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Showing posts with label abuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abuse. Show all posts

Saturday, June 1, 2013

I Need A Big Break Because....

  1. While I'm not the pinnacle embodiment of a rags-to-riches story, I've certainly had struggles in my life. Here's a (so to speak) Molotov Cocktail (or worse of a cocktail) of struggles which I've had:
    1. Diplegic Spastia Cerebral Palsy, for which I spent 75 days in the hospital. Born January 23, 1990, I came home on April 7, 1990.
    2. OCD/Anxiety--this comes from my dad's Levitical family, the Foskos (Foczkos).
    3. Major Depressive Disorder--my dad's paternal granddad committed suicide over this. Relatedly, two Foczko great-great-granduncles and their dad (my great-great-great-granddad) committed suicide.
    4. ADD--All I know is that this come from Dad's side.
  2. My family history, to say the least, is very sordid. For example:
    1. My dad's family in particular was Crypto Jewish from around 1755-after March 12, 2008. I was the on who was chosen to catch them in their fanciful ignorance and deceit.
    2. My great-grandma Mary Rusnak Gaydos was a kapo--to not send the money to the Rusznaks who desperately broke the protocol of Evel Rabbati 2I  for the sake of piku'ach nefesh (whether Vilmosz was the one really writing or a Nazi was posing as Vilmosz--though, safe to say, Vilmos had to be the one writing given that Vilmosz survived the Shoah and is still covered up by the family). Because of this, my family is broken and cursed--and I am of the third generation removed from Vilmosz's curser, and of the second removed from his curser's enablers.
    3. Because of Points One and Two, my family story is not well known--and besides for what was noted in Point Two, my family is broken.
    4. Great-Grandma Czarnecki's blood is left unavenged (As much as I forgive Pop-Pop, I'd still like what he did to catch up with him.).
    5. Pfc. Bernard S. Czarnecki (Army, 111th Infantry Division Medical Corp, WW2) is left unrecognized and unavenged.
    6. A lot of the verbal and other abuse that I had to endure from 1996 (from when Dad twisted Mom's arm--which is pretty traumatic for a six-year-old child to have to see--and after seeing my dad sleeping on the couch one time at 7:00 on dark morning in 1994) to November 2006 (to when I had endured quite a bit of my own abuse, thank you) is explained by the family history--"Hurt people hurt people"; abuse begets abuse, and (as Granduncle Tony quoted), "Like [dad], like son." (The couch thing--to see parents sleeping separately from each other is also traumatic--if I didn't realize that something was wrong then, I can look back and say that I should've realized that something was wrong then.)
  3. I'm no Jeremiah, Elijah, or even faithful son; but I've been a Christian since Easter 1996 or 1997--long before I even suspected that I am Jewish, by the way.
  4. I get that "having one's cake and eating it, too" is not a Biblical concept (or usually one), but David, Solomon, and even the disciples (excepting Judas, and counting Mathias) had their cakes and ate them, too (at least in the end).
  5. I've never fit anyone's mold--a psychological case with a physical disability, a sordid family history, a broken home, and a situation in which I don't fit in the Christian or the Jewish worlds (and mainly because I'm that interfaith, interethnic[?], broken-home kid with a sordid family history and a medical record to boot. By the way, Mom's--as far as we know--a gentile of Jewish and Latino [Sephardic Jewish?] descent.).
  6. I've been a victim of abuse (including what I've mentioned previously and cyberbullying), rejection, and dejection.  
  7. I've had two crazy exes, both of whom I've had to call the police on; and I'm only 23. Therefore, my chances of ever getting married--let alone ever staying married--are nill. Besides:
    1. My dad and both of his siblings divorced, and my dad and his brother remarried.
    2. Out of my mom and her eight born siblings, only two have never divorced or remarried.
    3. My Allen great-great-grandparents and my Green-Carroll great-great-grandma all divorced. My "McCoy" great-great-grandparents may have also divorced.
    4. There were other divorces in my family.
    5. There were terrible marriages in my family, including those of my Czernecki great-great-grandparents and Czarnecki great-grandparents.
    6. Take all five previous "Besides" points and Point Seven together, and I'm bound to be a divorce statistic. Also take that I was born disabled and (thus) into the lower level of the American de-facto caste system,  and you get that I'll be perpetually an alte moid  or someone's to-cheat-on "gimp" of a wife (and, yes, I have been called a "gimp").
The list goes on, but my point is that I'm one who needs a break from God. In other words, someone who needs a break from God is me, if there was or has been someone who needed a break from God. Otherwise, my life's going to amount to less than worthless--and I'm just looking at factual and statistical reality.

