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Showing posts with label history. Show all posts
Showing posts with label history. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Why Russian Jews And Jews Like Myself Are Perhaps Not Buriable In Israel

 Many of those Former Soviet nationals are Jews but are not considered as such by the Orthodox Pharisees--either because they're Karaites, Messianic Jews (Jewish Christians), or something else altogether; Patrilineal Jews or not Matrilineally or otherwise Jewish enough. I come from that very legacy--I am a Jewish Christian but can't even look to bury myself and reinter certain relatives in Israel because we were Ashkenazim Anusim and/or descendants thereof. Prime example: my great-granduncle Bernie--the only reason that he can't be reinterred in Israel is because his parents lived as Crypto Jews (Anusim) in Poland during the pogroms and America when their non-converted family kicked them off of the family farm. Otherwise, with no direct descendants or anyone else claiming to be his next of kin, who would object to me taking my Anusi great-granddad's brother to the land that my great-great-grandparents yearned for?

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Repost: What Glamour? From

The naysayers like jon357 and Magdalena (who, for whatever reason, want me to continue to fall for Dad's and Pop-Pop's romanticized narrative about Great-Granddad) are the ones who really get my goat. I myself was shocked by the truth--never did I dream that Great-Granddad Czarnecki was born a Chernetski in Tsuman, Ukraine (then Cumań in then-Wołyn, Ukraine-Poland Russia) while his dad was back home in Lipsk nad Biebrzą or Somovo(? So the record says, but would he really have been all the way in Somovo, far from Lipsk; and not, say, Szumowo or Shamovo?)? He was born while his mom may have been making a Rosh Hodesh visit to a cousin, Vil'gel'm Andrulevich, in Buzhanka in the Kiev, Ukraine region. 

The story gets even less glamorous. There is nothing glamorous about converting to Catholicism to fool the Russians into thinking that you finally believe in Jesus as the Jewish Messiah--especially when your family sits shiva for you because you did so. As an e-mail from my Granduncle Tony alludes to (although the poor man still denies that we're Jewish--and that's another discussion. Anyway):

I never seen nor did anyone mention anything special brought from Poland. A friend from Sugar Notch, Mrs. Bertha Wawrzyn, visited Poland every few years to see her family and would visit the family while there. All she ever brought back were photos that she took of the Polish Czarnecki's (see earlier comments).

There was very little discussion of the Polish life and family. Usually, when there was, it was a brief mention of the farm that was left behind. There did not seem to be any regrets about leaving for a better life. After all , they settled among Polish, Slavic, Hungarian, Lithuanian, and Ukrainian people just like themselves. Similar language, similar customs, similar faces, houses, churches, etc. But life was much better than on the farm. They were quite happy in America and much better off. The motherland, Poland, was far off and just a memory, not to be forgotten but no regrets for leaving either.

Periodically a church pastor would run a heritage trip back to Poland for a group. Very few of those who immigrated would return. Occasionally someone "in the family" in America would join a relative for the return trip, Usually meeting the Polish or Slovak relatives for the first time and occasionally maintaining a letter writing relationship afterwards. This DID NOT happen in our family.

There was not very much correspondence with the Polish family. Only an infrequent letter. There were no exchanges other than through the Polish Church which would have clothing drives and send clothes to Poland in general, but not to specific family members. Bertha's photos which came after the trips were the only contact until they asked for the deed to be changed in the mid 1960's.

Once the conversion happened and the shiva was sat, that was it "until they asked for the deed to be changed in the mid 1960's"; with the Holocaust being that dark interim in regards to any contact even with Bertha Wawrzyn--and three Czarnieckis, perhaps cousins, are listed on JewishGen as having been Holocaust victims from Białystok:

Bialystok Children's Transport to Theresienstadt, October 5, 1943

Searching for Surname (phonetically like) Czarnecki
Number of hits: 3
Run on Saturday 28 July 2012 at 22:19:31

Child #
Adult # Surname(s), Given Name Father + Mother Born Transport

Gerszon + Rochl
1934 Bialystok


Gerszon + Rochl
1933 Bialystok


Gerszon + Rochl
1936 Bialystok
What glamour would there be in that for my great-granddad "Antoni" and his parents "Julian" and "Alexandria" (and they gave both sets of his grandparents the names "Antoni" and "Katarzyna"--why that didn't ring bells or raise flags for me at first, I don't know.)? What glamour was there to be had for living as Crypto-Jewish Catholics in Sugar Notch, Pennsylvania to escape WASP (White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant) and WEC (White, European Catholic) Anti Semitism? What glamour was in for "Antoni" (later "Anthony") to grow up to become a man like his "holy terror", "tough cookie" mom (who abused his drunkard dad, her drunkard husband), and then commit suicide once he had time to reflect on just what he became? What glamour?

So, my dad and granddad paint this romanticized picture of a lone Polish immigrant who served in Korea and died of Black Lung in 1972, which is far from the Anthony Czarnecki ne G-d-knows-who Chernetski that he was.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Post After A Busy Day: Is Greg Gutfeld Really Jewish?

