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Showing posts with label events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label events. Show all posts

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: "Momma"'s OCD/Anxiety Is Flaring Up Because...

Her possible helpmate and Reilly's possible "Daddy" won't reach out to her and give her a clear answer, thus affecting her to be anxious, exhausted, etc.. Even last night, "Momma" stayed up thinking about her possible helpmate and Reilly's possible "Daddy"; and she's anxious enough to be nauseous right now.

She is not looking for any easy way out of anything at all—in fact, she's writing the books about Reilly and other books partly to be able to become an author with enough money to provide for Reilly and stand in her own right—nonetheless, that doesn't change that, for example, she needs help rolling over Reilly when Reilly barks inappropriately and carrying Reilly's water bowl back and forth (and "Mom-Mom" and "Auntie Michelle" criticize her for simply having to pour new water into Reilly's water bowl instead of dump the old water and pour completely new water). Besides, she wants to be able to walk Reilly  in the future and have someone with whom to walk with her and Reilly.

In any case, "Momma" thinks that her possible helpmate and Reilly's possible "Daddy" love her and Reilly, though she's just not sure. In addition and as aforestated, not having a clear answer from Her possible helpmate and Reilly's possible "Daddy" affects her to OCD/Anxiety flareups, etc. and be a bad "Momma" to Reilly. Furthermore, neither "Momma" nor Reilly are getting younger—and Reilly's Gregorian birthday is on the 25th of March.

Also, "Momma" has asked before what she needs to do to get her possible helpmate and Reilly's possible "Daddy" to reach out to her—the case isn't, as far as "Momma" knows, that he isn't strong enough to help her—in fact, he's quite strong enough to help her and Reilly. 

How Did Reilly And Camille Mark The Publication Of The New Book About Them?

How else did they mark the publication but by running outside when they weren't supposed to be in the backyard, eating nasties, and having to be bribed with treatsDe-ja-(Malti)poo!


  1. "Momma" knows that puppies really can't mark publications of books like that (or can they? At least Reilly did seem to understand "Momma" when "Momma" talked about how people read about her and Camille. Pets, and other animals, do have uncanny abilities to at least sometimes understand what humans think that they can't understand).
  2. Speaking of de-ja-(Malti)poo...a certain furball was curled up on a family-room chair and is now staring down and waiting for "Momma" in a "dogterly"-equivalent way to how "Momma" is waiting for the other person to whom Reilly is also supposed to be a "dogter". Maybe if "Momma" and Reilly have Jirish luck by St. Patrick's Day and/or one of Reilly's birthdays (be the birthday her Hebrew birthday or her Gregorian one....yehi ratzon Yehovah la'asot ratzono). ✡☘
At least Reilly and "Momma" have consistency in their lives...though it's not all good consistency.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Reilly's And Camille's "Stella" Snow Day 2017

In short:
  1. Reilly and Camille ate "nasties" such as bird food, notwithstanding the snow or "Mom-Mom"'s explicit instructions to not eat the bird food.
  2. They enjoyed running in the snow, chasing snowballs that "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" threw.
  3. Camille did not want to come inside, in contrast to unusually-obedient Reilly.
  1. "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" had to stay on the porch to photograph and videograph Reilly's and Camille's snow day.
  2. Trying to get all of the pictures into another way to document it flared up "Momma"'s ADD, etc. severely.
  3. "Momma" and Reilly hope that Reilly's possible "Daddy" got through Snowstorm Stella safely and warmly, since Stella hit and may continue to hit the area in which he lives. "Momma" and Reilly also wish other loved ones in that area—including distant family—safety and warmth as Winter 2016-2017 wraps up with it's last hurrah! 

