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Showing posts with label events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label events. Show all posts

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Like Heck If "Momma" Knows How Reilly Got Fleas, And "Momma"'s Impatience (Or Something) With God

Imagine that Reilly and Camille come up to greet you every morning. Then imagine the following sequence of events from today:

  1. "Mom-Mom" tells you to hurry up and "Auntie Michelle"—the greeters' sender—that she wants Reilly off your bed.
  2. You find out that Reilly has fleas—and you ask, "Are you serious?"
  3. "Mom-Mom" yells at you and blames you for the fleas "BECAUSE OF THE FILTH IN YOUR ROOM!"
  4. You later find out that "Mom-Mom" saw only two fleas on Reilly, and the fleas weren't even on or in Reilly's skin.
  5. "Mom-Mom" won't answer your question as to how Reilly could've gotten fleas, and tells you to not tell anybody that Reilly might have fleas. The case later turns out to be that Reilly had only those two fleas; she perhaps could've gotten them from another dog (though "Mom-Mom" wouldn't answer the question about whether that's a possibility), and "Mom-Mom" was worried about flea eggs in your room & on Reilly.
  6. "Mom-Mom" was able to spray down the room, etc. with anti-flea spray and get any flea eggs off of Reilly. Meanwhile, she earlier dismissed that your room isn't as clean as you'd—let alone she'd—like it to be because of your Cerebral Palsy (e.g., lack of physical strength), Depression (e.g., a lack of enough energy), ADD, and OCD/Anxiety (e.g., afraid of throwing something valuable away—and as "Momma" told "Mom-Mom", "[what "Momma" has up there is] not all trash").
Then people wonder why "Momma" can't be as patient with God about having a "Daddy" for Reilly as Camille and Reilly can be with "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" in general.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Bath Day And Post-Bath Photoshoot For Reilly

As one can see, "Auntie Michelle" had to help "Momma" get a photo of Reilly. By the way, the video was taken before the most-recent photo.

As for a photoshoot with Camille...yeah, no—or maybe later. According to "Mom-Mom", "Mimi", and even the witnessing-the-post-bath-brushing-scene "Auntie Nicole", Camille was splishing and splashing, biting, scratching, flopping around to resist getting brushed and trimmed after her bath, and drying off on the chair and couch covers as soon as she could do so—and she ran away from "Mom-Mom" when "Mom-Mom" came toward the chair on which Cam was drying herself—how ironic that a 75%-25% Poodle-Maltese mix hates being in water, let alone getting baths, as much as Cam does!

Incidentally, I assume that ever teaching Cam to swim—let alone in a beach-like lake such as Harvey's Lake—may be out of the equation—besides, "Mimi" would have to teach her to swim, and who knows if she'd ever like take her on a human-family-heritage tour up in Pennsylvania?

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Somebody—Or Rather, Some Puppy—Got a Yom Kippur Miracle

One of life's ironies—or rather, paradoxes—that tempts "Momma" to be envious: soon-to-be-two-months-and-seven-years-old Reilly received a Yom Kippur miracle—which tempted "Momma", whom succumbed to the temptation, to call Reilly a "lucky little bastard". All the meanwhile, "Momma" has to limit her fasting (if she'll really fast at all; and even though she's a Jewish Christian, she'd—or at least she'd try to—fast if there was no issue with fasting) due to Wellbutrin (and Momma's never been a shomeret tzomim tovah, anyway). She also remembers that she has to find simcha in the fact that the not-at-all-obligated-to-fast Reilly and Reilly's wanting-to-get-the-sofa-moved-in "Mom-Mom" got their miracle—and "Mom-Mom" doesn't even try to fast for any reason, even for remembering that fasting happens because the Bridegroom is taken away for the time being).

The Bridegroom must really love Reilly and Reilly's "Mom-Mom"—whether He loves Reilly's "Momma", or at loves her as much as He loves Reilly and "Mom-Mom", is quite often another question—after all, Reilly gets back her window-watching spot and a sofa on which to do what puppies do on sofas (including using the sofas as ramps to window-watching spots); "Mom-Mom" gets the sofa moved into the family room by the guys whom came to measure something for her the day before (and they didn't have to move the sofa into the family room), and "Momma" gets loneliness, conflicted feelings over fasting, and other bad things—such as the incumbent-on-"Momma" obligation to explain to the guys that Reilly is a gregarious puppy whom likes to act tough as she barks like a klipeh.

Somewhat Offbeat: "Momma" Told You That Reilly's Not Well Behaved Enough To Be A Service Dog

Since an service dog would be required to be well behaved and younger than two years old, Reilly lacks the behaving nature and youth that a service dog must have. Even again using a pair of "Momma"'s underwear (yes; underwear!) as a tug-of-war and chewing today—notwithstanding that it was clean—and trying to eat a desiccant bead—albe that it was harmless, and she dropped it when she was told to drop it—automatically disqualifies Reilly from being even close to trainable for service-dog work.

