Pop" separately—not, despite "Mom-Mom"'s misunderstanding of what "Momma" meant, together at any one time. When "Momma" clarified what she meant, "Mom-Mom" mentioned two different people with whom they had been separate times at the restaurant (though "Momma"—and, thus, "Mom-Mom"— actually confused the names of the restaurant at which they had been and the one to which "Momma" was going).

One of the people who "Mom-Mom" mentioned was one whom "Momma" hadn't her mention in a long time—maybe that's a sign for "Momma" and Reilly for which "Momma" wasn't even looking.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Well, At Least...

Reilly didn't get into the bathroom trash when somebody left the bathroom door yesterday. Nonetheless, she misbehaved quite a bit. For example, even though "Momma" had taken her to "go potty" when she rang the bell the first time, she decided to not ring the bell the second time. In fact, she decided to not even "go potty" outside—and "Momma" found a puddle on the hallway carpet.

As "Momma" has mentioned, Reilly has lo kavod for her 5'0"-5'1.75" ima katanah—or at least she has a very-minimal amount!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

A Long Story Short, &c.: e.g., "Momma" Got Blamed For What Reilly Did

Never mind that, for example:

  1. "Momma" explicitly told Reilly to stay while she was going to get something outside, and Reilly decided to be a trickster and burst out the door.
  2. "Momma" has Cerebral Palsy and can't be as fast or strong as "Momma", "Auntie Michelle", or "Momma"'s possible helpmate and Reilly's possible "Daddy"¹—and that Reilly takes advantage of that fact, despite that she doesn't quite understand that "Momma" has C.P. and Scoliosis with a ~5"1.75 height (Last she heard, she's actually ~5"0 now—getting older and shrinking already).
  3. Reilly explicitly disobeyed orders to, for example, stop eating birdseed and get out of "Mom-Mom"'s garden.
"Mom-Mom", of course, doesn't believe that sometimes puppies are at fault—and "Momma"'s 27 and still got into trouble like a seven-year-old child. 🙄

Meanwhile, "Momma" told "Auntie Michelle" one more disadvantage of debarking Reilly: that she would no longer have her unique barks, such as when she plays with "Mom-Mom" or greets the aide that comes over every day to help "Momma" get out and walk (at "Mom-Mom"'s insistence—just in general, having an aide at 27 years old is quite embarrassing for "Momma").

¹ Incidental note to him: Por favor a menos que Díos quiere de otra manera, no renuncie a mí y Reily— espereme y Reily—no haya dejado a tí.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: Debarking Reilly?....

Bad idea! Despite "Auntie Michelle"'s suggestion, Reilly does not need to be debarked. Besides:

  1. If two certain family members of "Momma" helped use the "Who rules?"-roll-over, spray-bottle, and muzzle techniques more, maybe Reilly would really get that "No bark" means "No bark"; and that one less creature would be able to step all over "Momma", albe Reilly is learning her albe-unintentionally-ableist behavior from "Auntie Michelle" and "Mom-Mom".
  2. "Momma" keeps looking forward to the hope of a certain someone being a helpmate to "Momma" and someone whom will willingly help her be the kind of "Momma" to Reilly that Reilly needs.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Excerpt From An Upcoming Book: The Ole Field Five, Plus One! (Language Warning)

Just before I began to write this, I'd been planning to write about the gang in my neighborhood whom I call "The Old Field Five". Then my sister told me about another Old Fielder whom's coming into the neighborhood (God willing). Thus (again, God willing), there's now the Ole Field Six—or at least there will be an "Ole Field Six" if "Ole Field Six" has a ring to it (and again, if God wills—and mind you, everything—whether for good or for evil—should have the "If God wills" caveat with it.)

As for the Ole Field Five being the Ole Field Five...just as I've said about everything else in this book, shit that I can't make up and other stuff—and this falls into the category of other stuff!

