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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Excerpt From My Upcoming Book: What Knowing Would've Helped: e.g., My Father Passed His Mental Illnesses Down To Me

April 2006, Spring Break, a threat of suicide, and thus a whole week in April of 2006 and a whole Spring Break spent in Sheppard Pratt...and this after I reached my breaking point with my father's abusiveness. Not to mention that learning about the Holocaust 4.5 years earlier, right after 9/11, actually partly effected the onset of my OCD/Anxiety, Depression, and ADD—and that I would eventually figure out that that's why he had all of those pill bottles in his apartment, and that other matters would be explained by my father's OCD/Anxiety, Depression, and ADD.

So went my life with the fallout of 9/11, the times shortly before it, and the times shortly after it. At least my father's admitted to having ADD since then, but the Depression and OCD/Anxiety are still—albe an open secret to me and others—a secret. Of course, knowing about my father's Depression and OCD/Anxiety would've helped before I had to end up in Sheppard Pratt, let alone after I ended up in it. The worst part is that my mother knew about it and didn't tell me even about the day that she ended up discovering that he took Wellbutrin®, the generic of which I currently take (at least when I have the energy and time to be at consistent with my medication as possible) and any given form of which I have no idea in regards to whether my father still takes it.

Speaking of medication, my father's paternal grandfather—whom took medication for his own Depression—did not have medication work for him, and he subsequently took his own life as a result of ultimately-medication-resistant Depression. That, too, would've helped to know, especially when the bubbe meise about him dying of Black Lung was pulled together from three facts that were quite the opposite of the facts of his too-late-to-abort suicide attempt:

  1. An Anthony Czarnecki was born in October 1908 and died in 1972—and my father claimed that his grandfather died when he was 12. That Anthony Czarnecki died in a fire in Philadelphia, in contrast to the Anthony Czarnecki whom was actually born in October 1904 and jumped off of Exeter's long-since torn-down Falls River Bridge in December 1964.
  2. He did have Black Lung as a result of being a miner and did actually immigrate from Poland. However, he as a pogrom survivor came over here with his parents, and his brothers Bernard "Bernie" (whom was subsequently exploited by my great-granduncles John and Joe), Joseph "Susi" (whom my granduncle Tony, z"l, understandably described as an "SOB"), and Edward "Ed" Czarnecki (whom subsequently served at Fort Knox when my grandfather served down there in the days of mandatory service) served in World War Two. In other words, the bubbe meise about a lone immigrant from Poland whom became a miner, served in Korea, and died of Black Lung obscured a darker story and helped my try to father steal valor from Great-Granduncles Bernie (whom died in 1963) and Ed (whom served stateside during Vietnam and prior to the draft, and probably Korea). Thus, not ever occurring to me was that a child survivor of the pogroms and an Anusi felt the ultimately-fatal weight of his being an Anusi and other matters in his life (including his brother Bernie's death from a Schizophrenia-caused coronary occlusion after years of suffering either a botched shrapnel-removal operation or a lobotomy, and his brother Susi's exploitation of a fellow veteran—and one whose botched shrapnel-removal operation or a lobotomy left him a child-like and easily-exploitable state for the rest of his 43 years.)
  3. If Anthony Czarnecki wasn't the grandfather whom apparently died when my father was 12, then it would've been his grandfather Michael Gaydos. After all, a Michael Gaydos whom was born in 1891 did die in 1972. Of course, it wasn't the 1904-born Anthony Czarnecki whom died in 1972, and it wasn't actually Michael Gaydos, either—Great-Granddad Gaydos died of a heart attack when my father was 15.
Only a copy of Great-Granddad Czarnecki's death certificate that a maternal cousin of my father sent me cleared up that matter for me—and my father's excuses that I was too young to know before did not help my father, either, as he just added insult (his excuse) to injury (his bubbe meise). My mother's excuse that it was up to him and not her to tell me also didn't help, as she once again went along with my father's secrecy.

By the way, Depression also killed my paternal grandmother's granduncles Frank, Sr. Fosko and Andrȧs "Alexander" Foczko, as well as—despite the denials of some of my family in spite of the statistical evidence—her grandfather Istvȧn Foczko—whom died young and had seven children, with six of them being sons, and with 2/7 of his children and of his sons taking their own lives.

As for five of her maternal aunts and uncles, they had Alzheimer's and other forms of Dementia—and Alzheimer's and Dementia are linked to Depression.

Do the math, and you will figure out why knowing that I inherited Depression (as well as comorbid OCD/Anxiety and ADD that only exacerbate the Depression) from my father would've helped long before I was in Sheppard Pratt and long after I was in Sheppard Pratt, and long after I maybe wouldn't have been in Sheppard Pratt had I known about that the mental illnesses that I have and set on as a result of my father's abuse, the fallout of 9/11, and other factors came from that same father whom abused me partly by hiding that he has those mental illnesses. 

Halloween Card From Reilly and Camille

PS Reilly had her leash on partly to get ready for her walk, and Camille even refused to cooperate with "Mimi" at first.

The Halloween Card Will Have To Come Later Tonight, After "Mimi" Holds Camille For Separate Pictures

As "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" predicted, Reilly and Camille were going to hate getting dressed up. Reilly did not fully cooperate with "Momma" the first time, as she followed Camille's bad example of jumping off of the couch once "Auntie Nicole" got Camille's costume on her and got Camille on the couch. She did, however, reluctantly cooperate the second time and get treats as a result.

As for Camille, as "Auntie Nicole" stated, "Mimi" will have to help "Auntie Nicole" get separate pictures of Camille. There goes "Auntie Nicole"'s original theme idea for the card, by the way 🙄

Reilly's And Camille's Costumes....

Let's just say that they're not exactly pup-proved.

(You thought that "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" would reveal what the Halloween costumes are, didn't you? Not without making a Halloween card! Trick for treat, and the treat will be a Halloween card with Reilly and Camille in their costumes!


