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Showing posts with label Maltipoos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maltipoos. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

A Few Tasks That "Momma" Needs—Or At Least Maybe Needs—To Complete

  1. Start reading from the Bible to Reilly at night—or at least reading to Reilly what she reads to get to sleep at night—which she had promised to do a after she saw a video or read an article regarding bedtime reading a long time ago.
  2. Getting the New Years' card with Reilly's picture in it made—it's still January 2017, and not even the middle of January 2017, yet—God willing, "Momma" still has time to get the card done.
  3. Trying to fulfill the New Year's resolutions that she made re Reilly.
Here's the "maybe" task, by the way: maybe "Momma" should be the one to see what Reilly's possible "Daddy" wants—especially for both her sake and for Reilly's sake, so that (for example) she has more energy and focus to be a better "Momma" to Reilly—though she still wants him to be the one to contact her, especially she can only guess what he wants. Besides, "Reilly" knows about her possible "Daddy" (yes; pet parents do talk to their pets about these matters, and "Momma" has mentioned that she's told about him), and "Momma" would like him and Reilly to meet each other. 

Incidentally, she also has to learn to respond to e-mails, etc. more—the "Response Rate" badge on Reilly's page belies how responsive "Momma" actually is; and she found a birthday wish from 2010 from one of the people whom inspired her to write about Reilly—and whom she forgot to thank for it. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: "Momma"'s Crying Over "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" & Current Heartbreak

Whenever "Auntie Michelle" would sing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" as a lullaby to Reilly during her first year home, "Momma" would break down crying (and is getting tears in her eyes now as she types this). "Momma" reminded "Auntie Michelle" of this when "Auntie Michelle" cried over seeing photos of others' beloved pets of blessed memory on a Facebook page, and this was after "Momma" asked her if she was crying because she was thinking about that God-forbid day down the road ⃰ .

(May Reilly and Camille each either be Raptured alive with her human mother or live until her human mother is at least 60 and be Raptured with her at the Resurrection of the Dead and the Calling Up of the Living!).

In a similar way with a different kind of love, "Momma" has been spiraling down for over a year and once again failing Reilly. As she explained:

"[A] year ago on January 6th was when she lost touch with one of the people whom inspired her to write about Reilly, and that loss has been hurting like Hell ever since then—and it's also affected mental-illness flareups that have her to be a quite-often-relatively-bad "Momma" to Reilly, which is paradoxically contrary to what "Momma" thinks that the person whom inspired her to write about Reilly would want."

She certainly isn't helping Reilly (Poor gal!), though she's trying her best—and even her OCD flared up today as she frantically looked for and tried to keep Reilly and Camille away from every piece of glass that fell into the backyard from an already-broken-glass pile on the porch enclosure—of course, she's been staying up late again thinking about him or her and the huge loss that losing touch with him or her has been.

She's also been thinking about Reilly's possible "Daddy" and what he wants—and she's told Reilly that and kept asking her if she thinks that the person in question will be her "Daddy". Reilly seems to have answered in the affirmative every time, as—as "Momma" has explained—a prophetess giving a prophecy or an oracle¹²!

As she's written before, too:

 "For all that 'Momma' knows, though, maybe loneliness will count as enough of a fast for God to send her a helpmate for her and a 'Daddy' to Reilly, whether soon or down the road—and whoever the 'Daddy' for Reilly might be could be anyone from a total stranger to even one of the guys among guys and gals whom inspired 'Momma' to write about Reilly, no matter what 'Momma' thinks of the chances that any given guy would or will ever be Reilly's 'Daddy'."

This person could also be the same one whom told her what the real story about Reilly's "Great-Grandaunt" Kas might be, and that "Great-Mom-Mom" confirmed could be the story for all that she knows.

Whatever the case is, "Momma" suspects that Reilly's possible "Daddy" knows whether or not he's also at least one of the other people described—now can "Momma" please know for her and Reilly's sakes, and can יהוה please move Reilly's possible "Daddy" to at least tell "Momma"?

"A merry heart is a good medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones", and "The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a broken spirit who can bear?" Doesn't יהוה see that "Momma" can't be strong enough for Reilly if she can't be strong enough for herself, and that she won't be strong enough until she gets the answer that she needs from Reilly's possible "Daddy" himself? 

Besides, "Momma" may—for example—miss a broken piece of glass one day, and that broken piece of glass could be fatal to Reilly if she can't find it and has no help in finding it, 

⃰ In case you don't get it, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" when "Auntie Michelle" sings it to Reilly makes "Momma" think of the "Rainbow Bridge"

¹ In the JPS 1917 translation of Tanakh, "oracle" is translated as "parable", "word", "burden", etc..

