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Saturday, May 5, 2018

#WhenIWas15 (And That Was A Long Time Ago!)...

I wanted to be a lawyer and/or commentator-analyst on Fox News. Only the "lawyer" and "Fox News" parts have changed. I still want to be a commentator-analyst, though I'd be a commentator-analyst at anywhere where somebody would see if I'm a voice worth hearing, and I'm also working on becoming an author.

Granted that "anywhere" obviously does not mean anywhere where bigotries and other unjustifiable hatreds prevail. Among the bigotries and other hatreds that would get me to turn down a job offer from any place:

  1. Real Sexism—e.g., While being against abortion is not sexist, blaming a woman for becoming pregnant due to being raped and/or being raped in the first place is sexist.
  2. Racism and ethnocentrism, especially Anti Semitism—I am Jewish and a fourth- and fifth-generation pogrom survivor; and many of my ancestors and other relatives became Anusim to survive both pogroms and other Anti Semitism.
  3. Xenophobia—I don't need, e.g., to hear any assumptions that refugees are simply here to commit crimes or that DACA kids can get to the back of the line just like their parents. After all, my father's paternal grandfather was an equivalent of a DACA kid, and 11 days from now will be the centennial anniversary of when he came here. He didn't even remember anyone whom he saw in family pictures that a family friend would bring back, and he had been deceased for some time when our side of the family handed the deed to the family farm back to a side in then-Soviet Poland. We didn't need anyone's Anti Semitism or xenophobia then, and immigrants of today and their descendants don't need xenophobia now.
  4. Ageism—I don't need, e.g., any canards about Millennials. 
  5. Heterophobia—I don't need any canards about especially religious heterosexuals like myself. For example, to assume that all religious heterosexuals think that LGBTQ people are just a bunch headed-to-eternal-doom debauchees is heterophobic. So's assuming that all religious heterosexuals think that LGBTQ people choose to be LGBTQ.
  6. Real Anti-LGBTQ discrimination—e.g., While being against same-sex marriage is not bigoted, assuming that every LGTBQ person would want to be in any given same-sex relationship is. 
  7. Ableism—this one doesn't need any explanation
By the way, I didn't know that I am Jewish when I was 15; and I certainly didn't know that I'm a descendant of illegal immigrants, including the 1908 equivalent of a DACA kid. Now that I know that I'm a Jew and a descendant of a DACA-kid equivalent, I really want to be a commentator-analyst and an author to speak up for B'nei Anusim and others like me, DACA kids, and others. Also by the way, my DACA-kid equivalent great-grandfather turned 15 a century ago next October. and he had no choice as to what he wanted to be—he was only allowed to go as far as eighth grade before he ended up working the coal mines in the only country that he'd ever really known, and still a country that had Anti-Semitic and other bigotries.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Somewhat Offbeat: Something That "Momma" and Reilly Still Do Every Day

They persist in praying for whomever "Momma"'s helpmate and Reilly's "Daddy" is, and praying for an answer from a certain someone. Reilly has been quite patient about that, might "Momma" add, despite that she still makes when her patience is stretched to the limit from time to time. Truth be told, Reilly's running downstairs one night probably had to do with impatience in part (notwithstanding that night-owl "Momma" went to bed quite early that night) and even her knowledge that "['Momma'] isn't as strong or as fast as Mom-Mom and Auntie Michelle" (which she has explained to Reilly multiple times, and of which Reilly gladly takes advantage—albe in a toddler-like way as opposed to a malicious way).

This isn't to mention that Reilly's been patient with "Momma" and praying with her about it for about two years now.

Commentary: The PETA That Nobody Heard Condemn the YouTube Shooter And Mohair

After I received an email from PETA (because I had signed one of their petitions once, despite that I honestly wish that PETA wouldn't require me to receive their emails), I was reminded that I didn't hear them condemn the YouTube shooter. PETA could've condemned the actions of the vegan extremist, and they didn't condemn them. So, are they okay with the fact that a vegan extremist murdered four people at YouTube's headquarters? They might be. After all, they themselves go to extremes.

For example, they are asking Forever 21 to stop selling mohair just because of a few of their mohair suppliers whom have mistreated animals. They're also asking everyone else to stop selling and buying mohair products just because of Forever 21's cruel and inhumane suppliers. They, so to speak, are throwing out the baby with the bathwater, though that's as normal and acceptable to them as are (for instance) abortions in which babies are literally thrown out as waste. "Save the baby animals," though not the baby humans in spite of their belief that humans evolved from animals, right? 🙄

As for me, I modified the petition letter when I went to sign hypocritical PETA's petition to Forever 21. I kept the first paragraph, deleted the rest of the paragraphs, and added a paragraph. This is how my letter to Forever 21 reads:

"PETA's exposé of the mohair industry found that workers in South Africa, the world's top mohair producer, roughly handled goats, threw them around, and even cut their throats while they were fully conscious. Goat kids, who were being shorn for the first time, cried out in fear. Many goats were subjected to mutilation of their ears, with pliers that punched sharp needles through them, causing them intense pain and, as one farmer described it, to "scream terribly."

