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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Somewhat Offbeat: "Momma" Told You That Reilly's Not Well Behaved Enough To Be A Service Dog

Since an service dog would be required to be well behaved and younger than two years old, Reilly lacks the behaving nature and youth that a service dog must have. Even again using a pair of "Momma"'s underwear (yes; underwear!) as a tug-of-war and chewing today—notwithstanding that it was clean—and trying to eat a desiccant bead—albe that it was harmless, and she dropped it when she was told to drop it—automatically disqualifies Reilly from being even close to trainable for service-dog work.

If only Reilly had a more-able-to-be-authorative-than-"Momma" "Daddy", meanwhile! As "Momma" has stated, may God count loneliness for over three years—not to mention almost eight years after her first abysmal relationship ended—as enough of a fast and provide a Yom Kippur miracle to break "Momma"'s fast of lonelinessnot to mention that Reilly turns two years and seven old in two weeks in terms of both Gregorian reckoning and Hebrew reckoning, since she was actually born on Second Adar 23 or 24, 5773! Besides, getting blamed for Reilly's disobedience when she was specifically told to go inside after eating "nasties" is not fun—after all, "Momma" had no chair to use as a porch railing and could not hold the leashes of Reilly and Camille—and even "Mom-Mom", whom was home yesterday due to Columbus Day, had a hard time getting going-back-into-the-backyard Reilly to come inside the house.

Incidentally, "Momma" remains jobless and unable to provide for Reilly as much as she'd like to provide for Reilly on her part—and despite that she uses LinkedIn appropriately—and she will be pleased with Reilly if Reilly's gifts of writing fodder to "Momma" lands or helps land "Momma" a job. 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Reilly As A Service Dog & In A Courtroom?!

Firstly, Reilly is not behaved enough to ever be a service dog. Secondly, she misbehaved and barked enough to cause "Momma" to flinch while "Momma" was typing just a few minutes ago—and she knows that barking is a "no-no". Thirdly, she is already two-and-a-half years old and more than old enough to be fasting on Yom Kippur if puppies could fast and had to fast—and she would be fasting if she could and were required to fast.

Finally, "Momma" would never drag barky and all-too-gregarious-for-a-courtroom Reilly into any courtroom—besides, "Momma" thankfully ended up not having to take legal action in regard to a recent violation of the ADA after all—"Momma" has nobody whom'd drive her to the courts, anyway.

Originally On LinkedIn As a Commentary Sample Of Mine: A Correlation Between Backlash Against Columbus Day & Anti Semitism?