If only Reilly had a more-able-to-be-authorative-than-"Momma" "Daddy", meanwhile! As "Momma" has stated, may God count loneliness for over three years—not to mention almost eight years after her first abysmal relationship ended—as enough of a fast and provide a Yom Kippur miracle to break "Momma"'s fast of lonelinessnot to mention that Reilly turns two years and seven old in two weeks in terms of both Gregorian reckoning and Hebrew reckoning, since she was actually born on Second Adar 23 or 24, 5773! Besides, getting blamed for Reilly's disobedience when she was specifically told to go inside after eating "nasties" is not fun—after all, "Momma" had no chair to use as a porch railing and could not hold the leashes of Reilly and Camille—and even "Mom-Mom", whom was home yesterday due to Columbus Day, had a hard time getting going-back-into-the-backyard Reilly to come inside the house.

Incidentally, "Momma" remains jobless and unable to provide for Reilly as much as she'd like to provide for Reilly on her part—and despite that she uses LinkedIn appropriately—and she will be pleased with Reilly if Reilly's gifts of writing fodder to "Momma" lands or helps land "Momma" a job. 

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Somewhat Offbeat: A Milestone October 11th (And Maybe a "Yom Kippur" Miracle If "Momma"'s Lucky) & Reilly's Afternoon Antics

The October 11th of 2016 is Yom Kippur 5776 & the two-week countdown to Reilly's two-year-and-seventh-month birthday—not to mention:

  1. One month after the painful 15th anniversary of 9/11—and America somehow still stands strongly.
  2. One month before the 98th Anniversary of Armistice Day
  3. The day that is two weeks before Reilly's 2016 seventh-month birthday being on the same day as the Fast of the Seventh Month in 5776.
  4. The day that Reilly would be fasting if puppies—including adult puppies, whom are "bark mitzvahs"—could fast and would have to fast for teshuvah v'kippurim.
While puppies cannot fast and do not have to fast for any reason, let alone l'ma'an teshuvah v'kippurim, especially because of today would Reilly certainly have to fast if she had a mitzvah to be a shomeret HaYom HaKippurim! Being a single "Momma" with a disability, "Momma" certainly had no fun with Reilly's disobedience as Reilly burst out of the back door while she was taking Camille to "go potty"—Reilly, albe unintentionally, added insult to "Momma"'s injurious state in life by making "Momma" chase her around the backyard, try to get her to avoid eating "nasties" such as mulch, and putting a neighbor in a bad position as he or she was unable to help get disobedient Reilly back inside and late leaving for a family obligation as a result—not to mention that the neighbor, even though he or she has recovered from his or her recent surgery, had the surgery only about a month ago.

This is also another reminder of why "Momma" needs a "Daddy" for Reilly as both "Momma" and "Reilly" get older—besides, an as-possible-as-able man would be able to have authority over Reilly than 5'1.75"-and-afflicted-with-CP-and-Scoliosis "Momma". Granted that, for example, the main person who inspired "Momma" to write about Reilly got frustrated when "Momma" once complained about her state in her life—as he understandably viewed "Momma"'s complaining as being a pity-party schtick, as most other people view it because they don't get how hard it is for "Momma".  

Still, as "Momma" wrote in her last "Offbeat" post:

"As if "Momma" isn't in enough pain, didn't hope for a miracle on Yom Teru'ah and National Boyfriend Day, and isn't even trying to be a good "Momma" to Reilly! As if "Momma" doesn't think about herself and "Reilly" getting older while "Momma" either needs Reilly's "Daddy" to come into her life soon or might have to end up remaining an alteh moid and being another stereotypical and forced-by-life case of the ableist argument that people with disabilities don't get married because society doesn't love them!

"'Momma' hurts enough for herself and for Reilly, and feels like Daisy in The Great Gatsby did:

"'Through this twilight universe Daisy began to move again with the season...'

"["Momma"'s own "twilight universe" is mental-illness flareups that only exacerbate "Momma"'s injurious situation in life.]"

On that note, may "Momma" have a Yom Kippur miracle and have God break her forced fast known as being single with little to no hope of having a "Daddy" for Reilly unless by some miracle. Whether "Momma" will observe the tzom l'Yom Kippur, by the way, is nobody's business but her business and God's business.

