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Thursday, November 24, 2016

With The Overwhelmed Reilly Calming Down...

Thanksgiving went much more smoothly—and since she had to be put in her crate during her human family's Thanksgiving dinner, anyway, she (as "Mom-Mom" and "Auntie Michelle" reported) calmed down in her crate (her little space).

Overall, Thanksgiving wasn't too shabby; and it even included Reilly's and Camille's reactions to "A Christmas Story".

Overwhelmed On Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was going peacefully until the oven gave off a tiny smell of smoke from being cleaned. The sequence:

  1. "Mom-Mom" thought that Reilly saw and sniffed something outside.
  2. "Momma" then thought that Reilly wanted to play with "Mom-Mom".
  3. Then "Momma" figured out that Reilly was afraid of the smokey smell—"Mom-Mom" agreed with "Momma".
  4. "Auntie Michelle" had to take Reilly upstairs—and off of "Momma"'s lap—for a few moments—though not before Camille gave Reilly a kiss and comforted her.
  5. "Auntie Nicole" held Camille on her lap until "Mimi" came back.
  6. "Mom-Mom" gave Reilly a calming treat and tried to comfort her.
  7. Nothing but massages from "Auntie Michelle" have worked for Reilly—even being on "Momma"'s lap and anti-anxiety music haven't worked.
  8. Camille is wondering what's happening.
  9. "Auntie Michelle" now is rocking Reilly like one would rock a human baby—and actually holding Reilly over one arm is working best, and "as Auntie Michelle" is taking Reilly upstairs to fully calm her.
  10. Camille is looking to the hallway and turning to look at "Mom-Mom" to try to figure out what's up with Reilly, and "Mom-Mom" is reassuring Camille that "[Reilly's] okay."

Thanksgiving So Far

Thanksgiving Eve was something for Reilly and Camille. Today will be something as well, although it's been quiet so far—so far:

Camille is not exactly keen on pictures, since she has learned from Reilly.

Window watchers

"Mom-Mom" had to get Reilly to look at the camera.

Playful Can nibbles "Mom-Mom"'s hand.

La Tarde Del Día de Las Gracias de 2016 á La Casa De Santa Reilly

Last night, "Momma" discussed a noche normal ȧ la casa. On this Tarde Del Día de Las Gracias, partly in memory of one of "ancestors" of Reilly, "Momma" will discuss Thanksgiving Eve 2016 (which has the somber overture of the 42nd anniversary of Reilly's "ancestor"'s passing. Surprisingly, though, that wasn't brought up or recalled—though "Momma" is pretty sure that "Mom-Mom" is thinking about it, and supposes that "Mom-Mom" might be okay with "Momma" calling Reilly's "ancestor" "Pop-Pop Allen" or "Great-Granddaddy Allen" when she mentions him to Reilly.).

So far, Thanksgiving Eve has gone like the following:

Camille knows that she's cute and can get away with a lot.

  • Camille also treated "Mimi" much better than she treated Reilly—she showed "Mimi" that she is thankful to be "Camille Dominique Allen-Czarnecki" (or if "Mimi" wants to get into touch with far-less-remote heritage, Camilia Dominica Charnetski y Alen—or really "Alan", since "ll" would be pronounced as "y" en español, and "Allen" was "Allan" beforehand.)
Camille is an undyingly-devoted "dogter". 

  • Reilly tolerated as "Momma" positioned her Maltipoo ear in a perked-up position.

  • She also reacted, including with a big yawn, as "Auntie Michelle" was doing some kind of tapdance or something.
A sleepy Reilly yawned to tiredness and excitement.

Bug-eyed Reilly made "Momma" laugh: "It was funny to see Ri bug eyed."

