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Monday, July 17, 2017

Memory Monday: July 4th Card Photoshoot With Reilly And Camille

By the way, excuse "Momma" for not smiling much 🙄—"Momma" has OCD/Anxiety that makes smiling for pictures very hard to do!

My New Book, "Chayei Chaya": Pre Preface

Pre Preface (16 Tammuz 5777)

This is actually my second book, and I'm releasing it while I'm working on the current ones. I admit that my writing is far from perfect, and I wrote much of this when I began to go through a heartbreaking and confusing time in my life—and I still have the heartbreak and confusion in regards to a particular matter within that timeframe, and which is ongoing unless and until I get a clear answer about it—and that time began almost three years ago!
I’ve also been busy dealing with other concerns in my life, including trying to promote the books that I had already released. With the heartbreak that began almost three years ago and other matters in my life, then, I’ve had to push myself through to write and even begin working on the two books which I am writing at present—and part of pushing myself through to write, much less do anything else, has included dealing with OCD/GAD, Depression, and ADD flareups—and enduring my mental-illness flareups (including one of OCD/GAD which is occurring as I’m writing this pre preface) has made difficult.
Meanwhile, please comprehensively and critically read Chayei Chaya (חיי חיה)—I won’t say “enjoy”, since I’m not sure that any book about the Holocaust (even historical-fictional books like Chayei Chaya (חיי חיה)) can exactly be enjoyed.
 By the way, tzom kal l’shomrim hatzom b’ HaChodesh HaRevi'i.

Nicole Czarnecki

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Good Morning To Getting Burned With Hot Coffee As a Result Of Reilly's Barking

"Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" (out of frustration and flippantness) thought that praying with Reilly and Camille didn't work this morning. Then God reminded her that praying with Reilly and Camille did work when she got the idea to get Reilly's harness and leash on her to keep her from running away while she put the muzzle on her—twice—and Reilly has the muzzle on for the second time as "Momma" types.

The first time that "Momma" had to put the muzzle on Reilly was when she had a myoclonic episode and thus spilled hot coffee on her jeans, the table, and the floor. The second time occurred just a few minutes ago when Reilly showed that she apparently didn't learn her lesson and caused "Momma" and myclonic episode (As "Momma" had to explain to Reilly, she jumped involuntarily because of Reilly's barking; and that jumping can cause her to spill hot coffee on herself—as it did this morning—or fall, drop something, and otherwise cause something dangerous to happen—and keep in mind that she has Cerebral Palsy.).

And (as of 8:48 AM EST) Reilly just got the muzzle off after having it on for only 16 minutes, and she would have gotten it off at 8:52 AM (Reilly can be stubborn and behave frustratingly!).

(Now three times as of about 9:07 AM EST!)

By the way, from "Momma" and Reilly:
 ¹לצום קל לשומרים צום בחודש הרביעי.

¹For an easy Fast of the Fourth Month for the observers of it.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

When I First Got the Fox News Alert Re the Email Chain....

I did not feel like reading about it, since I thought that Donald Trump, Jr. would release a Wikileaks-style (i.e., decontextualized) email chain. Then I saw the "New York Times" article as I was browsing. I read the Fox News article afterwards, and I realize that even newly-hired Tr**pite Cody Derespina can't spin this one. (By the way, I've noticed that the Tr**pite reporters like Cody Derespina put their names on their "hard news" articles, in contrast the objective Fox News reporters whom often—if not usually—just put "Fox News".)

Methinks that Donald Trump, Jr. passed up his opportunity to plea the Fifth on this one. He might as well testify against his father during both the Senate hearings and "United States v. Donald J. Trump"—and he'll have to take a plea deal in "United States v. Donald J. Trump, Jr." if he wants even partial prosecutorial immunity.

Monday, July 10, 2017

A Prayer That "Momma" and Reilly (Try To) Pray Every Night (And That Has It Variants)

After "Momma" gets Reilly to come over by her and says something like, "Let's say our prayers", "Momma" (with Reilly praying however puppies can pray) begins with the "Our Father" prayer and prays the following prayer (although not by rote. PS Hopefully, this refutes "Auntie Michelle"'s allegation that "Momma" does not pray for her. Also, it might be interesting to share and guide others whom pray with their own pets):

"Lord, we pray for 'Mom-Mom', 'Auntie Michelle', and Cam—even when they're being pains in the butt!

"We pray for ourselves and each other, and we pray for others whom need prayers on their behalves—including those whom are praying with and for us.

"We also include Reilly's 'Daddy' in our prayers, regardless of who he is [though 'Momma' at least sometimes adds under her breath, "especially if he's [then his name, since only 'Momma' and Reilly, and maybe one other person, think that the person in question might be Reilly's 'Daddy' and 'Momma''s helpmate].


