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Showing posts with label youtube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label youtube. Show all posts

Monday, July 23, 2012

YouTube Keeps Censoring This...

But it is very important to note:

  1. James Holmes was an agnostic gentile.
  2. For a Messianic Jew to speak out where the ADL won't is not hate speech.
  3. The ADL had a duty to speak out and they dropped the ball, surprisingly given the revelations that James Holmes worked out Camp Max Straus and that the Anti Semites would have a field day with that; and that if a Mohammedian had committed the crime, the ADL and others would be quick to say that he or she does not reflect all Mohammedians. 
  4. I do not control what people search. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

What Constitutes "Lies R Us" And Other Personal Attacks?

With all due respect to Bill O'Reilly, one can't say that--for example--that part of "Lies R Us" includes calling out my family, asking the legitimate questions about Toby Keith and exposing Cathy Dallwig (the so-called "Caring Director"), Mike Khandjian (the "pastor" who called the Aron HaB'rit a "holy piece of furniture") and the rest of Chapelgate Presbyterian Church, even though I vowed never to talk about them again, though they remain as-yet unapologetic examples.

By the way, I have never received an apology once. I did, however, during that contentious time, receive a lawsuit threat from Steve Dallwig--sorry, bud; but your wife's a public figure within a known religious institution, and--as far as I know--I was generous not to mention or even much remember your catty lawsuit threat until now. Also, the people who are making people run in droves from the Church nowadays and into, say, Buddhism and Atheism are people like you and your "Caring Director" wife--who is supposed to reach out to people like me when we go AWOL from church, because (for example) our disabilities leave us  from being able to ride to church (which, thank G-d, mine did) or even crippled in corners within our own houses and dead (and what a shame having a dead body of a church, now-ex, church member would've been if the case were that I wasn't coming to church because I was dead and nobody from Chapelgate--e.g., the "Caring Director"--called my house or e-mailed to ask if I was okay). By the way, I give credit to one church member for reaching out to me during that time (the aspects of which still crawl under my skin from time and time), and that church member certainly isn't among the Dallwigs.

Therefore--as I said--,with all due respect to Bill O'Reilly and using the Dallwigs as examples, I am (and others aren't) engaging in "Lies R Us", "personal attacks", and "smearing"--I am (and others are) following the advice to "Call it like you see it"; especially when "it" concerns even apparently-low-level, supposedly-private-citizen figures like the Dallwigs who are an example of Laodicea

By the way, I'm like an elephant: I never forget. I forgive; I don't begrudge; but I never forget, and I warn others when they need to be warned and use examples when they need to be used. Also, I'm happy at my new church home; as I said, I just warn others when they need to be warned because I don't want to them to fall into the pitfall and hole that I was in for years--and I'm still waiting for the necessary apologies:

  1. From "Pastor" Mike Khandjian for demeaning and degrading what he (if he paid attention in seminary at all) knows that we also call Ha'Aron-HaKodesh--the Holy Ark, not "a holy piece of furniture" that one can use and/or abuse anytime that he or she likes. I'm waiting for an apology to me and my people--many of whom won't turn to Jesus because foolish "pastors" degrade the very Aron-HaKodesh that held a representation of Yeshua--in fact, part of Yeshua in written form (since the Ten Commandments are part of the Word of G-d, who became flesh).
  2. From the Dallwigs. As I said, "I don't begrude; but I never forget, and I warn others when they need to be warned and use examples when they need to be used." Because of catty, fraudulent, unBiblical lawsuit threats and not being an actual "Caring Director", the Dallwigs get used as examples of why Chapelgate is part of Laodicea. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Toby Keith Trolls Can't Beat Statistics That Back Me and Others Up...