  1. Reilly and Camille hate dressing up in general.
  2. "Mimi"/"Auntie Michelle" (despite that she thinks that the costumes are cute) certainly did not help "Auntie Nicole/"Momma" get Camille and Reilly to get their costumes on them as much as she could have helped her.
  3. The costume for Reilly was bigger than expected, despite that it's size adjustable.
  4. Probably due in part to flaring-up-of-late OCD/Anxiety, "Momma" likely left the costume a little too loose since she doesn't want to choke Reilly
PS "Trick for treat" definitely encompasses Reilly's allowing "Momma" to put on the costume in exchange for getting a treat. 

Friday, October 27, 2017

The Air Force, A Loving Reilly, And Veteran's Day (Plus An Upcoming Belated National Pumpkin Day Card)

"Momma" is proud that:
  1. The head of the Air Force Academy, Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria, condemns bigotry
  2. Reilly refused to nosebutt her when she, in light of Lt. Gen. Silveria's admonition to the Air Force, asked her whether she hated anybody just because of what they look like, their beliefs, etc.. At one point, though, Reilly nosebutted "Momma" because she assumed that "Momma" wanted her to nosebutt when she mistook a refusal to nosebutt as an affirmative answer and asked the question again ("Momma" culpa!)

Apparently, though, Reilly loves "Momma" (She gave "Momma" kisses.) and hates everybody else (including "Momma—or at least she was tired of "Momma" bothering her with questions!).

As Veteran's Day approaches, meanwhile, "Momma" and Reilly thank the Air Force and other veterans (including active-duty ones. Once a person in the United States Armed Forces, always a veteran—except for the ones like treasonous Bowe Bergdahl and very-much-self-exaggerating John Garofalo.)

(By the way, Reilly—while she may love everybody—doesn't like everybody, and she would certainly dislike those like Bowe Bergdahl on a daily basis as much as she dislikes "Momma" on some days!)

PS Reilly did get her earned pumpkin for both being patient with "Momma" over the past few weeks and National Pumpkin Day,  and she will (God willing) be in a belated National Pumpkin Day card. 

Thursday, October 26, 2017

A Sample Of Livestreams Of Reilly (The Star) and "Momma" (Only Because Reilly Needs Somebody's Lap On Which To Sit)

Reilly does not like to look at the camera even to say "Hi" to friends:

Incidentally, "Momma" did allude to part of why Reilly didn't want to look at the camera, which is that Reilly was sleepy partly due to "Momma".

Mostly Offbeat: The Sooner That "Momma" Finds Out What A Certain Person Wants, The Better For Herself And Reilly

Not knowing has kept "Momma"—and as a result, Reillyway past midnight of late, even causing "Momma" to have OCD/Anxiety flareups while sewing Reilly's toy "Hippo". Even an answer such as "Your guess as to who your future helpmate and Reilly's future 'Daddy' is, is plainly incorrect" would immensely help "Momma" and Reilly.

By the way, this picture was taken at 2:07 AM on July 15th. The other one was actually taken on July 12, 2017 at 11:41 PM. Still, it goes to show that this is a frequent occurrence (Here, Reilly is snuggling with a toy wishbone.)

Two Gregorian Month Anniversaries For Reilly This Week

Reilly came home three years and five months ago, when she just a day shy of two months old (though she was eight weeks and four days old, meaning than old enough to come home):

Happy Month Homecoming Anniversary, and Happy Month Birthday, Reilly!

PS The picture above was taken at 3:40 AM on July 13, 2017—which goes to show one how patiently Reilly waits when "Momma"'s mental-illness flareups and other matters cause her to stay up late into even a Wednesday-into-Thursday-night!

("Momma" wanted to find a newer picture of Reilly snuggling her toy "Hippo", though, since she couldn't find one last night. By the way, Reilly actually came to her home away from home—"Momma" and Reilly are still hoping to make aliyah.)

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: When Sewing Up A Toy Made "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" Tire Out Her Legs, Still Waiting For a Certain Someone, &c..

"Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" was not going to let Reilly and Camille get the sock inside almost-chewed-through-to-an-easily-accessible-sock "Hippo" (whom Reilly received as an anxiety abater). So, she sewed up "Hippo" in his velcro area (By the way, yes, Reilly and Camille have toys that are named and gendered.).

As she was sewing up "Hippo", her OCD/Anxiety flared up as she dreaded dropping the needle, not sewing and tying up the thread well enough, etc. (At least she figured out how to double thread, though that caused anxiety since that wasn't originally planned and the thread getting tangled up scared her. After all, e.g., not having enough thread and worrying about Reilly and Camille getting thread or the needle scared her.).

Add "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole"'s Cerebral Palsy to the mix and understand why her OCD/Anxiety flareup caused her legs to tire out, especially since the Cerebral Palsy and OCD/Anxiety flareup added to what she's endured lately. Also add Reilly's daily inappropriate barking, which caused myoclonus flareups (and by the way, the demonstration for "Auntie Michelle" regarding rolling over Reilly was an anomaly—"Momma" was surprised that even "Can I roll you over for a belly rub?" eventually elicited Reilly's cooperation.).

Of course, this all reminded "Momma" about part of why her OCD/Anxiety is flaring up—not to mention that it partly affected her to horrendously bite her lip last night and leave what she dreads may be a disfiguring scar (as if the idea of the negative of DBS that involves having some hair shaved off isn't enough of a consideration in terms of what might stigmatize "Momma". Not that she's had that the DBS Surgery, at least yet, by the way; she's just saying.). Meanwhile, "Momma" ("Auntie Nicole" to Camille) had to make sure that Reilly (and Camille) didn't get the honey and the olive oil that she applied to her lips.

So has been a part of life for "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" of late, which hasn't exactly affected her to be a better "Momma" to Reilly or a better "aunt" to Camille.

Senators Bob Corker and Jeff Flake Said It, Too: Abuse Is Never Normal

Abuse is never normal or normalizable in even this age of *****, and Senators Bob Corker and Jeff Flake have finally stood up and called out *****:

One could even call what Senators Corker and Flake are doing their political "Me too" moments, and—by the way—don't think that there isn't sexual abuse going on at the hands of ***** and *****ites in Washington. I would not even be surprised if, for example, those like Senators Corker and Flake have faced hearing lewd comments about their marital and familial lives—after all, unfortunately, I have had lewd comments directed at me by some people whom have disagreed with me on certain issues; and I know that ***** (whom has had no compunction about targeting his own female family members) and *****ites are the kind of people whom would go as far as targeting others' female family members (e.g., wives and daughters) as a way to try to harass the others—both men and women—in question.

