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Showing posts with label Camille Dominique. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Camille Dominique. Show all posts

Thursday, March 16, 2017

How Did Reilly And Camille Mark The Publication Of The New Book About Them?

How else did they mark the publication but by running outside when they weren't supposed to be in the backyard, eating nasties, and having to be bribed with treatsDe-ja-(Malti)poo!


  1. "Momma" knows that puppies really can't mark publications of books like that (or can they? At least Reilly did seem to understand "Momma" when "Momma" talked about how people read about her and Camille. Pets, and other animals, do have uncanny abilities to at least sometimes understand what humans think that they can't understand).
  2. Speaking of de-ja-(Malti)poo...a certain furball was curled up on a family-room chair and is now staring down and waiting for "Momma" in a "dogterly"-equivalent way to how "Momma" is waiting for the other person to whom Reilly is also supposed to be a "dogter". Maybe if "Momma" and Reilly have Jirish luck by St. Patrick's Day and/or one of Reilly's birthdays (be the birthday her Hebrew birthday or her Gregorian one....yehi ratzon Yehovah la'asot ratzono). ✡☘
At least Reilly and "Momma" have consistency in their lives...though it's not all good consistency.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Reilly's And Camille's "Stella" Snow Day 2017

In short:
  1. Reilly and Camille ate "nasties" such as bird food, notwithstanding the snow or "Mom-Mom"'s explicit instructions to not eat the bird food.
  2. They enjoyed running in the snow, chasing snowballs that "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" threw.
  3. Camille did not want to come inside, in contrast to unusually-obedient Reilly.
  1. "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" had to stay on the porch to photograph and videograph Reilly's and Camille's snow day.
  2. Trying to get all of the pictures into another way to document it flared up "Momma"'s ADD, etc. severely.
  3. "Momma" and Reilly hope that Reilly's possible "Daddy" got through Snowstorm Stella safely and warmly, since Stella hit and may continue to hit the area in which he lives. "Momma" and Reilly also wish other loved ones in that area—including distant family—safety and warmth as Winter 2016-2017 wraps up with it's last hurrah! 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

"A Flying Leap Off Of Mom's Bed," As "Mimi" Describes What Camille Just Did, And Other Moments

Somebody apparently had to "go potty" (and was outside as "Auntie Nicole" began to type), and "Mimi" didn't even have to greet Camille ("...Bingo! She jumped right off!").

When she went outside, "she chased a bunny", whom was her only distraction from being able to "go potty". (As far as the bunny, "Auntie Nicole" has no idea whether it peed itself because it got scared by Camille). Meanwhile, both Camille and Reilly ate "bunny beans" (and "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" guesses that she knows what the bunny did after all! 😉)

As far as creating earlier memorable moments, Camille decided to create two of those moments when she pawed Reilly from within her own crate earlier today and from outside of Reilly's crate yesterday. Needlessly to say, then, Camille created and helped Reilly create more colorful moments—moments that "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" needs right now.

PS As "Momma" was just typing, Reilly was actually just staring down "Momma" until "Momma" explained that she is actually just wrapping up right now—and then Reilly began napping and waiting for "Momma" similarly to how (though in a different way than) "Momma" is (and Reilly is also) waiting for a certain someone.

By the way, "Momma" is (and in whatever way puppies can be aware of life's problems, Reilly is) aware that while "Momma"'s having her helpmate and Reilly's "Daddy" (especially if he is who "Momma" thinks that he is) in her and Reilly's life won't solve everything, it'll sure help "Momma" and "Reilly" with a lot.

(Also by the way, Reilly stared down "Momma" again! At least four times total, with one particularly long-sustained staredown, and began napping again after the last one!)

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Spring Training, A La Reilly And Two Of Her Cousins

In other words, another playdate with Shelby occurred impromptuitously on the non-divine side of the universe today. 

Some Of the Events Of Reilly's & Camille's Past 24-Plus Hours

With "de-ja-[malti]poo" involved, events included the usual jealously episodes—at least one of which involved jealous whimpering by Reilly—and interesting potty-session happenings—with the most recent one providing, if you will, a confirmation of freezing or below-freezing ground temperatures. As for the more-unusual events, meanwhile, two of them involved Reilly and Camille being calming presences.

The first one occurred when Reilly attempted to calm "Momma" down when "Momma" almost had to engage in "Castle Doctrine"-style defense of her computer, and let's just say that Reilly certainly would understand that asking "Auntie Michelle" multiple times to not touch her computer and watching as she brazenly went to do it warranted "Momma" to reach up from the floor to attempt to avert "Auntie Michelle" from going over there. Of course, Reilly didn't understand why "Momma"—who fell asleep as she waited for "Auntie Michelle" to bring Reilly down and take her "potty"—would have to reach up and not be able to just get up—notwithstanding that "Auntie Michelle" knows exactly why an exhausted "Momma" couldn't just get up from her napping spot. Meanwhile, let's just say that "Momma" got a ton of kisses from an arbitive mediator.

