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Monday, November 27, 2017

#MemoryMonday and #MaltipooMonday: By This Point...

Reilly and Camille know that "the tall guy" is a family friend and the driving instructor of "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi". All that they care about, though, are the treats (one of which Camille is able to get) and attention (all of which Reilly still tries to block Camille from getting)—and, even though they get upset when "the tall guy" and "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" leave, they care about only when Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" will be back (They know that "the tall guy" has to go to his own home after the driving lesson, though especially Reilly is of course hopeful that anyone who gives her treats and attention can stay for as long as possible.).

Two weeks ago, however, was only of the second time that they met "the tall guy". Meanwhile, "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" stated that, "It's like they know [exactly who's at the door when the doorbell rings on the weekends at about 5-6:30]." So, they now have an expectation that he'll be there every weekend (and of course may notice if he isn't.

(As Reillly and Camille demonstrate, puppies are indeed creatures of routine, no matter whether they're pre-adult, adult, or senior puppies!)

Saturday, November 25, 2017

When Reilly Went To A Pet-Friendly Hardware Store As a "Guinea Pig"—And Camille Couldn't Go

"Mom-Mom" and "Mimi"/"Auntie Michelle" were testing out Reilly as a "guinea pig" to see if she would be the kind of "'well-behaved'" pet that the hardware store allows. Needlessly to say, "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" was upset that she couldn't go with Reilly while "Mimi"/"Auntie Michelle" would stay home with Camille this week and go with her next week, and Camille was upset about not being able to go with "Mimi". Both "Auntie Nicole" and Camille were also upset that Camille missed a positive car-ride experience.

Camille, meanwhile, just looked out the window waiting for them to come back, waited in between the kitchen and the hallway gate looking at the door, etc.—she wouldn't even let "Auntie Nicole" give her scritches more than once or get her harness and leash on her to go sit on the back porch with her. (Incidentally, "Auntie Nicole" knows how Camille feels in a different way and regarding a different matter, and she knows about waiting patiently and nonetheless frustratedly and confusedly—thus part of why she could sympathize with Camille, and called "Mimi" and "Mom-Mom" to let them know  how much Camille missed them.)

As for Reilly, "[s]he was an instant hit" with the store employees and customers, "Auntie Michelle" told "Momma"; and she apparently didn't even try to eat any stray wood pellets (which she tries to eat at home) or mulch that might've dropped!

Friday, November 24, 2017

Mostly Offbeat: Something That "Momma" Still Wants To Know

(Just not to embarrass anyone, by the way, "Momma" is going to use abbreviations and letters re certain places, etc.)

"Momma" still wants to know who is in the No-Ro area, though she thinks that she knows. Meanwhile, she's pretty sure that she knows who's in the Ph.-A.C. area. She wants to know for two reasons:

  1. They seem to be Reilly's biggest fans.
  2. She wants a clear answer re a certain matter for her and Reilly's sakes, especially as she is trying to be a better "Momma" to Reilly and feels impeded in being a better "Momma" partly by not having a clear answer.
Pets can be affected by matters like this, especially if the matters affect other matters that impede the pet owners; and Reilly is certainly affected by, e.g., "Momma"'s OCD/Anxiety flareups that not having a clear answer is affecting.

Update On Reilly Re Her Ear Infection

Reilly just had her left ear cleaned out and treated with a saline solution by "Mom-Mom". According to "Mom-Mom", the vet had told her to do that first should another infection occur. Meanwhile, "Momma" has yet to hear back from the vet.

As for Reilly, at least she's acting normally—including by barking like a klipeh, and thus setting off "Momma"'s myoclonus (which, incidentally, caused a trigger point to flare up yesterday). She also tried to shake out the saline solution, which is also normal for her. This, by the way, convinced Camille to want to go back inside and hide in her crate—she thought that "Mom-Mom" was going to clean out her ears next, and she also doesn't like getting her ears cleaned!

Thanksgiving Was Okay Until Reilly Got An Infection In Her Left Ear 😞

Poor Reilly's been through the ringer, as has her "Momma"; and "Momma"'s and Reilly's worries only increased when Reilly's Thanksgiving Night culminated in a left-ear infection (to which she as a Matrilineal Poodle is prone) 🙁. In this case, it's "the life of Reilly" like that old TV show in the Baby Boomer's Generation—the life of Reilly in not so good of a way.

At least "Momm.a" was able to leave a message for the vet's office, and (God willing) Reilly will have her ear checked in the morning or afternoon.

The pobrecita perrita was both taking her evening nap and feeling ear pain.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Mostly Offbeat: "Momma"'s Getting More Impatient & Anxious For Her and Reilly's Sakes

Even on days like Thanksgiving, "Momma" gets impatient and anxious for her and Reilly's sakes. Not having a clear answer regarding a certain person still keeps "Momma" and incredibly-patient Reilly up at night, and "Momma" having exacerbated mental-illness flareups both during the day and the night. Not much has changed since last year regarding what "Momma" and Reilly want for Hanukkah and Christmas.

What Gets Reilly and Camille Barking...Or At Least A Short List Thereof

  1. Neighbors whom walk by the windows or are otherwise outside
  2. Fellow puppies of theirs
  3. Cats such as Mochi
  4. Guests such as family friends such as "The Tall Guy"
  5. When guests and others have to leave
  6. Noises such as lawnmower noises during the day
  7. Strange noises at night
  8. Squirrels (particularly Camille) and rabbits
  9. When "Mom-Mom" comes home
They also have unique barks for certain occasions. For example:

    1. When "Mom-Mom" comes home
    2. When Camille sees squirrels. Reilly doesn't have a unique bark for that.
    3. When they want to go on a walk.
    4. When they run upstairs and run back downstairs.
    Meanwhile, Reilly and Camille were being bad and barking just as "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" was typing a few moments ago.