Everybody else, meanwhile, should also state "Me too" and stand up to ***** and other abusive people.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Abuse Is Never "Normal Stuff", Even In the ***** Era

"I'm beginning to think you...crucified your father for normal stuff!"

Without going into details about what affected that statement for whatever reason, I will say that I was appalled when someone said that to me—abuse is never "normal stuff", and all kinds of abuse are out of the norm—at least in a reasonable and decent society, abuse is (relatively, anyway) out of the norm.

No society in this world is going to be entirely reasonable and decent. After all, as Thomas Hobbes observed, life is short, nasty, and brutish; and "kings and persons of sovereign authority, because of their independency, are in continual jealousies and in the state and posture of gladiators, having their weapons pointing, and their eyes fixed on one another, that is, their forts, garrisons, and guns, upon the frontiers of their kingdoms, and continual spies upon their neighbours: which is a posture of war. "

That nonetheless does not cause any kind of abuse to be "normal stuff", regardless of whether it's the kind of abuse that I endured from my father (which at least, thank God, was never sexual abuse) or the following examples of abuses that others have endured:

  1. The "casting couch"—Harvey Weinstein's and others' victims did not want (let alone ask) to be sexually harassed and abused; and they shouldn't have to choose between careers and being abused, between silence to avoid further abuse and between speaking out and enduring further abuse, or between anything else and abuse. Having to choose between anything and abuse, by the way, is being put in an abusive position.
  2. The "condolence" call that Myeisha Johnson received. What ***** stated was basically, "Your husband knew why he signed up, and we can never repay him or any other American military member whom sacrifices his or her life for the United States; so I'm not even going to try to repay what I can."
  3. The follow up to the "condolence" call. Especially Myeisha Johnson did not need libel and slander against her; and Representative Frederica Wilson did not need the libel and slander, either.
  4. The threats of racist and sexist violence against Congresswoman Wilson—as I said, abuse is neither normal nor in the norm in a reasonable and decent society, which is not the kind of society which Congresswoman Wilson's abuser would like to bring back.
In conclusion, then, only abusive societies have ever treated, ever treat, and will ever treat abuse as normal and normalizable. 

More On Wanting To Explain Things To Reilly—Whom, By the Way, Would Be A Ravens Fan For Halloween, But...

That might be too scary until the Ravens shape up, and Reilly and Camille live in a house where any Halloween costumes are either of the following:

  1. Cute and/or celebratory—e.g., such as dressing up as a fan of a football team, like one relative of Reilly's and Camille's happens to be doing this year (though of course his or her human family will dress him or her up, and "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" won't say what team to protect everybody's privacy).
  2. Not over-the-line or too-scary-of-which-to-make-light-of-even-on-Halloween scary. "Momma" even thought about dressing up Reilly as a ghost until the idea that Reilly would have to be dressed up in white got in the way (and "Momma" will not use certain colors, even for cards with Reilly in them, in this era if she doesn't have to do so, especially she does not want things taken out of context. Besides, another color would be confusing—unless Camille would be Ms. Pacman [and there's a morbid one—i.e., with a puppy dressed as a character that would eat the character as which the other puppy is dressed]).
By the way, that's part of what "Momma" wishes that she could explain to Reilly in terms beyond terms that one would use when he or she would talk to puppies, whom are intellectually equivalent to human toddlers. In other words, "Momma" wishes that she could go beyond using terms such as "very mean" and "not nice" when she refers to racists and other bigots when she's talking to Reilly, and she wishes that she Reilly could understand terms such as "racist" without her having to elaborate in puppy terms on what "racist" means—i.e., without having to say something like, "'Racist' means somebody who hates somebody else because of his or her skin color or ethnicity [and then having to elaborate in puppy terms on what 'ethnicity' means, since puppies don't have memories like humans do and won't remember what 'ethnicity' means unless they are told about it repeatedly overtime]."

Why The Eagles May Be The New Football Team For Whom I Root

  1. Embarrassing the U.S. internationally (i.e., in the United Kingdom) was wrong (and that goes for the Jaguars, too). 
  2. I have paternal roots in Pennsylvania (and regardless of whom likes it or hates it, Jewish roots where my ancestors felt safer as Anusim in the U.S. than as Anusim or open Jews in Europe. As a Jew, then, I have to ask fellow Jews and others to remember that we'd all have to kneel if every persecuted group had to kneel—even WASPs aren't exactly as White as they'd like to think. Besides, one of the great Phillies players was Jewish—his father and one of my great-great-grandmothers were maternal siblings through Anna Haszlinsky Uszinskyova nee Jasova.). 
  3. On the note in Point Two: if any group should be kneeling, Jews should be. However, regardless of our various beliefs—as a Jew is a Jew regardless of whether he or she is religiously traditionally Jewish, Buddhist, or something else—many (if not most) of us have been able to recognize that the "Judeo-Christian" country that the U.S. is often actually not has been—at least up to this point—one of the Diaspora safehavens for Jews and allies of Jews compared to multiple countries throughout history.
  4. This is (as I recall) another loss in a row for the Ravens since the Ravens-Jaguars game (Divine Justice against the Ravens for being ingrates?).
  5. I might root again for the Ravens when I see the Ravens players kneeling for the Baltimore Police and not Freddie Gray or other criminals, such as the toadie of a certain late priest—since they're kneeling for one criminal, they're kneeling for other criminals.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: When "Momma" Wishes That She Could Explain Things To Reilly Like She Can To Some Humans

As "Momma" has written, she has told and explained things to Reilly in ways that one can tell and explain things to puppies. She (as she recalls that she has) also written that she sometimes wishes that she could tell and explain things to Reilly and she can tell and explain things to humans.

Without going into details, "Momma" will say that today is definitely one of those days (especially as she and Reilly get another Gregorian month older). Of course, the only drawback would be that Reilly might be able to tell "Mom-Mom", "Auntie Michelle", Camille, and everyone else what "Momma" said, since Reilly's reasoning like a human could be in tandem with her communicating like one—after all (at least as "Momma" believes), an equine compatriot of Reilly was given enough knowledge and communication skills to tell Ba'alam something that he needed to know, wasn't she?