Undeniably yes. Even though he is a raised-Catholic agnostic, he's still ethnically Jewish and has an Ashkenazic Jewish surname--German/Yiddish "good field". To make a long theological discussion short and use Greg Gutfeld as a case in point, as well as to quickly compare him to case-in-point me, one can be an ethnic Jew and not considered Jewish--whether or not he or she is actually religious Jewish. By the way, Anusi (Crypto Jewish) families can go back at least a century to even the Dark Ages.

Case in point, you have Catholic Greg Gutfeld who has said that he is not Jewish; and whether that's ignorance or denial on his part, I don't know. But Bill O'Reilly wished him a "Happy Hanukkah" once, and that's when he brought it up. Greg Gutfeld could well (and understandably) be an Anusi or an in-the-dark descendant of Anusim--or maybe he sadly doesn't see "Jewish" as an ethnic label (or maybe he does and is in denial about it).

Another case in point, my self-loathing dad and his parents. Same thing as Greg Gutfeld (assuming that Greg Gutfeld knows better and is an Anusi)--raised Catholic, descendants of Anusim, in loathable and loathing denial that they're Jewish, and considering "Jewish" as a religious--not an ethnic--label.

I hope that, that address a question that I've seen implied or explicitly come up in my FeedJit and Blogger stats.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

What Glamour? From

The naysayers like jon357 and Magdalena (who, for whatever reason, want me to continue to fall for Dad's and Pop-Pop's romanticized narrative about Great-Granddad) are the ones who really get my goat. I myself was shocked by the truth--never did I dream that Great-Granddad Czarnecki was born a Chernetski in Tsuman, Ukraine (then Cumań in then-Wołyn, Ukraine-Poland Russia) while his dad was back home in Lipsk nad Biebrzą or Somovo(? So the record says, but would he really have been all the way in Somovo, far from Lipsk; and not, say, Szumowo or Shamovo?)? He was born while his mom may have been making a Rosh Hodesh visit to a cousin, Vil'gel'm Andrulevich, in Buzhanka in the Kiev, Ukraine region. 

The story gets even less glamorous. There is nothing glamorous about converting to Catholicism to fool the Russians into thinking that you finally believe in Jesus as the Jewish Messiah--especially when your family sits shiva for you because you did so. As an e-mail from my Granduncle Tony alludes to (although the poor man still denies that we're Jewish--and that's another discussion. Anyway):

I never seen nor did anyone mention anything special brought from Poland. A friend from Sugar Notch, Mrs. Bertha Wawrzyn, visited Poland every few years to see her family and would visit the family while there. All she ever brought back were photos that she took of the Polish Czarnecki's (see earlier comments).

There was very little discussion of the Polish life and family. Usually, when there was, it was a brief mention of the farm that was left behind. There did not seem to be any regrets about leaving for a better life. After all , they settled among Polish, Slavic, Hungarian, Lithuanian, and Ukrainian people just like themselves. Similar language, similar customs, similar faces, houses, churches, etc. But life was much better than on the farm. They were quite happy in America and much better off. The motherland, Poland, was far off and just a memory, not to be forgotten but no regrets for leaving either.

Periodically a church pastor would run a heritage trip back to Poland for a group. Very few of those who immigrated would return. Occasionally someone "in the family" in America would join a relative for the return trip, Usually meeting the Polish or Slovak relatives for the first time and occasionally maintaining a letter writing relationship afterwards. This DID NOT happen in our family.

There was not very much correspondence with the Polish family. Only an infrequent letter. There were no exchanges other than through the Polish Church which would have clothing drives and send clothes to Poland in general, but not to specific family members. Bertha's photos which came after the trips were the only contact until they asked for the deed to be changed in the mid 1960's.

Once the conversion happened and the shiva was sat, that was it "until they asked for the deed to be changed in the mid 1960's"; with the Holocaust being that dark interim in regards to any contact even with Bertha Wawrzyn--and three Czarnieckis, perhaps cousins, are listed on JewishGen as having been Holocaust victims from Białystok:

Bialystok Children's Transport to Theresienstadt, October 5, 1943

Searching for Surname (phonetically like) Czarnecki
Number of hits: 3
Run on Saturday 28 July 2012 at 22:19:31

Child #
Adult # Surname(s), Given Name Father + Mother Born Transport

Gerszon + Rochl
1934 Bialystok


Gerszon + Rochl
1933 Bialystok


Gerszon + Rochl
1936 Bialystok

What glamour would there be in that for my great-granddad "Antoni" and his parents "Julian" and "Alexandria" (and they gave both sets of his grandparents the names "Antoni" and "Katarzyna"--why that didn't ring bells or raise flags for me at first, I don't know.)? What glamour was there to be had for living as Crypto-Jewish Catholics in Sugar Notch, Pennsylvania to escape WASP (White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant) and WEC (White, European Catholic) Anti Semitism? What glamour was in for "Antoni" (later "Anthony") to grow up to become a man like his "holy terror", "tough cookie" mom (who abused his drunkard dad, her drunkard husband), and then commit suicide once he had time to reflect on just what he became? What glamour?