"There are humane ways to shear goats and harvest mohair. Please have your producers handle mohair-producing and other goats as well as other animals appropriately. There is no need to go to the extremes to which PETA goes to treat animals properly."

Meanwhile, I'm waiting for PETA to both issue a better-late-than-never condemnation of the YouTube shooter's vegan extremism and call for humane harvesting and supplying of mohair and other animal-produced materials. I'm also waiting for PETA to give a darn about the baby humans for once, since babies who are aborted are ripped away from their mothers when they are taken from the mothers' wombs via procedures such as D&C procedures and uses of morning-after pills. This isn't to mention the babies and other children whom are ripped away from their mothers when they're kidnapped or otherwise illegally taken by abusive relatives and others whom shouldn't be near children in the first place, by the way.

#FluffyFriday: A Special Card

Thursday, May 3, 2018

#ThrowbackThursday: The Picture That Reilly Let "Momma" Take Last Night To Celebrate A Special Anniversary Today

Reilly also let "Momma" put the following caption for it when she sent it to Joyce, from whom she got Reillyⁱ—and she understood what she saying, like most puppies can understand what their human parents are saying:

"Hi, Joyce! Thank you for letting me meet Momma four years ago!"

Image may contain: indoor

ⁱ By the way, "Momma" recommends Ole Field Farm and made this recommendation on her own. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

#WoofWednesday: Three Years Ago Today...

By the way, "Auntie Nicole" has yet to see even a picture of Tootsie, although she sees her in both Camille and Camille's maternal sister Shelby (and she's seen Poppie)! "Momma", though, has seen Apple and Oobie-Won (and it's still great that Apple is, like Reilly's "great-great-great-grandmother" Allen was, about two years older than her partner—since Apple was six and Oobie-Won four in 2015, and Reilly's Allen "great-great-grandparents" were born in June 1880 and September 1881, respectively—and that Apple even looks as a canine like Nana Allen did as a human!)

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Bonus: Various pictures of Camille and of Camille and her twice-removed cousin Reilly ("Tootsie's grandmother is Apple's sister," Joyce explained.). The pictures were taken before or on July 30, 2015.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Commentary: Karl Marx's Fifth Daughter & Her Various Lovers And Descendants—And What Havoc She Has Wreaked

Since necessity is the mother of invention and Karl Marx was the father of Communism, one could say that Communism was Karl Marx's fifth daughter. While Communism was at best a misguided and thus ill-conceived attempt at correcting abuses that occurred during the Era of the Industrial Revolution and Neoimperialism/Neocolonialism, abuses that occurred during that Era still needed correction. Thus, Karl Marx perhaps conceived his brainchild in an attempt to affect a correction of those abuses—and at worst, he conceived his brainchild just to create different kinds of abuses and heap abuse upon abuse.

Karl Marx himself¹ was a Levite and a child of Herschel Mordechai HaLevi and Henrietta Pressburg² Mordechai, and Herschel Mordechai culturally Prussianized himself by converting to Lutheranism and renaming himself "Heinrich Marx". As for Karl, he in many respects took the opposite path of his father—a Levitic rabbi's son turned fully-assimilated and patriotic Preußener. For example, he married the gentile Jenny Westphal and became an Atheist—whereas his monotheistic father had never intermarried or given up on God in any way. He also believed in centralization of governance and of governments in a far different way that his Prussian monarchist father did—in fact, he founded an entire family to reflect that he did.

That family is the family of Communism and the family of Communism-descended ideologies. Paradoxically enough, the writer of "Daas Manifesto" and "On the Jewish Question" raised up his ideological daughter in his Jewish roots to some extent—whether or not he meant to do so. For instance, he—whether intentionally or unintentionally—based "Each according to what he needs and what he has" on the pursuit of justice and on the mitzvah that the rich give no more than the poor and the poor no less than the rich³. At the same time, he explicitly bucked against his roots by raising up Communism in ways that were contrary to them such as the shunning of the mitzvot to believe in and worship Yehovah⁴ and to not engage in Revolutions⁵.

Once Communism fully grew up, she found her footing in finding various lovers and having her own children—and to this day, she is as polyamorous and prolific as ever. She has had gentile lovers and Jewish children like her father had, and she has also had Jewish lovers and gentile children. Of course, some had and have loved her by loving her descendants such as Socialism instead of loving her—although some have flirted with her as well as with her descendant ideologies.