² "Momma" asks Reilly that in a, if you will, casting-lots or an asking-of-God's-word way.

Monday, January 9, 2017

When "Great-Mom-Mom" Belatedly Came To Visit For Christmas

While Camille and Reilly had to have their baths put off for another day (which Camille doesn't mind), neither Camille nor Reilly stunk up "Great-Mom-Mom"'s visit ⃰. A few highlights:

Pictures And Pre-Visit Video

Reilly being a yungatshe.

Don't let those markings betray you. Yungatshn can have fliglen shel malokhim—and Reilly would fly to find "Mom-Mom" if she could and thought her to be in ekvelt.

Trying to get pictures of the brats before "Great-Mom-Mom" comes (Understandably, getting ready for the visit stressed everyone out.)

"Auntie Michelle" held excited Reilly while "Auntie Nicole" held nervous and shaky Camille.

Camille jumped down from "Auntie Nicole"'s lap to be with "Mimi".

Everyone had to be careful with not-for-puppies items (such as wine) around.

Sweeping up trail-mix crumbs and having not-for-puppies dinner food around: too much risk for the puppies to be not crated.

From waiting to welcome back "Mom-Mom" and greet "Great-Mom-Mom", to being show offs and foodies, Reilly and Camille made "Great-Mom-Mom"'s visit memorable ¹.

⃰ "Great-Mom-Mom" did confirm that Nana Allen told quite a few bubbe meises, and (something like) "there were so many stories with that family". Maybe that's whence Reilly gets her penchant of trying to act innocent when she eats a nasty", etc.. 😉

¹ Headache warning: Because of having Cerebral Palsy, "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" recorded shaky videos that might be headache inducing.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

A Painful Milestone For Reilly To Mark: A Second UTI Infection

As if Reilly doesn't suffer enough because of "Momma", she now suffers a painful milestone which was probably exacerbated by "Momma": her second UTI! 🙁 Not that Reilly's lack of drinking as much water as she should, penchant for eating "nasties", and not "peedying" when "Momma" takes her outside helps Reilly—and not that "Mom-Mom" entirely blaming "Momma" helps, either!

To be fair, "Momma" did suspect that Reilly has a UTI when she had to go "peedy" another time within not too long of a time after she "peedied" on the hallway carpet—and she did actually "peedy" that time, and she doesn't normally "peedy" outside when "Momma" takes her! However, "Momma" forgot about her suspicion until "Mom-Mom" told "Momma" that she saw—if one will—red stuff in Reilly's liquid output.

Once again, "Momma" doesn't have the luxury of being able to just get off and on the back porch like others have—and Reilly fails to work with "Momma" in the way that Camille works with "Auntie Nicole"  when she has to stands on the porch and hold the leash—at least in that area, Camille gets it and works to find a spot within the radius in which "Auntie Nicole" has Camille stay.

Meanwhile, Reilly is on antibiotics and—according to "Auntie Michelle"—"did willingly comply" once "Mom-Mom" insisted on having Reilly come into the kitchen to eat her "nums nums"—and "Momma" heard as "Mom-Mom" told Reilly to come, and knows that Reilly caught on to what "Mom-Mom" did by putting her medicine in her "num nums".

PS One of the people whom inspired "Momma" to write about Reilly* once told "Momma" that Reilly's "Great-Grandaunt" Kas had Cerebral Palsy, and—given that "Momma" has Cerebral Palsy and can't always be the best "Momma" to Reilly—"Momma" actually hopes that that's true and that Kas' Polio is just another product of Nana Allen's pechant for telling Reilly's "Great-Granddady" and "Great-Granduncle" Steve bubbe meises (though she told the older kids the truth) about certain things—she'd have one more family member to whom to relate and be a better "Momma" to Reilly because she'd feel a little better.

Now, if only "Momma" had Reilly's "Daddy" in her life to help her be a good "Momma"!