So, my dad and granddad paint this romanticized picture of a lone Polish immigrant who served in Korea and died of Black Lung in 1972, which is far from the Anthony Czarnecki ne G-d-knows-who Chernetski that he was.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Proof Of Chauvinism In Our Society Re Kristen Stewart

According to Fox News, people are even threatening to murder Kristen Stewart (and all this after innocent people were murdered in Aurora, Colorado last week!). Who's blaming the married-with-children, in-a-higher-position (director-to-the-actor), older Rupert Sanders? Even Liberty Ross Sanders is blaming Kristen Stewart. Our society patriarchally, in a bad way, refuses to recognize that "To whom much is given, much is required."

Here (as my sister noted, by the way) is an older man taking advantage of a woman who's roughly half his age, and old enough to be her dad at that (He's 41; she's 22). Here is a married man pursuing a single woman, and cheating on his wife and kids in pursuing any (let alone a single-but-not-available--but still single) woman; and here is a director pursuing an actress.

Did true Christianity (even all those years ago, and throughout the ages when it has resurrected) and the feminist movement do nothing for society? Jesus, for example, forgave the adulterous woman and the Samaritan at the well, while He constantly lambasted the hypocritical Pharisees. Much later on, He brought forth even two Non-Messianic Jewish women to liberate women--Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan. 

So if Jesus brought forth even Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan to liberate women--even modern-day Samaritans at wells and adulterous women--, why can't we forgive Kristen Stewart? Furthermore, we do we judge her and not the higher-up Rupert Sanders all the more so? 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I'd Appreciate If Someone Could Translate the Following For Me...

ul. Mickiewicza 1, 16-400 Suwałki
parter budynku

Attn: Elżbieta Giedrojć

Director Giedrojć:
I inquire of the Suwałki Register Office regarding information on my family. My family was Jewish before my great-great-grandparents converted to Catholicism in or after 1904. Therefore, I have no true birth and paternity information on even my great-great-grandparents. 

For example (and I have attached copies of certain records for your reference per what I am explaining), my great-great-granddad claimed to be Julian John “Felix” Czarnecki né Julian Jan “Feliks” Czarniecki, and the son of Antoni Czarniecki and Katarzyna née Daniłowiczówna. He specifically claimed to be born once on December 24, 1876; and another time on December 24, 1877. However, in a 1920 United States Census Record, he revealed his surname to be “Chernetski”. He also was born or at least made his childhood residence his family’s farm in Lipsk nad Biebrzą.

His wife (my great-great-grandmother), Alexandria Alice Andrulewicz Czarnecki, claimed to have been born on June 26, 1882 in Bose, Sejny Uyezd, Suwałki Gubernia. She claimed to be born Aleksjondria Alicja Andrulewiczówna and the daughter of Antoni Andrulewicz and Katarzyna née Margiewiczówna. Yet, her son (my great-granddad) Anthony John Czarnecki, Sr. was (rather, at least she claimed that he was) born in Cumań, Wołyń. She also had a cousin, Vil’gel’m Andrulevich, in Buzhanka, Zvenigorodka Uyzed, Kiev Gubernia. 

Speaking of my great-granddad, his parents claimed him to be born conversely in Cumań, Wołyń and mainland Poland. They claimed him to be born Antoni Jan Czarniecki on October 23, 1904 and October 24, 1904. He immigrated to Sugar Notch, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, United States with his mother in May 1908.

As I stated, I have attached copies of certain records for your reference per what I am explaining. I hope that you can provide me with the correct information about my great-granddad, his parents, and his grandparents. I also hope—if I may request—that you can provide me with as many records containing the information as possible. In particular, I am interested in specific records such as their birth, baptism, circumcision (b’rit milah), confirmation, bar- and bat-mitzvah, and death certificates and records.

Thank you for your time and assistance.


Nicole Czarnecki 

Enclosed: Certain records mentioned for reference

Why I Disagree With The Following Proverb

"The kind of ancestors you have is not as important as the ones your children have." Amish Proverb, as seen on Twitter.

My take: the kind of ancestors whom you have is as important as the ones that your descendants have; because if you don't understand your ancestors to some extent, you're not going to learn from and be better than them--after all, "You're only as good as your parents" (as my friend Jim states) and "Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it."

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

For My More Sophisticated Readers (e.g., Mostly Not On

Let me lay down exactly why "Czarnecki" may be a Sephardic Jewish name (As you can see, Polish Anti Semites and others hijacked the thread by slandering me, clearly twisting my arguments, etc.. So, let me lay down the argument without any tsores--or as they might prefer if they read this blog, cores--here.):

Did Sephardic Jews fleeing into Poland, Belarus, Lithuania, and Russia bring in "Czarnecki" and its variants? According to Genealogy expert Kimberly Powell:

Definition: One who came from Czarnecki, a wooded place on the bank of a river (there are dozens of places named Czarnecki in Spain). This ancient surname originated in Asturias, Galicia, León, and Castile, according to the Instituto Genealógico e Histórico Latino-Americano.