"Momma" and Reilly at least sometimes also try to pray the prayer if they forget to pray it at night, whether they pray it in the morning, before Reilly and Camille nap, etc.. They even pray it with Camille from time to time.

PS At some level, puppies (and other pets, and other animals) really can pray. One guy even taught his own puppy how to pray before meals (Actually, several people have their puppies—pre-adult, adult, and senior puppies alike—and other pets to pray before meals, bedtime, etc.!

By the way, Reilly doesn't need to know "HaMotzi" since she really doesn't eat bread; and the Birkat Hakohanim and Shema should be prayed more consistently than they are. 

Saturday, July 8, 2017

The Disappointment When "Momma" Found Out That...

Reilly considers "Mom-Mom" her best friend. Licking and nosing "Momma"'s hand about three to four times altogether when "Momma" asked if "Mom-Mom", "Momma", "Auntie Michelle", or "Camille" is her best friend, Reilly licked and nosed "Momma"'s hand when she asked her if "Mom-Mom" is her best friend.

Conversely and today, meanwhile, Camille answered firstly that "Auntie Nicole" is her best friend, then that "Mom-Mom" and "Auntie Nicole" are her best friends, and then that everyone in the house are her best friends. 

Friday, July 7, 2017

Re Tr**p's Freudian Slip Re Auschwitz: At Least...

We now know what Tr**p really thinks about Jews, people with disabilities overall, and others—as if we didn't before! Last night, a video of him calling the "Warsaw Ghetto Uprising" one of the "evils beyond description" that "the Polish people endured" came out, and you can hear his comments from the 0:40-0:53 mark.

By the way—as I've said—I lost relatives in Auschwitz, and my cousin Magdalena Rusznak () was one of then. Also by the way—and as I've also said—I haven't forgotten that threat that I received—that is, the one from the "physically fit German American [whom] can think of a place for [me]"—and you just don't forget those kind of threats if you've received them, especially if you have, for example:

  1.  Cerebral Palsy and your own set of mental illnesses (like I do) 
  2. a cousin whom died of Schizophrenia due to the ableist T4 program (and Magdalena had Schizophrenia) 
  3. a great-great-grandmother whom had Schizophrenia (which explains why "she was a holy terror" and "a tough cookie") and through whom you are a fifth- and fourth-generation pogrom survivor (as her son Anthony came here with her in order to escape the pogroms, and after being disowned because of becoming an Anusi because of his parents becoming Anusim)
  4. a great-granduncle whom was a DOW veteran of WW2 and whom died of a Schizophrenia flareup (which finally helped you figure out what your great-great-grandmother had when you found about it

Another Jealously Incident Last Night....Poor Cam!

To sum up the incident:

  1. Be put on the bed for an evening nap, and face aggression from an already-there cousin of yours.
  2. Have "Mimi" and "Mom-Mom" come to your aid...with something like, "Hey!...No no!" (as "Auntie Nicole" heard from downstairs)
  3. Understandably be afraid of Reilly and to say "Night nights" to her....and have "Mimi" figure this out when "Auntie Nicole" alerts her to your looking at Reilly when you have turned away from the window and continued are wary of Reilly after that incident upstairs.

Monday, July 3, 2017

A Very-Open Letter To Cory Galbraith

With all due respect, I would imagine that souls like those of the late Elie Wiesel, Primo Levi, and Billy Wilder were a lot more tortured. In fact, Primo Levi committed suicide and Billy Wilder had to yell "THOSE BASTARDS KILLED MY MOTHER!" at an actor whom turned out to be a Nazi sympathizer.

I say this as one whom, for example, suffers Depression, has a late-great-great-grandmother whose Bipolar Disorder and Post-Partum Depression effected her to suffer Alzheimer's Disease and die in her 60s, has a late great-great-grandmother whom suffered Schizophrenia (as did my late great-granduncle Bernie), was a pogrom survivor (along with my great-grandfather Anthony Czarnecki, whom had Depression and committed suicide), and lost relatives in the Holocaust; and I lost a cousin whom was murdered in the T4 Program due to having Schizophrenia.

But then again, perhaps, what do I know? Perhaps the suffering of Holocaust survivors and other Holocaust-affected people, pogrom survivors (including 4th-generation survivors like me) and other pogrom-affected people, and those with mental illnesses besides Vincent van Gogh meant and mean absolutely nothing. Perhaps Vincent van Gogh suffered worsely than any Holocaust- and pogrom-affected person would ever suffer by having lived and heard about as relatives were gassed, shot, stabbed, hanged, burned, and otherwise murdered; and any other person whom suffered Depression and mental illnesses. By the way, the Holocaust was in Germany as well as Russia, where Stalin implemented a "Final Solution" plan in 1948.