By the way:

  1. Reilly and "Momma", and Camille and her "Mimi" wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving (and "Momma" and Reilly particularly wish "Momma"'s to-be helpmate Reilly's future "Daddy" a Happy Thanksgiving, and "Momma" would still like to know about that early Christmukkah honor).
  2. Since the "ancestor" in question was likely Sephardic through his maternal grandmother (whose father was likely un converso), to the mourners: 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A Typical Night At La Casa De Santa Reilly Rosalita de Yerushalayim

  1. "I was bringing the girls down, and I almost forgot to actually bring them down!" 
  2. The one almost-forgotten girl licked "Auntie Michelle" affirmatively when "Auntie Michelle" "asked her if she needed to 'go potty'." The other almost-forgotten one, meanwhile, curled up on one of the chairs to wait for the one almost-forgotten one. (10:34 PM)
  3. Both curled-up-on-the-chair Camille and napping-on-the-sofa Reilly napped until Camille decided to jump down and jump up onto the sofa to be near Reilly (10:50 PM).
  4. Both Reilly and Camille wait for "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" and "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" to wrap up for the night (10:51 PM).
From Reilly and "Momma" (and Camille and her "Mimi"), "night nights" and early wishes for a:

  1. ליום לתודה שמח! ; גוט יום-טוב פון דאַנק! (in "Momma's" ancestral languages)
  2. ¡Feliz Día de Las Gracias!; Feliz Dia de Ação de Graças! (in the languages that Reilly's name honoree's father spoke)
  3. Bonne fête de l'Action de grâce! Joyeux Jour de Grâce! (since "Auntie Michelle" will insist on the remote-ancestral language)
  4.  In one of the languages that one of Camille's name honorees spoke....or not. Trying to look up the Portuguese, check the Yiddish, and endure the pedantry of "Auntie Michelle" was enough, thanks!   

Behaving-Hypocritically Reilly 😞, And Camille The Blankie Dominator and Yogurthead

Leave to Ri to growl at Cam and—as "Auntie Michelle" observed—for being impatient at "num nums" time, and then barking like she's doing as "Momma" types and hasn't stopped since she came in from going "potty". Also leave to Ri to:

  1. Give "Momma" a hard time in trying to take her "potty" prior to her walk—and not letting her get her harness and leash on her at all—and at least "Auntie Michelle" acknowledged that blaming "Momma" for Reilly's running in the opposite direction , etc., was (as "Momma" put it) "insensitive bull****"—"Momma" can't run and catch or corner Reilly!
  2. Trying to chase a squirrel and eating "nasties" at an earlier time that she's going "potty"
  3. Misbehaving on her walk, as "Auntie Michelle" reported
Reilly's misbehavior is disendearing and disingenuous—"Momma" gets that puppies are like toddlers, and she nonetheless knows that Reilly knows better than to inappropriately bark, eat "nasties", chase squirrels, and otherwise misbehave.

As for Camille, she was misbehaving for a bit as well—she tried to, eh, dominate her blankie as usual; and she growled at Reilly yesterday when Reilly tried to play the "Find the Toy In the Blankie" game (and Reilly continues to be afraid of Camille when Camille does that, despite that Ri has the right to keep her mind sharp by playing, too). She also was not patient in waiting for "Auntie Nicole" to drop the blankie:

Reilly finds Camille "weird".

Meanwhile, Reilly surprisingly did not lick Camille's head when some yogurt accidentally got on it—and even left a Harry Potter-scar shape. Cam tried to lick it, though, and licked whatever fell off of her head—of course, she wouldn't let "Auntie Nicole" exactly take a picture or wipe the yogurt off of her head—and she decided to wipe her itchy head on the chair covers.

PS Again, that "Momma" has a hard time managing Reilly due to her disability is part of why "Momma" needs a helpmate and a "Daddy" for Reilly—and if he is who she thinks that he is, he has to contact her, since she doesn't quite know what he wants.