Surname Origin: Spanish

Alternate Surname Spellings: SOTOS

How do you like that? We Jews might've brought "Czarnecki" into Poland. Sephardic Jews probably brought it in to [sic.. from] Spain; which is important because then it would give even less excuses for any Anti Semitism in Poland and among Poles, especially since some of the "marranos" (Anusim) may have been Messianic Jewish Catholics and otherwise Messianic Jews whose conversions were not taken seriously. 

For my readers and others who are still in doubt, you're sure that "Czarnia" isn't a Polonized form of "Negro" or something? If you have a problem with it, ask Kimberly Powell; or do the research like I did to confirm what Ms. Powell stated. Let's try with Google Translate, which is basic but useful, for size:

"Soto Name Meaninghabitational name from any of numerous places named Soto or El Soto, from soto ‘grove’, ‘small wood’ (Latin saltus).Castilianized spelling of Asturian-Leonese Sotu, a habitational name from a town so named in Asturies.Castilianized spelling of the Galician equivalent, Souto."

(Plural is Sotos)

Soto --> zagajnik --> shrubbery

Sotos --> gaje --> groves

But hang on...

saltus --> las --> forest


Czarnecki Name MeaningPolish and Jewish (from Poland): habitational name for someone from a place called Czarnca in Kielce voivodeship, or any of the various places called Czarnocin or Czarnia, all named with Polish czarny ‘black’.

"Czarnecki" thus could've come from "Sotos" in terms of there being forests with a name such is, e.g., Sotos Negros (Czarne Gaje).

"Czarnecki" could've easily been (for a lack of a better term) a bastarized form of "Czarnegaje" or "Czarnegaje". As for similar surnames, such as Czerwiński (Tsherviński)...well, let's look at Czerwiński:

Kimberly Powell: 
Definition: One who came from Czerwinski, a wooded place on the bank of a river (there are dozens of places named Czerwinski in Spain). This ancient surname originated in Asturias, Galicia, León, and Castile, according to the Instituto Genealógico e Histórico Latino-Americano.

Surname Origin: Spanish

Alternate Surname Spellings: SOTOS 
Czerwinski Name MeaningPolish (Czerwi(e)nski): habitational name for someone from a place called Czerwin in P{l-}ock voivodeship, Czerwionka, Czerwonka, or other places in Poland named with czerwien ‘red’.
Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-508137-4

czerwien --> red of -->rojo de

This is a case where "rojo" may have somehow sounded like "soto" and gotten mixed up, or she just confused "Czarnecki" and "Czerwiński" when she typed for Humans are imperfect. You laugh (at least if you're one of the resident Anti Semites or other resident miscreants of, but I'd like to see when you're perfect. At least I researched to make my argument.

By the way, how come Polish wouldn't allow corruptions or bastardizations of its own language or other languages if it allows for place and other names such as:

Czernacze...Czarnca..Carncza... Czarcza...Czarnnecz... Carncza...Czarnca


Czarna Rzeka


Various formats and corruptions can happen in any language. I'm simply saying that "Czarne Gaje" could've been "Sotos Negros" and could've been confused as "Rojos Negros" (Hence, Czerwinski). The corruption could've even been deliberate on the part of non-native speakers who were looking to Polonize last names such as "Sotosnegros", "Rojosnegros", and "Sotosrojos". I'm also saying that they could've been Polonized forms, and surnames sometimes just fade out of existence or forever become part of another language. It's very possible that all the surname bearers could've left or even been murdered in the Inquisition or even as far back as the Crusades, etc.; and had their records destroyed.

Are you still in doubt? The problem (for my readers who are miscreants, anyway) is that you think that I'm suggesting that the Poles or only the Poles caused a possible bastardization of "Sotosrojos", "Sotosnegros", etc.. As I said, "I'm simply saying that "Czarne Gaje" could've been "Sotos Negros" and could've been confused as "Rojos Negros" (Hence, Czerwinski). The corruption could've even been deliberate on the part of non-native speakers who were looking to Polonize last names such as "Sotosnegros", "Rojosnegros", and "Sotosrojos"." They could've been trying to come up with different or new surnames.

Again, you know that I'm wrong because? As I stated, "It's very possible that all the surname bearers could've left or even been murdered in the Inquisition or even as far back as the Crusades, etc.; and had their records destroyed." I also beforehand stated, "I'm saying that they could've been Polonized forms, and surnames sometimes just fade out of existence or forever become part of another language." I further stated, "As I said, 'I'm simply saying that "Czarne Gaje" could've been "Sotos Negros" and could've been confused as "Rojos Negros" (Hence, Czerwinski). The corruption could've even been deliberate on the part of non-native speakers who were looking to Polonize last names such as "Sotosnegros", "Rojosnegros", and "Sotosrojos".' They could've been trying to come up with different or new surnames."

 By the way, whole families were murdered and had evidence of their existence destroyed in the Crusades, Inquisition, etc.. "But were the records all destroyed? ;-)You think that this is funny, don't you? The Spaniards wouldn't have wanted proof that Jews who didn't believe in Jesus were ever in existence in Spain. You can be really evil and Anti Semitic.