    Wednesday, November 22, 2017

    And The Thanksgiving Eve Barkfest Begins...

    Just moments ago, Camille and Reilly began a barkfest when "Mom-Mom" sent Reilly downstairs after her evening nap. The barkfest unfolded as follows:

    1. "Mom-Mom" sent Reilly down.
    2. She called down to "Auntie Michelle" to let her know.
    3. "Auntie Michelle" whinly: "Wha-a-at?" (after a long week, to be fair, and with an apology)
    4. Camille began barking.
    5. Reilly began barking.
    6. "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" told Reilly and Camille that she had to go lay down for a while because they were causing her to a headache.
    7. Reilly and Camille continued to bark for a little longer after that.

    Excerpt From "More Shit And Other Stuff That I Can't Make Up": At Least Fudge Was Alive. As For Our Hamsters...

    Trust me that they each were dead: 
    1. One inhaled refrigerator insulation (Dad's negligence)
    2. The second had wet tail
    3. The namesake fell into a squirrel-dug hole and fell 16 feet before meeting another six (Dad's negligence)
    4. And the fourth died naturally 

    With the namesake, by the way, Dad actually named the namesake one to make us think that the name-honored one had survived. At least I give that he used minhag Ashkenazi, even though that wasn't exactly his intent.

    What I don't give—or get—is his intent to deceive—which could be called both lashon hara and perhaps shem hara, maybe even chillul shem (and since we're discussing deceit here, chillul HaShem). Even worsely is that we—that is, my sister and I—found out about it only long after both the name honoree and the namesake had been deceased, and even long after the final hamster had been deceased—and we found out when we were having lunch with my father and my grandmother.

    To sum this up, then:

    1. Dad allows Santa Little—whom, by the way, was named as a compromise for "Santa Claus" and "Stuart Little"—to dig a hole in the closet after escaping from his ball—and all of us agree that Dad should've gotten Santa out of the closet and back into the ball right away, as one cannot compromise wherein negligent rodenticide is involved.
    2. Dad lets the second Frisky meet a similarly-ignominious end after not even telling us that the first Frisky died of Wet Tail—let alone that he searched around for a similar-looking hamster to make us think that the first Frisky had survived—and then the second Frisky ends up meeting the kind of ending that the first overall hamster met.
    3. Dad lets Anastasia die naturally—because what better way to let a hamster die after her predecessors die is there, especially since she was named in honor of a princess whom was caught up in the middle of how her Anti-Semitic parents angered Lenin, Trotsky, and quite a few others? 
    A "tail" of four hamsters that has fur-flying irony, paradoxes, and plenty of "Oy veys!" to accompany it—and with the reflection that a third-generation pogrom survivor uses minhag in a bad way while he at least has no mishaps with the namesake of a secondary victim of Anti Semitism.

    As I said, more shit and other stuff that I can't make up!
    Meanwhile, at least Fudge (whose story I just read on the news and thus inspired me to recall the story of my own hamsters) is apparently living a sweet and warm life in contrast to the cold and bitter endings that my own hamsters met—though at least they all had decent levayot in my grandma's backyard! 

    Monday, November 20, 2017

    Thanksgiving 2017 Card From Reilly and Camille

    PS Flash ended up being too much. However, "Mimi" liked this picture of Camille, and "Auntie Nicole" got the "eyes...aglow" idea from it. Also, Cam really did try to steal Ri's treats and had to go into her crate until Reilly's separate photo was taken, and she got an extra treat for getting into her crate as "Auntie Nicole" asked her to do while Reilly got an extra treat for finally cooperating with "Momma".

    Sunday, November 19, 2017

    You Don't Mess With The Ri WhereIn Belly Rubs Are Concerned

    Toys with Camille are one matter. Belly rubs with Reilly are another. As "Auntie Michelle" learned and "Momma" saw earlier tonight, Reilly will even point to her belly with her paw when she wants a belly rub or wants a continuation of the belly rubs that she is receiving.

    That is all for now. "Night nights" from "Momma" and Reilly, meanwhile.

    A Letter That I Wrote In Reply To "as a former kickboxer", And I Encourage Everyone To Modify For Themselves And Send To Roy Moore

    PS This is "Re: as a former kickboxer", and the original email came from "Judge" Roy Moore at his campaign website (He is that pretentious: he doesn't even use "Former Judge".).

    With all due respect, don't assume that I support a RINO and so-called "Christian" like you just because I'm a Republican. By the way, you broke at least these commandments when you assaulted and battered your victims, and are breaking at least these commandments now:

    1. "You shall have no other gods". You're making yourself your own god.
    2. "You shall not make images to which you bow down and which you worship." You are deliberately trying to project a false image of yourself.
    3. "You shall not take the Name of Yehovah your God in vain." As to how you're breaking this command doesn't even need to be explained to you, as you are using the Name of Yehovah to do evil to others.
    4. "You shall not murder." Rape is a form of murder, and you committed murder against every single girl whom you raped.
    5. "You shall not commit adultery." Rape is certainly a form of adultery on the part of the rapist. 
    6. "You shall not steal." Rape is a form of theft.
    7. "You shall not bear false witness." Slandering and libelling your victims alone is bearing false witness.
    8. "You shall not covet." As to how you're breaking this command doesn't even need to be explained to you, as you know why pursuing any woman to try to rape is covetous.
       By the way, please don't be using my God's Name to be doing evil, and don't be using my Messiah's name to harm my people. On that note, you and your friend "Bernie Bernstein" owe not only your victims an apology; you also owe the Jewish community an apology.