Sunday, March 12, 2017

A Few Examples Of How Reilly Is One Spoiled Puppy, And In Contrast To Other Puppies

She has human loved ones whom:
  1. Get her toys and treats for even occasions that one would not expect—she even got made-for-puppies hamantaschen in lieu of a hamantaschen-like toy and at "Momma"'s behest—in other words, Reilly gets gifts even for occasions for which "Momma" doesn't get them!
  2. Talk about what a special puppy and lifesaver she is—for example, she has a "Momma" whom devotes a significant chunk of her blog to writing about her and admits what a ****-up of a "Momma" that she can be. As far as "Momma" knows, many—if not most—puppy parents actually won't do that—that is, they'll just fall back on "Be the person that your dog think that you are" instead of say "You might as well admit to even your undyingly-devoted dog what a ****-up you are."
  3. Talk about her on a significant level on Facebook, even try to get the word out about her in their writings, and even try to relate seemingly-not-related-to-her subjects—such as the death of her fellow canine Bodza—to her.
  4. Have spoiled her doubly when they've given her belly rubs, scritches, etc. on multiple occasions. For example, Reilly has had her head and belly rubbed at the same time (sometimes with one person giving a belly rub while the other gives her scritches on the head), paws massaged by at least one human while Camille has cleaned out her ears ("Spa treatment" indeed, as "Auntie Michelle" puts it!), and belly rubbed when she's been asked to move—and how many other puppies would be allowed even once to exploit that loophole of moving by rolling over for a belly rub, thus technically moving?
  5. Consider her in their life-changing aspirations and decisions—including a certain one that "Momma" has had for a while in terms of another person in both her life and in Reilly's life.
Many—if not most—puppy parents and puppies' other human loved ones who can do at least something for their canine family members don't even try to do all of that—whether they're poor or rich, with or without disabilities, single or not single, or anything else and/or anything in between on the gamut of human facets. For instance, many puppies' capable-enough human loved ones—in contrast to what Reilly's human loved ones do:
  1. Constantly underspoil their puppies or even abuse (including neglect) them. On the other hand, some—such as Paris Hilton and David Best—extremely (and selfishly) overspoil their puppies—such as Mr. Amazing the Pomeranian, à la famille de Hilton with a purchase price of $13,000; and Elvis Best with a "bark mitzvah" party worth $10,000.
  2. Consider their canine family members either "just dogs" or more worth being treated like humans than humans, thus finding no reasonable place on the gamut of treatment of pets and other animals. In other words, they see their furmily as either background objects or idols, and they have no idea of how to be healthily involved to be in pets' lives.
  3. Detrimentally underinvolve or overinvolve their pets in their lives.
No puppy parent or other puppies' loved ones will be perfect—allpuppies' loved ones willl underspoil or overspoil, take for granted or become a little too obsessed with, and/or underconsider or overconsider their canine loved one to some extent from time to time. Still, one can find a healthy and reasonable way to dote on her or his "dogter" or "granddogter", fur niece or fur nephew ("neph-woof"; or for a kitty, "nephmew"?), or other canine family member or friend.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Offbeat: Reilly Staring Down "Momma" Again, And More On If Reilly's "Daddy" Were In Reilly's And Her "Momma"'s Lives

As "Momma" wrote last night:

"Reilly was actually just staring down "Momma" until "Momma" explained that she is actually just wrapping up right now—and then Reilly began napping and waiting for "Momma" similarly to how (though in a different way than) "Momma" is (and Reilly is also) waiting for a certain someone.

"By the way, "Momma" is (and in whatever way puppies can be aware of life's problems, Reilly is) aware that while "Momma"'s having her helpmate and Reilly's "Daddy" (especially if he is who "Momma" thinks that he is) in her and Reilly's life won't solve everything, it'll sure help "Momma" and "Reilly" with a lot."

This time, Reilly's staring at "Momma" through eyes which she's been trying to keep open, and "Momma" thinks about the question that she asks herself and God re who she thinks might be Reilly's "Daddy": when's he going to admit it—unless "Momma" is misreading something?

After all:

"The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a broken spirit who can bear?"


"A merry heart is a good medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones."

