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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Re "Louisiana v. Mississppi" (1996) And Catholics Protesting Simmon's Execution...

Catholics protested outside of Gary Simmons' execution, and author Jewell Hillery took that part out:

Posted: Jun 20, 2012 9:03 AM EDTUpdated: Jun 20, 2012 7:36 PM EDTBy Jewell Hillery - bio | email

That Wolfe was collecting drug money doesn't matter: two wrongs don't make a right, even though Wolfe was (so to speak) playing with fire. I opined two, among other, points:

  • Don't these Catholics get the concept of nefesh l'nefesh?
  • [I don't] get why Catholics are so opposed to the legitimate death penalty when they illegitly used the death penalty for years--e.g., the Inquisition. Then again, I do get it--Catholics (not counting Evangelical Catholics) are hypocrites.

One of my Catholic friends in particular was pissed. I'm censoring his or her name to be generous, but this is how the conversation went; and I daresay that he or she is either remiss or stupid in that he or she doesn't know his or her own religion's doctrine, and that he or she would be remiss and foolish to try to school me again:

  • doesn't get why Catholics are so opposed to the legitimate death penalty when they illegitly used the death penalty for years--e.g., the Inquisition. Then again, I do get it--Catholics (not counting Evangelical Catholics) are hypocrites.
     ·  ·  · 

      • [Friend] Whoa there. That's wrong. Just because a small group of Catholics did that in the past doesn't give you the right to judge Catholics today. And the official church stance isn't against the death penalty if you read the catechism. You could also make the same argument for protestants today. And only the more vocal liberal catholics are so opposed.
        4 hours ago via mobile · 
      • Nicole Czarnecki As I said, I excluded Evangelical Catholics--those who believe in the inerrancy and infallibility of the Bible in its original languages and Holy Spirit-guided translations. And it was no small group, which was part of why reformers such as Jan Hus and John Wycliffe showed up.
        4 hours ago · 

      • [Friend] But you still say Catholics in general are hypocritical?
        4 hours ago via mobile · 
      • Nicole Czarnecki Yes. Not Evangelical Catholics, though.
        3 hours ago · 

      • [Friend] Wow. You are very judgmental of my faith. I will let it go though and pray that life experience will teach you differently. There is much you don't understand about the beautiful religion of Catholicism.
        3 hours ago via mobile · 
      • Nicole Czarnecki I understand too much about it.
        3 hours ago · 

      • [Friend] You are trying to instigate people today. One day you will learn the truth. In this life or the next.
      • Nicole Czarnecki 
        I'm not trying to instigate anything, with all due respect... And I come from a long heritage of Catholicism, Jewish and gentile. I was baptized Roman Catholic, raised English-American Catholic (Episcopalian), have Catholic relatives (Roman, Byzantine, and English-American), went to a Byzantine Catholic Church at family reunions (St. Nicholas in Swoyersville), used to defend even Non-Evangelical Catholicism as a legit denomination of Christianity, and went to University of Notre Dame of Maryland. I learned the hard way.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

"Pennsylvania v. Sandusky" and Credibility Issues

The credibility issues lie with the Sandusky family (e.g., Jerry and Dottie Sandusky), the defense team, and others on the Sandusky side. Firstly, Dottie Sandusky is doing what abusers and deniers of abuse commonly do: try to turn the issue of credibility on the victim and lie about what happened. For example:

Part of the defense strategy is clearly to show that the details of accusers' stories are wrong, but Dottie Sandusky was unable to say with much precision how often certain boys would stay in the couple's State College home. She said one of the boys, called Victim 10 in court records, she did not know at all.
She described Victim 1 as "clingy," Victim 9 as "a charmer" and Victim 4 as "very conniving, and he wanted his way and he didn't listen a whole lot."
Victim 9 testified last week that he was attacked by Jerry Sandusky in the basement of the ex-coach's home and cried out for help when Dottie Sandusky was upstairs. She, however, said the basement was not soundproof and she would have been able to hear shouting if she was upstairs.
Dottie Sandusky, who isn't charged in the case, also said the visiting boys were free to sleep upstairs if they wanted to. The accusers have said Jerry Sandusky directed them to the basement, where they allege he sometimes molested them.

Secondly, the defense team is trying "is clearly to show that the details of accusers' stories are wrong". The defense first stated that the abuse victims had a financial motive and were outright liars, but now they're acknowledging that something did happen--although they're saying "that the details of accusers' stories are wrong". Thirdly, why would Dottie Sandusky smile about a matter like this? In whichever way the case ends up going, Dottie Sandusky has and should have no reason to smile. Fourthly, would you blame the victims for saying things like the following, if they really did even say what they are alleged to have said?

Witness Joshua Frabel, who lived next door to Victim 1, recalled that the young man's mother said she had just heard Sandusky molested her child and that she would end up owning Sandusky's house.
"She had said about, when all this settles out, she'll have a nice big house in the country with a fence, and the dogs can run free," he said.
He added that Victim 1 told him: "When this is over, I'll have a nice new Jeep."
The mother took the witness stand to deny it, and Victim 1 denied it last week during his testimony.