If I don't know whether Vincent van Gogh was "history's most tortured soul", though, then living fellow Holocaust survivors of Elie Wiesel et. al., pogrom survivors and fellow legacy bearers of mine, and others besides me and Vincent van Gogh whose minds and families' minds are and were afflicted by mental illnesses do. 

Sunday, July 2, 2017

To Especially "Momma"'s and Reilly's Loved Ones Whom Are Up North...

150 years (and a day for those whom are in the MDT and more eastward timezones) is a long time, and (in the case of Canada, two to three days short of) only 91 years less than the United States has been around.

(In other words, the card's not too late!)

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Speaking Of Laps, Jealous Reilly, Etc....

Somebody decided that the staredown of the previous night wasn't enough. She had the idea to accompany the staredown with a highjink of refusing to move from "Mom-Mom"'s lap for Camille, and she decided to accompany that refusal of self removal with the refusal of allowing "Auntie Michelle" to move her. Apparently, attempting to obstruct the maintenance of Camille's grooming tolerance wasn't to be without attempting to bite "Auntie Michelle"!

Perhaps "Momma" should've taken a picture, meanwhile.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Last Night's Staredown Between Reilly & Camille

When Reilly sat on "Auntie Michelle"'s lap, Camille was not amused. Thus began the staredown between the jealous-for-"Mimi" occupier of the chair near the windows and the occupier of Camille's "Mimi"'s lap. Meanwhile, "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" saw the staredown twice with a break in the middle of the staredown; and this confirmed to "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" that Reilly and Camille were not just looking at each other or sleepily looking off into space—besides, Reilly gave "I'm jealous; pay attention to only me" kisses to "Auntie Michelle" at one point! 

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Jealous Reilly Bit Someone?! And Poor Cam!

Cam had a rough night!

Hanging Out With "Auntie Michelle"

"How To Get Away With Sexual [Battery]": Sponsor Bill Cosby's Tour & Set A Bad Example

If nothing else stops you from giving a venue to Bill Cosby's "How To Get Away With Sexual [Battery] Tour, think about young Black men in cities such as Birmingham (which was important in the Civil Rights movement), Chicago (where the American Giants Negro Leagues team was), Detroit (Motown), and Philadelphia (where the Constitution was written). What kind of example does violating the Civil Rights and other liberties and freedoms of women, and spitting in the face of men whom avoided couching any women as "whores" (let alone sexual-battery victims as such) set for young Black men?

Netanyahu Wasn't "Bowing To" Agudat Yisra'el

He willingly kiboshed the agreement regarding the Kotel in violation of the Declaration of Establishment, and he has made clearly known where his loyalties lie. For the "Times Of Israel" and others to state that he caved to the Haredim is wrong and not holding Netanyahu accountable for turning Ben Gurion's mistake into Netanyahu's malice.

Netanyahu continues to show that he sides with Agudat Yisra'el—and their allies such as Shas and United Torah Judaism—and needs to be held accountable for deliberately trying to destroy the Zionist State in favor of a Haredi one. 

Friday, June 23, 2017

Homemade Chocolate, A Rubber Band, and Broken Glass: aka, Scarily-Fatal Devices To Puppies

  1. When one has a puppy like Reilly or Camille, one has to be careful with chocolate—especially homemade chocolate. "Momma" cannot tell you how much worrying about how getting every chocolate fleck and even wiping off areas where there may have been no flecks was—her Bruxism is still flared up in part because of that!
  2. Reilly and Camille thought that they were in trouble because "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" yelled "Nooo!" when she dread that they maybe would've gotten the rubber band that "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" left on the floor—and did "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" let "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" know how mad and worried for Reilly and Camille she was!
  3. When "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" broke a glass by mistake, "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" didn't really sweep to help her get the glass pieces off of the floor (You try having Cerebral Palsy and being able to sweep with a standard broom and dustpan—good luck!). "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" still could feel glass pieces when she ran her hand over the floor (and got a sand-grain-sized one to lacerate her hand a tiny bit, with the wound that looks like a dot or mole on her palm), can still hear some under her feet, and had to hide some behind a basket and cover areas where glass is and might be, so that Reilly and Camille couldn't get to it.
As "Momma" and others have said, life definitely changes when you have a puppy—and objects that you could pick up or otherwise clean up later suddenly become emergency causers if they're not picked up or otherwise as soon as possible, and more-dangerous objects such as missed broken-glass pieces become even more dangerous—not that mention that, for example, OCD/Anxiety-flareup triggers become even more triggering. 

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: Trying To Be A Better "Momma" To Reilly

Needlessly to say, "Momma" can't guarantee that she'll be a better "Momma" to Reilly—hence does she use the operative word "trying". Poor Reilly nonetheless remains begrudgingly patient with "Momma" as she feels that her life is like a ship without a rudder and without wind in its sails. Meanwhile, "Momma"—using the ship metaphor here—knows that a rudder and wind in its sails are meaningless without God, and that a co-captain would still help her and Reilly out immensely.

