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Saturday, January 7, 2012

An Untitled Novel, Last Part

"That night, the family friend came over and said to avi, 'You're not going to believe what this kid told me about those koferim that I grew up hearing about.' He told him and the rest of us what had happened, and we all simply concluded that the kid had lo sekhel, was in over his head. That you would use them to study Anusim and compare Anusim to Yehudim and get a better picture of kol 'am Yisra'el is funny-- that is, strange. Besides, I told you about them to give you an idea of those times, and and idea of what my great-great-grandparents did versus what they did-- and thus why I did not give up my faith when I married your dad. I chose to take persecution for my faith and ethnicity, rather than to blend in and save my life which is not eternal on this Earth-- but will be eternal b'ha'olam haba."

But I thought about those Suwalki koferim compared to the great-great-grandparents of imi, and about what their relative said about them. "'In a similar way to how my side of the family meant evil by pseudo conversion, bnei-Yisra'el meant evil to Yosef. Just as they abandoned their Jewish religion in order to save their lives, so bnei-Yisra'el tried to make Yosef's life to be Gei Hinnom for their selfish ends.'" Also, "'Jesus would have told them not to abandon their Jewishness to save their lives from the Catholic Poles and Russians. "Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it." He would have told them to stand for their faith, even if they did not believe in him, instead of convert to Catholicism and pretend to believe in him. Then again, even their considering Catholicism just to play the goyim saved their souls.'"

At that moment, I was standing between two grounds: would I trust who "'sustained the little ones of my relatives who played the goyim'"-- the little ones such as Bernie and Ed-- or would I be like my great-great-great-grandparents and "'stand for their faith, even if [I] believe[d] in him"? I ultimately decided that "'even their considering Catholicism just to play the goyim saved their souls.'" 

I thought, "Let my dad hate me for being a Jew as the Poles, Russians, and even Americans hated Jews. Let my mom hate me for converting to Christianity to save my life. But I'm not being an Anusi -- I'm saving my eternal life, not my earthly life as those koferim meshumadim did. Besides, just as their relative said, 'Yosef said, "'Fear not; for am I in the place of God? And as for you, ye meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive."' What those koferim meshumadim meant for evil by not standing for their Jewish faith brought some of their children to the true Jewish faith, the complete Jewish faith-- Christianity.

"I can be a Jew and truly believe in Jesus of Nazareth as Messiah-- Yeshua HaNotzri HaMashiach."

Then imi, my dad, and all of my siblings-- Marta, Marjia, Mara, Enumah, Tikvah, and Ahavah; and Nwoye, Obi, Okonkwo, and Chinua and Maulana all got word of my newfound Jewish Christianity and sat shiva for me. They also tried to block me from getting back in the house when I came home from a walk. "We don't want the dead here," imi shouted. "As your dad said, we don't want the dead here-- ghosts, spirits, or bodies. That your dad and I agree on your belief in Jesus of Nazareth as Mashiach is the first agreement that we have had in a long time."

Then Nwoye, Obi, Okonkwo, and Chinua and Maulana stood with my dad in traditional Kushi mourning clothing; and Marta, Marjia, Mara, Enumah, Tikvah, and Ahavah with imi in shiva clothing. They along with my dad and imi, respectively, threw me even off of the porch and out of the house altogether. Before I completely left the house as I heard an African mourning chant and "Kaddish" lifted up, my mom called out to me:

"As I told you, I told you about them to give you an idea of those times, and and idea of what my great-great-grandparents did versus what they did-- and thus why I did not give up my faith when I married your dad. I chose to take persecution for my faith and ethnicity, rather than to blend in and save my life which is not eternal on this Earth. By the way, the troublesome man who avi saw you argue with in Upper Park Heights got word of your conversion to Christianity; and was the family friend who I told you about. He hadn't talked to me in years until he called me up once he got word of your conversion-- and no wonder he sensed you to be a schvartze, a troublesome schvartze."

As I walked away from my house, I thought of that verse, "'Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.'" I also remembered a verse that I had read when I had given up my Talmud studies in exchange for Bible studies, and when I had shocked my grandparents by even considering Yeshua to be Mashiach. " And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, orfather, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life."

I was glad to have given up the past Hanukkah and Christmas to go on a journey to find chayei b'ha'olam haba.

An Untitled Novel, Part 13

"Where did you hear about that mishpacha, anyway?" imi asked when I came home. "And you haven't referred to me as 'Imi' or 'imi' in a long time. You know, we used to call my mother that-- 'imi', 'my mother'." 

"You told me about hamishpacha."

"Now I remember. And I meant to tell you more about that before you went up there to explore that. Someone who claimed that he was related to that family one day came up to a family friend and asked if he could talk to him. He allowed him to. Then he told them perhaps what you told me that the other relative-- the one that you inquired to-- told you. He was using that story as part of his proselytization. The funny thing is that he even related it to this week's parsha-- he even quoted it, too. He said, 'In a similar way to how my side of the family meant evil by pseudo conversion, bnei-Yisra'el meant evil to Yosef. Just as they abandoned their Jewish religion in order to save their lives, so bnei-Yisra'el tried to make Yosef's life to be Gei Hinnom for their selfish ends.'