I'd like to see if someone will undertake a study on whether the increasing backlash against Columbus Day correlates with the recent increase in Anti Semitism—whether the Anti Semitism is intentional or unintentional, and whether it is subtle or brazen—after all, Cristoforo Colombo was an Anusi (Crypto Jew; "marrano")and increasing exposure of evidence demonstrates this (not to mention that Anti Semites are also picking up on it outside of any context of Columbus Day, as hate-speech websites like Jew Watch show). Of course (and as I'm applying what I learned in my Political Research Methods class here), the following hypotheses would have to be considered:
  1. H1: The increase in the backlash against Columbus Day correlates with the recent increase in Anti Semitism, and the Anti Semitism is intentional and subtle.
  2. H2: The increase in the backlash against Columbus Day correlates with the recent increase in Anti Semitism, and the Anti Semitism is intentional and brazen.
  3. H3: The increase in the backlash against Columbus Day correlates with the recent increase in Anti Semitism, and the Anti Semitism is unintentional and subtle.
  4. H4: The increase in the backlash against Columbus Day correlates with the recent increase in Anti Semitism, and the Anti Semitism is unintentional and nonetheless brazen.
  5. H5: The increase in the backlash against Columbus Day inversely correlates with the recent increase in Anti Semitism, whether any Anti Semitism would intentional and subtle otherwise.
  6. H6: The increase in the backlash against Columbus Day inversely correlates with the recent increase in Anti Semitism, whether any Anti Semitism would be intentional and brazen otherwise.
  7. H7: The increase in the backlash against Columbus Day inversely correlates with the recent increase in Anti Semitism, whether any Anti Semitism would be unintentional and subtle otherwise.
  8. H8: The increase in the backlash against Columbus Day inversely correlates with the recent increase in Anti Semitism, whether any Anti Semitism would unintentional and brazen otherwise.
  9. ∅: No correlation between the increase in the backlash against Columbus Day and the recent increase in Anti Semitism exists.
The methodology might be something like the following:
  1. Surveying at least 1,000 Pro-Columbus Day Americans regarding a possible correlation between the increase in the backlash against Columbus Day and the recent increase in Anti Semitism.
  2. Surveying at least 1,000 Anti-Columbus Day Americans regarding a possible correlation between the increase in the backlash against Columbus Day and the recent increase in Anti Semitism.
  3. Interviewing scholars whom study the Inquisition, Christopher Columbus, the Age of Exploration and Colonialism, Native Central Americans (such as the Tainos), and Jewish history and genealogy (including Crypto-Jewish history and genealogy)
  4. Interviewing Anti-Columbus Day activists, Pro-Columbus Day activists, and employees and volunteers of organizations regarding Jewish history and gemealogy—including Crypto Jews (e.g., JewishGen—whose database I, I mention for the sake of disclosure, use to research my own family history, since I am a descendant of both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Anusim—and the Society For Crypto-Judaic Studies).
The sample groups, of course, would have to be as randomly formed and equal in number as possible; and the study would be a mixed-type—that is, a quantitative-and-qualitative—study. As for the literature review, it would have to include scholarly and non-scholarly literature on:
  1. The Inquisition
  2. Christopher Columbus
  3. The Age of Exploration and Colonialism
  4. Native Central Americans
  5. Jewish history and genealogy
  6. Anti-Columbus Day activism and activists
  7. Pro-Columbus Day activists and activism
Of course, I wouldn't be undertaking the study because I have an inherit bias in the subject and a hard time with both Excel and advanced statistical math (as my "C" grade in my Political Research Methods and my necessity of taking Statistics twice demonstrates), as well as a hard time with Literature Reviews (as I type with only finger on each hand due to Cerebral Palsy and have OCD/Anxiety-related angst over the already-angst-inducing pedantry of the MLA, the late Kate Turabian, and other citation zealots). My inherit bias, meanwhile, is demonstrated in this hypothesis:
"I stand by what I stated re Columbus, Caribeaños Nativos, and the Holocaust—also, I don't recall Jews mitigating, making light of, or denying the horrors of what Columbus did. In fact, a ben Anusim by the name of Bartolomé de las Casas worked to help and pursue justice for mistreated Americanos Nativos in his own day, which followed the day of Columbus."
Therefore, I've set up as much of the study as possible—may a professional researcher undertake the rest of the study, even if he or she gives me no mention concerning or other credit concerning the study.

Reilly & Camille Finally Got Their Apples & Honey, And...

The night before, Reilly wasn't as deserving of the apple slice and honey that she had—and she is very lucky that:

  1. Puppies cannot fast and do not have to fast on Yom Kippur.
  2.  The apple slice and honey were a belated Yom Teru'ah treat as opposed to a reward or a last-treat-before-Yom Kippur treat.
  3. "Momma" considers that Reilly may've been reacting to stress at home of late.
Still, "Momma" was unpleased in having to hear "Your fur daughter made me cry" because Reilly tried to bite "Auntie Michelle" when "Auntie Michelle" was taking her downstairs to "go potty" and go back upstairs with Reilly. ("The ferocity with which she attacked me did concern me," "Auntie Michelle" adds today). Also, Reilly has tried to bite Camille before when Camille has gotten too close to "Mom-Mom" for Reilly's comfort. So, she was not going to take "Auntie Michelle"'s attempt to give "Mom-Mom" a good night kiss.

Reilly also ate "nasties" when she was outside to "go potty", and she ate "nasties" when "Aunt Michelle" took her out for a run this afternoon! Incidentally and meanwhile, "Momma" wonders what she's going to do if there ends up not a "Daddy" for Reilly—let alone any kind of miracle—let alone a Yom Kippur miracle. After all, for example, the following humiliating reminder for "Momma" that she's too physically weak to care for Reilly alone exists:

Being unable to even crawl on the floor to transport the coffee that she to drink while she watches the Presidential Debate at her computer as it livestreams.

That "Momma" couldn't even carry a coffee cup over from the kitchen to the computer desk in the family room—even with crawling and sliding the cup or carrying the cup while hanging on to objects to support her—painfully reminds her that she can't walk Reilly alone, catch her when she runs away with a "nasty" or as she runs with a toy during playtime, etc..