*"Momma" hopes that, that person will either confirm or deny that Nana Allen was telling a bubbe meise.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: On A Few Milestones, Including Reilly's Third New Year's Day & A Painful Anniversary

"Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" just realized that January 2017 marks happenings such as:

  1. Reilly's third New Year's Day and Camille's second New Year's Day
  2. The tenth month of Reilly's third year and Camille's second year—Reilly and Camille will be, respectively, three human years old on March 25th and two human years old on March 27th!—can you believe it?! Time passes, doesn't it?
  3. A painful anniversary for "Momma" that explains a significant part of why she has failed Reilly many times over the past year.
Those who know the specifics know them. To those whom don't know the specifics, "Momma" will say this much: a year ago on January 6th was when she lost touch with one of the people whom inspired her to write about Reilly, and that loss has been hurting like Hell ever since then—and it's also affected mental-illness flareups that have her to be a quite-often-relatively-bad "Momma" to Reilly, which is paradoxically contrary to what "Momma" thinks that the person whom inspired her to write about Reilly would want.

As patient Reilly waits for "Momma" once again, "Momma" thinks about how she'll at least try to be a better "Momma" to Reilly as she waits to see if that person will ever be in touch with her again—and at least give Reilly a gift for Molad HaKatan and Shabbat, not to mention Molad HaKatan b'Shabbat. 

By the way, this is Reilly's first Molad HaKatan b'Shabbat—and Reilly therefore has another milestone in January 2017!

Meanwhile, "night nights" and Happy Little Christmas on Shabbat from Reilly and "Momma". 

Thursday, January 5, 2017

That Time When Camille Fought "Mom-Mom" & "Mimi" When They Trimmed Her

"Auntie Nicole" is writing about that time now—and she probably isn't getting as much credit for it as she could. Besides, she was a main factor in helping Camille be calmer than Camille was being—and Camille was getting to the point at which "Mom-Mom" would've accidentally cut off the tongue of thrashing-around and scissors-biting Camille—and even with "Auntie Nicole" there, "Mom-Mom" had to keep admonishing Camille to stop trashing around.

Such was another case with Camille hating being trimmed—and hating baths as much as hating to be trimmed—and the natural calming supplements that "Mom-Mom" gives her during trimming time and bath time not—or at least not fully—working—and this time, with an in-conjunction pre-trimming-time long walk also not working. With "Auntie Nicole" there and giving Camille, for example, scritches and the soothing talk ("It's okay," "You're almost done being trimmed," etc.) at least some more of the edge was taken off of Cam's aggression and stubborness. Nonetheless, "Auntie Nicole" didn't get to hold Cam the whole time that she was there—eventually, "Mom-Mom" and "Mimi" put her back on the mess-preventing towel and had to deal with more ensuing thrashing.

Camille still has her tongue, meanwhile, though she also still has the hair that she didn't let "Mom-Mom" trim off of her—and "Mom-Mom" thinks that "she looks like an Ewok" because of the excess hair. As for her bath that (if God wills) is upcoming, that may help "Mom-Mom" trim the excess hair if the calming supplement and a warm bath actually work to relax Camille—with "if" and "actually work" being the key word and the key phrase.

By the way, Reilly contrastedly behaved when she was getting trimmed—and she also contrastedly behaves when she's getting baths.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

"Mimi" Can't Dance, Camille Thinks

When "Mimi"/"Auntie Michelle" was dancing to her phone alarm just to see how Camille and Reilly would react, they—and especially Camille, according to "Mimi"/"Auntie Michelle—gave her a "What's going on?" look. When "Mimi"/"Auntie Michelle" danced to the alarm a second time and asked "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" to watch how Camille and Reilly reacted, Camille ended up giving "Auntie Nicole" a look like one would in the movies—that "What's going on with her?"/"What is she doing?"/"What do you think about this?"/"Is she okay?" look—of which "Momma" should've taken a picture, although not every moment has to be (or, in some cases) captured in pictures, videos, or other photographic and videographic media.

In any case, Camille provided comic relief in tough times—times in which, for example, Anti-Semitic Julian Assange is seen as legitimate—and as "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" has said:

For her own part, fact, Reilly [and Camille are] a part of why "Momma"[/"Auntie Nicole"] is still alive

This remains one of "Momma"'s favorite pictures.

 How much "Momma" and Reilly will be alive, though, is questionable—after all, "Momma" certainly couldn't make it (at least out in one piece), let alone if anything ever happened to Reilly. If God doesn't deliver "Momma", "Reilly", and everyone else from Trump and worse, at least "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" will have had some final days to "rejoice, and to get pleasure so long as they live" in moments such as when Reilly and Camille provide comic relief.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Not Off To A Good Start For the Year—And Part Of That Had To Do With Camille!

While Reilly didn't bark at last night's fireworks, she had no problem beginning 2017 by barking when she wasn't supposed to bark—at least some things never change, and Reilly barking even while "Momma" is waking up for the day is one of the things that's stayed the same. Reilly also ate "nasties" as usual, though she was nowhere near being as defiant as Camille was when she and Camille were on a little walk in the backyard—in fact, Camille had to be pulled away from "nasties" quite a few times!