PS For some reason, Reilly ended up liking to relax like this when "Momma" (surprisingly, and surprisingly with her cooperation) was able to roll her over for a belly rub. "Momma" could not get her to not lay on her ear! 

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: Reilly's Gregorian Month Birthday

Reilly's Gregorian month birthday (October 25th) falls:

  1. Five days after Shelby's Gregorian yearly birthday (Happy Birthday again, Shelby!)
  2. Two days after "Momma"'s Gregorian month birthday (October 23rd—just, by the way, in time for "Momma" to ache and feel tired due to exhaustion and/or a cold and/or the flu that's about to come.)
  3. In between her "Great-Great-Granddad" Czarnecki's Gregorian yearly birthday (and she turned seven months old on what would've been his 110th yearly birthday) and her "four-times-removed cousin" Katherine's Gregorian yearly birthday (and Katherine could've lived to 120 this year had Breast Cancer not cruelly taken her when she was about four months short of 52).  
  4. Two days before Camille's Gregorian month birthday.
PS: Reminder: if you are not breeding your female puppy, please have her spayed unless you want to risk that she would get canine mammary cancers!

Friday, October 20, 2017

A Mental-Illness Flareup And A Laugh That "Auntie Nicole" Needed Courtesy Of Camille

Once again, an understanding Reilly has endured as "Momma" has gone through another draining mental-illness flareup due to heartbreak and other flareup triggers of late. Even yesterday, Reilly dealt with as "Momma" (embarrassingly and to her surprise) overslept when she napped with her.

Camille, meanwhile, inadvertently came to a momentary rescue when "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" went to give her and Reilly their nightly grooming with the electric toothbrush: she boldly stole the treats that "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" put  on the family room coffee table when she sat down on the couch to begin grooming Reilly (whom was on her lap first), and she stole them right in front of her!

Of course, poor Reilly had to get treats to make up for the ones that Camille stole from her!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

#TheManeEvent, Frontline® Plus And A Worried "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole", And A Dramatic Description Again

  1. "Momma" plans for Reilly to dress up as something that'll make Halloween "the mane event" of October 2017 for Reilly—or at least "the mane event" of the October-into-November 2017 week—and sans haircut (despite that Maltipoos actually have mixed/single coats. By the way, shaving puppies with layered/double coats is a bad idea
  2. Long story short: despite that the Frontline® Plus had been applied 30-45 minutes before "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" woke up, "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" understandably worried when Camille tried to wipe the Frontline® Plus off of the back of her neck by rolling around on a bedcover and Reilly shortly afterward licked the back of Cam's neck! (Excuse "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" for worrying!)
  3. This morning, "Mimi" gave "Mom-Mom" the same dramatic description that she gave "Auntie Nicole" right after "Auntie Nicole" told "Mom-Mom" that "Mimi" accidentally put her heal under Cam's chin last night! 🤦🏽‍♀️
By the way: As "Auntie Nicole" typed, Camille just tried to go upstairs without permission again! 🤦🏽‍♀️

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Quick Polls Re Fame & Notability, and...Well, Is There An Appropriate "Gate" Name For The Hollywood Sexual-Harrassment Scandal?

"Other" can be an answer like "Something like 'Miramax' is appropriate enough [or "explains it all", etc.]", as you might elaborate in a follow-up tweet. 

Small Puppies, Big Accidents

That Reilly might have OCD/Anxiety is rough enough on "Momma", especially since "Momma" has OCD/Anxiety that flares up on days like yesterday and today. To hear that "Mimi" accidentally kicked Camille under the chin flares up "Auntie Nicole"'s own OCD/Anxiety, and to hear "Mimi" describe it as her "accidentally kick[ing] Cam in the throat" really flares up "Auntie Nicole"'s OCD/Anxiety!

When "Mimi" described what actually happened, "Auntie Nicole" felt a little more relieved. Nonetheless, she's still worried about Camille's throat in the long term, despite that Camille seems fine so far. Besides, "Mimi"/"Auntie Michelle" could've simply described what happened in the first place as that:

  1. Camille (who's a small adult puppy whom tends to blend in with the kitchen floor, anyway) was behind her when she was getting Reilly a treat.
  2. She either lifted her foot up or moved it back to walk backward.
  3. Her heel landed under Camille's chin.
  4. Camille understandably (as "Auntie Nicole" heard) squealed. 
"Mimi" obviously apologized to Camille, all while worried "Auntie Nicole" kept wanting to make sure that Cam is okay.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Two Things That Everybody Needs To Stop Doing

  1. Calling Da'esh "ISIS" or "ISIL". They hate "Da'esh" (or, as Arabic-speaking countries like Egypt call them, "Da'ish") & would love being called a state. 
  2. Calling ***** "POTUS". Legitimate POTUSes are elected and don't use dictators, fellow aspiring dictators of theirs, and others to hack voting machines, intimidate and harass voters, or do what else ***** has been doing. 

Two Supreme Court "Justices" That Died As Never-Caught Rapists: White and Powell

Thanks to rapist Byron White, Lewis Powell, and others, rapist Ehrlich Coker made sure that rapists, pimps, and other sexual abusers could live and breathe. By the way, how do we know that Byron White was a rapist, as was Lewis Powell?

"Rape is without doubt deserving of serious punishment; but in terms of moral depravity and of the injury to the person and to the public, it does not compare with murder, which does involve the unjustified taking of human life. Although it may be accompanied by another crime, rape, by definition, does not include the death of or even the serious injury to another person. [n13] The murderer kills; the rapist, if no more than that, does not. Life is over for the victim of the murderer; for the rape victim, life may not be nearly so happy as it was, but it is not over, and normally is not beyond repair. We have the abiding conviction that the death penalty, which "is unique in its severity and irrevocability," Gregg v. Georgia, 428 U.S. at 187, is an excessive penalty for the rapist who, as such, does not take human life."

[As if rape isn't all but physical murder, even though victims are often directly physically murdered by their rapists or indirectly physically murdered via suicide. Ok then 🙄.]