By the way, Reilly came back inside after the last time that "Momma" bribed her with yogurt—and Camille got extra yogurt for being a good girl and waiting patiently inside while "Auntie Nicole" had to chase Reilly, had to admonish Reilly several times, pray to a God whom seemed to be not helping her out at quite a few points, try to bribe Reilly with multiple treats (e.g., turkey, yogurt, peanut butter), try to trick her (e.g., "Is Mom-Mom home?"; "Let's go get some salmon."), and otherwise try to get her to go back inside after she explicitly disobeyed "Momma" by bursting out into the backyard as "Momma" was trying to get out through the doorway with Camille.

Also incidentally, as Reilly turns two weeks older and perhaps more stubborn, Reilly's 2016 seventh-month birthday will be wedged right in between what would've been "Momma"'s great-granddad Czarnecki's 112th birthday and his paternal grandmother's 178th birthday—and her namesake granddaughter's 119th birthday (and if only she'd've lived to 120 years instead of died in her 51st year of Breast Cancer!), By the way, "Momma" talks to Reilly about her human family all of the time—and speaking of family, Reilly's twice-removed cousin Shelby turns a year old on October 20th! 

Monday, October 3, 2016

Whimpering, Shaking, And...Oh; A Squirrel

Looking intently as two squirrels were coming up to the side of the fence in view of "Momma", Reilly started barking—and then, she started whimpering and shaking as one of the squirrels trekked across the fence—and then, she wanted to bolt after the squirrel whom dreadingly travelled across the fence to a tree in the next-door yard.

Of course, upon seeing the two squirrels instead of people—dogwalkers or non dogwalkers—walk by, "Momma" watched as the scene unfolded and told Reilly to stay right where she was instead of do what she was getting ready to do—chase the squirrel, and drag "Momma"'s cart along with herself as she ran to chase the squirrel.

By the way, Reilly tends to have incidents like this frequently—after all, for example, Reilly is the same Reilly whom once escaped the backyard porch to see her friend Leo from the other side of the fence.

Meanwhile, neither Reilly nor Camille have had an apple piece and honey for Yom Teru'ah yet—and speaking of Yom Teru'ah, "Momma" and Reilly wish the following people a good rest of their 5776 (on the Hebrew calendar) and 2016 (on the Gregorian calendar. Before "Momma" knows it, in the meantime, Reilly will be both another Gregorian year—2017—and another Hebrew year—Adar 5776—older!):

  1. The people whom inspired her to write about Reillyespecially the one to whom she sent Reilly's first full biography.
  2. Everyone whom wants a better 5776 and 2016, and a good 5777 and 2017.
  3. Everyone else.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Offbeat: Reilly's 2.5-Year Birthday Got "Momma" Thinking About Needing A "Daddy" For Reilly More

As Reilly gets older (and she's celebrating a half-year birthday while a puppy of one of "Momma"'s friends is celebrating a full-year birthday) and "Momma"'s getting older, "Momma"'s more worried about finding a "Daddy" for Reilly than ever. Besides, for example, Camille's and Reilly's going over to see something in the backyard and pulling "Auntie Nicole"'s/"Momma"'s cart is far from fun and could well beat Camille's running up and down the stairs—except for if Reilly ever causes "Momma" to fall down the stairs!

By the way, the people who inspired "Momma" to write about Reilly definitely inspired "Momma" to write about things like this—whether they meant or didn't mean to do so! 

Saturday, September 17, 2016

A Weekly Visit To Camille's Maternal Sister Shelby, And...

"Momma" finally told Reilly whom she thinks—or at least hopes—that her "Daddy" might eventually be, God willing, and Reilly wanted to hear who he might be and seemed to approve*—she licked "Momma" twice and touched her hand with her nose once, and after her ears moved when "Momma" asked if she wanted to hear—and this was while "Momma" was stretching and giving Reilly belly rubs.

Before that, "Momma" on a walk and visited Camille's maternal sister Shelby, a daughter of Tootsie and a Maltese named "Booby". Shelby will be 11 months old shortly before Camille turns 1.5 years old and Reilly turns 2.5 years old, and she has already grown so much within her first year and developed a bond with Camille and her twice-removed cousin Reilly.

Shelby when I first met her

Shelby today...

*If any guy who can and wants to know whether he is the person in question, he may feel free to contact Reilly's "Momma" on Facebook, via e-mail, etc.—if he emails, he should put something like "Re About Whom Reilly's Daddy" might be in the subject line. 

Saturday Morning Antics: Camille Using "Auntie Nicole"'s Having To Use the Restroom To Play Games

Incidentally, incidents like this are part of why "Momma" needs a "Daddy" for Reilly and—as "Auntie Nicole"—an "Uncle" for Camille. Anyway, Camille led the trouble this time—despite that she was explicitly told to stay in my room while "Mom-Mom" was picking up "Mimi" from work. Reilly stayed but for a time or two times when she followed Camille down the stairs, and Reilly did come back upstairs for a belly rub. With Camille, on the other hand and for example, I had to try to trick her to go see "Mimi" upstairs, tell her explicitly to come back upstairs, tell her to get out of the living room and "Mom-Mom"'s room; and finally tell her, "Camille, I'm exhausted!"