As for gentiles with those surnames, "So, are you going to examine the Blacks, Blackwoods, Blackgroves and Redgroves next? It's exactly the same story, isn't it? Aren't they all Spanish Jews who emigrated to the UK/US via Poland?" Not all of them, but the only Spaniards who would've fled into Poland (and I didn't even think about the Mohammedians and Protestants; but besides Mohammedians and Protestants--though I doubt that many of them would've fled into Poland--the only ones who'd've fled into Poland) with names like "Sotos", etc. are Sephardic Jews fleeing the Inquisition or perhaps even the fall of Constantinople.

By the way and back to the records point, the Spaniards wouldn't have wanted proof that Jews who didn't believe in Jesus were ever in existence in Spain. "If that is so, why do all know about medieval Spanish Jews and admire their huge achievements? I'm serious." The Inquisition didn't begin fully until 1492, and some escaped the Inquisition. By the way, I reiterate that you can be really evil and Anti Semitic by asserting that the Spaniards wouldn't have dared wiped out Jewish records in the Inquisition. 

"I probably can (never tried to), but I am not. I am simply not kowtowing to whatever you say just because you call yourself a Jew. Your being whatever ethnicity / nationality / religion has absolutely nothing to do with being automatically right on any subject." By suggesting that the Spaniards wouldn't have dared to try to wipe out the records of the very people that they wanted to wipe out of existence, you are minimizing what the Inquisition was about; and that is really evil and Anti Semitic of you. Also, I never suggested that my ethnicity makes me right. To suggest that I think that I'm right just because I'm a Jew is also perhaps a little Anti Semitic on your part.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

In Case Something Happens To Me (e.g., I Do Something Stupid)...

Here's my updated obituary (my older obituary is in the back of my journal along with my will and post-mortem plans, which--like I had to with my obituary--I have to eventually update). I've been pretty close to suicide a number of times in at least the past three days. Some parts are censored due to: 1) privacy reasons 2) the privacy being due to that I'm not dead yet:

Born January 23, 1990 at 5:37 AM at St. Agnes Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, Nicole [censored] Czarnecki was the oldest child and twin daughter of Gregory "Greg" [censored] and Cecilia Allen (née Cecilia [censored] Allen) Czarnecki. A second-generation Marylander, she was raised by Greg--a first-generation Marylander--and (mostly) Cecilia--who has extensive family histories in Maryland, including those of the Pelz-DeBoy families (from which Delegate Steve DeBoy, and actors Paul and P.J. DeBoy descend). She was also a granddaughter of former IRS Agent John "Jack" Czarnecki (who served tax papers to then-President Richard Nixon; an who, at the time, resided in Glen Burnie and now resides in Millersville). 

She was raised in [censored], going to  [censored] Elementary and [censored] Middle (now a part of [censored]) Schools. She graduated from Chapelgate Christian Academy in Marriottsville on June 2, 2008. Briefly attending Howard Community College and then-College (now-University) of Notre Dame of Maryland, she chose to settle on University of Maryland, Baltimore County as her alma mater. She planned to major in Political Science and graduate UMBC in June 2013. She planned to be a journalist, commentator, or other news-and-politics-affiliated professional. 

She loved, besides news and politics, genealogy and family history, history (besides family history), social networking, and music--among other things. Known to many as "Nickidewbear" and "The Nicole Factor" blogger, she blogged, tweeted, Facebooked, YouTubed, and otherwise made known her life's ups and downs, her passions, and other matters.

Besides her Internet audience (who either loved or hated her), her mother and her twin sister (Michelle) family friends, numerous family members (including Kevin Fosko--a paternal once-removed third cousin--and his family, of Silver Spring), and others survive her. She will be buried next to her great-grandmother Mary Theresa Czarnecki (née Trudniak, to Michael--né Mihály--and Anna Monková Trudniak) at St. Mary's Cemetery in Hanover Township, Pennsylvania. In honor of her ethnic Jewishness passed down by (among others) Anna Monková Trudniak, she will be buried in the Jewish tradition with no calling hours prior to her funeral. 

She also, in lieu of flowers, requested donations to Yad Vashem, JewishGen, Jews for Jesus, New Heritage (Morasha Hadasha) Community (which she began attending in 2012 and of which she intended to become a member), Hebrew4Christians, and Chosen People Ministries. She further requested donations to Wounded Warriors and The Fisher House (in memory of herself and Pfc. Bernard "Bernie" S. Czarnecki--Army, 111th Infantry Division Medical Corps, World War Two--, who died from wounds obtained in combat during World War Two), and, and charitable organizations such as Alexa's Lemonade Stand and small businesses such as

Shiva will be sat and Kaddish said for her at her home at [censored]. Please provide food for the mourners from Trader Joe's and Roots Market.          

Friday, July 6, 2012

Ted Nugent and the Civil War...

Ted Nugent is a Far-Left Democrat and RINO in disguise. Ignore him and his comments about the Civil War. After all, he is the guy who threatened to murder the President of the United States--which is neither Constitutional, Biblical, nor acceptable. By the way, the Democrats started the Civil War (Remember that Abraham Lincoln was a Christian, abolitionist Republican; and the exception among Democrats at the time included pro-Union Andrew Johnson) and the KKK (with Nathan Bedford Forrest as one of its founders). Therefore, Ted Nugentbelongs with the Far Lefts and the RINOs who are, essentially, self plants intent on infiltrating and destroying the Republican Party--which many Democrat Southerners also were and intended to do after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Never Forget...