I won't say what neighborhood is my neighborhood (or what's my neighborhood for now, anyway—God willing, I'm making aliyah and calling another neighborhood  truly  my neighborhood someday—I as a Jew don't belong in the Diaspora, and didn't belong in the Diaspora even when I didn't know that I'm Jewish). After all, that I as a Jew, woman, and person with disabilities am vulnerable enough without the Anti-Semitic misogynists and ableists knowing where I (even temporarily) live. Besides, since all of us whom are Jews are responsible for one another and are to love our neighbors as ourselves, I as a Jew would be putting my Jewish and gentile neighbors in danger if I stated where exactly the Ole Field Five are neighbors and will have a sixth Ole Fielder as a neighbor soon.

In addition, I have especially my own Ole Fielder, Reilly Rosalita, to protect—Reilly trusts her "Momma" to not let anyone hurt her, notwithstanding that there are sadly quite a few people whom would like to hurt Reilly's "Momma" by trying to hurt Reilly—and I am well aware of how cruel people can be. I'm also aware that I have part of the legacy of a family friend named Diane to continue, since there'd be no Ole Field Five without Diane—after all, she referred us to Ole Field Farm's owner, Joyce Fleming, and she surely wouldn't anybody hurting me or Reilly, let alone any of the owners of the other Old Field Fivers (including my sister) or any of the Old Field Fivers (including Camille, my sister's Maltipoo and Reilly's once-removed cousin).

Speaking of Diane and her legacy, here's more shit that I can't make up: while she got to meet Reilly the last time that she saw us, she got to meet only Reilly during the last time that she would ever see us in this lifetime. She didn't even get to meet Camille before she died, and Camille wasn't even born until shortly before she died—Camille was born in March of 2015, and Diane died of Lou Gehrig's Disease in July of 2015.

Even shittier was the way that we found out that she'd never have a chance to meet Camille in this lifetime: someone called us to tell us that she died of ALS. What made that shitty for us was that:

  1. We now understood that the last time that we saw her would be the last time that we'd ever see her in this lifetime.
  2. Her last visit with us was marred for her by the fact that she was going through the final stages of ALS/Lou Gehrig's Disease, not to mention that her decline due to Lou Gehrig's Disease (about which we had no idea, despite that it was happening in front of us) was exacerbated by the distress due to the then-recent death of her brother to whom she was very close (about which we did know and which she mentioned). We didn't even know that she had Lou Gehrig's Disease in the first place, and we felt bad that we couldn't help her as her ALS and her distress over her brother's death affected her significantly!
  3. She referred us to Joyce only to have her once chance to meet Reilly affected by the throes of end-stage ALS flareups!
Only God understands why He had that happen to Diane, and it nonetheless hurts. I've even said that to the owners of Camille's maternal sister Shelby (whom Diane would've also loved to have met—and they got Shelby because they wanted to get a puppy from whomever we got Reilly and Camille—and neither did she get to meet Shelby nor did they get to meet the person whom referred their own reference to Joyce in the first place. 

At least she'll get to meet Camille and Shelby at the Resurrection; and she'll get to meet:
  1.  Fenway—whose owners, as far as I know, were actually the only ones whom were not referred to Joyce by Diane, anyone to whom Diane referred Joyce, or anyone whom was referred to Joyce by Diane and referred others to Joyce in turn.
  2. Solo, to whose owners Shelby owner's referred to Joyce—and maybe I'll get to meet Solo then, too, since I have yet to meet him!
  3. Whomever the Old Field Sixer ends up being.
Incidentally, "Ole Field Six" does seem to have a ring to it—go figure! 

When "Auntie Nicole" Encouraged Bad And Smart Puppy Behavior, Etc.

Assuming that "Mom-Mom" is correct about why Camille looked out the window and barked before getting the wishbone toy at one point, Camille tricked Reilly to get her away from the wishbone toy. As "Auntie Nicole" recalls, Camille has also done this at least once before—and Maltipoos are definitely very intelligent and Camille is a ¾-Toy Poodle Maltipoo, she could very well be intelligent enough to trick Reilly like that.

Of course, "Auntie Nicole" went—through she as "Momma" apologized to Reilly before she went—and encouraged Camille with "Good puppy!" Mind you, "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" thought about the implications of encouraging mean and seemingly-Tr**pesque behavior, although Camille has no Tr**pesque intentions or inclinations—besides, puppies of all ages are like two- to three-year-old humans, not malicious 70-year-old aspiring dictators whom deliberately make two- to three-year-old humans look mature in comparison.