"Auntie Nicole" can't just pick up Camille—especially with bare feet—and bring her back upstairs, and having a 5'1.75" height—along with Cerebral Palsy and Scoliosis—gives "Auntie Nicole" little—if any—commanding and imposing authority.

Monday, September 12, 2016

"Momma" Thinks That She'll Tell Reilly Who Reilly's "Daddy" May Eventually Be Soon, Since...

Reilly seemed to indicate that she wants to know who her "Daddy"—and "Momma"'s helpmate—might be down the roador at least an idea of whom "Momma" hopes that he might be, or at least the kind of man that he'd be if not anyone whom "Momma" has in mind. After all, e.g., to have to fight Reilly on getting a seed out of her paw is not fun—and "Momma" already has a hard time with dealing with Cerebral Palsy, not to mention that the same "Auntie Michelle" whom had to help "Momma" get the seed out of Reilly's paw could've caused "Momma" and Reilly to die once. Also, c.q., almost dropping a glass bowl today because of Reilly's barking is not fun.

Meanwhile, Reilly seemed to indicate it when she touched "Momma"'s hand with her nose three times—three times in a row, as "Momma" recalls—when "Momma" asked her if she wanted to know, though Reilly just wanted a belly rub when "Momma" subsequent times—as perhaps Reilly thought that she'd already given "Momma" her answer—besides, she was sleepy.

If nothing else in the meantime, as "Momma" has written before:

"This, by the way, is also part of why "Reilly" needs a "Daddy"—'Momma' wants to be able to take Reilly on walks and enjoy those kinds of moments with her, and 'Momma''s Cerebral Palsy makes walking Reilly alone impossible. By the way, Reilly—if nobody or nothing else—would hopefully be incentive for somebody to be and stay with 'Momma' [After all, e.g., even what looks "Momma" has been told that she apparently has won't do it, since "Momma" has Cerebral Palsy and mental illnesses. Maybe, e.g., Reilly's amusing quirks, such as her hatred of the camera, will, though.]

"In the meantime, 'Momma' is keeping an eye out for whomever could, would, and (God willing) be Reilly's 'Daddy'."

By the way, extremely-loyal Reilly does not want—or at least didn't want—to leave "Momma"'s side to go back upstairs for the time being until "Momma" goes "night nights". Since "Auntie Michelle" and "Mom-Mom" can control when Reilly goes upstairs, though, because "Auntie Michelle" can take her "to go potty" at night, "Momma" and Reilly are at "Mom-Mom"'s behest. 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

A Fight With Reilly Over A Seed In Her Paw—Including A Muzzle And "Auntie Michelle"'s Assistance

Reilly can put up a fight—especially when "Momma" has to extract something her paw—and sometimes, "Momma" has to use a muzzle and little bit of assistance. Trying to extract a seed from Reilly's paw—which "Momma" initially thought was a nail clipping in her paw, and which she thought may have been one of Camille's nail clippings—took "Momma" trying to get Reilly to give her the paw in which the seed was stuck, using a muzzle to keep Reilly from biting her, and getting "Auntie Michelle" to roll Reilly over (since "Momma" can't roll Reilly over)

At least Reilly finally apologized to "Auntie Michelle"—not to mention that, afterward, she compassionately sensed that something was significant as we prayed for the 9/11 victims—when "Momma" prayed for everyone whom was affected by 9/11, Reilly smiled and panted her tongue—or she was enjoying the scritches, although I was scritching her before I prayed—I also tested to see when the smiling and panting occurred. and it often occurred when I prayed.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

September Birthdays, Including Half Birthdays—And Including Those Of Two Adult Puppies

Reilly and Camille will have their half-a-year birthdays this month, with Reilly being 2.5 years old and Cam now being an official adult puppy at 1.5 years old—and puppies do grow up so quickly. This is how they looked before and after their last half-a-year birthdays, by the way:

Camille on September 21, 2015

Camille on September 28, 2015—right after her half-a-year birthday.
Reilly on September 21, 2015.

Reilly on September 29, 2015.


Reilly on her last half-a-year birthday!

Meanwhile, Reilly and Camille have the same month for their half-a-year birthdays as some family members, family friends, and friends of mine have for their yearly birthdays—and if you're one of the family members, family friends, or friends whom was born in September (or if you're another September Baby), Happy Birthday from me (Reilly's "Momma") and Reilly! By the way, anyone who was born in September also shares a birthday month with one of Ri's and Cam's favorite seasons—Autumn!