My last blog entry sampled the following facts:

  1. There is an allegation out there that Toby Keith cheats on his wife.
  2. I did not make up said allegation against Toby Keith.
  3. This is not a lone or isolated allegation.
  4. There are specifics included with at least two of those allegations.
  5. Toby Keith fans and insiders need to learn: trolls self harm. By trying to shut people up, they're only affecting people to further beg the question.
  6. If (and presumably, when), as the old saying goes, the **** hits the fan, you will be very disappointed in your idol (your false g-d) Toby Keith and yourselves.
  7. The only ones with a problem that such an allegation exists are Toby Keith fans and insiders. Other people are seeking the truth and realize that celebrities are just as human as anyone else, and can and do make mistakes. Case in point, the same two trolls were the only ones who disliked my latest YouTube videos.

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Following Exchange Only Proves My Points About Toby and Krystal Keith, Etc.

By the way, correct grammar and spelling may have helped his argument--if it would have, anyway.
  • As a personal friend of the Keith family and spending years working with Krystal You are an idiot! There is a reason she took her fathers name, and the reason that she is playing in her dads bars? Probably because her dad wont give her everything and isnt going to let her piggy back. She has to start somewhere. You supposedly have all these "genious" Ideas why are you making youtube videos and not a professional musician? I make this promise she will be ten times bigger then ur videos ever will!
  • And who are you, Mr. Presumptuous? I wanted to be a country singer once. Then I learned how corrupt the country music world is. Besides, you're only proving my points about Toby Keith and his corrupt inner circle.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Back To The Future?

As I stated on Twitter, "Yeah, I've dreamed about that. But one learns enough in the present so that time travel isn't a good idea." In other words, G-d made us so that we learn what we learn, can't change the past from which we learn whatever we learn, and be as satisfied with what we learn as we can. If we're satisfied with what we learn (not necessarily happy or joyful, but content and accepting that what happened, happened), we can use what we learn to affect the present and the future as much as humanly possible.

For example, I can't change that Great-Grandma Gaydos did what she did to Vilmosz's side of the family. But I can learn from what she did and make sure that none of our family--or at least as few as possible--ever pull a kapoesque stunt again. I can't change what Great-Granddad Czarnecki's parents did, but I can rejoice in my Jewish heritage and Messianic Jewishness--and that also what they did helped lead me to salvation, although their intent was only to be Anusim to avoid Anti Semitism in both Polish and America. I can't learn everything else about my families' histories in this lifetime, but I can seek out to know what I can and be content with what I know.

Besides, I'd rather have a moment like this:

Than a "Back to the Future" moment. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Does Toby Keith Cheat On His Wife? I Didn't Make Up the Question...

I've heard that, that allegation is out there. He certainly verbally abuses children, so that he cheats wouldn't surprise me; and I don't know about you, but (and skip to 0:10) I consider this cheating:

There are other instances of this.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania arrived from on "The Nicole Factor: Toby Keith Sure Isn't "Country As Conbread" or "Good As He Once Was" Anymore..." by searching for does toby keith cheat on his wife.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

My Mission Statement, At Least In Short

I would rather make and have enemies for the right reasons than make and have friends for the wrong reasons; and I have people in my own family that I don't like and maybe'd even hate if doing so was Christian. So, if anyone's got an issue with me not liking them, too bad. As bad role model Eminem quoted, "You got enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." After all, while I'm not Jesus, I'm called to be like in Jesus in that (as someone once pointed out about Jesus) He didn't come here to make anyone comfortable--in fact, He came here to make the comfortable uncomfortable.

I've made all kinds of people uncomfortable--Blacks, Jews, Whites--and I'm a Jew of White descent--; heterosexuals, homosexuals; fellow Christians, Mohamedians, and on the list goes. If I wanted to be comfortable, I'd "shut up and grow up" as my cousin defines "grow[ing] up"--and what a fool! She doesn't know how corrupt the Czarneckis et. al. are, and she doesn't know who are of the righteous remnant among them. 

If I wanted to be comfortable, I'd be anything but a Christian--I'd perhaps be a Non-Evangelical Catholic or a Reform Jew. Why not? After all, both Reform Judaism and Catholicism have strains that teach that:

"Heaven is not a gated community. The righteous of any people and any faith have a place in it. Our actions, not our specific beliefs, determine our fate. No concept of Hell exists in Judaism. The closest we get is the fate of apostate (a person who renounces God, faith and morality in this world), who is said to be “cut off from his kin.”"