    A Jew whom dislikes you and your Anti-Semitic friend

    Saturday, November 18, 2017

    Open Letter To Lori Shandle-Fox

    I was reading "As A Southern Jew..." and wondering why you complain when you know that the computer class is at a church. What really upset me though is that you make the case seem like Jacob's getting mixed messages.

    On the one hand, you wanted to, frankly, be an antimissionary within a church. If, for instance, Jews For Jesus were at a technology camp at a JCC, I'd get the "Stop it!...Stop it NOW!" But at a church? You went as far as entertaining the idea of frankly doing something borderline close to what Donin and Christiani did. On the other hand, you made Jacob feel like you'd be mad at him for living out the values with which he is being raised. Jacob will certainly have a hard-enough time living the South if he keeps getting mixed messages from within his own family.

    By the way, he'll also have a hard time if he learns that projection is acceptable. For example, you said that you thought that you heard something other than, "Do you want juice?" Maybe a sentiment about people whom you don't want to be around is manifesting itself in your thoughts and actions in ugly ways. As Jayne said, don't take Jacob to places where Jesus will be brought up if you don't want to hear about Jesus; and I add, don't hang around Christians if you don't want them around.

    I also hasten to add that sending children mixed messages and teaching children "Hate thy neighbor and project thy hatred on thy neighbor" are not Jewish values—and certainly not, contrary to what Donin and Christiani taught, ones that Jesus taught, regardless of what one makes of him.

    You Don't Mess With the Cam, Part Two

    Messing with Camille's favorite toys is one matter. Trying to...if you will...dominate Camille while she is sitting on "Mom-Mom"'s lap and doing absolutely nothing to you is another matter, especially if you try to dominate her and then later get near her while she has a favorite toy. However, you're not exactly to learn this lesson if you're stubborn-headed alpha¹ Reilly.

    One, then, need not try to imagine too much what happened this evening. Not that Cam is nice to Reilly when she comes near her when she has a favorite toy, anyway, by the way. Nonetheless, Cam was understandably mad after Reilly had already tried to jealously dominate her, and she was not going to let Reilly even get near her toy even if she was just in the vicinity of it and had no plans to steal it.

    ¹ "Alphess" (which it apparently is)? "Alphemale"? "Alfemale"? 

    Thursday, November 16, 2017

    When "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" Saw A Twitter Video, She Had The Following Reaction

    The one's like Reilly and Camille, though especially Reilly: Reilly will try to steal Camille's treats, licks her bowl when she's emptied it, and (nonetheless like her) chokes when she gets excited over food!

    (Incidentally, on a figurative level: Reilly wanted to eat up "Mom-Mom"'s affection; so, she literally bit "Auntie Michelle" and tried to bite Camille just a few minutes ago!)

    Does Erick Erickson Have Something To Hide? Where Are Jews Besides Myself Calling Out Haredim, Meanwhile?

    A certain Erick Erickson is defending "The Pence Rule", and people are understandably mad:

    Of course, people who victim blame like that usually have something to hide, which I made very clear:

    Meanwhile, many others were more generous and the point that Cheri Jacobus made:

    Despite this, as far as I know, I was the only one whom brought up the Haredim:

    To see no other Jew bring up the Haredim is disturbing, especially since sexual abuse is replete and prevalent within the Haredi community. As, for example, the 2⅓-year anniversary of the death of Faigy Mayer is coming up, have we learned nothing? After all, at least some Haredim could even be charged with second- or third-degree murder for Faigy Mayer's suicide, not to mention her sister Sara's subsequent one which will have occurred two years ago on this coming November 22nd (and I have said that any sexual abuser that affects any of his or her victims to commit suicide ought to be charged with first-degree murder).

    Had the Haredim not abused Faigy and Sara, let alone other women, for decades, both women might still be alive. In fact, Faigy Mayer wrote the following in what could retrospectively be considered her suicide note (and given multiple accounts of what Haredi children have endured over the years, you can imagine what Faigy and Sarah endured given that Faigy wrote this about what grown women have endured):

    "The austere lifestyle my people face of arranged marriages, strict segregation of the genders, the wife shaving her head, the couple having sex with the wife wearing a bra in the complete dark (hole in the sheet, anyone?) but still producing 13 children generally throughout her lifetime..."

    By the way, don't be fooled about the head shaving: contrary to the bubbe meise that women would shave their heads a day before their respective weddings to avoid rape by soldiers in the European armies, the head shaving was a mechanism that the Haredi men instituted to control and humiliate women, and put them at the mercy of their husbands whom could dehumanizingly treat them if they wished to do so.

    "'[Her suicide] was a family mental-health and abuse issue on top of being forced into marriage with her first cousin,' the source said, recalling how the union was annulled just months later.

    "'Ever since [her marriage], she has been in and out of mental hospitals,' the source explained. 'She had been coerced by her mother’s side of the family’’ to marry her cousin. 'She married the son of the mother’s sister.'

    "Growing up, some relatives 'kept calling her retarded, ugly, etc. We didn’t know this until later,' the source said."

    Notice, too, that her father did absolutely nothing to stop it—and keep in mind that Haredi women are at the mercies of their fathers until they go into their husband's household—and to make this all the worse, the anniversaries of the deaths of Faigy and Sara come on the heels of the so-called "Coalition of Jewish Values" being founded by Haredi supporters of ****** *****.