"Quoting from the King James Version of the New Testament, he explained, 'Jesus would have told them not to abandon their Jewishness to save their lives from the Catholic Poles and Russians. "Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it." He would have told them to stand for their faith, even if they did not believe in him, instead of convert to Catholicism and pretend to believe in him. Then again, even their considering Catholicism just to play the goyim saved their souls.'

"Quoting from the JPS Version of Tanakh-- since he at least tried not to offend our friend in his proselytizing--, he explained, 'Yosef said, "'Fear not; for am I in the place of God? And as for you, ye meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.  Now therefore fear ye not; I will sustain you, and your little ones.'"' In the same way, Jesus sustained the little ones of my relatives who played the goyim and thus turned their backs on their Jewish religion and ultimately on Jesus by only pretending to believe in Him.'"

A Letter To Those On Facebook Who Are Cowardly Enough Not To Tell Me What They Really Think Of Me...

I've come to understand that some people have come to my mom and sister and stated that they either don't even look at my Facebook page for various reasons or look and still have plenty of complaint about what I post, etc.. First of all, I define Facebook as "Face"book-- meaning that I'm not hiding my face or anything else from you. If I have something not to hide, I don't hide it. I didn't ask you to agree with me on everything, but as I've said, I can back up what I say. If you want to agree to disagree and even not debate, you can choose to keep any reservations to yourself. But then don't come my mom and sister instead of coming to me or just plain keeping your reservations or disagreements to yourself.

Second of all, "social networking" means being social and working with what you have in the fishnet called life-- let's face that we're all swimming upstream together in at least one or another way, whether or not we like swimming up the stream of life together. When we swim together, whether or not we want to swim together, we're expected to be honest with and about each other and about ourselves to each other.

Third, as I've said before, I'm not honest about those that I don't love and don't have to love. At points, if I weren't a Christian, I wouldn't be a Christian. But since I am a Christian, I have to love even my worst of worst enemies-- some of whom have affected me to state, " At points, if I weren't a Christian, I wouldn't be a Christian." Some of these same people have also affected me to agree with Mark Twain: "If Jesus were here today there's one thing he wouldn't be--a Christian."

I could go on; but in conclusion, if you have a problem with me, you come to me or call me out if you feel that

you need to. If necessary on my part, I will respond to any charge that you bring against me; and I will always

back up what I say.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Still Not Looking Good For Geraldo; And Meanwhile...

Statistics is not just for me.  As I once said, "If I wanted to be a mathematician or pollster, I would've majored in Math or Math with a Concentration in Statistics and Political Science." As you can see from my YouTube videos and tweets last night, I'm not a mathematician or statician. Anyway, more bad news for "Geraldo":

(1/4/2012 12:33:15 PM) 
I really miss the Joe Crummey show...Joe was very entertaining and informative. Geraldo is OK but I just can't listen for 2 hours... or 2 minutes...sorry. Anyone know if, or where Joe is on the air? 
G. Stowishoe
(1/4/2012 11:40:11 AM) 
I used to listen when Geraldo subbed for Joy Behar about 15 years ago. He was ten times better than her but he was a little boring. Now listening to him for about one hour I am ready to go to sleep. He is to slow for talk radio. I also can never figure out his views. Just when I think hes Left he goes right. Maybe this is good if it is true non-bias...Who knows. 
I give it 6 months!
Dale Evans
(1/3/2012 3:10:28 PM) 
I listened to Geraldo today. He sucked. His whiney voice drives me crazy. 
McGurk was great, Simone is great, even the Curtis and Kuby show was great. But, of course, this is all about syndication bucks. 
Screw the listeners, right?

Even from Facebook:

From the WABC Comment Page... More Criticism of Geraldo...

(1/3/2012 3:10:28 PM) 
I listened to Geraldo today. He sucked. His whiney voice drives me crazy. 
McGurk was great, Simone is great, even the Curtis and Kuby show was great. But, of course, this is all about syndication bucks. 
Screw the listeners, right?

Why was nobody criticizing Erica for trying to use and peddle her influence to get Obama endorsed, meanwhile?

Anti-Semitic And Other Attacks Against Me From Ron Paul Supporters....

    • Thumbs down because you're an uninformed, unintelligent and ugly bitch, both on the inside and outside.
      What a repulsive person you are.
    • Ron Paul never said anything anti-semetic, the media has be using a quote which begins with " A Jewish friend of mine told me..." Nor does he say anything racist against the blacks.He was angry because the racist murdering rioters are getting a pass and well as violent gangs of BLACK YOUTHS. Read them yourself and try not to be so self righteous when you do.
      As an American I owe Israel which is a racist apartheid NOTHING.
      Your just another Jewish cry baby for not supporting Israel. BOO HOO!
    • I know for sure that Israel did 9/11. There is overwhelming evidence of that. Of course you jews are against Ron Paul. He's one of the few politicians who aren't controlled by jews. I don't want to fight Iran. Israel is the true enemy of the United States, not Iran. Iran is just a country that is being victimized by jews because they are free of jewish control. There are so many reasons to be against jews. Read "Synagogue of Satan" and "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion."
    • You are misguided if you call Ron Paul racist/anti-semitic. Stop watching CNN, FOX etc and do your own research.