Besides, someone needs to get my family back together; someone needs to tell the stories of--e.g.--Vilmosz's side of the Rusznak Family, Great-Grandma Czarnecki, and Great-Granduncle Bernie; and someone needs to show that a lower-caste, born-disabled, broken-home, chanceless kid can overcome by God. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I'm Not Going To Be Intimidated When I Stand Up For Myself and Others...

As I wrote to someone who apologized if his or her actions merely offended me (and not for the actions themselves), " I do not feel that the apology was sincere or for the actions themselves. I will not remove anything since it was on a public forum and it is evidence that I need to use to prove that I am not the first or last victim of UMBC JSU/Hillel. I understand that I am not the only victim, and who one of the victims is was disclosed to me in confidence partly because of how he or she has been bullied by UMBC JSU/Hillel.

"As I stated, my promises are not idle. I will not be back and allow others to get hurt by UMBC JSU/Hillel. As Gamali'el once stated,'Men of Isra’el, take care what you do to these people. Some time ago, there was a rebellion under Todah, who claimed to be somebody special; and a number of men, maybe four hundred, rallied behind him. But upon his being put to death, his whole following was broken up and came to nothing.  After this, Y’hudah HaG’lili led another uprising, back at the time of the enrollment for the Roman tax; and he got some people to defect to him. But he was killed, and all his followers were scattered.  So in the present case, my advice to you is not to interfere with these people, but to leave them alone. For if this idea or this movement has a human origin, it will collapse.  But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop them; you might even find yourselves fighting God!'
"Perhaps instead of bullying me and others, UMBC JSU/Hillel and those associated with it can take Gamal'iel's words to heart. "Forgiven" does not mean "forgotten" or "like the situation never even happened", since I am neither the first to whom it has happened nor will I (I'm afraid) be the last."

UMBC JSU/Hillel is only one group of bullies who I have faced, and they are rightly held out as an example of bullies--since the evidence shows that they are. As Hillel the Elder once stated, "If not me, then who?" Someone needs to stand to bullying in general, and UMBC JSU/Hillel are just an example of bullies.

Imagine if Anan ben David had not stood up to the P'rushiyin of his day. Would there even be a Masoretic Text--which the Kara'im scribed? Imagine if Jan Hus and John Wycliffe had not stood up to the Roman Vatican "Church"--would the Reformation and all that resulted from or because of it have happened? (Bullies such as Martin Luther--a virulent Anti Semite--and John Calvin--a known hater of the disabled and of children--deserve no credit for the Reformation. While God can and did use evil for good, Luther and Calvin were snake-tongued Pseudo Christians. Luther is known about, but that Calvin thought disability to be an automatic sign of predestined damnation is a dirty secret that so-called "Christians" among the Church keep. However, that Calvin thought a span of babies to be in Hell is oft too quoted by Anti Messianics/Anti Christians who want to paint Christians with the brush of Calvin.)

More examples come to mind as well. Nonetheless and in conclusion, I've given enough examples of why I myself am not going to be intimidated when I stand up for myself and others--"If not me, then who?" After all, I have a mitzvah  to do tikun-ha'olam--and to do so begins with fixing my world within the world, and fixing my world within the world includes standing up against those who have bullied me and others. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

How "Rabban"ism and Catholicism Are Equivalent, As Demonstrated Re Ed Koch and Others

  •   Maybe Ed Koch was a Jewish Catholic, and Anti Messianics make people who are like he possibly was afraid to say that, though. 
  • As a Messianic and what I consider a "Messianic Karaite" (as much as I love Nehemiah Gordon, and I know that he and other Karaites don't like that term--as he's made clear), I learned the hard way at the hands of those like Emily Katz Boling and "Rabbi" Jason Klein will attack you as a person if they can't attack what they consider the problems of Karaite and Messianic Judaism. By the way, I never submitted Jason's name, although I certainly found comfort in someone submitting it.
  • "Rabbinical Judaism is the Catholicism of Judaism."--a friend of mine (and I don't think that he'd care if I named him; I'm just too lazy to name him right now). Re Points 1 and 2, and looking at groups like Hillel, Outreach Judaism, and MERCAZ, one can see that Pharisee Judaism is indeed Judaism's "Catholicism" or Vaticanism ("Catholic" just means "Universal", and I hate when words are perverted. There are Evangelical "Catholics"/Vaticanists, by the way; just like there are Karaites who follow some Pharisaic customs that are acceptable in light of Tanakh and do not contradict it--e.g., wearing kippot, celebrating Hanukkah. Remember that G-d looks at intent [cf. 1 Samuel 16:7].).
  • Re Point 3, remember how Vaticanists (including Byzantine Vaticanists--though their Vaticans are their various flagship episcopates in places such as Constantinople [now Izmir]--and Jerusalem)  used the Inquisitions, pogroms, tribunals, and other tactics to attack Jews, Protestants, and others who weren't "Catholic" or "Catholic enough". This is what groups like Yad L'Achim, MERCAZ (who "[o]ppose any change in ‘Who is a Jew’ and ‘The Law of Return’"), and Outreach Judaism do to those who "aren't Jewish" or "aren't Jewish enough".