And that does not help Reilly.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

"A Flying Leap Off Of Mom's Bed," As "Mimi" Describes What Camille Just Did, And Other Moments

Somebody apparently had to "go potty" (and was outside as "Auntie Nicole" began to type), and "Mimi" didn't even have to greet Camille ("...Bingo! She jumped right off!").

When she went outside, "she chased a bunny", whom was her only distraction from being able to "go potty". (As far as the bunny, "Auntie Nicole" has no idea whether it peed itself because it got scared by Camille). Meanwhile, both Camille and Reilly ate "bunny beans" (and "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" guesses that she knows what the bunny did after all! 😉)

As far as creating earlier memorable moments, Camille decided to create two of those moments when she pawed Reilly from within her own crate earlier today and from outside of Reilly's crate yesterday. Needlessly to say, then, Camille created and helped Reilly create more colorful moments—moments that "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" needs right now.

PS As "Momma" was just typing, Reilly was actually just staring down "Momma" until "Momma" explained that she is actually just wrapping up right now—and then Reilly began napping and waiting for "Momma" similarly to how (though in a different way than) "Momma" is (and Reilly is also) waiting for a certain someone.

By the way, "Momma" is (and in whatever way puppies can be aware of life's problems, Reilly is) aware that while "Momma"'s having her helpmate and Reilly's "Daddy" (especially if he is who "Momma" thinks that he is) in her and Reilly's life won't solve everything, it'll sure help "Momma" and "Reilly" with a lot.

(Also by the way, Reilly stared down "Momma" again! At least four times total, with one particularly long-sustained staredown, and began napping again after the last one!)

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Some Of the Events Of Reilly's & Camille's Past 24-Plus Hours

With "de-ja-[malti]poo" involved, events included the usual jealously episodes—at least one of which involved jealous whimpering by Reilly—and interesting potty-session happenings—with the most recent one providing, if you will, a confirmation of freezing or below-freezing ground temperatures. As for the more-unusual events, meanwhile, two of them involved Reilly and Camille being calming presences.

The first one occurred when Reilly attempted to calm "Momma" down when "Momma" almost had to engage in "Castle Doctrine"-style defense of her computer, and let's just say that Reilly certainly would understand that asking "Auntie Michelle" multiple times to not touch her computer and watching as she brazenly went to do it warranted "Momma" to reach up from the floor to attempt to avert "Auntie Michelle" from going over there. Of course, Reilly didn't understand why "Momma"—who fell asleep as she waited for "Auntie Michelle" to bring Reilly down and take her "potty"—would have to reach up and not be able to just get up—notwithstanding that "Auntie Michelle" knows exactly why an exhausted "Momma" couldn't just get up from her napping spot. Meanwhile, let's just say that "Momma" got a ton of kisses from an arbitive mediator.

The second incident occurred when tail-wagging Camille indicated that "Auntie Nicole" was letting "Mimi" rile her up too much during a discussion—and she wagged her tail to indicate that the situation was getting too tense. When Auntie Nicole went to apologize for letting "Mimi" rile her up, Camille tried to defuse the tension by playing with—for example, playfully pawing at—and trying to get belly rubs from "Auntie Nicole".

Never a dull moment. Never a dull moment. This isn't to say that, e.g., there aren't lonely ones, even with Reilly and Camille around—especially when, e.g., who could help "Momma" out just isn't there right now.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Jump, Slide, BOOM—Right Into A Chair Leg!

Maybe that was payback for Camille being mean to Reilly when Reilly came near her and the wishbone toy today? 😉 As "Mimi" described what happened when "Auntie Nicole" asked what happened, "Camille jumped off the couch, slid on the blanket, and hit one of the chairlegs very hard. But she was not hurt. It sounded like a shoe hit the couch."

Maybe Camille's just a klutz! 