"MR. JUSTICE POWELL concluded that death is disproportionate punishment for the crime of raping an adult woman where, as here, the crime was not committed with excessive brutality and the victim [16-year-old Elnita Carter] did not sustain serious or lasting injury. P. 601"

By the way, White and Powell set the precedent for the horrid and racist conclusion in "Kennedy v. Louisiana". Also by the way, Carter was White and thus was evidence against Patrick Kennedy's argument.

"Minimal Brain Damage" & "A Touch Of OCD": aka, Some Ridiculous Statements That Mom Made This Morning

  1. "Everyone has MBD—"Minimal Brain Damage."
  2. "Everyone has a touch of OCD."
  3. "Nobody comes out with a perfect brain."
"They say..."

Who's "they", by the way? I think that I asked Mom, and she didn't tell me. Statistically, meanwhile, she can't even back up her argument:

"Prevalence Of Mental Illness

  • Approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S.—43.8 million, or 18.5%—experiences mental illness in a given year.
  • Approximately 1 in 25 adults in the U.S.—9.8 million, or 4.0%—experiences a serious mental illness in a given year that substantially interferes with or limits one or more major life activities.2
  • Approximately 1 in 5 youth aged 13–18 (21.4%) experiences a severe mental disorder at some point during their life. For children aged 8–15, the estimate is 13%.3
  • 1.1% of adults in the U.S. live with schizophrenia.4
  • 2.6% of adults in the U.S. live with bipolar disorder.5
  • 6.9% of adults in the U.S.—16 million—had at least one major depressive episode in the past year.6
  • 18.1% of adults in the U.S. experienced an anxiety disorder such as posttraumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and specific phobias.7
  • Among the 20.2 million adults in the U.S. who experienced a substance use disorder, 50.5%—10.2 million adults—had a co-occurring mental illness.8"

Incidentally, I think that Mom has OCD to which she won't admit—which entails a long explanation and might explain why she makes the kinds of statements that she made this morning.

Does Reilly Have Canine OCD? "Mom-Mom" and "Auntie Michelle" Think So.

"Momma" can understand why. Besides, she might have set off Reilly's OCD if Reilly does have OCD (and she has caused other heartbreaks for Reilly as she's felt heartbroken lately)! What they note:

  1. How she obsessively licks Cam's bowl after "num nums" time (which "Momma" thinks could be a dominance show) as well as her own bowl (She can taste things that humans can't, though.).
  2. How she constantly cleans her paws.
  3. Other symptoms, such as itching and scratching constantly (Reilly tends to get dry skin, though.)
"Momma", meanwhile, wonders if Reilly has Canine ADD, since—for example—she gets easily distracted by other puppies, neighbors, and other animals and people when "Momma" takes her to "go potty"—and Reilly often has to go inside after quite a while and wait until later to try to "go potty" again because she can't find a "potty spot"! 

Friday, October 13, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: "Momma" Feels Heartbroken Partly Because...

She may have at least contributed to causing Reilly's ear infection, and she of course feels heartbroken regarding another subject. At least Reilly finally had her ears trimmed in order for her to have ears that wouldn't get bacteria stuck in them. That doesn't take "Momma"'s heartbreak that she can really feel in her heart and even the rest of her body—e.g., her muscles and her hand that just trembled a little—today. She's even told Reilly about her heartbreak and how it's contributed to her not being as good of a "Momma" as she could be to Reilly

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Originally on LinkedIn: Re Joe "JoJo" Dixon: Plenty Of People Weren't Doing Their Jobs, And JoJo Is Likely Deceased As a Result

  1. Darren Dixon as a father didn't do his job. If he had married JoJo's mother, JoJo might still be alive and might be in an in-tact home instead of the vulnerable home in which he lived. After all, homes without good fathers are vulnerable homes.
  2. JoJo's grandparents didn't do their job. JoJo's grandmother even knew that "was concerned his mother was planning to take him out of the country'", and she did nothing about it. Why didn't she call the UK's department of child protective services?
  3. The UK and the US governments didn't do their jobs to at least give JoJo's mother a chance to turn in herself to British authorities. If for no other reason than to let her turn in herself and bring home JoJo, take a plea deal and have prosecutorial immunity, and help the UK and the US fight against Daesh, the UK and the US should've let her surrender to the UK and US governments at the either the British and American embassies in Iraq or the the British and American consulates there. "CIA officials told their UK counterparts that a US Air Force Predator killed 50-year-old Jones in June as she tried to flee the group's stronghold in Raqqa," and "[i]n July a friend described Jones as being desperate to return to the UK, but she was apparently being forced to stay by her husband's comrades."
  4. Whoever continues to call Daesh "ISIS" or "ISIL" is not doing his or her job to not recognize a terror group as a state. When countries like Egypt are calling Daesh "Da'ish" (the Arabic equivalent of the name that Daesh absolutely hates) while the UK and the US somehow think that they're being as politically correct as one can be, I have to wonder where British and American exceptionalism went, by the way.
There are also others whom didn't and don't do their jobs. For example, where was L'Oreal in noticing when their employee was acting unusually, and where are individuals and other communities making sure that other single-parent homes and fatherless children aren't as vulnerable as JoJo's home and JoJo were?

More of Reilly's New Eardoo, And Incidental Notes

By the way, isn't this picture reminiscent of two other pictures (among other pictures)?

Image may contain: one or more people and dog
Image may contain: one or more people and dogImage may contain: dog

No automatic alt text available.

Also by the way:

  1. ¡Feliz Día de Cristobal Colón 525o de ¨Mamᨠy Reily Rosalita á tí y tus familias y amigos!
  2. "Momma" hates to think that she at least partly may have caused Reilly's otitis externa, and Reilly has to be as frustrated with "Momma" as "Momma" is with not getting clear answers about a certain subject.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The Next Post, Part One: The Grooming Appointment For October, More Amusing Encounters, Etc..

