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Sunday, March 5, 2017

Spring Training, A La Reilly And Two Of Her Cousins

In other words, another playdate with Shelby occurred impromptuitously on the non-divine side of the universe today. 

Some Of the Events Of Reilly's & Camille's Past 24-Plus Hours

With "de-ja-[malti]poo" involved, events included the usual jealously episodes—at least one of which involved jealous whimpering by Reilly—and interesting potty-session happenings—with the most recent one providing, if you will, a confirmation of freezing or below-freezing ground temperatures. As for the more-unusual events, meanwhile, two of them involved Reilly and Camille being calming presences.

The first one occurred when Reilly attempted to calm "Momma" down when "Momma" almost had to engage in "Castle Doctrine"-style defense of her computer, and let's just say that Reilly certainly would understand that asking "Auntie Michelle" multiple times to not touch her computer and watching as she brazenly went to do it warranted "Momma" to reach up from the floor to attempt to avert "Auntie Michelle" from going over there. Of course, Reilly didn't understand why "Momma"—who fell asleep as she waited for "Auntie Michelle" to bring Reilly down and take her "potty"—would have to reach up and not be able to just get up—notwithstanding that "Auntie Michelle" knows exactly why an exhausted "Momma" couldn't just get up from her napping spot. Meanwhile, let's just say that "Momma" got a ton of kisses from an arbitive mediator.

The second incident occurred when tail-wagging Camille indicated that "Auntie Nicole" was letting "Mimi" rile her up too much during a discussion—and she wagged her tail to indicate that the situation was getting too tense. When Auntie Nicole went to apologize for letting "Mimi" rile her up, Camille tried to defuse the tension by playing with—for example, playfully pawing at—and trying to get belly rubs from "Auntie Nicole".

Never a dull moment. Never a dull moment. This isn't to say that, e.g., there aren't lonely ones, even with Reilly and Camille around—especially when, e.g., who could help "Momma" out just isn't there right now.

Thursday, March 2, 2017


All too similarly to Sunday, today was another day for "Momma" to attempt roll over a barky—and this time, squirmy—Reilly and deal as much with Reilly's jealously as "Auntie Michelle" did after she came home from work and spent time with her own "dogter", as Reilly even took over and blocked her lap to prevent Camille from sitting on it. Reilly also got a particularly-disgusting piece of bathroom trash—which "Momma" will not mention by name—after the aide who comes over every day to help "Momma" get out and walk (at, as "Momma" has mentioned, "Mom-Mom"'s insistence 😳🙄) accidentally left the bathroom door open before she left for the day—and Camille also got some of what Reilly got after Reilly brought it out of the bathroom with her and "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" caught that Reilly had it!

Needlessly to say, "Momma"'s OCD/Anxiety flared up for quite a while after that.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Yesterday's Incident That Involved A Neighborhood Pitbull & A "Potty" Session

The long story short, regarding an incident in the afternoon of February 27th EST, is this:

Reilly and Camille made another good call in barking when they saw a notorious fence-jumping neighborhood pitbull from the window by the computer, though they really shouldn't have been barking—besides, as "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" told Reilly, Reilly and Camille didn't need to worry about the other puppy. 

Also, "Momma" thankfully had Reilly's harness and leash on Reilly when Fence Jumper* came and ran along the side of the fence that is opposite to the back porch. Then again, Fence Jumper could've jumped into the yard and continued to disobey her owner instead of eventually going back to her family's house**. Either way, Reilly and Camille—notwithstanding that their barking alerted "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" to Fence Jumper's escape and run in the neighborhood—ended up not having to worry about her.

* Real name withheld. Also, Fence Jumper is a sweet pitbull and one whom can be aggressive in spite of her sweetness. 
** That may've created a situation in which "Momma" would've needed someone to help her and Reilly.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Most Of My Commentary Will Have To Be On Twitter, My Blog, &c..

A couple of reasons for this are:

  1. YouTube's continued kiboshing of webcam-upload technology.
  2. Cerebral Palsy and mental illnesses—part of the reason that YouTube's kiboshing of webcam-upload technology is abysmally detrimental to me (and others with disabilities)—don't allow me to have the wherewithal—physically, mentally, or otherwise—to be able to write, type, hold a camera, etc. 17-15/7. There are even days on which I can't write about Reilly of late.
  3. I'm working on becoming an author and I have other things to do as well—I don't have the luxury to write, type, etc.. at least 8/7.
Thus, most of my commentary will have to be on Twitter, Blogger, etc. to save me strength energy, time. 

"Momma" Tried To Roll Reilly Over Herself; "Auntie Michelle" Had To Deal With Stubborn & Jealous Reilly, Etc..

Trying to roll over Reilly herself—although Reilly at least gets that "Momma" will roll her over if she has to do so, as she demonstrated just now—got "Momma" only to hold Reilly as she stood on her two back legs—once again evidencing that "Momma" needs to have her helpmate and Reilly's "Daddy" in both her life and Reilly's life as soon as possible. Also not helping "Momma" was when Reilly decided to have "Auntie Michelle" again "pick her up" to take her downstairs to "go potty" and bring her up to "Momma" as exhausted and fighting-off-an-ear-infection "Momma" was studying for an online class, fell asleep multiple times during the study session—though she at least benefited in inadvertently engaging in the study-sleep cycle of information retention—and was already upstairs for the night, anyway—and since "Momma" is not fighting off her infection with antibiotics, she still is a little more sleepy of late.

Incidentally, "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" fell today when she was carrying both the book for her class and what she needed to replace Ri's and Cam's water in their water bowls in their crates—and had Ri and Cam not been in their crates in order for "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" to have focused study time, a chair and/or "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" could've fallen on one or both of them—and she at least landed on her stomach and without hitting her face on the cabinet in front of her. Meanwhile, she stayed by Ri and Cam while she was studying—and she did fall asleep this time!

Speaking of and back to when she did fall asleep and was upstairs for the night anyway, "Momma" had to deal with a jealous Reilly both during "night nights" time and this morning—Reilly would neither let Camille say "night nights" to "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" or onto her bed when they came to greet her in the morning, and "Mom-Mom" had to convince Camille that jumping up on "Auntie Nicole"'s bed was going to be safe despite Reilly's jealousy.