Besides, for "Momma" to have only her own ship in her fleet is lonesome—and not conducive to her being a "Momma" to Reilly at all, especially when she doesn't definitely know what a certain someone wants.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Re People With Mental Illnesses Having Guns: Should We Be Sitting Ducks For Ableists?

Some people with mental illnesses actually do need guns. For example, vulnerable people who may well be targeted due to have mental illnesses need guns to defend themselves. As for Tr**p, he actually hates people with disabilities, including those whom have mental illnesses.

Thus, this ableist ploy by Tr**p to demonize people with mental illnesses may well backfire on him when his Tr**pites whom are committing hate crimes may realize that people with mental illnesses will not allowed themselves to have people step on them.

As for me, I wish that I had and could use a gun to defend myself against anyone whom would target me due to my Depression, OCD/Anxiety, and/or ADD alone (and wasn't getting a threat from a "physically fit German American" due to being a Jew with disabilities enough?).

Besides, look at how the Nazis were partly able to implement T4: they made it illegal for Jews in Europe to be armed, and (as I found out via JewishGen) I lost a cousin whom was murdered because she had Schizophrenia:

Lodz Ghetto Hospital Death Records

Searching for Surname (phonetically like) : RUSZNAK
1 matching record found.
Run on Sun, 18 Jun 2017 22:55:09 -0600

List Date
RUSZNAK, MagdalenaV. Str. 10 
 Hospital Records


Lumping in all people with mental illnesses with those such as Adam Lanza, whom refused to get help and whom committed a mass murder-suicide shooting, is wrong and playing right into Tr**p's hands.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: Thinking About Poor Reilly On Father's Day

For Reilly to see "Momma" go through heartbreak as she has no helpmate for herself and "Daddy" for Reilly has to be incredibly painful for her. Reilly has understandably given "Momma" looks of frustration, anger, etc. as "Momma" and Reilly have gone "night nights" later than "Momma" has promised as she stays up thinking about and getting frustrated in regards to getting no unequivocal answer as to what her possible helpmate and Reilly's possible "Daddy" wants.

How long's it going to take—until "Momma"'s in her 40s to 60s, or until Reilly is in her older years or even—God forbid—shortly before she would die (even if she does make it until "Momma"'s at least 60; and given that "Momma"'s only ~24.17 years and two days older than Reilly) in Gregorian terms)?

This heartbreak has been going on for quite a while and been part of exacerbating "Momma"'s Depression flareups, etc., and been affecting Reilly since "Momma"'s been affected.

Poor Reilly—poor Roosel!

PS Incidentally and on a cheerier note, "Momma" and the rest of Reilly's human family have a lot of other nicknames for Reilly besides "Roosel"—Reisy Rosalicita being one of them, for example.

A Father's Day Card From Reilly


  1. Reilly was already laying there and had woken up from a nap. All that "Momma" had to do was get Reilly to look at the camera by holding up two tiny treats.
  2. "Momma" and Reilly send a special shoutout to someone whom they hope will be in Reilly's life soon (especially if he is whom "Momma" thinks that he is, especially since "Momma" could use help being a good "Momma" to Reilly). Also, "Momma" couldn't guarantee that Reilly was dreaming about a certain someone, though "Momma" wondered if she was! 

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Re The Alleged Puppy Miller Christina Fay, and A Message To the "Adopt; Don't Shop" Sloganeers

Hopefully, Christina Fay just got herself in over her head and did not commit intentional cruelty against animals. Also, people should not be demonizing legitimate breeders and people whom buy from legitimate breeders just because puppy millers give legitimate breeders a bad name. Not everyone can handle rescue animals.

For example, due to my Cerebral Palsy, I could not get a rescue animal. Besides, legitimate breeders have the right to make a living. I myself got a puppy from a loving, knowledgeable, competent, and well-regarded breeder whom the BBB has given an A+ rating (and with whom I keep in touch, by the way), and to whom a family friend of blessed memory referred me (She even got to meet my puppy when she visited my family one last time, before she died of ALS, and I still tear up thinking about how she never got to meet my sister's puppy.).

Also, I hardly see those of you whom are "Adopt; don't shop!" hypocrites standing up for abused children and wanting to reform the adoption system. In addition, where are you "Adopt, don't shop!" hypocrites calling for the overturning of "Coker" (1977) and "Kennedy" (2008)? You're more than willing to imprison puppy millers for life and demonize legitimate breeders, while you do nothing for those whom are raped (and even impregnated by rape) and otherwise abused on a constant basis!