Have a Blessed July 4th!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Back To The Future?

As I stated on Twitter, "Yeah, I've dreamed about that. But one learns enough in the present so that time travel isn't a good idea." In other words, G-d made us so that we learn what we learn, can't change the past from which we learn whatever we learn, and be as satisfied with what we learn as we can. If we're satisfied with what we learn (not necessarily happy or joyful, but content and accepting that what happened, happened), we can use what we learn to affect the present and the future as much as humanly possible.

For example, I can't change that Great-Grandma Gaydos did what she did to Vilmosz's side of the family. But I can learn from what she did and make sure that none of our family--or at least as few as possible--ever pull a kapoesque stunt again. I can't change what Great-Granddad Czarnecki's parents did, but I can rejoice in my Jewish heritage and Messianic Jewishness--and that also what they did helped lead me to salvation, although their intent was only to be Anusim to avoid Anti Semitism in both Polish and America. I can't learn everything else about my families' histories in this lifetime, but I can seek out to know what I can and be content with what I know.

Besides, I'd rather have a moment like this:

Than a "Back to the Future" moment. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939: PolishForums.Com

The making of an example of Roman Polański on Ironside's part brought to memory that from the end of Word War One to World War Two, Poland has had vicious Anti Semitism (some of which, from what I searched, had been scarily regrowing even after the Holocaust). This is perhaps best explained, at least in part, by the following along with that Poland was the center for much of Haredi Judaism and Talmudim Bawli w'Jeruszalayimi (Talmudim Bavlim v'Yerushalayimi):

"Surely, if Jesus were the heretic of the magnitude He is purported to be in some Jewish circles, Israel should have been blessed for rejecting Him. Yet, just forty years after His rejection, His prophecy came true: Instead of being gathered to Him as He longed to do, Israel was scattered; and their house (Temple, בֵּית־הַמִּקְדָּשׁ, Beit HaMikdash, "House of the Holy") was indeed left to [them] desolate. The Romans destroyed it in 70 C.E. when they crushed the First Jewish Revolt, slaughtered or enslaved many thousands, and scattered multitudes out of the Land. In 135 C.E. they completed the job when they crushed the Second Jewish Revolt. Surely Jesus must have been who He claimed to be: the Messiah of Israel (Isaiah 61:1-2 with Luke 4:16-21). Is not the rejection of the long-prophesied Messiah at least as great a sin as idolatry, for which God had previously judged Israel so severely on multiple occasions?
If Israel had received Jesus there would be no anti-Semitism today. He would have gather[ed His] children together, established His earthly Kingdom, the olam haba12, and Israel today would be the head, and not the tail (Deuteronomy 28:1,13). Now, we must wait for His return to see that glorious day, which we will see when Israel receives Him as Messiah."

What does this mean? That (among other matters,) among those who rejected Jeszua (Jesus), there were those who added to and took from the Word of G-d--including many Jews in Poland and vicinities of Poland (e.g., Wołyń):

Jeremiah 8:7-12

New King James Version (NKJV)
“Even the stork in the heavens
Knows her appointed times;
And the turtledove, the swift, and the swallow
Observe the time of their coming.
But My people do not know the judgment of the Lord.
“How can you say, ‘We are wise,
And the law of the Lord is with us’?
Look, the false pen of the scribe certainly works falsehood.
The wise men are ashamed,
They are dismayed and taken.
Behold, they have rejected the word of the Lord;
So what wisdom do they have?
10 Therefore I will give their wives to others,
And their fields to those who will inherit them;
Because from the least even to the greatest
Everyone is given to covetousness;
From the prophet even to the priest
Everyone deals falsely.
11 For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of My people slightly,
Saying, ‘Peace, peace!’
When there is no peace.
12 Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination?
No! They were not at all ashamed,
Nor did they know how to blush.
Therefore they shall fall among those who fall;
In the time of their punishment
They shall be cast down,” says the Lord.

Deuteronomy 28:36-38

New King James Version (NKJV)
36 “The Lord will bring you and the king whom you set over you to a nation which neither you nor your fathers have known, and there you shall serve other gods—wood and stone. 37 And you shall become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword among all nations where the Lord will drive you.
[On the forum, I restrained from saying that this included Roman Catholic gods. Incidentally enough and also, some like the Breslovim do worship at gravestones of P'rushi clergymen.].

In conclusion, what Ironside did should neither be shocking nor surprising; as the Torah warned that Anti-Semitic incidents--such as extrapolating Roman Polański's acts to the acts of all Jews--would occur. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Followup Re "Louisiana v. Mississppi" (1996) And Catholics Protesting Simmon's Execution...