    In conclusion, then, one has to wonder what Erick Erickson is hiding in light of the kind of victim blaming that he did and that is no different from what either Haredim or Islamists do, and therefore not only the following example of comparisons of Erick Erickson's victim blaming to Islamist victim blaming applies—and as I said, many people brought up this point without bringing up the Haredim:

    PS If one really thinks about sexual abuse as a crime, they also have to think of it as a gender-based hate crime when it occurs against women—after all, sexual abuse against women and girls is usually committed by men (e.g., Roy Moore) and boys (e.g., the Higdon in "Higdon v. State") whom think that they can objectify women and girls. 

    Wednesday, November 15, 2017

    You Don't Mess With the Cam

    "Mimi" just learned a lesson the hard way: you do not mess with Camille when she has a favorite toy. If you do, you might have her growl at you. In fact, you don't even try to kiss her on top of the head, let alone pick her up to hold her and show her affection.

    After "Mimi" tricked Camille by pretending to throw a favorite toy, Camille "got mad" and growled at "Mimi" for doing exactly that—that is, she did not let her come between her and her toy.

    Meanwhile, "Auntie Nicole" just received confirmation that even "Mimi" does not come between Camille and her favorite toys.

    Monday, November 13, 2017

    Keurig, Sean Hannity, Roy Moore, And A Disturbing New (Still-Not-Normal) "Normal"?

    While abuse continues to remain not normal, no question that we're in the End Times exists—at least for the Jewish Christians like me or the gentile Christians:

    "Alas! For that day is great, So that none is like it; And it is the time of Jacob’s trouble, But he shall be saved out of it."

    "And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold."

    "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened."

    "'These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God: I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth."[']"
    [This is the reference that I tweeted re Kurt Eichenwald's tweet, by the way. Emphasis mine; and plenty of Roy Moore supporters will be vomited right out.]

    With, for example, people violently breaking their Keurig machines, calling for Keurig boycotts, etc., when Sean Hannity himself gave Roy Moore the benefit of the doubt in his own interview with him is disturbing, as is Roy Moore's Powellesque and Whitesque language in "Higdon v. State":

    "Because there was no evidence in this case of an implied threat of serious physical injury under this definition, or of an implied threat of death, Higdon cannot be convicted of sodomy in the first degree “by forcible compulsion.” This Court has previously taken the position that an implied threat under § 13A–6–60(8) may be inferred in cases “concerning the sexual assault of children by adults with whom the children are in a relationship of trust.” See Powe v. State, 597 So.2d 721, 728 (Ala.1991)(emphasis added)"

    By the way, plenty Roy Moore supporters—as far as I can tell—will also be finding millstones around their necks and themselves catapulted right into the Lake of Fire by Jesus Himself. After all, even Ms. Corfman has racked up misdemeanor charges because of Roy Moore and other abusers, including pastors:

    "“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!
    "“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

    (PS When I read this and think about the Roy Moore supporters facing Jesus, I can imagine them facing one angry God!) 

    "Under Pressure"...Literally!

    Play the official live version of "Under Pressure" while "Mimi" is eating a sandwich, have Camille take it literally!

    Sunday, November 12, 2017

    Another Visit From "The Tall Guy"

    Reilly doesn't need a bandana to show her uniquely-MaltiJewish-American exceptionalism.

    Friday, November 10, 2017

    Veterans Day 2017 Card From Reilly And Camille

    PS Combat and service animals count as veterans as much as people (including military spouses) do.

    Somewhat Offbeat: "Auntie Michelle" Swears That "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole"'s "Mean" When She States That...

    Reilly and Camille are going to kill her someday if their inappropriate barking causes her to fall due to myoclonus flareups that are their faults and/or loss of focus when—for example—she's on the steps and may trip.

    On an incidental note: the Veterans' Day card, God willing, should be made by tonight or tomorrow.

    Thursday, November 9, 2017

    WhereIn Blankets Are Concerned...

    When Camille Seemed To Sympathize With "Auntie Nicole" During An Argument With Somebody

    Without going into details, "Auntie Nicole" will say that she was surprised by both Reilly's patience overall (as it has been for quite a while now) and Camille's seeming to sympathize with her after the argument (unless she just wanted to say "Night nights" and lick the albe-applied-for-hours concealer on her forehead wrinkles.

    (Incidentally, especially "Momma" just seems to be getting and looking older—especially as she worries more for her and Reilly's sakes).

    Wednesday, November 8, 2017

    Dealing With Sheer Libel And Slander As An Author And As A Person Overall

    I've decided that I'm going to be more proactive in regards to libel and slander against myself and—when to do so is necessary—libel and slander against others. I have had being libelled and slandered over the years, and I have even confronted paternal and maternal family members over it. In fact, in my new book, I wrote the following about both lies that my maternal grandfather's mother told and a long-standing issue because of relatives whom are libelling and slandering me over it:

    "Meanwhile, this alone (as I’m now realizing) helps to explain why I thoroughly and even defensively  explain quite a bit of what I explain—as if getting called “an overall liar” at Sheppard Pratt by a caseworker whom fell for my father’s lies about me wasn’t enough, having Nana Allen throw her younger children and their descendants for a loop really affected me to start laying out every detail of quite a few cases once I found out about being thrown for such a loop—and as if many of my matriarchs and patriarchs on Dad’s side didn’t do enough loop throwing, todah rabah (and their loop throwing was more understandable than her loop throwing, as—as I later read—the Inquisition ended in 1834, whereas increasing Anti Semitism still affects many of my paternal relatives loathe to admit that we’re Jewish—even to the point at which one relative is trying to paint me as an overall liar in regard to what my father’s maternal grandmother did, and notwithstanding that I can neither help what happened or conjure up evidence to fit the narrative of what he wants to believe what happened."