The second incident occurred when tail-wagging Camille indicated that "Auntie Nicole" was letting "Mimi" rile her up too much during a discussion—and she wagged her tail to indicate that the situation was getting too tense. When Auntie Nicole went to apologize for letting "Mimi" rile her up, Camille tried to defuse the tension by playing with—for example, playfully pawing at—and trying to get belly rubs from "Auntie Nicole".

Never a dull moment. Never a dull moment. This isn't to say that, e.g., there aren't lonely ones, even with Reilly and Camille around—especially when, e.g., who could help "Momma" out just isn't there right now.

Thursday, March 2, 2017


All too similarly to Sunday, today was another day for "Momma" to attempt roll over a barky—and this time, squirmy—Reilly and deal as much with Reilly's jealously as "Auntie Michelle" did after she came home from work and spent time with her own "dogter", as Reilly even took over and blocked her lap to prevent Camille from sitting on it. Reilly also got a particularly-disgusting piece of bathroom trash—which "Momma" will not mention by name—after the aide who comes over every day to help "Momma" get out and walk (at, as "Momma" has mentioned, "Mom-Mom"'s insistence 😳🙄) accidentally left the bathroom door open before she left for the day—and Camille also got some of what Reilly got after Reilly brought it out of the bathroom with her and "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" caught that Reilly had it!

Needlessly to say, "Momma"'s OCD/Anxiety flared up for quite a while after that.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Yesterday's Incident That Involved A Neighborhood Pitbull & A "Potty" Session

The long story short, regarding an incident in the afternoon of February 27th EST, is this:

Reilly and Camille made another good call in barking when they saw a notorious fence-jumping neighborhood pitbull from the window by the computer, though they really shouldn't have been barking—besides, as "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" told Reilly, Reilly and Camille didn't need to worry about the other puppy. 

Also, "Momma" thankfully had Reilly's harness and leash on Reilly when Fence Jumper* came and ran along the side of the fence that is opposite to the back porch. Then again, Fence Jumper could've jumped into the yard and continued to disobey her owner instead of eventually going back to her family's house**. Either way, Reilly and Camille—notwithstanding that their barking alerted "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" to Fence Jumper's escape and run in the neighborhood—ended up not having to worry about her.

* Real name withheld. Also, Fence Jumper is a sweet pitbull and one whom can be aggressive in spite of her sweetness. 
** That may've created a situation in which "Momma" would've needed someone to help her and Reilly.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

"Momma" Tried To Roll Reilly Over Herself; "Auntie Michelle" Had To Deal With Stubborn & Jealous Reilly, Etc..

Trying to roll over Reilly herself—although Reilly at least gets that "Momma" will roll her over if she has to do so, as she demonstrated just now—got "Momma" only to hold Reilly as she stood on her two back legs—once again evidencing that "Momma" needs to have her helpmate and Reilly's "Daddy" in both her life and Reilly's life as soon as possible. Also not helping "Momma" was when Reilly decided to have "Auntie Michelle" again "pick her up" to take her downstairs to "go potty" and bring her up to "Momma" as exhausted and fighting-off-an-ear-infection "Momma" was studying for an online class, fell asleep multiple times during the study session—though she at least benefited in inadvertently engaging in the study-sleep cycle of information retention—and was already upstairs for the night, anyway—and since "Momma" is not fighting off her infection with antibiotics, she still is a little more sleepy of late.

Incidentally, "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" fell today when she was carrying both the book for her class and what she needed to replace Ri's and Cam's water in their water bowls in their crates—and had Ri and Cam not been in their crates in order for "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" to have focused study time, a chair and/or "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" could've fallen on one or both of them—and she at least landed on her stomach and without hitting her face on the cabinet in front of her. Meanwhile, she stayed by Ri and Cam while she was studying—and she did fall asleep this time!

Speaking of and back to when she did fall asleep and was upstairs for the night anyway, "Momma" had to deal with a jealous Reilly both during "night nights" time and this morning—Reilly would neither let Camille say "night nights" to "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" or onto her bed when they came to greet her in the morning, and "Mom-Mom" had to convince Camille that jumping up on "Auntie Nicole"'s bed was going to be safe despite Reilly's jealousy. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A Planned Book On Camille, When "Mimi" Doesn't Spend Enough Time With Camille, Etc..

With the second edition of Reilly's book out, "Momma" gave away another copy (and as she's said, she really is working on trying to become an author)—and she polled to see if people would read a book on Camille (and "Auntie Nicole" made the giveaway a "no vote, no entry" one).The results are as follows:

If Nicole Czarnecki were to write a book on Camille, would you buy or try to win it?