Among the lovers of Communism were Lenin and Stalin, both of whom were in Imperial Russia—where her father actually thought she could never have a footholdⁱ10—and among her descendants were Leninism and Stalinism. Once Lenin died and against what Lenin wished, polyamorous Communism simply took on another husband—Stalin. Thus, misguided and bad-enough Leninism was overtaken by his worse stepfather and by his brother Stalinism—and obviously, bad went to worse.

The Communistic Soviet Empire ("Union Of...Republics"⁶) eventually collapsed, and Communism's familial rule in Russia seemed done until her child Kremlinism conceived another descendant of hers—Putinism. Meanwhile, other descendants of Communism and other lovers of hers have continuing footholds in other places. For instance, Maoism still is the ideology of China's governance and government, and its own Politburo head declared himself "emperor for life" as China looks to have a modern-day equivalent of the Soviet Empire. At the same time, Kimism is the Ribbentrop to whom South Korea is sickeningly playing Molotov⁷.

Thus, then, the kind of Solomonic wisdom that Karl Marx flouted for whatever reason⁸ could apply here. In this case, Communism is the seductress that one wants to avoid:

"Say unto wisdom: 'Thou art my sister', and call understanding thy kinswoman; [t]hat they may keep thee from the strange woman, from the alien woman that maketh smooth her words.For at the window of my house I looked forth through my lattice; [a]nd I beheld among the thoughtless ones, I discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding, [p]assing through the street near her corner, and he went the way to her house; [i]n the twilight, in the evening of the day, in the blackness of night and the darkness. [a]nd, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of a harlot, and wily of heart. She is riotous and rebellious, her feet abide not in her house; [n]ow she is in the streets, now in the broad places, and lieth in wait at every corner....

"Now therefore, O ye children, hearken unto me, and attend to the words of my mouth. Let not thy heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths. For she hath cast down many wounded; yea, a mighty host are all her slain. Her house is the way to the nether-world, going down to the chambers of death."⁹

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¹ As one can find out even if he or she just browses around on good-for-the-basic-facts Wikipedia, though he or she will want to do more research than that
² Or, were it UnGermanized, something like Bratislavsky—or in her case, BratislavskyovĂĄ. Again, research. I've researched. By the way, I'm using simply prior knowledge as I write this—e.g., I remember reading that "Pressburg" is German for "Bratislava", and I have Slovakish Yidish roots. 
³ Exodus 30:15. I do double check my work when I'm not sure about something—a particular reference. By the way, the "pursuit of justice" refers to Deuteronomy 16:20.
⁴ Psalm 14:1 sufficiently covers that.
⁵ Proverbs 24:21-22. Incidentally, I think that the American obsession with British royals may involve latent Post-Revolutionary regrets.
ⁱ Once again, Western Ashkenazim look down on Eastern Ashkenazim, despite that Karl Marx may've had Eastern Ashkenazi roots😉. 
"Socialist" and "Republic" denote inherently-contradictory concepts, especially with regards to direct republics like the United States (as opposed to traditional republics. Also, a republic with elements of what's been called "direct democracy" could really be called a "direct republic", especially since democracy could actually be called an ideological ancestor of at least Soviet Communism—just as only freeborn Athenian Greek men could be citizens and vote in democracy's birthplace, so only Soviet Russian men whom were part of the Politburo and Soviet Non-Russian men whom had the favor of the Politburo had any real say).
⁷ By the way and on that note, Ribbentrop actually represented what are two Communism-related ideologies, which are Fascism and National Socialism—the latter of which is known as part of the Alt Right for a reason, as the Alt Right ("Old Right", 19th-Century Right) is the Modern Far Left. In contrast to Communism (unless Communism was maliciously conceived as opposed to misguidedly conceived), however, Fascism and National Socialism were maliciously-conceived ideologies from the beginning. 
Since the exhortation against revolutions comes from the Book of Proverbs
From Proverbs 7, JPS 1917
10 Update as of May 2, 2018 at 10:15 PM EST: I came to realize that since I had written Footnote Two to insert the joke that is now is in Footnote "i"and that Footnote Two would've thus made no sense without Footnote "i"—I decided to insert the joke despite whatever backlash I may get for it. Besides, Western Ashkenazim apparently at least did at one time look down on Eastern Ashkenazim—in fact, I once read that Western Ashkenazim came up with (forgive my language) "sheeny" to make fun of Eastern Ashkenazim for using Yiddish, which explains why a character's use of it in Eugene O'Neill's play didn't make sense to me when I read it without knowing that (Why would a slur that sounds like it came from "Sheen" be Anti Semitic and not Anti Irish?, I thought?).