Thursday, January 26, 2017

How Reilly Marked Her Gregorian Month Birthday—aka, Part Of Why "Momma"'d Like An Answer From Reilly's Possible "Daddy" One Or Another Way

Reilly's day on "Momma"'s Gregorian year birthday was fine enough for Reilly—cue the reverse, inverse, or whatever you want to call how bad "Momma"'s day on Reilly's Gregorian birthday was for "Momma". To be fair, Reilly promised to be a better girl tomorrow when she came downstairs and got scritches just now—nonetheless, Reilly marked her Gregorian month birthday similarly to how she marked her Hebrew month birthday. Here are some highlights:

  1. She decided to leave poor Camille inside by herself while she was going potty—and of course, Camille got a short end of one of Reilly's sticks just as she did on Reilly's Hebrew month birthday.
  2. Why Camille was left inside is as follows: when "Momma" accidentally did not hook the extendable leash through the other leash's hoop, Reilly decided to let a pupchase ensue—and that pupchase included no less than Reilly eating "nasties" (including mulch), getting into "Mom-Mom"'s garden, deliberately running away from "Momma", and not coming inside until she heard "Camille" bark at something.
  3. When Reilly seemed like she was going inside, she tried to run back out in the backyard.
Meanwhile, "Momma" isn't supposed to be frustrated? "Momma" is supposed to accept how Reilly takes advantage of her disability, even though Reilly doesn't know that that's why she can outmaneuver "Momma"? "Momma" is supposed to tolerate and endure the lectures from "Auntie Michelle" about she can do more than she thinks than she can, as if she doesn't know herself well enough?

Also, not having a helpmate for herself and "Daddy" for Reilly continues to exhaust her and Reilly—maybe that's part of Reilly stubbornly went back into "Momma"'s room, jumped up onto "Momma"'s bed, and refused to get off of the bed and downstairs until "Momma" got out of the bed.

Can't she at least get an explanation from Reilly's possible "Daddy" for her and Reilly's sakes? How long must she ask this of  Reilly's possible "Daddy" (since she knows that he wants something and can't figure out just what)—and ultimately יהוה—or she supposed to, for example, depend on "Auntie Michelle" and "Momma" for the rest of her and Reilly's lives?

By the way, it's 1:29 AM EST on January 26th as "Momma"'s finishing this blog entry, and she began writing this at the end of the 25th—and poor Reilly's waiting as patiently as usual.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

A Picture Of Two Of Reilly's Fellow Ole Fielders That "Momma" Found The Other Day

"Momma" found a picture of two paternal siblings named "Lola" and "Charlie". Their father—as their owner, Ruth, stated—is Dashing Cream, whom sired Lola with Desiree and Charlie with Penny Lane.

Image may contain: people sitting, dog and indoor
The picture was originally publicly shared by Ruth on Ole Field Farm's Facebook page. Reilly's sort-of doppelganger is on left, and Camille's is on the right. 

By the way, "Momma" found the picture of Reilly's possible relatives on her own Gregorian birthday—and she's celebrating Reilly's 2.83-year Gregorian birthday—thus, finding the picture must've been a gift for "Momma" and Reilly! Also by the way, Reilly had quite an interesting day on "Momma"'s birthday and is a gift whom keeps on giving!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Forget (Well, Sort-Of Forget) "Momma"'s Day—How Was Reilly's Day?

Since "Momma" had her Gregorian birthday today and is "Auntie Michelle"'s twin, Reilly had a very-interesting day with both "Momma" turning 27 and "Auntie Michelle" taking a day off from work to celebrate her birthday. Some highlights:

  1. Since "Momma" accidentally pulled the door of Reilly's crate too high up—and, thus, out of its slider—Reilly had to wait until "Momma" got the door back into the slider, and it took quite a while (and with less strength than others and exhaustion, "Momma" couldn't get it back in as quickly as possible. Also, she couldn't get the help from "Auntie Michelle" that she would've liked to get—even after she woke up, was asked to help, and could've reconsidered her "Later" excuse.).
  2. Reilly and Camille did get to go upstairs and wake up "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi"—and part of Camille's wake-up call to "Mimi" was her usual "Good morning; let me in!" scratching on the door!
  3. At least "Auntie Michelle" took Reilly "potty" when "Momma" needed her to substitute to her—though "Auntie Michelle" rushed "Momma" to take Reilly "potty" after Reilly ran the bell in the first place, which gave "Momma" no time to quickly finish her coffee or put on a coat—and "Momma" needed "Auntie Michelle" to substitute after she got cold and got Reilly's extendable leash stuck around her cart.
  4. Reilly, meanwhile, had to deal with "Auntie Michelle" rolling her over when she barked—and Camille had to deal with "Mimi" rolling her over as well! 
  5. Since "Auntie Michelle" was home, "Mom-Mom" was able to take Reilly and Camille for a longer winter-day walk after she came home from work earlier (since she'd normally pick up "Auntie Michelle", whom is still working on learning to drive, from work and thus come home closer to when it's dark).

  1. Reilly and "Momma" thank everyone for the birthday wishes for "Momma", and Reilly and "Momma" send their love to Reilly's family, friends, and fans!
  2. Speaking of love, "Momma" and Reilly would've loved to get one birthday wish from someone whom'd they've hoped (or at least "Momma"'s hoped) would say something by now—and "Momma" definitely would read the birthday wish to Reilly if she got one—besides, Reilly recently celebrated her month birthday for Tevet.

Monday, January 23, 2017

To Mark The End Of Her 2.83-Year Birthday Day...

Reilly decided to steal the plastic-toy wishbone from Camille, and then she growlingly snarled at and bit the attempting restitutee—and she did this after she'd already jealously bitten her toy-bereft victim. "Momma" found all of this out after she asked "Mom-Mom" and "Auntie Michelle" what just happened in there—"there" being the family room from which "Momma" heard Reilly's growly snarl.

As "Momma" wrote before, "2.83 years don't always make a puppy more obedient". 

Sunday, January 22, 2017

"Momma"'s Not Exactly A Gift To Her Two-Year-10-Month-Old Birthday Girl...

She tolerates "Momma" and probably has to "Keep Calm And Pray On" to tolerate her. By the way, Reilly gets every month birthday marked in some way—even with just a sentiment such, "It's your [e.g., 2-year-and-10th]-month birthday! Happy Birthday, Reilly!" 

Maybe she'll be able to mark this birthday with a special gift

PS Getting chased by a jealous Camille who just pawed Reilly up to five times after she bit her cheek in a dominance display does not help the poor birthday girl (or "birthday pup?).

Thursday, January 19, 2017

For "Momma", While Reilly As a "Dogter" Is Somebody To Love...

She can be a brat—a lovable brat, and nonetheless a brat—and she even ate some of "Mom-Mom"'s parsley plant (or at least some of the dirt in the pot), stole a treat from Camille, and barked inappropriately instead of set a example for her cousin (from whom she stole a treat, anyway!).

Especially when she eats "nasties" like parsley, she flares up "Momma"'s OCD/Anxietywhich is already increased because of "Momma" trying to figure out how she & Reilly will survive of Donald Trump ends up becoming POTUS.

(Anything can happen: he's not inaugurated yet, and he's apparently taking the first two days of his presidency off—and "Momma" and Reilly need a miracle. "Momma" has a hard-enough time taking care of Reilly for how much she can—she doesn't need to end up another victim of Donald Trump, and that Sergei Kovaleski was a victim of Trump and his ableism is quite enough.).

Believe "Momma", by the way, when she tells you that puppy owners—and other pet owners—do consider their furmily—and other famimals*—when they vote ("Momma" also didn't vote for Clinton, and Reilly is apuplitical.).

As for Reilly's turning a month older...2.83 years don't always make a puppy more obedient—although at least Reilly's baby-puppy-like instead of completely-adult-puppy-like, or even senior-puppy-like.

* "Famimals" is, of course, "family" and "animals".

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

In Order To Mark Three Days Until Her Hebrew ~2.83rd-Year Birthday...