More likely than not16%
More unlikely than likely5%

Incidentally, "Auntie Nicole" fails to understand why anyone who wouldn't read the book on Camille would enter the giveaway but for a few reasons such as:

  1. He or she likes trying to get free books, maybe even—in this case—to resell it offline if it's a paperback book, e.g.—and yes, there really are people whom hate "Auntie Nicole" that much (notwithstanding that, e.g., Reilly is currently napping by her "Momma"—at least some sentient creature loves "Momma" on a consistent basis, compared to even many fellow human sentient creatures in her life). If he or she also tried to get the book to resell it, or—on the other hand—get it just to make fun of it and/or have his friends make fun of it, that would not surprise Reilly's "Momma"—even "Mom-Mom" and "Auntie Michelle" made fun of it at first. 
  2. He or she is a big fan of Reilly and not Camille—poor Camille. 🙁
  3. He or she wants to get a free book for a friend.
Meanwhile, "Auntie Nicole" can relate in filial and non-filial ways to Camille's filial pain—even "Mimi" doesn't spend enough time with Camille (Who shouldn't own a puppy, by the way "Mom-Mom"? Even "Mom-Mom" has acknowledged that "Mimi" doesn't prioritize Camille as much as she should, and how hurtful "Mom-Mom" can be only adds to when "Momma"'s Jirish temper can be affected.). As a result of "Mimi" not prioritizing Camille as much as she should, Camille can get sleepy and feel depressed—and as recently as Sunday, this happened—and Cam wakes, perks, and lights up when "Mimi" comes into the room to actually spend time with her and, e.g., puts that darn Kindle or laptop down for once—even under guilt of being teased that, e.g., "Auntie Nicole" will become Cam's "Momma" if "Mimi" doesn't come downstairs from a long-enough nap to spend time with Cam.

In a similar way, "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma"'s loneliness and confusion re what exactly Camille's possible "uncle" and Reilly's possible "Daddy" wants continues to affect una noche oscura del alma en parte de su vida—a dark night of the soul in part of her life—as she is trying to be patient and wait on God to have Reilly's possible "Daddy" reach out to her—and patience in general is all the harder for a person with OCD/Anxiety, Depression, and ADD to learn.

How fitting, by the way, that a converso coined that term!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

"Momma"'s Near Panic Attack (Still Occurring As Of 1:58 PM EST), Trying To Take A Quiz, Etc..

Because of Reilly's barking and wanting scritches while "Momma" was taking scritches during a quiz for an online class which is taking, "Momma"—not withstanding that she did give Reilly scritches and persisted when Reilly wanted more scritches and had to wait to get more scritches after the quiz—got especially frustrated when Reilly barked and had no help from "Mom-Mom" despite that the quiz was timed for 60 minutes and "Momma" couldn't just get up to get the spray bottle—with"Mom-Mom" in fact categorically refusing to help "Momma" when "Momma" asked for help (something like, "I'm not doing that"—i.e., using the spray bottle or rolling Reilly over. "Mom-Mom" was also causing distracting noise by vacuuming after cleaning out the pellet stove—so, that really didn't help!)

...2:07 going into 2:08 PM, by the way, still has "Momma" having an audible heart rate, needing to really inhale for breath, etc. (2:09 PM, and Reilly is barking loudly again, and Cam is, too—still no rolling over or spray bottle, and let's see if "Mom-Mom" actually carries out her ultimatum to use the muzzle! 2:11, and like "Mom-Mom"'s simply telling Reilly, "Quiet", etc. is helping as Reilly continues to bark, stopping and starting—and 2:12 PM, and Reilly starts barking again as Camille barks! "Mom-Mom"'s closing the window is not helping, by the way!...

Does "Momma" really need to really emphasize, by the way, why she needs a helpmate for herself and a "Daddy" for Reilly, by the way? Is asking Reilly's possible "Daddy" to reach out to "Momma" too much—especially as her heart rate remains high (and reminiscent of when she had to go to the ER because "Auntie Michelle" scared her and effected her heart rate to go up to 133 beats per minute in later 2013, bruxism flared up, etc.?

By the way (at 2:17 PM), "Mom-Mom" finally got the spray bottle for "Momma" in case Reilly barks again—and "Momma" almost had to use it at 2:18 PM! Also, the spray bottle continues to be on standby for use as of 2:21 PM, and "Momma"'s ITB Pump hurt for a while at 2:21 PM due to an IBS flareup, the near panic attack, and stress now!