Monday, May 20, 2013

Reposted Entries With Disclaimer (Read the Disclaimer First)


The disclaimer shows that Emily, Facebook, and others are lucky that they're not getting sued. After all, " I wouldn't even be warning [Emily and others] if--even for all the evil that [she and others] have done to me, and I could certainly repay [them] with evil [e.g., suing them]--I didn't care about [them] and your whole cabal at Hillel--for your Kabbalic "Rabbin"ism is as Eastern Mystic ways, thus apostate [The link showing that Non-Tanakh Judaism-- in this case, Reconstructionist Judaism--is Apostate Judaism and is in fact "Jewish atheism" here is new. Emily is a follower of UMBC's apostate "rabbi".]! "

Entry One

Just because I don't respond to or engage with everything doesn't mean that I don't have a view on it. Maybe, e.g., I could just be letting you look stupid after a certain point in a conversation. Don't think that you've won the argument because maybe you haven't. In fact, you might've lost it so badly and I'm trying to save you for embarrassment even, even while I'm letting you look stupid enough.

And one last word to Emily [Entry Two here], by the way: my mistake was giving you a chance to understand my comment. You twisted my comments about Non-Orthodox Jews who care about Shavu'ot into lashon-hara, and I should've reported and/or blocked you right there and then. By the way, I'd take "Katz" out of your name--you are no kohenet-tzedek and do not deserve a name that means "Kohen-Tzedek". You walk in the ways of the Levi'im-rahim, not Tzadok. And you give the priesthood to "rabbis" like Jason--how dare you! If you keep that up, you will be cursed as was Uzziah and Jeroboam--and more so because you are a kohen who gave the priesthood to Non Kohanim. 

Also, you can see that that's G-d's promise, not any kind of threat--though I'm certainly warning you about what "rabbis" like Jason wouldn't dare tell you, since they follow Talmud instead Tanakh. So, if you have any legal case, you have one against G-d, not me--and I dare you to try to tell Him that anyone is threatening you, for you would be like Anathoth and others who told a real kohen-tzedek to stop prophesying! In fact, I wouldn't even be warning you if--even for all the evil that you have done to me, and I could certainly repay you with evil--I didn't care about you and your whole cabal at Hillel--for your Kabbalic "Rabbin"ism is as Eastern Mystic ways, thus apostate! 

I hope that I was clear enough to you and the other revisionists, Anti Messianics, Anti Semites and/or Self Haters, and others about whom I'm thinking. By the way, don't comment on this entry--I will not publish your comments or any comments of those in your circle. As I stated, I should have blocked you last time and will block you this time to save you for embarrassment even--you embarrassed yourself last time by twisting my lashon-tov into lashon-hara. Also, forgiving doesn't mean forgetting. 

Entry Two

"Emily Katz Boling
·                                 Please remove the tweet you posted with a link to our conversation. It has my name on it and I would not like that on Twitter and then you proceed to talk badly about me and my boyfriend (who has done nothing) on there.
Thank you

I'm not removing anything. You commented on something that I shared publicly (e.g., on the article itself, and as I would've shared in general on Facebook had I looked at the privacy settings more closely--and "Friends of Friends" is public enough, anyway); you're held to account publicly. After you slandered me when I exemplified UMBC JSU/Hillel as a Non-Orthodox community that cares about Shavu'ot, I owe you no favors.

Besides, I removed Frank as well. I don't keep non-friends' boyfriends as friends. Besides, what does that say about him that he's dating you--someone who would slander someone just because he or she is Messianic? If Frank has a problem with it, he can come to me. You're his girlfriend, not his mother; and he's old and mature enough to talk to me (I can only hope, anyway.).

Let me tell you something else, Emily. What I said and what you said is in replay all over again. Don't lie about me, and you won't be held to account for doing so:

As a Messianic Jew, I find two of the comments really problematic:

1) "The event it commemorates—God giving the Torah to the Jews at Mount Sinai—is arguably the most pivotal in the narrative of the Jewish people. But from the treatment it receives next to its more popular siblings—at least within non-Orthodox American communities—you wouldn’t know it." I care about Shavu'ot, and even admire what people like UtahSoccerMom do. Also, the Kosher Korner at UMBC (which is Non Messianic and has mainly Non-Messianic patrons, mostly those who go to the JSU/Hillel events headed up by a Reconstructionist) is closed beyond the Shavu'ot holiday (May 13-May 19, although Karaites and Messianics like me celebrate Shavu'ot on only the 19th).