Jerry and Dottie Sandusky owe their lives to those victims, and the victims were nice enough to not bring a class-action civil suit in addition to bringing criminal complaints against them. Too bad that "Kennedy v. Lousiana" (2008) overturned the death penalty for convicted pedophiles. Fifthly, and in conclusion, the defense went really low to use a brain-damaged Iraq War veteran for sympathy--and using someone who didn't directly know Victim Four and who is cognitively and otherwise cerebrally damaged is not a smart move, anyway; since she may not even be able to understand what is really at stake in "Pennsylvania v. Sandusky". 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Now Would Be A Good Time To...

Boycott Alice Walker, who is an Anti Semite--which probably explains her divorce from Civil Rights lawyer Mel Leventhal (a Levi). First, we Jews have suffered more apartheid than Blacks like her will ever suffer; so she has hutzpah to try to opine on whom's relating to apartheid in the wrong way. Secondly, we were trying to give her anti-apartheid (or supposed anti-apartheid) book a plug--not anymore. Third, she supports a people who:

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Does Toby Keith Cheat On His Wife? I Didn't Make Up the Question...

I've heard that, that allegation is out there. He certainly verbally abuses children, so that he cheats wouldn't surprise me; and I don't know about you, but (and skip to 0:10) I consider this cheating:

There are other instances of this.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania arrived from on "The Nicole Factor: Toby Keith Sure Isn't "Country As Conbread" or "Good As He Once Was" Anymore..." by searching for does toby keith cheat on his wife.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The 13 Messianic Jewish (Christian) Principles Of Faith With Corrections and Updates

Based on and taken from Maimonides' 13 Priniciples of Faith, basic:

  • Belief in the existence of the omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent Creator who created all life (of people, animals, and other kinds of beings) and all non-living matter; and who created all people b'tzelem Elohim--in the image of G-d.
  • The belief in G-d's absolute and unparalleled Pluralunity as Father, Son, and Spirit--"Shema, Yisra'el; Yehovah Eloheinu, Yehovah Echad." (cf. Deuteronomy 6:4, from the passage known as "The Shema")
  • The belief in G-d the Father's noncorporeality, and that He will be affected by any physical occurrences, such as movement, or rest, or dwelling; and the belief that Yeshua (G-d the Son, Begotten--Not Made) is both G-d and the only sinless Man, thus why human beings are created b'tzelem Elohim; and the belief that the Spirit of G-d the Father is also the Spirit of Yeshua.
  • The belief in G-d's eternity, immortality, and complete and perfect morality; thus, the eternal security and life of the believer (cf. 2 Timothy 2:12-13) 
  • The imperative to worship Him exclusively and no foreign false gods, and that nobody can worship or come to G-d the Father but through G-d the Son--who, with the Father and the Spirit, gives faith by grace, and vice versa. 
  • The belief that G-d communicates with man through prophecy, dreams, visions, TaNaKH (Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim, Hadashah), creation, the Holy Spirit, and other direct and indirect revelation
  • The belief that the prophecy and direction of Yeshua, and any prophecy and direction given through and by Him has priority; and that all spirits which give prophecy, direction, and revelation should be tested to see whether they are of or from Yeshua.
  • The belief in the divine origin of the TaNaKH, and that TaNaKH itself is G-d in written form (cf. John 1:1)--for all words of TaNaKH are G-d's words ad dictum ("to word", as he dictated) and ad verbatim.
  • The belief in the immutability, infallibility, and inerrancy of the TaNaKH; and that only those who are not under grace are still under all of the 613 mitzvot given to Moses and to Israel through Moses, and that those under grace are under the New Covenant (B'rit Hadashah) in Yeshua--to which Torah and the rest of TaNaKH that come before Hadashah pointed.
  • The belief in providence and miracles that emanate therefrom (e.g., life itself).
  • The belief in divine reward and retribution, and Heaven and Hell being the realms of the afterlife in which souls, because of humankind being created b'tzelem Elohim, will continue to exist eternally--Heaven in which the fallen asleep (the believers) reside, Hell in which the dead (the non believers) reside; until the Final Judgement--wherein the believer will reside in the New Jerusalem (the New Heaven and New Earth) and the non believer will reside in the Lake of Fire.
  • The belief in the arrival of the Messiah (which was the First Coming; in which Yeshua was born of a virgin and took on a mortal form which was not corrupted by sin and the sin nature, and fulfilled the other Messianic prophecies); and the Second Coming, the 7-Year Tribulation, and the 1000-year Messianic Era.
  • The belief in the resurrection of the dead who are in Yeshua the Messiah (that is, the fallen asleep) at the Second Coming--just as Yeshua was resurrected on the Third Day after he died on a Cross for our sins--, the Rapture of the resurrected fallen asleep and of the living in Yeshua the Messiah, and the Final Judgement of the dead who were not Raptured or saved in the Messianic Era--which is to come after the Tribulation and Messianic Era, and in which the dead who are not found in the Book of Life will be condemned to the Second Death and the Lake of Fire.

  • By the way (Messianic Jews and gentiles only), please correct me if and where I am wrong. 