    Here's my advice to anyone whom would be tempted to libel and slander others in the future:

    1. Remember that even in the era of *****, verbal abuse such as libel and slander is never normal—and that includes what that Mila Kunis did in misrepresenting herself and using Mike Pence's name is not normal, even if the Supreme Court should rule (and there exists a very-real possibility that the SCOTUS will rule) that what Mila Kunis did is a protest that is protected by the First Amendment, despite that she committed misdemeanor-level representation at the very least (and I guarantee that any case against Mila Kunis will be appealed up to the Supreme Court).
    2. As I've said, keep in mind I may well sue in certain cases in which I'm libelled and slandered, and I may even press charges of criminal libel and slander against those whom are libelling and slandering me—especially since some of the libel and slander that I've had directed against me has been tantamount to hate crimes and even included threats on my life.
    3. If you insist on libelling and slandering others, see how well libelling and slandering others ends up working out for you when at least one of your libel and slander victims does end up suing you and/or having you prosecuted.
    4. Remember that if you are especially trying to destroy others' livelihoods and/or reputations when you libel and slander them, you may well destroy your livelihood and/or reputation if your boss decides to fire you and you even end up not being able to find another job (By the way, Mila Kunis could well lose her career over representing herself as Mike Pence if the court of public opinion does not rule in her favor, even if the SCOTUS does.).
    5. If you are religious in any way, remember that your religion usually include libel- and slander-prohibiting commandments such as "Do not bear false witness," "Love your neighbor as yourself", and "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." If you work in a religious occupation—e.g., as a priest, rabbi or gabbai, or moderate imam; at a YMCA branch, Jewish Community Center, or a Muslim Community Center; or for a religiously-affiliated 501(c)(3) organization—remember that you could also lose your job due to violating one of the core tenets of your religion. 
    6. If you have children and/or others for whom you have to set a good example, remember that libelling and slandering others is not setting a good example.
    7. Remember that when each of us dies, he or she will leave a legacy in which he or she probably does not want to include a reputation for having libelled and slandered others.
    As for me, while I'm not perfect and without instances of having libelled and slandered others in the past, I have worked hard throughout my entire life to be circumspect in avoiding libelling and slandering others. 

    My Next Book Is Being Published. Why I Made The Prices High This Time, By The Way

    As I stated in the most-recent excerpt of the book, "[a]fter all, just typing all of this after a partly-mental-illness-affected hiatus from writing has affected my mental illnesses to flare up." For me, having Cerebral Palsy and mental illnesses (not to mention IBS) makes writing incredibly hard especially when I'm often drained of energy. Exacerbating the difficulty that I have in writing books is that I type with only one finger at a time, I can't format pictures and adjust screenshots as quickly as those without Cerebral Palsy or similar conditions can (at least physically—for those of them that have mental illnesses and/or other conditions, their difficulties in typing, formatting pictures and adjusting screenshots, etc. can be just as significant as mine).

    Thus, I think that the labor that I put into writing this book justifies the $9.99 Kindle-editon price and the $18 paperback-edition price for which I am selling the book. By the way, my arms and legs are feeling tired as I'm typing; and my OCD/Anxiety, etc. is flaring up along with my muscles feeling tired.

    Also by the way, I'm still giving away a copy of my first bookespecially since its main subject has been incredibly patient with me throughout all of this, including a difficult time that I'm enduring for both my sake and for my first book's main subject's sake.

    Update (7:03 PM EST): The new book is published.

    Excerpt From My Upcoming Book: “Dark Irish”, Allen, and “Polio”—Three Bubbe Meises That Nana Allen Told To the Younger Kids (With My Maternal Grandfather Being One Of Them)

    I seem to have more of a contempt for my late maternal grandfather’s mother the more that I understand about her, at least wherein her bubbe meises are concerned. The three bubbe meises that really (forgive my language) piss me off (as if “shit” wasn’t language for which I might need to ask forgiveness):

    1.    That we’re of the “Dark Irish”
    2.    [Not excerpted here]
    3.    That my grandaunt Kas had polio

    The real stories are the following, respectively:

    The “Dark Irish”

    We’re Portuguese Irish, and likely even Sephardic Jewish and Irish. Nana Allen’s maternal grandfather was a “John McCoy”, and probably an Anusi—and “McCoy” was certainly not his own name, as he is not buried in the McCoy Family Plot in Baltimore’s New Cathedral Cemetery. As for how he immigrated to Ireland, my grandaunt Bernadette “Bern” Allen Dew (z”l) stated that “He fled a war in Spain”—which I found out after I saw the Census record that read “Spain” and “Ireland” for the respective birthplaces of Nana Allen’s maternal grandparents, the parents of the Rosalita “Rose” (or “Rosa”) McCoy Reilly whose 1900 Census record lists the “Spain” and “Ireland” in question for her parents’ birthplaces. As for the “war in Spain”—as “John McCoy”’s 1850 Census record helped me to research—that war was the Peninsular War, from which he as a Lisboa-born infant fled with his parents to Ireland.

    About three decades after he immigrated to Ireland as a war refugee—and almost certainly an Anusi one at that—he immigrated to the United States as—as far as I know—an immigrant. By 1850, he had been married to MaryAnn Elizabeth née McCoy for at least eight to ten years and had the following children:
    1.    John, Jr.
    2.    MaryAnn Elizabeth, Jr. (whom, per a record of her second husband’s family history, told the bubbe meise that her mother was born “Mary Dolan”)
    3.    Ann

    He seems to have named the first two children per minhag Sephardi—after all, the first son was named for his father, and the first daughter was named for her mother (and apparently got a flair for spreading bubbe meises from—ironically—her, as the 1880 Census Record for a “Rose Riley” lists both of Mrs. “Riley”’s parents as having been in Ireland—and even while the 1880 Census record for MaryAnn’s and Rose’s sister Lavinia lists them as having been born in Maryland.)

