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Monday, May 20, 2013

Reposted Entries With Disclaimer (Read the Disclaimer First)


The disclaimer shows that Emily, Facebook, and others are lucky that they're not getting sued. After all, " I wouldn't even be warning [Emily and others] if--even for all the evil that [she and others] have done to me, and I could certainly repay [them] with evil [e.g., suing them]--I didn't care about [them] and your whole cabal at Hillel--for your Kabbalic "Rabbin"ism is as Eastern Mystic ways, thus apostate [The link showing that Non-Tanakh Judaism-- in this case, Reconstructionist Judaism--is Apostate Judaism and is in fact "Jewish atheism" here is new. Emily is a follower of UMBC's apostate "rabbi".]! "

Entry One

Just because I don't respond to or engage with everything doesn't mean that I don't have a view on it. Maybe, e.g., I could just be letting you look stupid after a certain point in a conversation. Don't think that you've won the argument because maybe you haven't. In fact, you might've lost it so badly and I'm trying to save you for embarrassment even, even while I'm letting you look stupid enough.

And one last word to Emily [Entry Two here], by the way: my mistake was giving you a chance to understand my comment. You twisted my comments about Non-Orthodox Jews who care about Shavu'ot into lashon-hara, and I should've reported and/or blocked you right there and then. By the way, I'd take "Katz" out of your name--you are no kohenet-tzedek and do not deserve a name that means "Kohen-Tzedek". You walk in the ways of the Levi'im-rahim, not Tzadok. And you give the priesthood to "rabbis" like Jason--how dare you! If you keep that up, you will be cursed as was Uzziah and Jeroboam--and more so because you are a kohen who gave the priesthood to Non Kohanim. 

Also, you can see that that's G-d's promise, not any kind of threat--though I'm certainly warning you about what "rabbis" like Jason wouldn't dare tell you, since they follow Talmud instead Tanakh. So, if you have any legal case, you have one against G-d, not me--and I dare you to try to tell Him that anyone is threatening you, for you would be like Anathoth and others who told a real kohen-tzedek to stop prophesying! In fact, I wouldn't even be warning you if--even for all the evil that you have done to me, and I could certainly repay you with evil--I didn't care about you and your whole cabal at Hillel--for your Kabbalic "Rabbin"ism is as Eastern Mystic ways, thus apostate! 

I hope that I was clear enough to you and the other revisionists, Anti Messianics, Anti Semites and/or Self Haters, and others about whom I'm thinking. By the way, don't comment on this entry--I will not publish your comments or any comments of those in your circle. As I stated, I should have blocked you last time and will block you this time to save you for embarrassment even--you embarrassed yourself last time by twisting my lashon-tov into lashon-hara. Also, forgiving doesn't mean forgetting. 

Entry Two

"Emily Katz Boling
·                                 Please remove the tweet you posted with a link to our conversation. It has my name on it and I would not like that on Twitter and then you proceed to talk badly about me and my boyfriend (who has done nothing) on there.
Thank you

I'm not removing anything. You commented on something that I shared publicly (e.g., on the article itself, and as I would've shared in general on Facebook had I looked at the privacy settings more closely--and "Friends of Friends" is public enough, anyway); you're held to account publicly. After you slandered me when I exemplified UMBC JSU/Hillel as a Non-Orthodox community that cares about Shavu'ot, I owe you no favors.

Besides, I removed Frank as well. I don't keep non-friends' boyfriends as friends. Besides, what does that say about him that he's dating you--someone who would slander someone just because he or she is Messianic? If Frank has a problem with it, he can come to me. You're his girlfriend, not his mother; and he's old and mature enough to talk to me (I can only hope, anyway.).

Let me tell you something else, Emily. What I said and what you said is in replay all over again. Don't lie about me, and you won't be held to account for doing so:

As a Messianic Jew, I find two of the comments really problematic:

1) "The event it commemorates—God giving the Torah to the Jews at Mount Sinai—is arguably the most pivotal in the narrative of the Jewish people. But from the treatment it receives next to its more popular siblings—at least within non-Orthodox American communities—you wouldn’t know it." I care about Shavu'ot, and even admire what people like UtahSoccerMom do. Also, the Kosher Korner at UMBC (which is Non Messianic and has mainly Non-Messianic patrons, mostly those who go to the JSU/Hillel events headed up by a Reconstructionist) is closed beyond the Shavu'ot holiday (May 13-May 19, although Karaites and Messianics like me celebrate Shavu'ot on only the 19th).