As far as I know, I usually don't follow up blog entries like this; but did you notice a couple of points? For example, my friend talked about the "religion of Catholicism". So, he or she has words which testify against him- or her-self. He or she made my points:

  • [I have] made the distinction between Evangelical and Non-Evangelical Catholics several times. Evangelicals of any denomination or even spin off (e.g., cult) believe in the inerrancy and infallibility of the Bible (Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim, and B'rit Hadashah) as confirmed at Yavneh and Nicea and in its original languages and Holy Spirit-guided translations. Evangelicals are among Catholicism, Mormonism, Unitarianism, Lutheranism, and any other denomination and cult that you might like to name.
  • To make the distinction between Evangelical (true, actual) and Non-Evangelical (nominal, in-profession-only) Christianity is imperative because Christianity is too often defined by the Non-Evangelical sects (e.g., Catholicism, Mormonism, Unitarianism, Lutheranism). 
  • Catholicism has been explained; Mormonism is obvious; Unitarianism does not believe Deuteronomy 6:4 and John 14:6, and Lutheranism is Anti Semitic.
  • For people who are upset, let me explain something to you: let yourselves be upset. The truth needs to spoken when, for example, Catholics are protesting the execution of a rapist, kidnapper, and murderer named Gary Simmons. You talk about me judging, and you didn't even ask about the context. Besides, you know that I've spoken about this in the past. What should surprise or anger you now? Don't like the truth or seeking the truth? Don't be my friend. Simple.
  • [I speak] the truth only because I love people. If I didn't love people, I'd shut up and let people go to Hell or be severely misguided.
Point One doesn't need to be elaborated on. Point Two can be explained with "The Book of Mormon" and "On the Jews and Their Lies". Point Three can be elaborated on by many of my past blog entries, and so can Point Four. My friend can get as pissy and huffy as he or she wants, and so can anyone else; but I'm perverting leading a quiet and peaceable life into shutting up when the blind are being led into a ditch, the deaf don't hear the alarms going off or whatever else they need to hear, and the mute don't have a voice. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I've Blogged About This Before, But...

While (meanwhile) this (with the included YouTube video) is my first blog entry in which I haven't looked like a mess in a while, I--speaking of messes--would like to say that I take comfort in the messes and losses, and other pains with which people have affected me--and with which they tried to effect the worst in me and against me. But as Eleanor Roosevelt recognized (though I honestly don't want to credit an Anti Semite like her for anything), nobody can make anybody feel inferior without his or her consent. 

So--for example, and each of you know who you are--,your attempt at manipulating me by cutting off our friendship didn't work. Your telling me to "shut up and grow up" affected me only block you and never want to talk to you again--at least for the meantime. Your trying to spy on me and threatening of others affected me only to speak out more against you.

Unlike you--even if I am looking in only from the outside, in which case I was in only one of the cases--, I did my homework and--by doing my homework--obtained evidence by which I was able to back up what I said. For you--the one in the first case--, you showed me what kind of person you really are and how you would rather put what you want to believe and family over what is the truth and over G-d. As the Messiah who (as far as I can tell) you refuse to believe, anyway, said, "“No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”" You'd rather have this world than "a hundredfold now in this time—houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions—and in the age to come, eternal life." What else can I say that I don't need your friendship or want it if you're going to be like that, and that your reward is with you--since you're of the world, and you've chosen the world as your reward?

As for the two of you with whom I was on the inside, I said about one of you that you don't "know how corrupt the Czarneckis et. al. are, and [you don't know] who are of the righteous remnant among them." As for the other, "If you think that you can hurt me or anybody else but yourselves in the end (except for those whom, perhaps, "you make...twice as much...son[s] of hell as yourselves"), you're wrong." 

I take comfort in the messes and losses with which you (among others) have tried to effect the worst in and against me because I know that out of them:

"Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?" You obviously haven't; so you obviously won't believe One Who is Greater than me and every one of you, and you--unless retribution for me does come and you are affected to change your ways because of the retribution against you--won't believe (or rather, want to believe) when I am speaking the truth about anything else, let alone what I've already spoken about.

That retribution, I believe, may come in the form of when someone that I warned you about betrays a loved one of yours or even you, when you find out something that I even hinted at and you'll wish you knew then what you now know, or when you find out that I was right about something else. Then, as I said, I may be gone and you might even be gone, and then you'll really have missed your chance to thank me and change your ways.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I'm Used To Loss, But...

No matter how many or what losses I go through, they're still (at least to some extent) painful. I'm not perfect--I've deserved some of my losses--but some of my losses come because of people who don't want to understand me, understand the truth about someone or something, etc..

My most-recent loss, I guessed, was coming. I prayed that it wouldn't, and was hurt and shocked when it came. I'm not going to try to restore that loss--maybe I'll pray that it can be restored, but I'll be okay if it isn't. Maybe I'll be even better off if it isn't restored.

As I stated; I'm not perfect and I've deserved some of my losses, though some of my losses come because of people who don't want to understand me, or the truth about another person or a matter, or whatever else. In fact; some losses--even though painful--are, so to speak, badges of honor. For example, I got blocked on Twitter by Toby Keith's worldly son for speaking the truth about his sister's and dad's fans and "friends"--and as the Bible says:

18 “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. 20 Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also.