By the way, they're in for a literal Hell of a surprise--Heaven is a gated community and nobody gets to Heaven but through Yeshua (Jesus). I could go on, but you get to the point: as an old saying goes, "I please only one person a day. Today is not your day"--and no day is your or anyone else's day, because every day is (or should be) Yeshua's.

How Bloggers, YouTubers, Etc. Can Honestly Do Powerful Things...

For example, Brett McGurk (if the allegations are true) is in trouble and ruined his own career thanks to blogger Peter Van Buren. As for examples who I've blogged about, my unbelievably-corrupt family (among whom there is a righteous remnant who I've acknowledged), Toby and Krystal Keith, and Chapelgate Presbyterian Church. When I blog, record a YouTube video, etc.; I try to do what I can with what I have where I am--in order words, I try to do everything legally, ethically, and morally. This means that I don't hack (e.g., I see what I can on Facebook and only what I can see. I don't do password stealing or anything; and even if I knew how to hack, etc., I wouldn't do it--though it might be tempting in some cases--admittedly, I might love to hack into my dad's and grandparents' email accounts to see what they're saying and to whom they're talking about me, what I've found out, etc.).

By the way, I'm still dis- or un-recommending (however you'd like to say "not [or no longer]" recommending) any association with the people and organizations who I've dis- or un-recommended in the past--that is, unless your association can be for the good or better of them or (if nothing else) the better of everyone else. But remember, "Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.”" In other words, you will be corrupted by whom you are around if you do not have strong filters. "I know and am convinced by the Lord Jesus that there is nothing unclean of itself; but to him who considers anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean".

If you can even be around certain people, organizations, etc. (much less read their books, listen to their music, watch their shows, etc.), more ko'ach to you. However, since ""“The heart is deceitful above all things, [a]nd desperately wicked" and--even if you're a believer, you may not have the filters, be careful with whom you associate or toward whom you gravitate in any way, shape, or form. "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" and "[a]s in water face reflects face, [s]o a man’s heart reveals the man."

Monday, June 4, 2012

Friday, April 20, 2012

I've Been Busy Lately, But...

One would think that more people would be looking at my blog (part of which you're reading at present), YouTube channel, @Nickidewbear Twitter account, and Facebook page. Alas, I've gained only a few more followers on Twitter, a few more subscribers on YouTube, and one more "Like" on Facebook. What do I have to do to get more Klout and Kred (puns intended)? I'm not trying to make this all (again, pun intended), but I would like to get LinkedIn.

If nothing else, I'm hopefully skilled at making puns. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

An Example Of How My Critics Work

I've held this back for a while; but give how much criticism I've gotten just within the past day, I figured that now's the time to blog about this-- and to get this blog entry out of the way before Pesach. For example, I see who one of my critics re  is now. "The highlight of my winter each year! Krystal Keith's debut album coming out early summer! Get it!! She is genuine...called My Hailey with a word of encouragement! She didn't have to! I love my friends from Norman, OK! They have gone beyond measure to make a poor boy from Podunk South Carolina....feel u guys! shannon tanner". He's piggybacking for fame! As I implied, I see how he works.

Most of my critics are like Shannon Tanner, I realize: that is; users and abusers of others, and otherwise vain lovers of the self.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

My Last YouTube Video...

April Fool's! 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How I Know That the Psychological Factors, Not The Sociocultural Factors, Are What Make Or Break A Woman...

Not to brag; but-- and my YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and other followers know this-- I am a living testimony to that. I'm not Rosa Parks, who had to overcome the sociocultural factor of WASP Male Supremacism in the 1950s. I'm not my Grandaunt MaryAnn, who (though I dislike much of what she has done over the years) I have to give credit for coming from a poor, working-class, Crypto-Jewish Catholic family in Great-Depression-downtrodden Ashley, Pennsylvania and earning a Ph.D. in Home Economics and teaching at Mansfield State College (now Mansfield University). As for what I dislike, by the way-- and my Internet followers know this--; she, to make a long story short, has unfortunately given in to familial sociocultural factors that are trying to psychologically influence her to be brought down.