2) "Hanukkah is so visible that conservative talk radio hosts think it threatens Christmas." I have never heard talk-radio hosts say that. They're more worried about the Atheists and Agnostics who threaten the legality of Christmas and Hanukkah celebrations within the United States.
When it comes to theological significance, the late-spring festival of Shavuot is no slouch: The event it commemorates—God giving the Torah to the Jews at Mount...See More
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Emily Katz Boling Nicole, I am particularly offended by your comment that you make about UMBC Hillel and JSU and speaking about the Rabbi as if being reconstructionist is negative. Since you partake in Shabbat and other activities led by JSU and Hillel it would behoove you not to speak poorly about those who have welcomed you to our events and activities. The Kosher Korner is closed during Shavuot because the man who works there as well as the restaurants that provide the food for the Kosher Korner observe all of Shavuot and therefore cannot work on those days and having someone else do so would make the place unkosher since it is being operated on days that are Yom Tov. And since those are the majority of people who eat in the Kosher Korner, not messianics or karaites, then they close it. You are treading on very thin ice with some of the stuff you say. Hillel may have a reconstructionist rabbi but we have many students who are from all different sects of Judaism. JSU on the other hand is a student run organization, also comprised of many different sects of Judaism. Just remember Nicole, you too benefit from these events and it is not a nice trait to speak poorly of those who have welcomed you to Shabbat and other activities.
Nicole Maratovah Czarnecki Firstly, I was saying that I found her comment highly problematic. I even said straightly out, "Also, the Kosher Korner at UMBC (which is Non Messianic and has mainly Non-Messianic patrons, mostly those who go to the JSU/Hillel events headed up by a Reconstructionist) is closed beyond the Shavu'ot holiday (May 13-May 19, although Karaites and Messianics like me celebrate Shavu'ot on only the 19th). " I do not see what is neigative about saying that the JSU and Hillel care. Perhaps reading my comments in context would help. Secondly, while we're on the subject and since you brought it up, I am not the only one who has had issues with Jason (I will, out of respect for his or her, not say who. If he or she would like to mention who he or she even is, he or she may do so.). Having a clergyman or clergywoman who is intolerant of those who are not Talmudic is a real issue. After all, UMBC is supposed to be diverse and welcoming. Thirdly, I disclosed that I was Messianic only because I never wanted to be accused of being an infiltrator and proselytizer. I see that my honesty upfront was a problem, and that there are certain people with whom I cannot be honest lest I be slandered.
Emily Katz Boling No because I knew exactly what you were insinuating by specifically mentioning Hillel and JSU and I also gave you and explanation of why it wasn't open. ANd ok so you'll spare saying the persons name out of embarrassment but you'll say the rabbi's name...See More
Nicole Maratovah Czarnecki You took the comment right out of context again. She said that Non-Orthodox Jews don't care about Shavu'ot, and I was giving examples to counter her statement. So, you again slandered me. So much for holding about UMBC JSU and Hillel as good examples--at least to people like you--which was my mistake.

And to message me on my public-figure Facebook page when I blocked you. How dare you! I want nothing to do with you, and I made that I want nothing to do with you quite clear. Besides, people like you are part of why UMBC JSU/Hillel involvement and Jewish communal life in general at UMBC is declinining. People who try to walk in Tanakh can and should not stand those who deliberately have walked off of the derech-Yehovah v'Tanakh, and persecute those who do walk b'haderech-Yehovah v'Tanakh. People are quickly figuring out that people like you, like Jason, and like others are those kinds of people who do all kinds of chullil-Yehovah b'HaShem-Yehovah--thus breaking the third of the Aseret HaD'varim in particular.

You clearly didn't learn from when Becca persecuted me. You'll learn this time: I am not a doormat; I am not one about who you may speak lashon-hara, and I am one who is not coming back to UMBC JSU/Hillel or even the Kosher Korner--after all, I'd hate to run into you there.

My mistake for ever speaking any lashon-tov about UMBC JSU/Hillel or even the Kosher Korner--after all, you and your ilk do nothing but twist what I say into lashon-hara, every bit for which you deserve to be called out. I also guarantee that if you keep treating me and others as you have treated me and them (and I rightly group you in with certain people), you will drive people all the more away from the UMBC JSU/Hillel and Kosher Korner to the point at which there'll no longer be an UMBC JSU/Hillel and Kosher Korner. After all, people won't want to try to derive benefit from them if all they'll get is Hell for doing so.