    The 13 Messianic Jewish (Christian) Principles Of Faith

    Based on and taken from Maimonides' 13 Priniciples of Faith, basic:

  • Belief in the existence of the omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent Creator who created all life (of people, animals, and other kinds of beings) and all non-living matter; and who created all people b'tzelem Elohim--in the image of G-d.
  • The belief in G-d's absolute and unparalleled Pluralunity as Father, Son, and Spirit--"Shema, Yisra'el; Yehovah Eloheinu, Yehovah Echad."
  • The belief in G-d the Father's noncorporeality, and that He will be affected by any physical occurrences, such as movement, or rest, or dwelling; and the belief that Yeshua (G-d the Son, Begotten--Not Made) is both G-d and the only sinless Man, thus why human beings are created b'tzelem Elohim.
  • The belief in G-d's eternity, immortality, and complete and perfect morality. 
  • The imperative to worship Him exclusively and no foreign false gods.
  • The belief that G-d communicates with man through prophecy, dreams, visions, TaNaKH (Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim, Hadashah), creation, the Holy Spirit, and other direct and indirect revelation
  • The belief that the prophecy and direction of Yeshua, and any prophecy and direction given through and by Him has priority; and that all spirits which give prophecy, direction, and revelation should be tested to see whether they are of or from Yeshua.
  • The belief in the divine origin of the TaNaKH.
  • The belief in the immutability, infallibility, and inerrancy of the TaNaKH; and that only those who are not under grace are still under all of the 613 mitzvot given to Moses and to Israel through Moses, and that those under grace are under the New Covenant (B'rit Hadashah) in Yeshua--to which Torah and the rest of TaNaKH before Hadashah pointed.
  • The belief in providence and miracles that emanate therefrom (e.g., life itself).
  • The belief in divine reward and retribution.
  • The belief in the arrival of the Messiah (which was the First Coming; in which Yeshua was born of a virgin and took on a mortal form which was not corrupted by sin and the sin nature, and fulfilled the other Messianic prophecies); and the Second Coming, the 7-Year Tribulation, and the 1000-year Messianic Era.
  • The belief in the resurrection of the dead who are in Yeshua the Messiah at the Second Coming--just as Yeshua was resurrected on the Third Day after he died on a Cross for our sins--, the Rapture of the resurrected dead and of the living in Yeshua the Messiah, and the Final Judgement of the dead who were not Raptured or saved in the Messianic Era--which is to come after the Tribulation and Messianic Era, and in which the dead who are not found in the Book of Life will be condemned to the Second Death and the Lake of Fire.

  • By the way (Messianic Jews and gentiles only), please correct me if and where I am wrong. 

    Wednesday, June 13, 2012

    I've Blogged About This Before, But...

    While (meanwhile) this (with the included YouTube video) is my first blog entry in which I haven't looked like a mess in a while, I--speaking of messes--would like to say that I take comfort in the messes and losses, and other pains with which people have affected me--and with which they tried to effect the worst in me and against me. But as Eleanor Roosevelt recognized (though I honestly don't want to credit an Anti Semite like her for anything), nobody can make anybody feel inferior without his or her consent. 

    So--for example, and each of you know who you are--,your attempt at manipulating me by cutting off our friendship didn't work. Your telling me to "shut up and grow up" affected me only block you and never want to talk to you again--at least for the meantime. Your trying to spy on me and threatening of others affected me only to speak out more against you.

    Unlike you--even if I am looking in only from the outside, in which case I was in only one of the cases--, I did my homework and--by doing my homework--obtained evidence by which I was able to back up what I said. For you--the one in the first case--, you showed me what kind of person you really are and how you would rather put what you want to believe and family over what is the truth and over G-d. As the Messiah who (as far as I can tell) you refuse to believe, anyway, said, "“No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”" You'd rather have this world than "a hundredfold now in this time—houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions—and in the age to come, eternal life." What else can I say that I don't need your friendship or want it if you're going to be like that, and that your reward is with you--since you're of the world, and you've chosen the world as your reward?

    As for the two of you with whom I was on the inside, I said about one of you that you don't "know how corrupt the Czarneckis et. al. are, and [you don't know] who are of the righteous remnant among them." As for the other, "If you think that you can hurt me or anybody else but yourselves in the end (except for those whom, perhaps, "you make...twice as much...son[s] of hell as yourselves"), you're wrong." 

    I take comfort in the messes and losses with which you (among others) have tried to effect the worst in and against me because I know that out of them:

    "Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?" You obviously haven't; so you obviously won't believe One Who is Greater than me and every one of you, and you--unless retribution for me does come and you are affected to change your ways because of the retribution against you--won't believe (or rather, want to believe) when I am speaking the truth about anything else, let alone what I've already spoken about.

    That retribution, I believe, may come in the form of when someone that I warned you about betrays a loved one of yours or even you, when you find out something that I even hinted at and you'll wish you knew then what you now know, or when you find out that I was right about something else. Then, as I said, I may be gone and you might even be gone, and then you'll really have missed your chance to thank me and change your ways.