Right in between BCA Month and the month in which many notoriously buy puppies as gifts that they end up returning to the pet stores
*, breeders
**, and shelters, Movember/No-Shave November (herein "No-Shave Movember") comfortably takes its place as much as Reilly comfortably takes her place wherever she likes whenever she gets the chance to choose her own spot.
Along with the just-concluded BCA Month and the upcoming Caveat-Empuprum
*** Season, No-Shave Movember serves to remind aspiring and current puppy owners of one big thing: non-breeding puppies (including non-breeding adult puppies) need to be spayed and neutred—after all, puppies are at risk for cancers, too—and puppy owners can prevent their non-breeding puppies from having any significant cancer risk by spaying and neutering them.
That's part of why Reilly was fixed: having her uterus and ovaries removed, Reilly was free to live the life of Reilly without "Momma" (and everyone else) worrying about her possibilities of having mammary, ovary, and other cancers—after all, Reilly's "Momma" worries enough about herself being at risk for the human equivalents of the cancers that non-spayed female canines—besides, "Momma" inherently has Jewish worry regarding her "dogter" (not to mention that "Momma"'s primary cancer risks are due to whatever BRCA mutation stereotypically passed down through her Ashkenazi bloodline—and evidenced itself in Reilly's "Pop-Pop"'s ongoing Chron's Diease, late "Great Pop-Pop"'s battles with Colon Cancer and fatal
Myelodysplasic Leukemia, and "cousin" Katherine's death due to Breast Cancer).
Speaking of cancer-related matters, meanwhile, "Momma" recently received a surprise card saying that someone had donated to
St. Jude's Children's Hospital in honor of her—and the card did not have the honor-bestowing donor's name or a message on the bottom. Perhaps the anonymous honorer of Reilly's "Momma"—who clearly knows Reilly's and "Momma"'s address—is Reilly's future "Daddy" ๐? Since—as "Momma" checked online—one can put his or her name and a message in the card, "Momma" is pretty sure that someone else would've written a message and put his or her name to let her know who he or she is.
Even if the mysterious donor isn't Reilly's eventual "Daddy", "Momma" and Reilly thank him or her—and if the donor is Reilly's to-be "Daddy" , "Momma" thanks Reilly's "Daddy" both personally and on behalf of gregarious and
empathetic Reilly ❤️.
("Momma" suspects that the donor is whom she hopes might be Reilly's future "Daddy", by the way.)
* At least some of which actually don't use puppy mills
** Whom will be proud that the families at least gave the puppies chances to find better homes, as opposed to in-name-only breeders whom will only resent losses of profits
*** Em-pup-rum, in case you didn't get the pun