    Then he had four more children, and a nasty divorce to boot about six years after the youngest one was born. While I don’t know the exact circumstances of the divorce, I know—as I said—that he is certainly not buried in the McCoy Family Plot in New Cathedral Cemetery, and that his wife told the Census taker that she was a widowed mother of four daughters as of 1870.

    By 1880, he had a grandchild whom proved that his Sephardish Yidishkeit was still around and alive within the family, even though he apparently hadn’t been around or alive since 1870—his daughter Rosalita had a daughter whom she named “Ann(e)”, and his ex-wife and his daughter’s in-law mother both went by “Ann(e)”. Then he had more grandchildren by Rosalita with a mark to prove that no real Catholicism was to be found as far as he was concerned: after all, none of the granddaughters carried “Mary” or any variant thereof for either a first name or otherwise as an honorific for the mother of Jesus.

    Even Alice Marie Reilly named none of her daughters “Mary” or any variant thereof insofar as the prénom d’honorifique de la Virginé is concerned—the first names of her daughters were “Marguerite” (since her in-law mother was Margaret Conley Allen—and I’m now realizing where her Sephardish Yiddishkeit showed up in that regard, if I hadn’t already realized it a little bit), “Katherine”, “Bernadette”, and “Dolores”.

     (Per JewishGen, by the way and although JewishGen covers mostly Ashkenazi Jewish communities, “Marguerite” and “Katherine”—and variants thereof—were used among Jews; and as one rabbi told me when I asked if naming Reilly for Nana Allen and her mother was permissible in Jewish tradition, “There are no rules for such a thing. You may name your pet anything you like.” Also, Ariela Pelaia of ThoughtCo—formerly About.Com—captures what I’ve generally read regarding both Hebrew and Non-Hebrew names when she states, “[T]here is no hard and fast rule when it comes to giving your child a Hebrew name.”

    (Also by the way, Sephardic Jewish girls will sometimes be named after living grandparents as opposed to living parents—the minhag varies in that regard.) 

    As far as Alice Marie’s sisters, they were (besides Anne—z”l—whom died at the age of seven or eight):
    1.    Rosa
    2.    Sara—not “Catherine”, but “Sara Catherine” (and contrary to what Mom claims, “Sara” is not a common Catholic name—or at least too common of one—as it would arouse suspicions, especially in a family in which the first girl is not named “Mary”)
    3.    Helen
    4.    Agnes—whom later became “Sister Mary Rosalita Reilly”

    By the way, Alice Marie’s first son was Edgar Joseph, for his father and distinguished as “Edgar Joseph Eymard”—and I’m now really beginning to see the Sepharidish Yiddishkeit (or “Sefardishkeit” or even “Ladinokeit”— and I’m going to assume that I coined those despite I can’t say that I made those up—after all, “Sefardish” and “Ladino” were long around before I was, and making  “Sefardishkeit” from “Sefardish” and “Yiddishkeit” is simply just making a compound word that can be used to describe the Yiddishkeit of Sephardim in Yiddish.

    (Also by the way, I’m pretty sure that this is at least part of why my maternal grandfather took an interest in Yiddish, although he was—even if he didn’t know that he was—reasonably ascertainably a matrilineally-Jewish grandson of a patrilineally-Jewish bat Anusim—and his widow, my maternal grandmother, is my maternal grandparent whom is of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage.)

    Meanwhile, this alone (as I’m now realizing) helps to explain why I thoroughly and even defensively  explain quite a bit of what I explain—as if getting called “an overall liar” at Sheppard Pratt by a caseworker whom fell for my father’s lies about me wasn’t enough, having Nana Allen throw her younger children and their descendants for a loop really affected me to start laying out every detail of quite a few cases once I found out about being thrown for such a loop—and as if many of my matriarchs and patriarchs on Dad’s side didn’t do enough loop throwing, todah rabah (and their loop throwing was more understandable than her loop throwing, as—as I later read—the Inquisition ended in 1834, whereas increasing Anti Semitism still affects many of my paternal relatives loathe to admit that we’re Jewish—even to the point at which one relative is trying to paint me as an overall liar in regard to what my father’s maternal grandmother did, and notwithstanding that I can neither help what happened or conjure up evidence to fit the narrative of what he wants to believe what happened.

    (Incidentally, that will—God willing—probably end up in More Shit And Other Stuff That I Can’t Make Up—after all, just typing all of this after a partly-mental-illness-affected hiatus from writing has affected my mental illnesses to flare up.)


    This one probably pisses me off the most. Despite articles that discuss the Irish Catholic “shame” of the Kennedys regarding Rosemary Kennedy (with “shame” being the word that the Kennedys themselves used), Nana Allen—who herself identified as a strong Irish Catholic—still has no excuse for lying about Grandaunt Kas’ Cerebral Palsy.

    The story still goes that Grandaunt Kas contracted polio when she was seven or eight—this despite that she wasn’t going to have time to contract polio in the midst of the Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918 and the Rheumatic Heart Fever Epidemic of 1923-1925 or thereabouts. Rheumatic Heart Fever is what actually killed Grandaunt Dolores, whom died on January 25, 1923, by the way (and as for where I got the 1925 date, Great-Granddad Czarnecki’s sister Regina died of Chorea due to Rheumatic Heart Fever on June 23, 1925).