I'm not a whole bunch of other great women, either. But I have my own psychological factors and sociocultural influences that I can't let get to me. Incidentally, I can somewhat sympathize with Grandaunt MaryAnn in some ways: after all, she is my grandaunt and shares many familial sociocultural factors with me. Of course, as I implied, I am mixed in sympathizing with Grandaunt MaryAnn; because as I stated, I dislike much of what she has done over the years-- and much of what she's dislikeably done involves giving in to familial sociocultural factors that are trying to psychologically influence her to be brought down.

Anyway, as I hinted, I'm just a normal woman and I have psychological factors and sociological influences that I can't let defeat me. I have Obssessive Compulsive Disorder, Anxiety, Depression which has influenced me to even almost take my life, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (a genetic and familial sociological factor), possible Aspberger's, unmedicated Attention Deficit Disorder, possible Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (because I was all but sexually abused by my dad-- and thank G-d that I was never sexually abused by him. The verbal, mental, some physical, and other abuse was enough. Anyway, continuing the list, I have; among other factors to deal with) divorced parents and Cerebral Palsy (and being a woman with a disability in any culture plays is a sociological factor that influences psychological factors).

I darned well know that if I can overcome (or at least mange) my psychological factors and at least try to not let the sociocultural factors get to me, these women-- even women who live in Third-World and cave-riddled Mohamedian countries-- can get Information Systems, Engineering, Biochemistry, and other Science, Technology, and Math Degrees if they want to-- even if (so to speak) the road is longer and harder for them. Besides, some of these women-- for example, in Tora Bora and Abbottabad-- are using sciences, technologies, and maths to (sadly and unfortunately) be the next suicide bombers or suppliers for Al Qadea, or-- in countries like Thailand-- recruiters for the sex-slave and other human-trafficking trades.

In conclusion, I am thoroughly and well convinced that even in Third-World Countries where women can and do use sciences, technologies, and math for bad; women can use sciences, technologies, and maths for good-- such as earning their Information Systems, Engineering, or Biochemistry degrees--, and even improve their sociological and cultural realms by overcoming the psychological factors that they let stifle them. By overcoming the stifiling psychological factors, they can and will overcome the sociocultural factors that try to bring their psyches down and not let them earn their science, technology, and math degrees.

All they need to do-- if, how, where, and when they can-- is to look to women, past and present, like the late Rosa Parks and like Dr. MaryAnn Gaydos, and even-- perhaps-- to women like me.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Unlike Krystal Keith, I Can Make My Own Name In My Own Right