For all that "Momma" knows, though, maybe loneliness will count as enough of a fast for God to send her a helpmate for her and a "Daddy" to Reilly, whether soon or down the road—and whoever the "Daddy" for Reilly might be could be anyone from a total stranger to even one of the guys among guys and gals whom inspired "Momma" to write about Reilly, no matter what "Momma" thinks of the chances that any given guy would or will ever be Reilly's "Daddy".

By the way, Reilly did behave when "Auntie Michelle" took her to "peety" tonight—since Reilly can behave at least once in while, maybe there's hope of a miracle for "Momma" in terms of having a helpmate whom Reilly will know as "Daddy" (and whom Camille will know as "Uncle [Whomever]").

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Very-Patient Reilly & A Difficult Time For Her

Reilly is often very patient with "Momma", and Reilly is dealing relatively well enough with the difficult timesincluding "Momma"'s preparations for Yom Kippur and dealing with loneliness—that are going on at home—and Reilly's incredible patience, even when "Momma" gets mad at Reilly for bad behaviors such as barking vociferously or frustratedly biting "Auntie Michelle", amazes "Momma". Especially as "Momma" has gone through heartbreaks such as losing touch with the main person whom inspired her to write about Reilly, Reilly has been "Momma"'s biggest fan—or at least her biggest canine fanwhile "Momma" can't always be her biggest fan.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Somewhat Offbeat: A Milestone October 11th (And Maybe a "Yom Kippur" Miracle If "Momma"'s Lucky) & Reilly's Afternoon Antics

The October 11th of 2016 is Yom Kippur 5776 & the two-week countdown to Reilly's two-year-and-seventh-month birthday—not to mention:

  1. One month after the painful 15th anniversary of 9/11—and America somehow still stands strongly.
  2. One month before the 98th Anniversary of Armistice Day
  3. The day that is two weeks before Reilly's 2016 seventh-month birthday being on the same day as the Fast of the Seventh Month in 5776.
  4. The day that Reilly would be fasting if puppies—including adult puppies, whom are "bark mitzvahs"—could fast and would have to fast for teshuvah v'kippurim.
While puppies cannot fast and do not have to fast for any reason, let alone l'ma'an teshuvah v'kippurim, especially because of today would Reilly certainly have to fast if she had a mitzvah to be a shomeret HaYom HaKippurim! Being a single "Momma" with a disability, "Momma" certainly had no fun with Reilly's disobedience as Reilly burst out of the back door while she was taking Camille to "go potty"—Reilly, albe unintentionally, added insult to "Momma"'s injurious state in life by making "Momma" chase her around the backyard, try to get her to avoid eating "nasties" such as mulch, and putting a neighbor in a bad position as he or she was unable to help get disobedient Reilly back inside and late leaving for a family obligation as a result—not to mention that the neighbor, even though he or she has recovered from his or her recent surgery, had the surgery only about a month ago.

This is also another reminder of why "Momma" needs a "Daddy" for Reilly as both "Momma" and "Reilly" get older—besides, an as-possible-as-able man would be able to have authority over Reilly than 5'1.75"-and-afflicted-with-CP-and-Scoliosis "Momma". Granted that, for example, the main person who inspired "Momma" to write about Reilly got frustrated when "Momma" once complained about her state in her life—as he understandably viewed "Momma"'s complaining as being a pity-party schtick, as most other people view it because they don't get how hard it is for "Momma".  

Still, as "Momma" wrote in her last "Offbeat" post:

"As if "Momma" isn't in enough pain, didn't hope for a miracle on Yom Teru'ah and National Boyfriend Day, and isn't even trying to be a good "Momma" to Reilly! As if "Momma" doesn't think about herself and "Reilly" getting older while "Momma" either needs Reilly's "Daddy" to come into her life soon or might have to end up remaining an alteh moid and being another stereotypical and forced-by-life case of the ableist argument that people with disabilities don't get married because society doesn't love them!

"'Momma' hurts enough for herself and for Reilly, and feels like Daisy in The Great Gatsby did:

"'Through this twilight universe Daisy began to move again with the season...'

"["Momma"'s own "twilight universe" is mental-illness flareups that only exacerbate "Momma"'s injurious situation in life.]"

