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Saturday, August 16, 2014

A More-Thorough Answer To Questions Which A Fan Asked Me on My Facebook Page

  • "Shalom l'kulam" means "peace for all". You could reply "Shalom l'at[a]" (singular "Peace for you") or "Shalom l'ate[m/n]" (plural, "Peace for you"). 
[The original answer. Since he asked about "Shalom l'kulam" and I wasn't thinking of object forms of Hebrew pronouns, I didn't give correct answers. To be fair, though, my native language is not Hebrew (although it is my ethnic/national language). Also, as I note, I did not know that I am Jewish. 

[I should've answered with the following:

  1. [L'shalom l'lekh.
  2. [L'shalom l'lakh.
  3. [L'shalom l'lakem.
  4. [L'shalom l'laken.
[PS I know that I should use my Rosetta Stone software more. Also, remember that "whenever you feel like criticizing any one, just remember that [not] all of the people in this world [have] had the privileges you've had." (I don't like the original wording by the way, since quite a few people had and have the privilege that Nick Carraway had.)]
  • I myself try not to eat pork, though some Jews (particularly Liberal [more-liberal Masorti/Conservative, Reform/Progressive, Reconstructionist, Alternative, etc.] and secular Non-Messianic Jews) do. 
[I should have mentioned that I've been trying to go more kashrut since I've found out that I'm Jewish and have the classically-Jewish IBS  (By the way, I do not buy that IBS and Chron's are not related. IBS and Chron's, which increases the risk of Colon Cancer, are part of the same system.).

  • As for a bar mitzvah, he is a "son [of the] commandment". A bat mitzvah is a "daughter [of the] commandment". B'nai Mitzvah ("sons [of the] commandment") are found in all denominations (Messianic and Non Messianic); and so are Banot Mitzvah ("daughters [of the] commandment), although only in Messianic and Non-Messianic Liberal denominations do banot mitzvah have teqesim l'b'nai mitzvah (bar- and bat-mitzvah ceremonies). I myself, by the way, did not have a teqes l'bat mitzvah. This is because I did not know that I am Jewish until I was 18 years old.
[By the way, another wrong answer. Non-Liberal denominations do have teqesim l'banot mitzvah nowadays. Nonetheless, teqesim l'b'nai mitzvah are still considered more of teqesim l'yeladim.]

I hope that I answered your questions. Shabbat Shalom.

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