Meanwhile, Camille chewed through her toy monkey (Guess who plans to do a destuffing tomorrow? By the way, most—if not all—of the destuffed toys have held up quite well.)—and she seems devote part of her insistent nature to on chewing everything through which she chew! She also used that insistence to—as "Auntie Nicole" recalls—lead in the barking during a window-watching session  and try to block "Auntie Nicole" from giving Reilly scritches at one point (after the window session during which Reilly had to be rolled over!).

Reilly and Camille will undoubtedly keep 2017 interesting—and Reilly and "Momma" wish everyone an interesting(-in-a-good-way) and a happy 2017!

Reilly chews her toy monkey on Chrismukkah Day.

Don't let this brat fool you—she tries to get away with whatever being cute might give her a pass to do.

12:22 AM & Reilly Is Not Barking At the Fireworks Yet

Patiently, "Momma" is waiting to hear as the next New Year's fireworks go off as a neighborhood-rule violator once again uses a holiday to commit reckless endangerment and breaches of the peace...

12:26 AM: The girls just came down a-barking and "Mom-Mom" stated that "The fireworks woke them up."

12:27 AM: "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" explained to the girls that a "dingbat" set off fireworks.

12:28 AM: After Reilly gets scritches from "Momma" for about a minute and flouts "Shanah Tovah" as she gets distracted by a "nasty", she rings the bell to go "peedy" outside.

12:30 AM: She rings again (Hint, "Auntie Michelle"!)

When (or if) "Auntie Michelle" finally decides to take Reilly "peedy" for the night (and Reilly rang the bell again at 12:31 and 12:32), "Momma" will see whether Reilly behaves during her "peedy" session to start off 2017 well. Whether "Auntie Michelle" puts the computer down already and takes Reilly "peedy" is another question...and she finally put the computer down at 12:33.

At 12:34 (as "Auntie Michelle" kvetches and is at least taking Reilly "peedy"), "Momma" continues live updates to chronicle 2017 so far...

12:36 AM: Reilly actually behaved, per "Autie Michelle"! And "Momma" thought that she ha a guilty look at first!

12:38 AM-about 1:00 AM: "Momma"'s final thoughts for the night and first night of 2017:

  1. Taking Reilly "potty" took "Auntie Michelle" long enough; didn't it?! Meanwhile, tonight is Day Eight of both Christmas (January 1st) and Hanukkah (Zot Chanukkah; Tevet 2, 5776, per moonwatchers in Israel whom stated that the New Moon occurred on December 30, 2016). Little Christmas (HaMolad HaKatan) is coming up, though. Still, "Momma" could use a "miracle" (Of course, the appropriate interjection is "God willing"; not "Hint; hint, God!")
  2. God willing, "Momma" will write about how she seemed to be at least of some use as "Auntie Nicole" while "Mom-Mom" and Camille's "Mimi" had to trim Camille on Friday. "Momma" will also (God willing) write about how, according to "Mom-Mom", Reilly was afraid when "Momma" kept the hannukiah lit for Zot Chanukkah.
  3. "Momma" and Reilly wish everyone a Happy 2017.
"Night nights" and Happy New Year from Reilly and "Momma"!

Reilly enjoys the first day of Chrismukkah 2016 with "Mom-Mom" and "Auntie Michelle".

PS 1:30 AM: Reilly's "Great-Granddaddy" Allen would've been 95 yesterday, and "Mom-Mom" did bring up the milestone this time.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Reilly's Exceptional Vet Visit & A Clarification By "Momma"

Even though—according to "Mom-Mom"—Reilly "peed on the scale" when they weighed her, since she was "nervous" and hadn't "peedied" when "Momma" took her "potty" beforehand, she behaved very well for the vet. The vet even said that despite that "Reilly was mad at her", she was "'a dear'" and "'a special dog'"—in fact, she even "gave her 'kisses'" while she was getting her regular checkup and a booster shot. Meanwhile, as one should except, Camille provoked Reilly when Reilly and "Mom-Mom" came home—as for "Momma", she herself'd take Reilly to the vet if she could drive.