I simply suggested that Krystal Keith make a name in her own right, and I got these smartass, elitist comments back:
  • I think to comment on something as personal as a career decision for an should at the very least..know don't...your point however unmerited, is considered..You should use your vast energy on self improvement...take a speech more books...I Know the Family...Krystal is an amazing young woman, not only talented singer/songwriter...but polished and educated...I am sure she, along with her family will make wise decisions regarding her future!
  • Good for you, Mr. Self Righteous and Know It All.
  • By the way, "Whenever you feel like criticizing any one, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had."
  • She has the talent to stand on her own with a voice like hers. Please tell us why the album release delayed since you know so much. You could have said blah, blah, blah, blah and it would have been just inmpressive. I can see no reason why she WOULDN'T use her Dad's connection. Are you telling us that no one knew Roseanne Cash was Johnny's daughter or that no one could figure out that Hank Williams Jr was the son of Hank Williams Sr.?
    Insanity must be running rampant! You're delusional.
  • Did Kate Hudson use momma Goldie Hawn's connection? No. In fact, she even turned a role with stepddad Kurt Russell down. Why? She wanted to make her own name in her own right. Regardless of talent, @KrystalKeith will be only her dad's daughter if she doesn't break out and make a name in her own right on a different record label than her dad's and with a different debut song than "Daddy, Dance With Me".
  • ok I've gotta say don't know here and you don't know what is going through her have no idea why the album has actually been postponed... I mean yeah she might want some fame and stuff but who in music industry hasn't used famous last names to get connections?...lay off Krystal you stupid idiots=.=
  • @Malisaofthesand I can tell what a nice and charming person that you're not. Firstly, riding on Dad's, Mom's, or whoever else's coat tails and using his or her name usually puts an aspiring celebrity in the shadow of the already-famous person. Look at Kate Hudson, Goldie Hawn's daughter-- she didn't ride her mom's or stepdad's coat tails, or use either one of their names; and she made a career for herself instead of off of Goldie and Kurt. Look at Whitney Houston in the music industry even.
  • @Malisaofthesand Whitney Houston didn't use Cissy Jackson Houston (Cissy Jackson) or Dionne Warwick to have a name or career-- she didn't take either one of their names or use them as much as she could have, and she made a name and career of her own. So your "[W]ho in [the] music[-- or any other--] industry hasn't used famous last names to get connections?" question has been answered.
  • ok seriously you have me laughing my ass off dear. First I don't need you sitting here listing off things to justify your accusations. In all honesty dear you waste your time & effort sitting here lecturing me on what I think...what a life you must have. like I told you, you don't know the reasons behind whats going on you may know just gossip for all you know. You have no true hard facts to proove why she is really doing what she is doing. Leave gossip to the news
  • Seriously? Ever think she may not want too much fame? Could it be that she is perfectly happy doing what she is doing? Say what? Hank Williams JR didn't use the family name? Rosey Cash didn't use the family name? Whose family names were they using? Krystal seems happy doing exactly what she is happy for her, how about that!
  • @Dafoxxy310 She wants fame alright. She's on her dad's label and touring the OKC and Tulsa circuts. But that won't be enough.

I take comfort in this: unlike Krystal "Krystal Keith" Covel Sandubrae, I'm making my own name in my own right. I'm not using my dad's and granddad's name to get me into the door: in fact, I've been very vocal in revealing that Jack Czarnecki is the Self-Hating-Jewish, now-former IRS Agent who refused to take a stand for his Jewishness while bringing Anti Semite Richard Nixon down with tax papers during Watergate-- I've been a critic of that he missed his opportunity to (so to speak) kill two birds with one stone. I've also called him out for the murderer that he is.

I've also called out other notable and aspiring-famous connections in my family: Matt Turner, Marcela "Mia" J. Danilowicz, and Ashley Wojnar-- all fame aspirers-- and former Mansfield State College (now Mansfield University) professor Dr. MaryAnn Gaydos-- for her coverup of a what her American kapo of a mother did. So, I-- unlike Krystal-- have had people to call out in my family; thus, I have had names that I am unable to use and doors shoved into my face that I have had to unshove, swing back closed, and reopen for myself.

I also can't use the DeBoy name. Why? I'm not going into Hollywood like Paul and PJ; and even though PJ's not going to like me for saying this (which is another reason why I can't use the DeBoy name, by the way), I'm not exactly supportive of that he's in a relationship with Paul Dawson. I'm also the one who found out that we're related through both sisters Catherine and Christina Pelz DeBoy, and through brothers (and the Pelz sisters' respective husbands) Jean "John" Adam and Ferdinand DeBoy.

As for Delegate Steve DeBoy, he's a Democrat and I'm a Republican-- same with my uncle Steve Allen (who works for Martin O'Malley) and me. I can't use them as connections, either. So not only can I not use the Pelz-DeBoy name; I can't use the Pelz-DeBoy-Farrell name.

So, as a JIrish (Jewish Irish) Republican Christian who's in dissent with some aspects of certain family members, who's even called out family members, and who otherwise can't use family names; I will let my detractors and Krystal Keith's slobberers know that unlike their precious Krystal Keith, at least I'm making a name in my own right, in addition to overcoming some disadvantages to me and infamy within my family.