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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Re "Christian" As An Adjective

I just have a few thoughts. For example:
  1. Being a non-proselytizing Jewish Christian, I myself agree with many that many so-called "Christians" (including the notorious so-called and David Brickner-run "Jews For Jesus", whom far from actually follow the New Testament) are Christians in name only (Moshe Rosen would be ashamed. Read Stuart Dauermann's open letter to David Brickner re the Anti-Semitic "That Jew Died For You" stunt).
  2. Sadly, Webster wrote the definition for "Christian" back in the days when it was indeed assumed that only Christians can do good, notwithstanding that Tanakh says that nobody is righteous.
  3. "Christian" is used usually only in regard to self-professing Christians such as not-at-all-a-Christian D****d Tr**p.
  4. During "Roe v. Wade", Catholics and Protestants did indeed identify as Catholic Christians because of the anti-abortion tenet within Christianity.
  5. One's politics reflects one's worldview, as can be seen in the "Roe v. Wade" example alone. By the way, real (or at least strong) Christians would be both against abortion and for reforming the adoption system.
  6. Real (or at least strong) Christians condemn racism (especially Anti Semitism), sexism, xenophobia, ableism, and other bigotry, such as Muslimophobia (Islamophobia is another discussion, as Mohammed hated both Jewish Christians—and other Jews—and gentile Christians. One can hate certain ideologies, including religions, without hating their followers. By the way, most Muslims in at least the Western World are moderate, or secular).
  7. "Turning the other cheek" was actually a Samuel Jackson type of defiance. "Say 'what' again..." became "hit me again...", and "turn the other cheek" has been misinterpreted for years.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

More Of What "Momma" Wants For Reilly's Birthday & Camille's Hebrew Birthday

Besides what "Momma" already asked, and—for example—didn't quite get when Reilly ate "nasties" (as "Momma" heard from upstairs when "Auntie Michelle" and "Mom-Mom" confronted Reilly—and barked inappropriately this morning) "Momma" wants people to at least look at (if not buy) some copies of Reilly's books—re Reilly in general and as a "dogter", and re Reilly's "stella" snow day (for which "Momma" needs to finish the paperback copy). Also by the way, "Momma" was again exhausted yesterday and is having a ton of anxiety today partly because of not getting certain clear answers about a certain person (and one that Reilly'd want to meet, might "Momma" add)—especially as Reilly's getting older, and turned three yesterday at sunset (Adar 23, 5776), and "Momma"'s not far from 30 at all (and in "Momma"'s condition, 30 is old indeed).

By the way, Camille's Hebrew birthdate was Nisan 6 or Nisan 7, 5775—and "Auntie Nicole" is not sure of which, since she has no clue as to whether Camille was born before or after sunset)—so, Camille has a while before she is officially two (since the Hebrew calendar is what God created to overall all calendars, with a harsh caveat in Moses' time up until the Diaspora due to the Romans).

Re Paid Access To Read "The Nicole Factor" Or Any Other Blogger Blog

A fellow tweeter alerted me to that, and that should not be happening. I don't know whether Blogger was hacked recently, at least two suspicious visits from Russia that registered on Feedjit and not Clustrmaps or Revolver, or anything else had to do with it. Nonetheless, Blogger never makes anyone pay for access to any blog whatsoever.

Meanwhile, I would not be surprised if the suspicious Russian visits had anything to do with it—I have been one of the more vocal laywomen against Trump (not to mention a more-exhausted one for various reasons, including the effects of cyberbullying by Trumpites).  BTW, keep an eye out if you suspect suspicious Russian or any other visits on your blog—given that, for example, I lost a cousin in the Sho'ah around this time 43 years ago (since he was kidnapped on March 31, 1944; in Suwałki as a hostage, and murdered by hanging in June 1944), I myself would be remiss to not speak up, especially since the Russians treated other cousins on that side no better afterwards (and even in being Anusim and b'nei-Anusim, my family did not escape the effects of either the Holocaust in Germany or the Holocaust in Russia—since the Holocaust actually began in Anti-Semitic Stalin in 1922 and did not end until the gulags closed in 1960, 12 years after Stalin implemented a "Final Solution" plan). 