Friday, February 17, 2017

The Vo-Cam-u-la-Ri: aka, The Reilly and Camille Lexicon—Well, At Least Part Of It

As "Momma" promised:

  1. "Night nights": bedtime or evening nap
  2. "Potty", "potty outside", "outside", etc.: self explanatory (📖), including the bathroom for the humans
  3. "Peedy" and "poody": 📖.
  4. "Nasties": including the two aforementioned items, hair, dust
  5. "Num nums": food for them
  6. "Speedy" (a name for a tire-shaped toy that has yellow bones), "Froggie" (the desqueakered frog toy), "Mr. Monkey" (the monkey toy that each got for Christmas), and "Buddy" (a puppy-shaped bottle-holder toy).
  7. "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole": 📖
  8. "Mimi"/"Auntie Michelle": 📖
  9. "Mom-Mom": 📖
  10. "Ms. [Whomever]", "Mr. [Whomever]", etc.: 📖
  11. "No-no", "no-nos", etc.: 📖, including "nasties"
  12. "Blankie": 📖
  13. "Harness": 📖, including seatbelts for the humans "on a ride" (📖)
  14. "My bladder and colon [or colon and bladder] are acting funny": "IBS flareup" (📖)
  15. "Dentastick": used generically for a dental chew
  16. "Riley treat [or "Reisy treat"]": 📖
  17. "Birdie": 📖
  18. "Scritch": 📖
  19. "Belly rub": 📖
  20. "The blessing": The Birkat HaKohanim (with "Yevarekhakh" and "v'yishmerekakh"—which "Momma" needs to correct to "yismerakh")  that "Momma" does for Reilly every night (or almost every night) before "going night nights" (and Reilly's been prone to lick the oil that she's been able to reach, which is a "No-No").
  21. The word for which the possible definition will have to be self supplied.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Reilly Could've Committed Negligent "Matricide" Today, And A Could-Be-Missed Opportunity?

For Reilly to be a loving "granddogter" to her "Mom-Mom" was fine for her, and to almost kill "Momma" today seemed better—this time, Reilly's getting the pink leash stuck in the crate entailed getting it stuck and tangled in one of the wheels to the point at which the cart is still basically rendered unhelpful for "Momma"—and Camille started it by running off of the porch while "Auntie Nicole" was going to get Reilly's leash unstuck from one being wrapped around on the sides of the cart.

"Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" ended up having to crawl on the ground to get back in the house (and roll over each of the girls and ask "Who rules?"), hold the girls' leashes while she crawled, and hold her left shoe and wait to put it on until she got onto the porch. Meanwhile, the left foot being bare (as has frequently happened when the right foot has been bare due to, e.g., Reilly not waiting for "Momma" as she climbs up the stairs) was the usual insulting reminderand of course without the hopeful side of the whole insult-to-injury ordeal. Of course, "Reilly's 'Momma'" remains the answer to the question of who misses an opportunity if "Momma" does decide to give up on waiting on Reilly's possible "Daddy".

Speaking of risk-and-reward and cost-and-benefit-analysis, by the way, that's part of why "Momma" tried to get the leash out of the cart wheel for as long as she could—the mud on her pant knees, shoes, and coat sleeves demonstrate that she had to take the dreaded risk of getting down on the ground and crawling instead of continue to try to get the leash out of the wheel and then instead of maneuver the cart with only three wheels available. 

Second Valentine's Day Card, Reilly's Loving Filial (And Foodie) Gesture, And...

As desperate as "Momma" seems, she just wants an answer from Reilly's possible "Daddy"—and even on Valentine's Day, that seems too much too ask 🙄. It even seems too much to ask even when she thought about it and stayed up until about 3:30 AM thinking about it, once again failing Reilly and trying her patience—quite literally, that is part of why she stayed up on a literally-cold-and-lonely night when she broke a promise go "night nights" with Reilly as soon as the pellet stove cooled off, and the poor pup was waiting on the couch for "Momma". Needlessly to say, Valentine's Day was Singleness Agony Day for "Momma".

Meanwhile, Reilly herself made quite a Valentine's Day for everyone when she jumped up on "Mom-Mom"'s lap during dinner to try to get some food—and she gave "Mom-Mom" some "grandogertly" affection, although she did not like being hugged by "Mom-Mom" and jumped down when she was hugged.

As for the second Valentine's Day card:

Monday, February 13, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day From Reilly & Camille; Winter Bath Day, &c.


Secondly, a few pictures of the long-awaited and constantly-having-to-be-delayed winter bath (and ending up getting all groomed for the cards):

Getting brushed

Shaking off the water

Relaxing after her bath

Not liking getting her backside clean

A rest-and-relax retreat to the crates

Getting fed a treat? Or brushed? 

By the way, a quick message to Reilly's possible "Daddy" and "Momma"'s possible helpmate: don't be afraid to reach out to "Momma" if you think and/or are sure that you're Reilly's eventual "Daddy" and "Momma"'s eventually helpmate.