By the way "Momma" and Reilly have even prayed to God for deliverance from D****d Tr**p from time to time when they say their prayers¹.

Also by the way, "Auntie Nicole" just remembered something regarding names and nicknames: "Mimi"/"Auntie Nicole" doesn't like when "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" jokingly calls Camille "Camilla Barker-Paws", and she'll (as she did once) try a flat-falling response by calling Reilly "Reilly Palin" (at"Mom-Mom"'s suggestion). Clearly, she takes umbrage to a punny kind of nickname and follows up with an attempt to insult "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" and Reilly by coming up with a nickname for Reilly that makes no linguistic or humoristic sense such as "Reilly Palin".

As far as "Reilly Palin" is and was concerned, by the way, Momma" even suggested that "Auntie Michelle" and "Mom-Mom" come up with something like "Reisy O'Donnell" if they were going to try to be insulting and punny, though—albe "Momma" doesn't agree with Rosie O'Donnell on most subjects—that's kind of hard when "Momma" does agree with Rosie O'Donnell about D****d Tr**p—albe for some differing reasons, as Tr**p is a RINO and Rosie O'Donnell sees him as a Republican (though this is another discussion¹).

¹And speaking of prayers, "Momma" has a quick message for a certain someone: ¡te extraño y amaría ver cómo Reily reacta a tí si (y, si Yejovah quiere, cuando) ella conocete algún día (y, si Yejovah quiere, algún día pronto)! Incidentemente, fuiste correcto con respecto a al menos algunos personas en Noticiario Fox: ojalá que pudiera que digo que no eras. Además, pudiera hablar contigo de estos temas—¡lo cual no pudeo hacer con dos paritdarias de Trump en la casa, y lo cual no pudeo hacer con Reily como puedo hacer con miembros de la raza humana! 

Friday, July 28, 2017

Update On Camille's Hebrew Name

For a name meaning "perfect one" ("Camille"), "Auntie Nicole" should've gone with "שלומית" ("Sh'lomit") or "שלמה" ("Shelemah")—both of which relate to "שלום". To not figure out that a name that means "perfect peace" took "Auntie Nicole" failing to consider and/or know:

  1. Having at least two people with a Greek-English equivalent of "Shelomit" in the family—as if Camille wasn't already inadvertently named after another relative of "Auntie Nicole" and "Mimi", there you go.
  2. "שלמה" ("complete", "whole", "full", etc..) as a derivative of "שלום".
To be fair, "Auntie Nicole"'s mind has also been a little fogged up by a case of possible RSV for a week and other contributing factors over the years¹.

¹Including long-standing heartbrokeness re to someone whom continues to leave "Momma" confused as to what he wants, and confusion and heartbreak only hurt "Momma"'s being a good "Momma" to Reilly—not to mention hurt "Momma" as a person overall—and speaking of perfect peace, ¡si solo él hablara con ella! Yejovah quiere, de todos modos.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Your Turn, Camille: Happy 2 ⅓-Gregorian-Year Birthday, Reilly!

You are very lucky that you didn't get hurt jumping from that height!

Cam, Reilly is still an alpha over you! (Puppies "kiss" in order to either show dominance, clean each other's teeth, or extract food or other items from each other's teeth.)

Camille gave Reilly a usual ear cleaning! 

She wanted "Hippo" here!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Happy 3 ⅓-Gregorian-Year Birthday, Reilly!

Despite that both Reilly and "Momma" are only getting older, and that "Momma" has a cold (or RSV), Reilly's bittersweet (or at-least-bittersweet-for-"Momma") milestone day was a good day (at least for Reilly. For "Momma", it wasn't an unusual day—החיים, זה מה זה לאותה.). Reilly even voluntarily rolled over to get her belly brushed with the electric toothbrush during grooming time when she heard, "Let's get your belly brushed!"