Also, as an old saying goes, some people are in your life for only a season. As another old saying goes, what doesn't kill you may make you stronger--though it doesn't always make you stronger. I should know--for example, my Category Three brainbleed that resulted in my Diplegic-Spastic Cerebral Palsy certainly did not make me physically stronger; even though it made me spiritually stronger, but only through grace. 

For another example, look at cigarettes and marijuana--they may not kill you (at least right away), but they certainly don't make you stronger. My mom's mom smoked for over 50 years, and she certainly wasn't made stronger by smoking--in fact, she still has emphysema. Also, Willie Nelson smokes marijuana, and he's becoming weaker every year--some would even say that the killing of his brain cells is what's making him more liberal, as the old joke about drug users (which has a ring of truth to it) goes: look at the Anti-Vietnam, pot-smoking hippies in the 1960s and 1970s, for instance.

In conclusion, I'm used to loss--whether a loss that I have is due to my imperfection or due to someone hating the truth about me or someone else, or something. While loss may not always make me stronger (at least initially), I'd rather have what losses make me stronger than what gains and losses make me weaker. For example, I'd rather have loss for speaking the truth about users, abusers, and other bad company, and matters regarding politics, drugs, and other subjects. If keeping my soul costs me the world who hates me, anyway, so be that I keep my soul and lose the world. After all, "what will it profit a man if he gainthe whole world, and loses his own soul?" (Mark 8:36) Furthermore, "what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ  and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith;  that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead."

By the way, if you haven't accepted Jesus (Yeshua), you are still under Torah--"Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin." Torah has gone out to all the ends of the earth, and even gentiles are now under Torah or grace. "Do we then make void the law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the law." The established law is grace, and Torah for those not under grace. "“Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah—  not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them, says the Lord...If those ordinances depart [f]rom before Me, says the Lord[t]hen the seed of Israel shall also cease [f]rom being a nation before Me forever.""

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I Take Great Exception To The Following Comment...

"You are too quick to accuse people of wrongdoing. Andrew Rusnak's name is spelled one way on the ship manifest and another way on his naturalization papers. The name of Andrew's birth place is misspelled in his naturalization papers. No one at Ellis Island went around to ask everyone if their name was spelled correctly or their hometown was spelled correctly on their ship manifest. The same with census records. The census taker didn't go back and ask everyone if their name was spelled correctly. Our ancestors never saw the ship manifests, naturalization records, and census records that were created from their information."

Firstly, Kevin assumes that the immigration and naturalization officials were too stupid, ignorant, or however else incompetent to do their jobs. ("No one at Ellis Island went around to ask everyone if their name was spelled correctly or their hometown was spelled correctly on their ship manifest.") If they had doubts, they would most certainly ask, and they would ask one to affirm that his or her information was correctly and truthfully given and recorded.

Secondly, Kevin assumes that our relatives were also incompetent in some way, shape, or form. ("Our ancestors never saw the ship manifests, naturalization records, and census records that were created from their information.") They absolutely saw the records especially if they were required to sign them or otherwise give confirmation that they were correct and true records.

Thirdly, Kevin assumes-- at least implicitly-- that our relatives couldn't have full well been sinning by committing perjury, even if they supposedly had their reasons for doing so. I recently gave the example of "Maria Uscanski"-- aka, Catherine Susan Ushinsky Gaydos. She full well knew what she was doing by using the name "Maria"-- she, a Jew and an Anusit, was trying to use a traditionally-Catholic name to get into the country and avoid Anti Semitism; which may be understandable, nevertheless not right on her part.

Fourthly and in conclusion, Kevin assumes that I'm stupid or arrogant. ("You are too quick to accuse people of wrongdoing.") I don't accuse without knowing or at least having some idea of what I'm talking about.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Let Me Clarify In Case You Didn't Get That...

Being a non-citizen (non-naturalized) immigrant, an even a naturalized immigrant who perjured to become naturalized makes you an illegal immigrant. As much as I love my cousin Kevin, he doesn't realize that deliberately falsifying information and/or not correcting a Census taker, manifest scribe, or other recorder is perjury-- as I explained to him, the Foskos (Kevin's and my common side) didn't do that: case in point, look at Julia Fosko Rusnak's manifest and Andrew Rusnak's naturalization record:

Compare them to these two gems from Julian Czarnecki, ne Chernetski:

Notice the differences: Julian said May 15th on one record, and November 15th on the other. By the way, Julian lied about other things on that record as well. Andrew was consistent with his records. And here's the beauty (so to speak) of it-- Julian lied on more records. For example, he gave 1876 as his birthdate here on 1877 on his World War One Draft Card.

While we're talking about Julian's perjury, let's look at the definition of perjury:

"[T]he voluntary violation of an oath or vow either by swearing to what is untrue or by omission to do what has been promised under oath : false swearing".

Julian knowingly and willfully provided false information and failed to correct mistakes of fact and any mistake related thereto. As I said, as much as I love Kevin; he and I are lucky to share a common side where perjury wasn't thought of-- for the most part, if at all, anyway (I'd have to relook at other records and see.). But at least as far as I know, any perjury that did occur wasn't related to immigration.