Reilly, the birthday girl, decided to throw up in her "blankie" and a little on the backdoor mat after she had eaten "nasties" and barked for quite a bit of the previous Hebrew day—and as when "Momma" got into trouble for the recent toilet-paper incident, she got into trouble for "not watching her closely" and had to explain that she told Reilly "No nasties" and even thanked her when she drop a "nasty" (a leaf). If Reilly's foreshadowing what "Momma's" 27th year is going to be like for "Momma"...welcome to Hell, "Momma"—as if "Momma"'s life isn't Hell enough or affecting her to be a bad "Momma" to Reilly.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

The Troublemaker Gets "Momma" Into Trouble Again

To be fair, "Auntie Michelle" also got "Momma" into trouble—she didn't close the bathroom door! Assuming that both Reilly and Camille were on the sofa behind her, "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" got the brunt of "Mom-Mom"'s anger concerning what "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" and Reilly did—and "Auntie Nicole" is pretty sure that Camille was an accomplice or accessory this time!

Puppies—including adult puppies—can know enough to, e.g., not "peedy in the house" or play with the bathroom trash—let alone try to eat the toilet paper that she scattered within the bathroom, hallway, and kitchen! Of course, "Momma" and "Mom-Mom" did not let Reilly get away with playing with the bathroom trash, trying to eat the toilet paper, or trying to be cute to get away with it.

At least Reilly's baby-puppy-like behavior is keeping her young at heart and in mind, and may keep her sharp minded and baby-puppy-like when (God willing) she's a senior puppy.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: "Auntie Nicole" Can't Chase Camille!

"Auntie Nicole" has enough on her plate—she far from needed the suggestion that Camille wanted her to chase her when she ran away from her while she was trying to give her scritches! Doesn't "Mimi" get that "Auntie Nicole" can't play "The Gotcha Game" with Camille?

Doesn't "Mimi" also get that, for example, "Auntie Nicole" can't roll over either Camille or "Auntie Michelle"'s fur niece when either one bark or both of them bark? "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" would do a lot more could she do so! "Auntie Nicole" would love to play "The Gotcha Game" with Camille, and "Momma" would love to play the "I'm-a Getch-you, Puppy" variant with Reilly—and when "Momma"'s tried that, she's known that she can't run, let alone catch Reilly.

A helpmate to help "Momma" to do all of that and be a better "Momma" to Reilly would be nice, meanwhile—doesn't יהוה see that, or is He not sending her one because she's been a bad "Momma" to Reilly?

Monday, January 9, 2017

When "Great-Mom-Mom" Belatedly Came To Visit For Christmas

While Camille and Reilly had to have their baths put off for another day (which Camille doesn't mind), neither Camille nor Reilly stunk up "Great-Mom-Mom"'s visit ⃰. A few highlights:

Pictures And Pre-Visit Video

Reilly being a yungatshe.

Don't let those markings betray you. Yungatshn can have fliglen shel malokhim—and Reilly would fly to find "Mom-Mom" if she could and thought her to be in ekvelt.

Trying to get pictures of the brats before "Great-Mom-Mom" comes (Understandably, getting ready for the visit stressed everyone out.)

"Auntie Michelle" held excited Reilly while "Auntie Nicole" held nervous and shaky Camille.

Camille jumped down from "Auntie Nicole"'s lap to be with "Mimi".

Everyone had to be careful with not-for-puppies items (such as wine) around.

Sweeping up trail-mix crumbs and having not-for-puppies dinner food around: too much risk for the puppies to be not crated.

From waiting to welcome back "Mom-Mom" and greet "Great-Mom-Mom", to being show offs and foodies, Reilly and Camille made "Great-Mom-Mom"'s visit memorable ¹.

⃰ "Great-Mom-Mom" did confirm that Nana Allen told quite a few bubbe meises, and (something like) "there were so many stories with that family". Maybe that's whence Reilly gets her penchant of trying to act innocent when she eats a nasty", etc.. 😉

¹ Headache warning: Because of having Cerebral Palsy, "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" recorded shaky videos that might be headache inducing.