Resting by "Momma"

"Momma" rubbing Reilly's belly to get Reilly to look at the camera

Monday, July 24, 2017

Mostly Offbeat: "Momma" Now Has A Cold & One More Impediment To Being A Better "Momma" To Reilly

Meanwhile, Reilly hasn't exactly behaved too much better than usual for "Momma"—though she's still a (or at least a relatively-) loyal "dogter" (although misbehavior doesn't exactly constitute loyalty, notwithstanding that the misbehaviors of puppies of all ages is comparable to the misbehavior of human children of infant to pre-kindergartner ages—in other words, Reilly's human-child-like mischievousness can still be frustrating despite that it isn't human-like brazen disobedience).

By the way, as shown from earlier, "Momma" and Reilly did get some fresh air on the back porch—so, "Momma" is trying to give herself a refu'ah shelemah from the cold and take care of Reilly as best as she can, and not just kvetch about being cholah due to a cold (and being cholah k'ronit due to having Cerebral Palsy and mental illnesses—the OCD/Anxiety of which, for example, affected "Momma" negatively last night when she was simply making herself an omelette with garlic in order to try to eat something and expedite the refu'ah shelemah from the cold, despite that she painstakingly attempted to observe safety precautions and Reilly was in the other room most of the time. Raw eggs + garlic + worry about Reilly = perfect combination to get a "Mamaleh" whose sick with a cold to have an OCD/Anxiety flareup and an exacerbated cold!).

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Again, Reisilicita? Once Again....

Reilly attempted to knock Camille off of "Mom-Mom"'s lap, for all intents and purposes—understandably, Camille growled at Reilly (although "Mom-Mom" thought that Camille was growling at her for rolling her over on her back. "Mom-Mom" had to convince Camille that she would not allow her to be hurt by Reilly), of whom Camille was afraid!

PS Reilly rolled onto her back for "Mom-Mom" to "get her belly" and "is getting an extra treat"! Camille is not happy about that. 

Like Stealing Food From A Puppy...Oh; Wait. And An Incidental Note

After Reilly and Camille had their evening "num nums", enough wet food for them to have a little extra food (or dessert or whatever one wants to call the leftover food) was left in the recently-opened can. As happens at every other time when a new can's been opened and someone has to put away the food that wasn't served, then, whoever put the unserved food in a jar to refrigerate it gave the last little bits of food from the can to them—and the "whoever" this time was "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole"—and this time's whoever had to eventually block her "dogter" from attempting to take her furniece's share of the food from the furniece (including by trying to block the furniece, whom had to try to counterblock the "dogter").

About three separate times, "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" had to take the spoon with the wet food on it from Camille to keep it out of Reilly's covetous reach, especially since Reilly wouldn't remain sitting and let Camille have her portion of the extra "num nums"—and of course, leave Reilly to get "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" into trouble with "Mom-Mom" for not just giving Camille her fair share of the extra "num nums"!

"Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" finally had to have Reilly sit and put her hand on Reilly's back to have her remain sitting while Camille got her extra share of the "num nums".

Just like Reilly to get "Momma" into trouble, like stealing food from a puppy...oh wait,,,,well, by trying to steal food from another puppy—for as much as Reilly is a lovable brat, Reilly is a brat; and for as much as she is a brat, she is a lovable brat!

PS "Momma" and Reilly (at least try to) never forget to pray for everyone, especially for whomever "Momma"'s helpmate and Reilly's "Daddy" is (especially if he is whom "Momma" thinks that he is), every day—please don't think that "Momma" doesn't care about anybody else, and nobody has to doubt that Reilly (who even gets jealous for everyone's attention!) cares for everyone!

Friday, July 21, 2017

Throwback Thursday: When Reilly Tried To Knock Camille Off Of "Mom-Mom"'s Lap!

That Reilly wants something when she wants something is well known, and also well known is that Camille usually ends up getting the brunt of Reilly's "I want it, and I want it now!" antics. So, that Reilly attempted to knock Camille off of "Mom-Mom"'s lap during a recent grooming session should not surprise anyone. Nonetheless, "Momma" was a little surprised that Reilly would try to knock Camille off of "Mom-Mom"'s lap, as was "Mom-Mom".

As "Momma" has said, Hell hath no fury like a jealous Reilly; and Reilly was certainly jealous for the treats that she would get in exchange for allowing "Mom-Mom" to run the electric toothbrush over her!