Reposted Entries With Disclaimer; And Not Hate Speech Or Anything Else But Standing Up To a Bully

Besides, as I said, Emily contacted me on my public page and commented regarding my public tweets. Her name will be known; to respond to her using Tanakh is not hate speech, and she will not hurt me and (as I'm sure that she has) others and get away with it--especially since she has a name which means "kohan tzedek", and I guarantee you that she is ironically not. She will not violate my FirstNinth, and Fourteenth Amendment Rights to stand up  to her; and she clearly needs lessons in both Tanakh and the Constitution, so I'm going to repost the entries with the original links to Tanakh pirkei and the constitutional amendments (and the relevant articles of the Fourteetnth Amendment) with my emphasis:

  • "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; orabridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."I dealt with her on the original post itself several times, and she and whoever is supporting her didn't like that. Guess what; you're part of the government of UMBC JSU and Hillel, whether de facto or de jure, and you will get called out if you bully someone by perverting his or her lashon tov about UMBC JSU/Hillel into lashon hara. UMBC JSU/Hillel is an organization at UMBC, a public/government school; and it has the Fourteenth Amendment, which encompasses the Bill of Rights, apply to it. The Fourteenth Amendment thus applies to the government/public-school organization government that UMBC/JSU Hillel has.
  • "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." She may not quash my First Amendment Rights of criticizing her in light of her perversion of my lashon tov and in a religious context as hate speech or personal attacks on her or our shared ethnicity. As I said and demonstarted (including with a link to Ezekiel 48), she is a so-called "Katz" who is of "the Levites [who] went astray " and did not do tzedek when she twisted my lashon tov into lashon hara. As a Jew (and one who is a Levite) myself, anyway, I have the right and even a mitzvah to correct another Jew (let alone another Levite) if he or she (in this case, she) has gone astray (even if, and though, she ranks above me). 
  • "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws....The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article." Again, UMBC JSU/Hillel is an organization at UMBC, a public/government school; and it has the Fourteenth Amendment, which encompasses the Bill of Rights, apply to itThe Fourteenth Amendment thus applies to the government/public-school organization government that UMBC/JSU Hillel has.
I, thus, have a legal case against both Emily and anyone else who reported the original entries as hate speech, and against Facebook for taking it as hate speech under the Constitution and various case-law laws. For example, "freedom of speech does not protect “free thought for those who agree with us, but freedom for the thought that we hate.” U.S. v. Schwimmer, 279 U.S.644, 49 S. Ct. 448, 73 L. Ed. 889 (1929)." Also, "the Supreme Court has identified several kinds of expression that the government may regulate to varying degrees without running afoul of the Constitution, including...stu-dent speech.... The degree to which the government may regulate a particular kind of expression depends on the nature of the speech, the context in which the speech is made, and its likely impact upon any listeners." Tinker clearly reads, "It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.

So, Emily, anyone who joined her in falsely reporting my response to her as hate speech, and Facebook could all be easily sued; especially since she first bullied me, then reported my response on my own blog which is protected under the Constitution and various case laws as hate speech. However, Messianic Jews are not to sue anybody; so I will (luckily for Emily) treated her as she deserves and sue her, let alone anyone who joined her or Facebook.

I will, nonetheless, repost the entries--and that is that.

Monday, April 29, 2013

We Have To Stand Up To These Leftist "Professors", And...

I'm helping start the standing up to these "professors"--who are really being indoctrinators and dominators! Let's stand up, give examples of what we choose to stand against, and (if we have to and can do so without getting sued) even name names! Rightists and Moderates--Conservatives and Middle Roaders--stand up and fight back!
Taken from Timothy W. Stanley's blog (Oops; do I need a full bibliography? ;-) )

Students in the world, unite!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Patricia Evans' Power-Over and Personal-Power Models In My Own Life

While I've made no claim to be perfect in or right about every matter, person, and factor in life and the afterlife, I certainly--as Shemoth cited on Twitter today--am trying to do what David did. "Now David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters. But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God." In his case, David was dealing with wiping out the Amalekites who had captured Ziklag. In my case, I'm dealing with people who are trying to use the Power-Over Model over me in every way that they can.

If you're one of those people, know who you are; be outraged; even want to stone me; but Yehovah is stronger than you and me alike. One or more of the following applies to you, and may Yehovah convict you for it:

  1. You are a family member with some degree of seniority over me.
  2. You are a person with some degree of authority over me.
  3. You know that I am a Jew and a descendant of Jews, and of gentiles of Jewish descent. You may even be one of my ancestors or in at least one of the generations of at least one of them. 
  4. You know that I am the descendant of Crypto Jews and do not hide that I am a bat-Anusim.
  5. You know that I am a Messianic Jew and do not hide that I am Messianic.
  6. You know that there is truth outside of the Written Word (the Scriptures), and that God is proven true both inside and outside of Scripture--or else He would not be Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent.
  7. You know that I have Cerebral Palsy, OCD/Anxiety, MDD, ADD, and IBS.
  8. You know that I am a survivor of abuse and have an otherwise-sordid--even though redeemable--family history. You may even be part of who affected or even caused the abuse and sordidness. 
  9. You know that especially 1, 2, 7, and 8 can be used to try to control me. You may have even used 1, 2, 7, and 8 to try to control me (e.g., what I post--v.g.--on my Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts).
  10. You hypocritically cite the Constitution--v.g., the First Amendment--and claim yourself to be a Constitutionalist and a conservative.
Firstly, let me cite Amendment Nine for you: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." Secondly, let me cite the Scriptures (since you may, after all, claim that that's the place wherein truth lies): "Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge." and "[I]f this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing;  but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it—lest you even be found to fight against God." After all, the same Scriptures say that God did not call:
  1. The righteous, but the sinners.
  2. The well, but the sick.
  3. The wise, but the foolish.
  4. The scholars, but the unlearned.

Thirdly, more from the Scriptures will I cite! "For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light." Don't play games with me, by the way--I'm not talking about Social Security numbers, home addresses, or other information that only you and certain other people need to know. I'm talking about, e.g., what was done to Vilmosz and his side of the Rusnak family, and--idem. v.q.--what we escaped from by becoming Anusim and what others may not know is in the Talmud. 

I've said my shalom. Now, so to speak, the ball's in your court. You can either try to keep having Power Over me or letting G-d have power over all of us.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Israel As A Delegitimzed Abuse Victim: "He Didn't [Do "A"], Though He [Did "B"]."

For some reason, the audio is acting weirdly. Perhaps G-d did that to garble or scramble my voice for my protection.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Why I'm No Longer Libertarian In Terms Of Comments, Replies, Etc. on My Videos, Blog, Etc.

In other words, I'm seriously done with allowing people to use freedom of speech, thought, etc. as a license to abuse and persecute me on my own social media forums. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Part 18 of My Stage32 Submission

Firstly, I have been busy and have not prioritized--e.g., made time for--writing out the family story. Secondly, I have found out a lot more to write down since the last time that I wrote--for example, incidentally (or not incidentally, depending on how you define "incidentally"), Dad did confirm the story regarding Vilmosz. Of course, he made excuses--e.g., how Great-Grandma had one kid (i.e., Grandaunt Helen), then two (Grandaunt Mary Ann), then three (Grandma) and so forth. Nonetheless--and even though the writing occured well after even Grandma was born, since the Nazis didn't invade then-Czechoslovakian and -Hungarian Slovakia until Grandma was three years old--, Dad confirmed that:

  1. Women--or at least Great-Grandma Gaydos, even in the 30s and 40s--did have some control over the money after all.
  2. Great-Granddad Gaydos was willing to let her help relatives, given--among other factors to consider--that he was a Jew himself, and but for the grace of G-d did Mihal Gajdosz and Katarina "Maria Uscianski" Uszinsky--not to mention his in-law parents--go.
  3. Great-Grandma damned well knew what was happening in Europe and refused to help the family, anyway.
  4. Among other factors to consider, there are good reasons why Tibor immigrated to Ohio--where other Rusznyaks had immigrated--instead of Pennsylvania--to where he may have immigrated had we not betrayed him and his side (and other sides) of the family--, and never talked to us.
I could go on, but you get the point. Meanwhile, I considered another factor, too:

"' 'Twas the night before Christmas, and...'"

Mass--if we went, anyway, though they did--and traditions about a Polish Catholic Christmas were--so to speak--thrown in there. There was not much--if anything--about the Bible. What we would do with "' 'Twas the night...'", though:

"' 'Twas the night before Christmas, and...'"

Pass the gift around.

"'The stockings were hung 'round the fireplace with care, and..."

Pass the gift around...

"And to all a good night."

Whoever had the gift after all of the "and"s, and the story concluded, got to keep the gift.

So much for Polish-Lithuanian and Czechoslovakian Catholics, huh? I mean, how much more secular for real--or actual--Polish-Lithuanian and Czechoslovakian Catholics can you get--especially, as Aunt Mary related to me one time, it was (as she learned the hard way during a phone call) about tradition and not Jesus?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Part 17 of My Stage32 Submission

While I'm waiting for Bill O'Reilly to come on KABC, I finally have--and have made--time to continue with the anecdotes about Pop-Pop--as I stated, you should see a clear picture emerging. By the way, how often do you get to follow the writer through his or her writing process as he or she is writing? As I'm telling my family story--and indeed, now it can be told (since, after all, Dad claims to he has nothing--or mostly nothing--to hide)--, I also want you to follow my day-to-day--or however-frequent--writing process. Of course, the editors are going to have a heck of a time and process with what I notice already has some inconsistencies in terms of writing style, etc..