  1. For Reilly, the grooming appointment was relatively uneventful expect for when she barked at "Miss Molly"'s kitties. For Camille, however...let's just say that one of "Miss Molly"'s puppies tried to dominate poor Cam!
  2.  There were two other encounters that amused "Momma", one of which was with a puppy whom became afraid because she smelled Reilly's scent on "Momma"'s hand!
  3. One of the happenings that wasn't amusing: Reilly spent her Columbus Day with having to go to the vet and getting diagnosed with otitis externa in her right ear. By the way, Reilly thanks everybody whom's been praying for her in general—whether or not they knew about the ear infection. Also by the way, Reilly has a new eardoo.

Reilly has a supportive "Auntie Michelle" and may have even tried to give "Auntie Michelle" a hint about something in turn!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Columbus Day Card From Reilly

PS "Momma" used a picture of Reilly from yesterday because Reilly has otitis externa ☹ (and she was not in the ocean blue!).

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Three Examples Of "Sorry (Not Sorry. I'm Trying To Cover My A**.)."

  1. Colin Kaepernick: at least Colin Kaepernick admitted that his only motive for standing for "The Star Spangled Banner" in the future is to be readmitted into the NFL (which he will likely not be after his girlfriend's racist meme re Ray Lewis, anyway).
  2. Harvey Weinstein, whom's actually not even sorry—and he just got fired from his own company!
  3. Dove®—they're sorry that they got caught sending a "Black is dirty; White is clean" message (as, by the way, I tried to explain to my mother and reexplain after she watched a YouTube video of another person saying what I said—and I don't care whom the third person was. She could've been another White person for all that I know, given Dove's racism.).

Belated Shabbat Sukkot 5777 Card

L'Shabbat Sukkot Shalom u'Mevorakh. Shabbat Sukkot, 16 Tishrei 5777.

For some reason, by the way, Powerpoint did not save the background to the card as part of the picture. Reilly and Camille had their picture taken for the card after their grooming appointment, meanwhile.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

One My Age, At Least One Slightly Older, At Least One Slightly Younger, And One A Decade Younger Than My Mother: aka, the Mary Kay LeTourneaus Of Today

As someone once asked, "What is wrong with them?" Just on the Fox News website today, one can read about (among others) a 27-year-old ex teacher (whom's my age), two 29-year-old ex teachers (whom are the age which I'm going to be in two Januarys from now), a 25-year-old ex teacher (whom's as old as at least one of my cousins), and a 51-year-old ex teacher (whom's only a decade younger than my mother)!

If for no other reason, not misrepresenting my generation and the Late Baby Boomers is enough of a reason for these four women (among others) not to be raping students (all of whom should be charged with first-degree rape, since one can guarantee that authority figures like them would not have taken "No" for answers—especially given that compatriots of theirs have not taken "No" for answers, with those compatriots threatening their victims academically and in other ways).

By the way, one of the ex teachers claimed that she's in a sexless marriage in order to justify raping one of her students—and imagine how her husband feels either way, and especially if he is not withholding any marital rights for her or unable to fulfill certain marital duties due to a disability and/or another medical condition. As for her student, he could affect the prosecutor to bring first-degree attempted murder charges against her, since her rape of him effected him "to attempt suicide":

"The student allegedly told his mother and a nurse at the hospital that he loved his teacher and took the mixture of medicines to attempt suicide, Seacoast reported. 
"Lamontagne told the student she hadn’t had a sexual relationship with anyone for two years. Court records reportedly indicate she is married and has children."

As for two of the other ex teachers, the 25-year-old raped two of her four victims in one given "visit" at her residence and the 51-year-old has grandchildren—for whom she clearly set a bad example!

Meanwhile, didn't these ex teachers learn lessons from the Mary Kay LeTourneau case—which ultimately ended up not going well for the soon-to-be-divorced-twice and soon-to-be-divorced-from-her-victim ex teacher? The Millennial ex teachers should've certainly learned, as they are peers of Vili Fualaau and were growing up during the time that he was being raped; and the Late Baby Boomer ex teacher should've learned how life works out for rapist teachers from her rapist peer and compatriot. To these ex teachers, though, never mind even that Millennials and Baby Boomers—let alone teachers whom are Millennials and Late Baby Boomers—generally followed the news about the Fualaau-LeTourneau case and learned from it.

Preview Of the Next Post: Grooming Appointment For October (Pending), Two Amusing Encounters, Etc..

  1. Reilly and Camille are going to see "Ms. Molly" this afternoon and get their monthly to bimonthly grooming (maybe in time for a Shabbat Sukkot card? 🙂)
  2. Two encounters that Reilly had with other puppies recently amused an observant "Momma": one encounter was with Shelby, and one was with a puppy whom "Momma" had to assure that Reilly was not around at the time just before the encounter occurred—as he was afraid to let jealous Reilly's "Momma" give him scritches!
  3. Other happenings here and about have occurred, and "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" will try to write about some of those.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Tr**p Trying To Cover His Own Trail...I Mean, Trace And Recover Ivanka's And Jared Emails

Once again, another "Can Congress remove Tr**p from office already?!" happening has occurred:

"The White House is investigating officials’ use of private email accounts to conduct government business, it has been reported.Of particular interest is a private email domain potentially used by Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner, it is said....

"The White House probe could take several weeks or even months to complete as officials are searching for all emails sent or received about government business, Politico reported. "

With all due respect to Congress, how is removing Tr**p from office and having him prosecuted so hard?

Monday, October 2, 2017

A Historical Comparison By A Bat Anusim, And "Can Congress Actually Impeach A 'President'?"

No, and the continuing problem is that people are calling D*****d Tr**p "President". As a fourth-generation pogrom survivor, I can tell you that talk—e.g., about Congress removing Tr**p from officewithout action is—as the saying goes—empty words, or even words that are full of either irony, paradoxy, smooth-tongued malice, survivalism, or mystery and/or secrecy. My paternal family's words in regard to our heritage, for example, were and are full of mostly survivalism and secrecy, due to the ironic and maliciously-smooth words of the self-proclaimed Judeo-Christian United States. 

They were full of survivalism and secrecy when my paternal grandfather's paternal family became Anusim and fled Lipsk for a United States that at best ended up doing relatively bupkis for especially other Jews in Russia (both in the Imperial Era and the Soviet Era, the former of which Great-Granddad Czarnecki and his parents fled). Along with Great-Granddad Czarnecki's family were other families (including other sides of my father's families), both of Anusim and of Non Anusim, whom fled Russia—not to mention Jewish families (including other families of my father) Austria Hungary and Imperial Germany, and not to mention Jewish families (including family members of my father) whom fled Post-Austrohungarian and Post-Kaiserreich states and localities—and for these Jews, the United States also did bupkis.

