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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Regarding Hananya Naftali And A Disturbing Report About Him

In a Facebook group of which I'm a member, the group moderator shared a video of self-professed Jewish Christian and survivor of terrorism Hananya Naftali speaking at a UN Security Council Form. Someone objected to the sharing of the video on the grounds that Hananya Naftali may not actually be a terrorism survivor or anything else but a Messianic Jew whom deceitfully claims to have survived a terror attack in order to proselytize.

Just as I replied in the group, I'll post here for two reasons:

  1. In case my comment understandably gets deleted—after all, as I said, Hananya Naftali reflects poorly on Jewish Christians if he is lying about whether he survived a terror attack.
  2. As I implicitly replied to the original commenter, the report about Hananya Naftali is disturbing either way: that is, it's disturbing whether someone's lying about Hananya Naftali simply because he is a Jewish Christian or whether—more disturbingly—Hananya Naftali is using a Pseudo-Messianic-Jewish form of taqiyya, as what Mohammed did to promote Islam in his days has no compatibility with or equivalent to what Jesus taught, regardless of what one makes of Jesus—after all, Jesus was at least a rabbi whom taught that one should not bear false witness, and any "Messianic Jewish" form of taqiyya contravenes the Torah that Jesus taught and followed. By the way, I can find no news reports about Hananya Naftali actually having survived a terror attack in any case.
  3. I'm a bat Anusim whose ancestors survived Anti Semitism as best as they could, and—for example—I'm unfortunately sure that part of what contributed to Great-Granddad Czarnecki's decision to commit suicide was the Anti Semitism that he endured as a child—you try being a 60-year-old Anusi whom, even though you were no hero, you had a rough life and became less than heroic in many ways partly because you were affected by how you started off life: in Anti-Semitic Polish Russia and having converted to Roman Catholicism before you were even a school-aged child because of the pogroms, and thus having your family back in Poland having disowned you and your parents because you became Anusim; and then fleeing to the United States to live as an Anusi in not-much-better-but-at-least-nominally-religiously-free Pennsylvania—and you end up in the Sugar Notch area, which is part of why you have to live as an Anusi. When you're sitting around after you've lost a job due to severing three toes and your lower leg in a work-related accident with a lawnmower, you think about those first 18-21 years of your life when all you can do is sit around and think instead of work—and your flareup of Depression becomes all the more exacerbated. Were you around today, you'd want to throttle that Hananya Naftali kid if he is lying, and you'd love tell him exactly about what you survived as opposed to what he only claimed to have survived—and from what I understand, Great-Granddad (given that he had no problem being abusive towards others) would certainly not hesitate to have throttled someone if he could have and needed to have throttled someone for good reason (After all, someone who turns out to be abusive since he or she was affected by abuse may well stand up to abusers whom are like the abusers that he or she had and has faced before. Also, keep in mind that he worked in the coal mines until times became too hard for the coal mines to run in Sugar Notch—so, he had a good deal of strength prior to his work-related lawnmower accident—and he also worked at a silk mill in his teenage years.).
As I replied to the original commenter, then:

"1) I don't see how that changes that he[, Hananya Naftali] was targeted because of his ethnicity, assuming that he was telling the truth about what happened to him. 2) If he was indeed lying, I as a Jewish Christian apologize on behalf of those like Hanaya Naftali and can tell you that he reflects himself and only himself. In fact, the majority of us are far different from the caricatures that Hananya Naftali likes to make us look like, and we do not condone whatever you call―if I may―his equivalent of taqiyya, as Mohammed and Jesus―regardless whatever you make of him―are not compatible, and no equivalent of taqiyya has any place in the life of any Jewish Christian."

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