The Alt Right Is Trying To Destroy The Right

"'Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you." (Matthew 5:11-12, NKJV)

"And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold." (Matthew 24:2)

"For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." (Matthew 24:24 and Mark 13:22)

How many times the Alt Right—the Classical Conservatives, the Modern Far Left, etc.—have tried to destroy me & others is too many count. Even this morning, I had to block and report multiple Trumpites—I even got, I'm pretty sure, a coded threat: "You are a ticky-ticky bomb-bomb."

Revisionists, as then and now, continue to classify the Nationalist Socialists—the Neo-Pagan Darwinist, often in-name-only Christians—as Far Right—and with people like RINO, "I'm not sure that I've ever asked for forgiveness", "I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created", and "Make America great again" Donald Trump, people somehow continue to wonder why I dread another Holocaust:

"You're not going to support me because I don't want your money" and an accusation against a group whom has long been libeled as a "global elite" also sounds familiar within the context of the quotes above:

"If only one country, for whatever reason, tolerates a Jewish family in it, that family will become the germ center for fresh sedition. If one little Jewish boy survives without any Jewish education, with no synagogue and no Hebrew school, it [Judaism] is in his soul. Even if there had never been a synagogue or a Jewish school or an Old Testament, the Jewish spirit would still exist and exert its influence. It has been there from the beginning and there is no Jew, not a single one, who does not personify it." [Emphasis mine]

"Providence has ordained that I should be the greatest liberator of humanity.  I am freeing man from the restraints of an intelligence that has taken charge, from the dirty and degrading self-mortification of a false vision called conscience and morality, and from the demands of a freedom and independence which only a very few can bear.”" [Emphasis mine]

"The heaviest blow which ever struck humanity was Christianity; Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child.  Both are inventions of the Jew." [Emphasis mine]

"Do you now appreciate the depth of our National Socialist Movement?  Can there be anything greater and more all comprehending?  Those who see in National Socialism nothing more than a political movement know scarcely anything of it.  It is more even than religion; it is the will to create mankind anew." [Emphasis mine]

Never mind that, for example:
  1. We made the best of when European governments consigned to banking and a violation of Torah known as usury against even fellow Jews. 
  2. Without Judaism, including Jewish Christianity, the Christian Adam Smith would not have written "The Wealth of Nations" (Genesis 12:1-3, anyone?) and talked about an "invisible hand" ("Now יהוה said unto Abram: 'Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto the land that I will show thee. 2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and be thou a blessing. 3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse; and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.'")
  3. The often-derided Capitalism has benefited many people, and National Socialism wouldn't allow Jews to bless "all the families of the Earth." Even, for example, the Printing Press of Johann Gutenberg (whom had a Europeanized version of a Hebrew first name) would not be invented if Johann Gutenberg didn't want to print a Bible.
In short, the Far Left known as the Alt Right is trying to destroy the Philosemitic, Adam Smith-influenced, and otherwise Jewishly-blessed Right (Classical Left)which, paradoxically, Reform Jews and other Haskalic-influenced Jews were on for years, and even centuries before then

Monday, November 21, 2016

#MondayMotivation, #MaltipooMonday, And a Confession From "Momma"

Update per the confession below (1:35 PM EST): Since "Momma" wants to clarify and give no wrong impressions, the person who "Momma" thinks might be Reilly's eventual "Daddy" is someone whom is from one of "Momma"'s ancestral states and whom she has known for some time, and may have made a donation to St. Jude's in her honor.

While "Momma" is still looking for a full-time job—which reminds her that she needs to finish a project related to job seeking, by the way—she petsits her furniece and watches her "dogter"—both of whom give her two reasons to live and sometimes laugh, not to mention motivations for Mondays and the hashtag "#MaltipooMonday".

She also checks to see if a certain someone, whom she thinks is Reilly's eventual "Daddy", checks her blog (Feedjit and Clustrmaps, e.g., are useful apps 🙂.). Many a nights, that has kept her up—to Reilly's detriment—and unable to get to sleep right away—there's even a loneliness that pets can't fulfill for their owners, let alone that Reilly for "Momma". Especially as life closes in on both her and ever-patient Reilly, she often sighs out of heartbreak.