    Grandaunt Kas was born on November 6, 1911, and Grandaunt Bern somehow remembered that Grandaunt Dolores died in the Spanish Flu Epidemic. Either way, no way was Grandaunt Kas going to be going anywhere where she could contract polio—she was probably as housebound when the Spanish Flu hit the Allen household as much as all of the Allen children were when Rheumatic Heart Fever hit the Allen household. The more that I thought about that, then, the more that I had to conclude that Nana Allen told another bubbe meise—even my grandmother at first said that she didn’t know for sure, and that Nana Allen had “a lot of stories”.


    1.    Mild Cerebral Palsy can become worse after illnesses such as the flu and Rheumatic Heart Fever—and with illnesses that can cause fevers, you’re messing with illnesses that can cause some serious brain damage. So either way, Grandaunt Kas either had exacerbated Cerebral Palsy after the Spanish Flu Epidemic or she had a fever that effected brain damage and resulting Cerebral Palsy.
    2.    The person whom told me that Grandaunt Kas had Cerebral Palsy, he would have no reason to lie—he worked for her when he and my mother were in high school, and she could tell a kid like him what she wouldn’t have dared to tell peers of hers or quite a few people within her own family!

    That would also explain the real reason that Grandaunt Kas turned down three marriage proposals—not because she wanted to be single and independent, but because she was afraid that each of her suitors would run if they found out what she really had—and I can tell you that because I’ve lived being both implicitly and explicitly rejected by peers of mine due to my Cerebral Palsy.

    Somewhat To Mostly Offbeat: As "Momma"'s Typing, An Example When "Momma" Fails Reilly Again

    Reilly, meanwhile, is patient about it, despite that she earlier gave "Momma" a very-clear "I'm not happy with you" look. 10:00 something turned into 11:00 something, into midnight and after midnight, and now into 3:02 at night ("in the morning", notwithstanding "v'yesh hayah 'erev v'yesh hayah boker" being replete throughout the first chapter of Bereshit).

    By the way, most of why "Momma" was up so late this time was because she was writing the next part of her upcoming book, in which she mentions Reilly—though that probably wouldn't make up to Reilly that she and Reilly are going "night nights" late once again! 

    Tuesday, November 7, 2017

    Closing Thought For The Night Of Cheshvan 17, 5777 (November 6-7, 2017)

    Once again, part of why I'm a Republican: real Republicans, unlike RINO *****, don't set up people with mental illnesses to be demonized. ***** set up people with mental illnesses to be demonized by using this man whom may have even used his mental illnesses as an excuse, or at least has people whom are using them as an excuse for him (since he doesn't even seem to acknowledge that he had them, let alone needed medication for them).

    Congratulations, Democrats (including RINOs) and Clinton Dreaders: you've either been had by RINO ***** or are known as being complicit with him.

    Mind you that this isn't to all Democrats and Clinton Dreaders: this is to just the ones whom've either been had by RINO ***** or are known as being complicit with him. There are many reasonable Democrats and Clinton Dreaders whom can wake up and either start or restart fearing God over dreading Clinton.

    Monday, November 6, 2017

    Mostly Offbeat: Since Reilly's Reacting To The Family Friend Whom She Knows As "The Tall Guy" Well...

    "Momma" has hope that, God willing, Reilly will react just as well and perhaps even better when (God willing) she meets whomever is supposed to be "Momma"'s helpmate (especially if he is whom "Momma" thinks, or at least hopes, that he is)—after all, Reilly as a "dogter" has to love and be loved by whomever (God wills to be) her "Daddy", right?

    By the way, here's a better version of the video from when "the tall guy" came over:

    Friday, November 3, 2017

    #FluffyFriday, And What Ended Up Being A Late #ThrowbackThursday Post: Reilly Chilling With "Auntie Michelle"

    Reilly loves getting belly rubs, kisses, and (sometimes) hugs from "Auntie Michelle" (and everyone else!).

    Thursday, November 2, 2017

    A Myoclonus Flareup That Was Actually Not Reilly's Or Camille's Fault, Although It Put Everyone At Risk

    Even though they did bark and cause myoclonus flareups at some points today, Reilly and Camille did not cause the recent most-myoclonus flareup that "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" had (The noise of a spatula that ended up sliding off of the edge of a grill pan did and onto a ceramic stovetop did, surprising her.). Nonetheless, it put them and her at risk—since the coffee that she spilled is dangerous for puppies in general, let alone Reilly and Camille—and "Momma" had to tell Reilly to keep away from the coffee, since Reilly wanted to lick it up (She told her something like, "No-o! Stay away from there!" She definitely remembers the "No-o!").

    If anything ever happened to Reilly and/or Camille, "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" would probably be dead due to being unable to deal with what happened to one or both of them—if one or both of them didn't cause her to break her head by falling due to barking or leash pulling first.

    By the way, even Camille misbehaved today—besides with the barking.

    Reilly Was Not On Her Best Behavior Yesterday—Is "Momma" Partly To Blame?

    The confusion and other stuff that "Momma" has endured of late has not made "Momma" a better "Momma" to Reilly, let alone the best "Momma" to Reilly. Reilly was perhaps, then, a little sleepy and thus not on her best behavior—and either way, she was not on his best behavior. For example:

    1. She defied "Mom-Mom" and "Auntie Michelle" as they were coming back from their evening walk by barking and brazenly continuing to bark at (as "Momma" found out shortly afterward) a puppy whom apparently is a stranger as opposed to a puppy that she knows well enough or one of her friends.
    2. She then proceeded to defy "Mom-Mom" by getting up to the window and barking, and then going back up to the window and barking after "Mom-Mom" told her to "Get down!" from the window—she also looked quite proud of herself after she got into trouble!
    3. Later, she tried to bite and bit "Auntie Michelle" when "Auntie Michelle" would stop giving her belly rubs and would give affection to her own "dogter". She also acted jealously toward Camille multiple times.
    Meanwhile, "Momma bets", Reilly will probably—for instance—try to give "Momma" persistent "night nights" kisses and lick her side of the pillow, even after "Momma" says, "It's night-nights time" and "Put your head on the pillow" (as opposed to partially under the bed cover or not all the way—or not at all—on the pillow—despite that "Momma" has even explained that she doesn't want Reilly to block her nose and not be able to breathe).