Where, for instance, was the United States during the pogroms and the Holocaust but for getting involved in wars and other matters only when they affected the United States directly? In one case—and probably one of the most infamous (if not the most infamous of the most infamous) ones—a president allowed Nazis into the United States, got involved in War World Two only Pearl Harbor was hit, and spurned a delegation of rabbis, even at the cost of Jewish-American civilians whom were somehow in Europe during the Holocaust in Germany. As for the Holocaust in Russia, especially after the Holodomor and Stalin's intent to implement his"Final Solution" plan, the United States also deliberately failed to get involved in that! (By the way, don't be fooled: Stalin darned well knew that Ukraine had long had a significant Jewish population, and the Russian Army surely wasn't quick to stop the Babi Yar Massacre!)

This time, especially those of us whom are descendants and/or otherwise relatives of direct pogrom and Holocaust survivors are as affected by an aspiring Neo ****** and Neo Stalin as our ancestors and/or relatives were affected in Imperial, Nazi, and Communist (including Soviet) Europe—direct pogrom and Holocaust survivors are being affected all over again. The most-significant factor in all of this is that anyone is calling D****d Tr**p the "President of the United States", and an illegitimately-elected "President" is not a "President". Meanwhile, are especially direct and indirect pogrom and Holocaust survivors not to be at least a little scared of a man whom, for example:

  1. Targeted especially Jews from the beginning? After all and for starters, according to him, "the only kind of people [whom he wanted] counting [his] money are little, short guys that wear yarmulkes every day," yet "[we weren't] going to support [him] because [he didn't] want [our] money".
  2. Has used Anti-Semitic and otherwise-bigoted revisionists like Julian Assange (a known bigot) and Vladimir Putin (a goes-without-saying bigot) to get him illegitimately elected and continue to be in the White House? Julian Assange even went as far as to deliberately decontextualize emails about pool parties and other subjects to make the bad-enough-as-is Hillary Clinton look worse than she is—and to decontextualize emails like that might be hilariously pathetic if it didn't affect a base whom was looking for an "anyone but Hillary" excuse. Putin, meanwhile, helped Tr**p with the hacking of voting machines and continues to help him try to obstruct the Russiagate investigation?
  3. Also targeted other groups from the beginning, and used proxies besides Assange and Putin—even ones whom volunteered to be proxies after the fact? Ask, for instance, a certain proxy from ReddIt
  4. Either does nothing when a person receives threat from Tr**pites (and I've received at least three) or even blames the victim of death threats (whether he directly makes those threats or blames someone whom received a threat from at least one Tr**pite? By the way, I'm—so to speak—small potatoes, at least for the most part. Reporters for media such as Politico, "GQ", and "The Atlantic" are not. Incidentally, regardless of whether someone's Jewish or gentile, that's akin to when the Nazis and Soviets were targeting those whom they assumed to be Jewish, isn't it?)?
Then the least that others (including and especially Jews who call D****d Tr**p "President") can do is stop calling D****d Tr**p "President", and Congress will finally remove an illegitimately-elected "President" from an office that he isn't supposed to have.

PS I stated "Communist (including Soviet) Europe" because I had forgotten that Yugoslavia under Iosip Tito was independent of Soviet Russia. Post-Austrohungarian states such as Czechoslovakia (1968-1991) and Hungary (1956-1991, after the failed resistance against the Soviets), and localities in Poland (July 5, 1945-December 25, 1991—at Augustów—or thereabouts—if July 5, 1945 did not seal Poland's fate) were not.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Yom Ki-pu(p)r...Say What?!

Reilly actually wanted fasted on Yom Kippur. The little bugger gave "Momma" kisses when "Momma" asked if she wanted to fast(!) and would be fasting on Yom Kippur(!), though she also gave kisses when she found out that she won't have to fast!

Meanwhile, while Reilly won't be fasting on Yom Kippur, she (or at least on behalf of Reilly, "Momma") wishes everyone whom is fasting a tzom kal v'gmar chatima tovah.

PS "Mimi" would absolutely resent if "Auntie Nicole" ever joked about Camille fasting!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Camille's Pre-UTI Inflammation Or Early UTI Infection, Mental Illness, Etc.

Somehow, my phone ended up sending Facebook-status updates to the wrong page. Nonetheless, this does eventually give me the opportunity to bring up the conversation as to how pets such as my sister's puppy, Camille, can affect the mental health of their human family members—such as my sister and me—for good and—albe inadvertently—for bad.

Like my sister, I have OCD/Anxiety; and let's just say that, that exacerbated our dread when Camille ended up at the emergency vet due to a fever and pre-UTI inflammation or a UTI infection. For many (if not most) people with OCD/Anxiety, this is the case: that is, dreads that are understandable and normal become exacerbated, and the exacerbation affects an OCD/Anxiety. Thus, an OCD/Anxiety-Exacerbated Dread cycle began when Camille ended up at the emergency vet.

There have also been other mental illness-exacerbation cycles regarding events ad other matters that involve Camille and Reilly (my puppy), and I imagine that this is nothing surprising to other pet owners whom also have mental illnesses. I imagine that this is also nothing surprising to those whom've read what I've specifically written about or otherwise mention in regard to those matters—not to mention that I feel absolutely judged (and know that I've been judged) for writing about those matters (Don't think that I'm not aware of that when, e.g., I lose friends on Facebook and followers on Twitter for writing about those matters and sharing my writing—what you think of me online reflects exactly what you think of me offline, as the Internet is merely technology that you use and not the reason for how you act offline and online).