2) "Hanukkah is so visible that conservative talk radio hosts think it threatens Christmas." I have never heard talk-radio hosts say that. They're more worried about the Atheists and Agnostics who threaten the legality of Christmas and Hanukkah celebrations within the United States.
When it comes to theological significance, the late-spring festival of Shavuot is no slouch: The event it commemorates—God giving the Torah to the Jews at Mount...See More
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Emily Katz Boling Nicole, I am particularly offended by your comment that you make about UMBC Hillel and JSU and speaking about the Rabbi as if being reconstructionist is negative. Since you partake in Shabbat and other activities led by JSU and Hillel it would behoove you not to speak poorly about those who have welcomed you to our events and activities. The Kosher Korner is closed during Shavuot because the man who works there as well as the restaurants that provide the food for the Kosher Korner observe all of Shavuot and therefore cannot work on those days and having someone else do so would make the place unkosher since it is being operated on days that are Yom Tov. And since those are the majority of people who eat in the Kosher Korner, not messianics or karaites, then they close it. You are treading on very thin ice with some of the stuff you say. Hillel may have a reconstructionist rabbi but we have many students who are from all different sects of Judaism. JSU on the other hand is a student run organization, also comprised of many different sects of Judaism. Just remember Nicole, you too benefit from these events and it is not a nice trait to speak poorly of those who have welcomed you to Shabbat and other activities.
Nicole Maratovah Czarnecki Firstly, I was saying that I found her comment highly problematic. I even said straightly out, "Also, the Kosher Korner at UMBC (which is Non Messianic and has mainly Non-Messianic patrons, mostly those who go to the JSU/Hillel events headed up by a Reconstructionist) is closed beyond the Shavu'ot holiday (May 13-May 19, although Karaites and Messianics like me celebrate Shavu'ot on only the 19th). " I do not see what is neigative about saying that the JSU and Hillel care. Perhaps reading my comments in context would help. Secondly, while we're on the subject and since you brought it up, I am not the only one who has had issues with Jason (I will, out of respect for his or her, not say who. If he or she would like to mention who he or she even is, he or she may do so.). Having a clergyman or clergywoman who is intolerant of those who are not Talmudic is a real issue. After all, UMBC is supposed to be diverse and welcoming. Thirdly, I disclosed that I was Messianic only because I never wanted to be accused of being an infiltrator and proselytizer. I see that my honesty upfront was a problem, and that there are certain people with whom I cannot be honest lest I be slandered.
Emily Katz Boling No because I knew exactly what you were insinuating by specifically mentioning Hillel and JSU and I also gave you and explanation of why it wasn't open. ANd ok so you'll spare saying the persons name out of embarrassment but you'll say the rabbi's name...See More
Nicole Maratovah Czarnecki You took the comment right out of context again. She said that Non-Orthodox Jews don't care about Shavu'ot, and I was giving examples to counter her statement. So, you again slandered me. So much for holding about UMBC JSU and Hillel as good examples--at least to people like you--which was my mistake.

And to message me on my public-figure Facebook page when I blocked you. How dare you! I want nothing to do with you, and I made that I want nothing to do with you quite clear. Besides, people like you are part of why UMBC JSU/Hillel involvement and Jewish communal life in general at UMBC is declinining. People who try to walk in Tanakh can and should not stand those who deliberately have walked off of the derech-Yehovah v'Tanakh, and persecute those who do walk b'haderech-Yehovah v'Tanakh. People are quickly figuring out that people like you, like Jason, and like others are those kinds of people who do all kinds of chullil-Yehovah b'HaShem-Yehovah--thus breaking the third of the Aseret HaD'varim in particular.

You clearly didn't learn from when Becca persecuted me. You'll learn this time: I am not a doormat; I am not one about who you may speak lashon-hara, and I am one who is not coming back to UMBC JSU/Hillel or even the Kosher Korner--after all, I'd hate to run into you there.

My mistake for ever speaking any lashon-tov about UMBC JSU/Hillel or even the Kosher Korner--after all, you and your ilk do nothing but twist what I say into lashon-hara, every bit for which you deserve to be called out. I also guarantee that if you keep treating me and others as you have treated me and them (and I rightly group you in with certain people), you will drive people all the more away from the UMBC JSU/Hillel and Kosher Korner to the point at which there'll no longer be an UMBC JSU/Hillel and Kosher Korner. After all, people won't want to try to derive benefit from them if all they'll get is Hell for doing so.

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