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A Few Things That "Momma" Wants Reilly To Have For Her Birthday

Reilly will be three on March 25th by Gregorian dating (and by Hebrew dating, today at sunset, the 23rd of Adar! L'Yom Huledet Same'ach, Reilly!). As far as "Momma"'s birthday wish list for Reilly, it includes:

  1. A more-obedient nature, and an obedient nature that only enhances (not diminishes) what independence, individuality, etc. that she as a puppy can have. After all, for example, disobeying "Mom-Mom" by eating "nasties" to a point at which "Mom-Mom" had to give her another "Mom-Mom"-to-Reilly talk resulted a few hours ago.
  2. A less-jealous nature, and a less-jealous nature that only enhances her loyal and loving nature, since perhaps (for example) she'd be nicer to Camille were she less jealous!
  3. That a certain person would enter Reilly's life
  4. That "Momma" would be a better "Momma" to Reilly (which, especially as Reilly stares down "Momma" again, "Momma" knows that having a certain person in Reilly's life would help).

Monday, March 20, 2017

OSU's Hillel & Real LGBTQ Homophobia ("Homophobia" Being Actually Discriminating Against Someone Simply For Being LGBTQ)

Ohio State University's branch of Hillel engaged in discrimination against LGBTQ students and other LGBTQ people in Ohio. Nowhere in Tanakh (also know as "The Old Testament" or "The Hebrew Bible") does it read, "Thou shalt cut off from thyselves any woman whose heart desireth not a man, and any man whose heart desireth not a woman."

One can oppose the LGBTQ lifestyle (e.g., "Thou shalt not lie with a man as one lies with a woman...") without discriminating against LGBTQ people ("I desire mercy over sacrifice...").

Please remind OSU's branch of Hillel to love their neighbors, including LGBTQ neighbors, as themselves.

Countdowns To Birthdays, An Anniversary That Happened Re Writing About Reilly Two Weeks Ago, &c.

Reilly will be three years old in five days on the Gregorian calendar, and Camille will be two years old in a week. Meanwhile, "Momma" is also remembering another milestone: exactly two weeks ago, two years passed since "Momma" became a mentoree to the main person whom inspired her to write about Reilly and become an author in general; and three weeks and two years will have passed since "Auntie Nicole" became a mentoree on Camille's birthday.

Of course, Reilly has example after example of when she's spoiled, whether it's her birthday or any other given day. As for "Momma", not so much—in fact, "Momma" wonders if God loves Reilly more than He loves herapparently, for example, it's good for "Momma" to be alone while it's not good for anyone else, notwithstanding that "Momma" needs a helpmate and Reilly needs a "Daddy". Also, how will "Momma" surely know, for instance, whether the guy is a total stranger or even one of the guys among guys and gals whom inspired "Momma" to write about Reilly, no matter what "Momma" thinks in regards to who is or might be Reilly's "Daddy"?

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Bark, Bite, Kick, Nose An Arm...aka, How Reilly Physically Expresses What She Thinks And Wants

For example:

  1. Barking: ranges from, e.g., "Hi" to "What is that?", to "I hate your guts [e.g., one of the neighbor's notorious-noisemaking cars]".
  2. Biting, non-play biting: ranges from, e.g., jealousy to dominance, to "**** off"—e.g., Reilly bit "Momma"'s hand when she was trying to bite Camille out of jealousy yesterday
  3. Kicking: Expressing displeasure from being rolled over when she barks inappropriately (as she kicked "Auntie Michelle" today when "Auntie Michelle" had to roll her over. She also kicks when she does not want one to stop a belly rub.
  4. Nosing one's arm, headbutting, etc.: wanting attention and/or trying to block or otherwise prevent someone from giving Camille or another puppy attention (as Reilly moved "Momma"'s arm out of Cam's reach when "Auntie Nicole" reached over to pet Cam). 
Reilly is definitely a spoiled brat (by God and humans alike). 🙂