Am I going to lie, though, when, for example:

  1. I overslept quite a bit during Reilly's first year due to a Depression flareup? I was very lucky that Reilly needed up to 20 hours of sleep per day during that amount of time, meanwhile.
  2. I have been unfairly judged by my mother and even my sister, whom have said that I shouldn't own a pet if I can't take care of her or him due to how my mental illnesses affect me? (By the way, "[Y]ou shouldn't own a pet if you can't take care of her or him" is a common canardic trope that is used against people with mental illnesses and other people with disabilities—not to mention people like me whom have both mental illnesses and other disabilities.). They (like others) could be a little more understanding and helpful instead of unempathetically judgemental.
  3. The mental illnesses that I have effect energy drains that affect me to not be the best "Momma" to Reilly and "Auntie" to Camille?
  4. The guilt that I feel for not being the best "Momma" to Reilly and "Auntie" to Camille affects my Bruxism to flare up (as it's affecting it to flare up as I type)? By the way, I inherited every single one of my mental illnesses (including OCD/Anxiety) from my father, whom also has Bruxism.
  5. There are actually matters about which I've not written (including which I didn't mention before writing this blog entry), such as OCD/Anxiety flareups when I'm making cards with pictures of Reilly and Camille? Because of the OCD/Anxiety flareups, making those cards can take quite a bit of time. For example (and this is where I feel judged already again), I often hit the "Undo" or "Delete" button when making those cards because what if, for example and God forbid. I'm using colors that look like colors that hate groups use (I try to avoid using certain colors because of that.) or drawing a shofar with shapes and end up using it on the card, anyway, because I can't correct the part of it that looks like a butt when at least one of the shapes is unfilled or outlined? Am I actually being irreverent and is my motive actually to be irreverent, even by typing this? Also, I avoided using "objects such a shofar with shapes" because I don't want to sound like my Anti-Semitic ex pastor whom called the Ark Of the Covenant a "piece of furniture" by calling a shofar an object.
Incidentally, my memory-affecting ADD also flared up as I was writing. For instance, I forgot for quite a few seconds what I was intending to Google when I (and for a moment just now, I forgot that I wanted to type "intending to Google when I") went to Google "Bruxism"? As for when my ADD flares up in regards to immediate matters regarding Reilly, instances of my ADD flaring up are when I forget that I was going to put on her harness and leash or give her a treat.

Meanwhile, Camille is healing from the pre-UTI inflammation or early UTI infection—and (though I don't mean to sound flippant) excuse me if part of her pre-UTI inflammation or early UTI infection was due to not taking her to "go potty" as often as it seems like I could, as my energy is frequently drained. Besides, Camille doesn't always immediately ring the bell when she needs to "go potty", and I don't know if she needs to "go potty" until she rings that bell or indicates that she needs to get out of her crate during naptime to ring the bell.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Re "For Some Moms, The Nest May Never Be Empty"

My dad's 49-year-old cousin Jamie was treated for seizures when he was 1.5 years old, and the doctors at the hospital gave him an overdose of codeine. They didn't wait to check with my granduncle and grandaunt, whom were out on a date night and having my grandaunt's sister babysit Jamie, and this was despite that Jamie is allergic to codeine.

As a result of the codeine overdose, Jamie got Cerebral Palsy and had his development stop right then and there. My granduncle and grandaunt were gracious and merciful about it, understanding that my grandaunt's sister tried her best by taking Jamie to the hospital. They also gave the doctors the benefit of the doubt, and they opted to not put him in a Pennsylvania state hospital or school (and this was three years before Willowbrook in New York was exposed).

I can only imagine the "What might've been?" and "Why did this happen?" questions that they've had, and especially since Granduncle Jim's endured a lot of other losses along with Jamie's loss of a normal life. Even before he lost the chance to see Jamie have a normal life, he lost his uncle (my great-granduncle) Bernie (of blessed memoryy) only years before (and Great-Granduncle Bernie had a botched shrapnel-removal operation that resulted in his having brain damage and resulting regression to a child-like state); and he lost his father (my great-grandfather Anthony Czarnecki, whom was a very-difficult man and -abusive father) due to Depression-affected suicide in the year after Great-Granduncle Bernie died at the Veteran's Affairs Home and Hospital in Lebanon, Pennsylvania due to a Coronary Occlusion as a result of a Schizophrenia flareup (and perhaps Granduncle Jim and even other relatives—and I myself recently—have wondered if Great-Granduncle Bernie didn't actually have a DVA-forced lobotomy that did damage similar to the damage that Jamie's codeine overdose did).

As for some of the losses after Granduncle Jim's having to deal with Jamie's loss of a normal life:

  1. His brother (my granduncle) Francis (of blessed memory) died at the age of 45 due a heart attack and Alcoholism in 1985.
  2. His brother (my granduncle) Tony died unexpectedly in 2014 at the age of 68—and being almost four years older than him, he expected to be outlived by him.
  3. His daughter, Denise, has never married or had children due to suspending much of her life to help care for her older sibling—so, he's also watched as Denise has lost a chance to live a normal life.
  4. He nearly lost his own life when he could've died due to a fall that he had from a letter in 2007, when he was trying to clean some eggs that some punks had thrown onto his roof. 
As for Grandaunt Annie, she's endured both losses of her own losses that she and Granduncle Jim have shared. Meanwhile, both Granduncle Jim and Grandaunt Annie are in their 70s, and both of them are probably wondering what they're going to do in terms of what happens with Jamie when each of them dies—and what happens, if Denise, who's now in her 40s, and/or other relatives can't and/or won't take care of Jamie after they are gone?

Thus, I think that Granduncle Jim and Grandaunt Annie—and perhaps especially Granduncle Jim—can relate to that feeling of never being able to have an empty nest and especially never being able to watch each of their children live a normal life, let alone having children and grandchildren that'll someday live their own normal lives. 

PS To Miriam Sokol, let me add to the following:

"I didn't know that, for example, my dad's 49-year-old cousin is a "difficult child". But what do I know? That overdose that he had on codeine when he was 1.5 years old must've been his fault. Never mind that the doctors at the hospital didn't wait to check with my granduncle and grandaunt before they tried to treat him due to his seizures."

What I want to add is this:

Jamie is not at all a "difficult child" (and neither is every other child or adult whom's afflicted with especially-severe physical and intellectual disabilities). In fact, Jamie is a very-sweet and -loving person (as I remember from when I and my side of my family would see other sides of the family every year that we could up to Pennsylvania to visit my great-grandmother, of blessed memory).