     (By the way, "Momma" has tried to keep up her writing—which she does for, among other reasons, trying to provide for Reilly as much as possible for her own part—despite that she's enduring a mental-illness flareup—including that of OCD/Anxiety comorbid with Depression.).

    Tuesday, October 31, 2017

    Excerpt From My Upcoming Book: What Knowing Would've Helped: e.g., My Father Passed His Mental Illnesses Down To Me

    April 2006, Spring Break, a threat of suicide, and thus a whole week in April of 2006 and a whole Spring Break spent in Sheppard Pratt...and this after I reached my breaking point with my father's abusiveness. Not to mention that learning about the Holocaust 4.5 years earlier, right after 9/11, actually partly effected the onset of my OCD/Anxiety, Depression, and ADD—and that I would eventually figure out that that's why he had all of those pill bottles in his apartment, and that other matters would be explained by my father's OCD/Anxiety, Depression, and ADD.

    So went my life with the fallout of 9/11, the times shortly before it, and the times shortly after it. At least my father's admitted to having ADD since then, but the Depression and OCD/Anxiety are still—albe an open secret to me and others—a secret. Of course, knowing about my father's Depression and OCD/Anxiety would've helped before I had to end up in Sheppard Pratt, let alone after I ended up in it. The worst part is that my mother knew about it and didn't tell me even about the day that she ended up discovering that he took Wellbutrin®, the generic of which I currently take (at least when I have the energy and time to be at consistent with my medication as possible) and any given form of which I have no idea in regards to whether my father still takes it.

    Speaking of medication, my father's paternal grandfather—whom took medication for his own Depression—did not have medication work for him, and he subsequently took his own life as a result of ultimately-medication-resistant Depression. That, too, would've helped to know, especially when the bubbe meise about him dying of Black Lung was pulled together from three facts that were quite the opposite of the facts of his too-late-to-abort suicide attempt:

    1. An Anthony Czarnecki was born in October 1908 and died in 1972—and my father claimed that his grandfather died when he was 12. That Anthony Czarnecki died in a fire in Philadelphia, in contrast to the Anthony Czarnecki whom was actually born in October 1904 and jumped off of Exeter's long-since torn-down Falls River Bridge in December 1964.
    2. He did have Black Lung as a result of being a miner and did actually immigrate from Poland. However, he as a pogrom survivor came over here with his parents, and his brothers Bernard "Bernie" (whom was subsequently exploited by my great-granduncles John and Joe), Joseph "Susi" (whom my granduncle Tony, z"l, understandably described as an "SOB"), and Edward "Ed" Czarnecki (whom subsequently served at Fort Knox when my grandfather served down there in the days of mandatory service) served in World War Two. In other words, the bubbe meise about a lone immigrant from Poland whom became a miner, served in Korea, and died of Black Lung obscured a darker story and helped my try to father steal valor from Great-Granduncles Bernie (whom died in 1963) and Ed (whom served stateside during Vietnam and prior to the draft, and probably Korea). Thus, not ever occurring to me was that a child survivor of the pogroms and an Anusi felt the ultimately-fatal weight of his being an Anusi and other matters in his life (including his brother Bernie's death from a Schizophrenia-caused coronary occlusion after years of suffering either a botched shrapnel-removal operation or a lobotomy, and his brother Susi's exploitation of a fellow veteran—and one whose botched shrapnel-removal operation or a lobotomy left him a child-like and easily-exploitable state for the rest of his 43 years.)
    3. If Anthony Czarnecki wasn't the grandfather whom apparently died when my father was 12, then it would've been his grandfather Michael Gaydos. After all, a Michael Gaydos whom was born in 1891 did die in 1972. Of course, it wasn't the 1904-born Anthony Czarnecki whom died in 1972, and it wasn't actually Michael Gaydos, either—Great-Granddad Gaydos died of a heart attack when my father was 15.
    Only a copy of Great-Granddad Czarnecki's death certificate that a maternal cousin of my father sent me cleared up that matter for me—and my father's excuses that I was too young to know before did not help my father, either, as he just added insult (his excuse) to injury (his bubbe meise). My mother's excuse that it was up to him and not her to tell me also didn't help, as she once again went along with my father's secrecy.

    By the way, Depression also killed my paternal grandmother's granduncles Frank, Sr. Fosko and Andrȧs "Alexander" Foczko, as well as—despite the denials of some of my family in spite of the statistical evidence—her grandfather Istvȧn Foczko—whom died young and had seven children, with six of them being sons, and with 2/7 of his children and of his sons taking their own lives.

    As for five of her maternal aunts and uncles, they had Alzheimer's and other forms of Dementia—and Alzheimer's and Dementia are linked to Depression.

    Do the math, and you will figure out why knowing that I inherited Depression (as well as comorbid OCD/Anxiety and ADD that only exacerbate the Depression) from my father would've helped long before I was in Sheppard Pratt and long after I was in Sheppard Pratt, and long after I maybe wouldn't have been in Sheppard Pratt had I known about that the mental illnesses that I have and set on as a result of my father's abuse, the fallout of 9/11, and other factors came from that same father whom abused me partly by hiding that he has those mental illnesses.