By the way, "Momma" does know that she seems to come off as desperate regarding a "Daddy" for Reilly and a helpmate for herself—and she nonetheless wants the best for Reilly and herself, such as having someone other than "Mom-Mom" to take Reilly to the vet. Besides, 26-year-old-and-only-getting-older "Momma" would be embarrassed to ever come along when "Mom-Mom"—her mother—takes 2.75-year-old-and-getting-older-as-well Reilly to the vet—at 26 and having disabilities (including mental illness), "Momma" feels like an inadequate "Momma" to Reilly and embarrassed enough, thanks.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Reilly and "Momma" Stand With Gary Fisher

In regards to puppies and their owners, this is true—and even cases from as recently as the last 150 years (from the case of Frou-Frou Bishop to the case of Wiley Eisenstat).

Even puppies who behave badly by—for example—eating "nasties" (as Reilly ate "nasties" both tonight and last night) still love their owners—"Momma"s, "Daddy"s, etc.—at least as much as their owners love them.

By the way, freshly-trimmed Reilly did "peedy" the second time that "Auntie Michelle" took her outside tonight.

Meanwhile, Reilly needs her own equivalent of whom these two Maltipoos have—and, since she loves to meet new people, might want to meet who "Momma" thinks is that equivalent as soon as possible. Also, Reilly and Camille do similarly to the following when their "Mom-Mom" comes home from work:

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

With Few Exceptions, Reilly's Pre-"Night Nights" "Potty" Sessions Are...

A time for Reilly to eat "nasties", no matter what "Auntie Michelle" does to discipline her—e.g., taking Reilly inside after she eats a "nasty" instead of going "peedy" doesn't work. In fact, as "Momma" types, Reilly is ringing the bell either to try to "peedy" again or to go back to eat more "nasties"—and "Momma" is insisting that "Auntie Michelle" takes Reilly outside again, despite "[her] tendencies" (as "Auntie Michelle" put it. Right now, she is admonishing Reilly as she is about to take her outside again.).

("I knew it—get back in there..." As one can guess, Reilly ate "nasties" on her second time outside tonight.).

PS: If Reilly had a "Daddy" in her life, this—"Momma" guarantees—would not be happening, as Reilly would have a strong and commanding presence in her life—and one that would not, e.g., use "Momma"'s disability as a way to do whatever he wants and keep "Momma" waiting for him to take Reilly "potty" because he knows that she has a disability and depends on him to help her help Reilly out.

Monday, December 26, 2016

A Summary Of Chrismukkah At Reilly's 🙂, And No Miracle Of a "Daddy" For Reilly 🙁

The highlights are as follows:

  1. At About 1:23 AM On The Day After Christmas: The female canine equivalent of Clara's brother Fritz decided to growl at the female canine equivalent of Clara...over toy monkeys, and this despite (as one can see below) that "Fritz"—or rather, "Frizz"—stole Reilly's toy monkey and put both monkeys in her crate on Christmas Day!
  2. The First Night Of Hanukkah (December 24th): Camille "Frizz" Czarnecki also stole Reilly Czarnecki's toy dreidel at least once. Speaking of stealing, admittedly, two Czarnecki humans used one of the toy dreidels to play the dreidel game when the two Czarnecki canines went to bed—though does that count as stealing or just playing the dreidel game with a treif dreidel in terms of kosher-for-human-use dreidels? By the way, each Czarnecki human ended up with halb of the pot—of course, neither of the Czarnecki canines could have any gelt!
  3. Reilly ended up really liking her toy monkey—in fact (as one can also see below, and on Twitter), she's snuggling with her monkey (which "Auntie Michelle" gave her to snuggle before she and Camille went "night nights") as "Momma" types (and who can resist tweeting cute pictures of Reilly and Camille?).
  4. Reilly still doesn't have a "Daddy", and "Momma" still has no clue what Reilly's possible "Daddy" wants*. At least Reilly's happy and healthy—and able to have the toy monkey that Camille wanted to steal from her, although a toy monkey and a "Daddy" for her (who could help "Momma" keep her happy and healthy) are far different.

*Can't he at least give her an idea—and surely, the same God Whom helped "Momma" to find a spare box of Hanukkah candles, just as He helped the Maccabees find spare oil for the Menorah, can move Reilly's possible "Daddy" to at least contact "Momma", can't He?

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Chrismukkah From Reilly & "Momma"!

Meanwhile, Reilly didn't exactly take the photoshoots well:

  1. The card was worth the photoshoots, though.
  2. "Momma" owes Reilly a treat.
  3. Merry Chrismukkah to all (including Reilly's possible "Daddy", of course. PS "Momma" could certainly use more support in doing these photoshoots, as "Mom-Mom"'s and "Auntie Michelle"'s condemnations of them—including accusations that "Momma"'s "torturing" Reilly—are quite the opposite of support.).