By the way, Reilly was oddly very playful at dawn as "Momma" woke up for a little while—she gave some kisses and nibbled "Momma"'s hand, and she enjoyed some belly rubs as well as ran around playfully (Eventually, "Momma" had to say that she and Reilly needed to go back to sleep for a while.). Maybe empathetic Reilly sensed some of the pain that Momma's enduring, even during this Thanksgiving month.

Also, by the way, Reilly did lick Momma's ring when she did show her it and asked her if she remembered it when she showed it to her last night—as "Momma" forgot for a moment (The exhaustion and, e.g., ADD get to "Momma".).

Sunday, November 20, 2016

"Who Made This Mess? Was That You? Was That You?"—And Camille Ringled!

When "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" was upstairs, she heard "Mom-Mom" ask Reilly and Camille, "Who made this mess? Was this you? Was that you?"

As "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" found out, why the laugh-provoking admonishment occurred had to do with two puppies whom went into the bathroom and tore up the bathroom trash, and—as "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" has experienced when they've gotten into the bathroom trash before—left it on the hallway carpet. She also found that Camille betrayed herself as the ringleader by giving the guiltiest looks that she could give—and she also heard Reilly's barks of protest against incrimination. Reilly, of course, gave "Momma" an "Uh-oh; I'm in trouble" look when "Momma"—whom later gave Reilly a talk—got downstairs.

Imagine if there'd been more people around to see Reilly's and Camille's antics

Somewhat Offbeat: Even When, God Willing, "Momma" Ends Up With Reilly's "Daddy"...

She'll never stop blogging about Reilly, especially since Reilly has been incredibly patient with her "Momma" since she came home two May 24ths ago. Incidentally, even though "Auntie Michelle" says that Reilly bites her nails quite a bit when she's cleaning her own paws, Reilly was quite reluctant to let "Momma" see her nails this morning—even softly growling at her and not easily letting her take her paw to examine it, trying to keep it under her chin to keep it to herself.

Patient Reilly shortly after "Auntie Michelle" brought her down to "go potty" and just before she took her.

Somewhat Offbeat: A Lonely "Momma" In A Crowded Room—And Even Putting Reilly Through Something Like 2014 Again?

"Momma" has realized for a while that her mental-illness flareups due to worrying about herself and Reilly have put Reilly through something like 2014 again. As "Momma" wrote a while back:

Despite her OCD, etc., Reilly is honestly among the reasons that she's still alive. She missed much of her first year for several reasons, among them being—if not with most of them stemming from—that she'd oversleep due to a Depression flareup after—to make a long story short—a relative's ex-boyfriend's sister used even LinkedIn to cyberstalk her in order to intimidate she after she had confronted the ex boyfriend about something. At least, meanwhile, Reilly got some naps when "Auntie Michelle" would bring Reilly upstairs to her room and there while she overslept—and puppies need up to 20 hours of sleep per day.
With "Momma" often staying up later than she should and being more sleepless compared to many others, she has exhausted both herself and Reilly. Even worse is when she's been lonely even with Reilly—her "dogter"—around, and even when Camille—her furniece—is around as well—let alone when she's been in a crowded room or at least enough of a crowd, with or without Reilly.

Being lonely is pretty easy for "Momma" when she isn't trusted about Reilly, anyway, let alone when she doesn't have someone whom'd understand that "Momma" is trying her best to be a good "Momma" to Reilly—not to mention that she thinks that she knows who her helpmate and Reilly's "Daddy" could be down the road and he seems to be sending her incredibly-mixed signals if he is who she thinks that he is—either way, "Momma" wishes for both her sake and Reilly's sake that:

  1. She knew who Reilly's future "Daddy" is.
  2. That the person who's sending her mixed signals would just tell her, especially for Reilly's sake