Anyway, another anecdote--and one that proves that the family were not even just secular Polish-Lithuanian Catholics. By the way, what compelling reason would Aunt Mary have to lie--which I've asked Dad himself--about anything? Aunt Mary's--and likely Dad's and Uncle Gary's--first knowledge about God and Jesus:

"God damn it, Joan."

"Jesus Christ, Jack--the neighbors will think you're crazy."

And then came the closing of the blinds and chasing around the house. By the way--as I've discussed before--, Aunt Mary was not named for the Virgin Mary--she was named for her grandmothers, Mary Trudniak Czarnecki and Marysia "Mary" Rusnak Gaydos. Also, her name was "Mary Joan"--and Grandma (going against her and Pop-Pop's agreement) deceitfully slipped "Joan" onto the birth certificate--her name was originally going to be "Mary".

So much for Polish Lithuanian--and (in Grandma's case) Czechoslovakian--Catholics, huh? 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Repost With Updates: Allegations Don't Just Come Out of Nowhere...

I have updated the following post to put emphasis on key points. I also want to add, by the way, that celebrities are not beyond accountability and that evil people include those who would allege that James Holmes is Jewish just because he is a serial murderer. Mr. Holmes listed himself as agnostic, by the way. Anyway, to the post:

In terms of, for example, allegations against Toby Keith, people don't just wake up one day and say to themselves, "I'm going to claim that Toby Keith's a _____." You can fill in the blank with whatever you want; but in terms of the allegations that Toby Keith's an abuser of some kind, a cheater, or even an Anti Semite, those kind of serious allegations don't come out of nowhere. For two of the aforementioned allegations, by the way, even I was able to find evidence of those claims.

As for claims like those of Casey Anthony, there are evil people like Casey Anthony who will take real-life situations (be they general or specific) and claim that they have experienced them. For example, Casey Anthony took April Whalen's story about April's son accidentally drowning and claimed that it was her own story regarding what happened to Caylee. She also knew that she could get sympathy by falsely claiming that the unknown dad of Caylee was actually the (as she claimed) incestuous pedophile George Anthony, since real victims of sexual abuse (at least when they come forward and are believed) get the sympathy that they deserve.

You can be a Toby Keith "Warrior" (troll) or pro-Casey Anthony, but I and others do not just (so to speak) blow serious claims out of our buttholes; but those of us (like Johns Island, who just arrived on my blog by searching "toby keith cheating") who ask legitimate questions and assert legitimate allegations don't, as I said, don't just blow these things out of our buttholes.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Allegations Don't Just Come Out of Nowhere...

In terms of, for example, allegations against Toby Keith, people don't just wake up one day and say to themselves, "I'm going to claim that Toby Keith's a _____." You can fill in the blank with whatever you want; but in terms of the allegations that Toby Keith's an abuser of some kind, a cheater, or even an Anti Semite, those kind of serious allegations don't come out of nowhere. For two of the aforementioned allegations, by the way, even I was able to find evidence of those claims.

As for claims like those of Casey Anthony, there are evil people like Casey Anthony who will take real-life situations (be they general or specific) and claim that they have experienced them. For example, Casey Anthony took April Whalen's story about April's son accidentally drowning and claimed that it was her own story regarding what happened to Caylee. She also knew that she could get sympathy by falsely claiming that the unknown dad of Caylee was actually the (as she claimed) incestuous pedophile George Anthony, since real victims of sexual abuse (at least when they come forward and are believed) get the sympathy that they deserve.

You can be a Toby Keith "Warrior" (troll) or pro-Casey Anthony, but I and others do not just (so to speak) blow serious claims out of our buttholes; but those of us (like Johns Island, who just arrived on my blog by searching "toby keith cheating") who ask legitimate questions and assert legitimate allegations don't, as I said, don't just blow these things out of our buttholes.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

When You Hang Around Jose Baez...

Your brain cells have to go down a bit--or perhaps take a break. Either way, I don't know how Geraldo Rivera could and did form a friendship with Jose Baez, and I don't know how Jose Baez sleeps at night--I couldn't sleep after sneaking an extra shot of Irish Cream for my coffee on Friday (I was up at 7:00 on Saturday confessing to my mom, and I just got the cold on Friday--I needed the sleep, but I couldn't sleep.). How does Jose Baez sleep knowing that Casey Anthony is a murderer who was not sexually abused by her dad?

If nothing else, doesn't he know how Johnnie Cochran died? How much more will a man who was complicit in infanticide die a terrible and horrible death? I couldn't sleep just knowing that brain cancer would be the least of my problems. Also, how does Jose Baez sleep knowing that a man who was complicit in pedophilia--Joe Paterno--just died of cancer? As I asked, how much more will a man who was complicit in infanticide die a terrible and horrible death--though pedophilia and infanticide are almost equally (if not as equally) horrible? 

