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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Originally On LinkedIn: Why I Don't Want To Start Off With An Entry-Level Job: Hint: It's Not Because I Feel Entitled

It's because an entry-level job may be my only job if I were to take one. Having Cerebral Palsy as well as OCD/Anxiety, Depression, and ADD, I am not viewed as an employable person whom happens to have a physical disability and mental illnesses—I am viewed as an unemployable disability and cocktail of mental illness whom is good enough only for an entry-level job if I'm good enough even for that, and never up able to move in the career ladder because I am a disability and cocktail [of] mental illnesses—I am viewed as a would-be embarrassment, liability, expense, and burden to employers.
I know how I'm viewed because I've lived it in all realms of my life—e.g., familial, romantic, academic, and obviously professional. 

That's part of why I'm working on becoming an analyst-commentator and author—I do not want to be viewed as an unemployable disability whom's good only for entry-level jobs if I'm ever be employable at all. I also do not want to be defined by my disabilities—in fact, I just yelled at my sister as I was about to type "stop telling me to be an advocate for people with disabilities":

There you ******* go.

Too many a family member, friend, and other kind of person have suggested that I be an advocate for people with disabilities—just as my sister suggested that I start an organization for people with disabilities—I compare it to when African Americans were viewed as disabilities because of their skin color and definable only by their skin color, which was viewed as a disability.

Just like Martin Luther King, Jr. and other African Americans whom did not want to be defined "by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character", I did and do not want to be viewed as and defined by my Cerebral Palsy, OCD/Anxiety, Depression, and ADD—I want to be defined as an employable person and contributing member of society whom happens to have Cerebral Palsy, OCD/Anxiety, Depression, and ADD.

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