On that note, may "Momma" have a Yom Kippur miracle and have God break her forced fast known as being single with little to no hope of having a "Daddy" for Reilly unless by some miracle. Whether "Momma" will observe the tzom l'Yom Kippur, by the way, is nobody's business but her business and God's business.

By the way, Reilly came back inside after the last time that "Momma" bribed her with yogurt—and Camille got extra yogurt for being a good girl and waiting patiently inside while "Auntie Nicole" had to chase Reilly, had to admonish Reilly several times, pray to a God whom seemed to be not helping her out at quite a few points, try to bribe Reilly with multiple treats (e.g., turkey, yogurt, peanut butter), try to trick her (e.g., "Is Mom-Mom home?"; "Let's go get some salmon."), and otherwise try to get her to go back inside after she explicitly disobeyed "Momma" by bursting out into the backyard as "Momma" was trying to get out through the doorway with Camille.

Also incidentally, as Reilly turns two weeks older and perhaps more stubborn, Reilly's 2016 seventh-month birthday will be wedged right in between what would've been "Momma"'s great-granddad Czarnecki's 112th birthday and his paternal grandmother's 178th birthday—and her namesake granddaughter's 119th birthday (and if only she'd've lived to 120 years instead of died in her 51st year of Breast Cancer!), By the way, "Momma" talks to Reilly about her human family all of the time—and speaking of family, Reilly's twice-removed cousin Shelby turns a year old on October 20th! 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Offbeat: Still Waiting On Reilly's "Daddy" & An Awful Post On People With Disabilities

Firstly, about the post: according to a now-ex Facebook friend, "people with mental/neurological disabilities"—including, by her logic, herself—should never marry or have children—since they can't handle being spouses and parents, and will only put their children into dysfunction and poverty. Also according to her, Reilly's human grandparents shouldn't have had children. Meanwhile, the hypocrite herself recently married and refused to respond when Reilly's "Momma" pointed out that the now-ex friend was basically saying that God shouldn't have created people with disabilities—"Momma" also, pointed out, for example and without saying in the exact words what she pointed out, that the hypocrite wants to deny others with disabilities the opportunity to marry.

As if "Momma" isn't in enough pain, didn't hope for a miracle on Yom Teru'ah and National Boyfriend Day, and isn't even trying to be a good "Momma" to Reilly! As if "Momma" doesn't think about herself and "Reilly" getting older while "Momma" either needs Reilly's "Daddy" to come into her life soon or might have to end up remaining an alteh moid and being another stereotypical and forced-by-life case of the ableist argument that people with disabilities don't get married because society doesn't love them!

"Through this twilight universe Daisy began to move again with the season; suddenly she was again keeping half a dozen dates a day with half a dozen men, and drowsing asleep at dawn with the beads and chiffon of an evening dress tangled among dying orchids on the floor beside her bed. And all the time something within her was crying for a decision. She wanted her life shaped now, immediately — and the decision must be made by some force — of love, of money, of unquestionable practicality — that was close at hand.
"That force took shape in the middle of spring with the arrival of Tom Buchanan. There was a wholesome bulkiness about his person and his position, and Daisy was flattered. Doubtless there was a certain struggle and a certain relief. The letter reached Gatsby while he was still at Oxford"

If "Momma" has to settle like Daisy Buchanahn did, she will—at least she'd be able to expect that she'd be ablestically cheated on if she did get cheated on, as opposed to have to say "I should've have expected to be cheated on" if she ends up getting cheated on by a guy whom she thought might actually stay with her.

Incidentally, "Momma" did once send tthe main person whom inspired her to write about Reilly a writing-practice piece in which she quoted The Great Gatsby —and she is more than ever reminded about that green light on the dock as she waits for whomever Reilly's "Daddy" might be:

"There's a "Great Gatsby" meme that's going around the Internet, and it's—at least I assume that it's—particularly made inroads in the Facebook world—after all, the Facebook world is its subject. The "Gatsby" meme reads something like, "When you see your crush online, you know how Gatsby felt when he stared at the green light at the end of the dock." The reference is, of course, how a crush's name with "Web O" by it is reminiscent of the following: "'You always have a green light that burns all night at the end of your dock.'""
Unlike Gatsby, though, "Momma" won't have the memory of her green light fade and have the green light become just another object.