The difference with pedophilia and infanticide is this: the pedophilia victim wishes that he or she is dead, or may even end up dead (whether, such as in the cases of JonBenet Ramsey and Jessica Lunsford, the pedophilia is accompanied with infanticide; or the pedophilia affects the suicide of the victim); whereas the infanticide victim (assuming that he or she does not have pedophilia with which to also deal) is dead.

On that note, what is Jose Baez's claim that Casey Anthony is a victim of pedophilia going to do to real pedophilia victims? For instance, the claim will affect real pedophilia victims to not come forward for dread that they will not be believed or at least stood up for--case in point, Joe Paterno did not stand up for Jerry Sandusky's victims; so one can imagine how a false claim of pedophilia made by an acquitted murderer's attorney will affect other pedophilia victims to be disbelieved and left unspoken for.

In conclusion, I--feeling guilty for even taking an extra shot of Irish Cream and being unable to sleep--cannot imagine how Jose Baez--a man who represented and helped acquit a murderer by claiming that she she was molested as a child, and who will affect real victims of pedophilia to not come forward--sleeps at night. I also cannot imagine how he sleeps at night with a more horrible death than the deaths of Johnnie Cochran and Joe Paterno hanging over his head.

I also can't imagine how and why Geraldo Rivera could and did form a friendship with Jose Baez.

I Let My Enemies Get Me Sick...

Not good. I let my enemies depress me and, as I said, get me sick. My immune system got depressed and I have a friend who had a cold; thus, my immune system wasn't as strong and I caught my friend's cold. That anointing oil really does work is a good thing (I had my mom anoint me with some this afternoon.):

"Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord15 And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven."

To my enemies who claim to be Christians (but as a reminder to me and other Christians as well), by the way:

"Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls." (James 1:21, NKJV)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

From My Testimony In Short

jasondmzk asked me to make this thread, so here the thread goes. I've already told you about the Chernetskis, etc.. Next entered Mary Theresa Trudniak, who my great-great-grandma Alexandria Andrulewicz Czarnecki absolutely forbade my fresh-out-of-a-mental-hospital great-granddad from marrying--she made his situation worse when he went against her refusal and married Mary, anyway. In fact, Great-Grandma herself almost had a mental breakdown because of how badly Great-Great-Grandma treated her and him. When Great-Great-Grandma died on April 6, 1936, the situation should've gotten better--it didn't. It actually got worse.

You can thus imagine what kind of environment my granddad, John "Jack" Czarnecki and all but one of his brothers were raised in (with Anthony, Jr. the First being the one who was mercifully spared because he died two days after he was born). As the surviving Granduncle Tony once stated (referring to Great-Granddad, Pop-Pop, and Dad), "Like father, like son." Also, one PolishForums user quoted what is relevant in Pop-Pop's case: "Children who are abused by their fathers come to hate their mothers." Did he ever hate her for not standing up, then the truth especially when she finally took a stand for it! Pop-Pop later murdered her for it.

Meanwhile, in 1959, he married Joan Gaydos--the daughter of Michael Gaydos, Jr. and Maryisa "Mary" Rusnak Gaydos, an American equivalent of a kapo. You can thus imagine what kind of environment my dad and his siblings were raised in (with one spared, having not even survived the prenatal stages). You can furthermore imagine why my dad became so abusive toward my mom (from whom he filed for divorce on February 14, 1996; and from whom he divorced on June 11, 1998), my sister (who's actually inherited quite a few of his characteristics, I'm afraid), and me.

So much to hide, so many secrets--thus, affecting the chaotic environments, the abuse, and (importantly for me, and at the root of much of the chaos and abuse) the so-to-speak dirty little secret that we're Jews. In fact, Dad got mad at Great-Granddad Gaydos who boasted "We're Russian." during the Cold War. "The only reason that you say that is because you work for the Russian Orthodox Church." He actually said it (as I later figured out) in defense of the Soviet Jewish Community being misrepresented by Meir Kahane--after all, he was born to Michael Gajdos (né Mihal Gajdosz of then-Galszecs, Hungary) and Katherine Susan Gajdos (né Katarina Szoszanna Uszinskyová of Saros, Hungary), both Anusim.
I became a Christian on Easter 1996 or 1997. I was baptized Roman Catholic; and was raised in Columbia, Maryland where I attended and was saved at Christ Episcopal Church. Only when I (thought that I) typed in "" or something like that for a joke, and remembered Dad calling me "Nicole Charnetski" did I get interested in finding out if I'm Jewish. Lo and behold, our so-to-speak dirty little secret was revealed--and did Pop-Pop and others get mad. Some (like Pop-Pop) didn't want me to find out, while others didn't want to find out.

Anyway, there's my testimony in short.