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Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter 2017 Card From Reilly

PS Reilly would not put that paw down for anything—when she wants her belly rubs, she stretches her legs out and keeps that one up in particular.

Happy Easter From "Momma" and Reilly!

Be on the lookout for an Easter card from Reilly soon—she (albe very begrudgingly) did a Passover card, after all.

By the way, remember that Easter/Resurrection Day/ Día de la Resurrección/ יום התחיית/ , celebrates miracles*—including the Exodus*, since Easter commemorates Aviv/Nisan 16, the day after Israel left Egypt and the day on which Jesus is believed to have risen from the dead in 3793 (on April 5, 33)—and the hope of the Resurrection Of the Dead—which is a big deal for pets and pet owners alike, since no human or animal is guaranteed the next moment, let alone tomorrow—and especially nowadays, humans and pets are either almost as much as or equally in danger of not seeing each other tomorrow (Ask, e.g., Gary Fisher ☹—his "Mommy" is not here to celebrate Easter with him.).

*And "Momma" really needs a miracle—if (and, as "Momma" and Reilly believe) the Resurrection did happen, can't God perform an albe-smaller-and-nonethless-important miracle to a "Momma" whom needs miracle after miracle, even when small miracles like occasional IBS-flareup reliefs happen for her and Reilly's sakes?

Friday, April 14, 2017

Explaining IBS To Reilly, and How Reilly Deals With "Momma"'s IBS Flareups

For example, one IBS flareup occurred due to the self-cleaning-oven incident today—and Reilly's stress stressed "Momma" out. Others occur quite frequently, with—for instance—poor Ri having to deal with when "Momma" has IBS flareups at night. The ways in which "Momma" has explained IBS and IBS flareups to Reilly include telling Reilly when "['Momma's'] colon and bladder [or bladder and colon] are acting funny" to just telling Reilly that "['Momma's'] having an IBS flareup."

Of course, "Mom-Mom" and "Auntie Michelle" aren't exactly compassionate or helpful about that, and "Momma" doesn't need uncompassionate and unhelpful family*schwer zu sein genug a Yid, un a Yid vemen hot a shlafkeyt fun gederem 😫 !

*Incidentemente, persisto preguntar al un persona cierto: ¿estás me dando una respuesta clara eventualmente or continuando no me dar una  respuesta clara? La necesito para mí y Reily.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

A Day To Let the Self-Cleaning Oven Clean & A Freaked-Out Reilly

And "Momma" thought that Reilly was freaked out over the harness and leash—poor baby! Notwithstanding that windows and the backdoor with the albe-closed screendoor are open, the fans are on, and the aide whom comes over every day to help "Momma" get out and walk is here, Reilly is sufficiently freaked out—and notwithstanding "Momma"'s assurances, either. "Momma" has decided to leave Reilly in the crate for the meantime, then, and Reilly's stress—which "Momma" is trying to let Reilly work out at present—is freaking "Momma" out. As for Camille, meanwhile, she freaked out for a while and is okay now.

By the way, the self-cleaning oven has needed cleaning for a while; and "Mom-Mom" or "Auntie Michelle" could've been nice enough to let the self-cleaning oven clean for Pesach, since "Momma
warms up matzah in there and would like to avoid as much chametz v'se'or as possible during Pesach—they didn't, though someone else probably would've nice enough to let Reilly out for Pesach.

¡Pobre Reilicita!

∗Nota al él, incidentalmente: ¿estás me dando una respuesta clara eventualmente or continuando no me dar una  respuesta clara? ¡Soy muy frustrata en esto momente! Feliz Pascua y Día de la Resureción a tí, por cierto.

Why Reilly Actually Ran Away From The Harness & Leash Last Night

While part of the running away from the harness and leash last night was an expression of impatience, another part of it was that Reilly—as "Momma" (as she recalls) suspected could actually be the case, or at least part of the case, last night—honestly freaked out and thought that "Momma" was going to go take her to "go potty" where "Mr. Bumblebee" and his friends (the carpenter bees in the backyard)—as "Momma" figured out when she had to trick Reilly to get the harness and leash on her for her to "go potty", and the only way for "Momma" to get Reilly to get on her harness and leash was to get her to go into her crate, close the crate door, and reopen the crate door and make sure that she didn't burst out and run away.

She begrudgingly got on her harness and leash, although she would not find a "potty spot" or even really try to find one for anything—carpenter bees scare her enough to either make her run back to the door of the house or make her run into the backyard without "Momma" and find her "potty spot" far away from the porch, and usually near or within the more-immediate vicinity of the squirrel-monopolized and whence-"nasties"-prosefuly-drop bird feeder. As is one of her customs during this carpenter bee season, she chose to run back onto the porch as soon as she could whenever she could and finally affected "Momma" to just take her inside and try to take her "potty" again later.

By the way, here's Reilly just over an hour ago waiting for "Momma" to wrap up for the night—and maybe waiting for someone else, too. Also, Happy First Day of Pesach and Blessed Maundy Thursday*, including to a certain someone for whom Reilly might be waiting, from "Momma" and Reilly.

*Especially to others whom believe that Maundy Thursday and Good Friday had a profound significance. Incidentally, "Momma" thinks that Reilly would be a lot nicer to Pilate than she ever would were she back in those days—let's just say that "Momma" would describe Pilate at the very least as "actually a very-mean man" to Reilly, and she talks to Reilly about matters of religion and faith in a way that a puppy can understand quite often.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

One Heart-Breaking & One Hilarious Moment

On the second day of the early Pesach observance:

  1. Reilly finally had it and ran away from night-owl "Momma" when "Momma" wanted to put back on her harness and leash, since "Auntie Michelle" took it off despite knowing that "Momma" can't get Reilly to go upstairs like she's supposed to without Reilly having the harness and leash on, and "Momma" had to bribe Reilly with matzah crumbs and actually go by the hallway gate.
  2. When Reilly and Camille heard a car-door sound in a video, they thought that "Mom-Mom" was home and ran to the front door. Then Reilly was even more confused and started barking loudly when she heard a truck outside.
By the way, as much as it is hard to be a Jew, it surely is interesting when you have puppies like Reilly and Camille around—as, for example, Reilly following "Momma" around for matzah crumbs reminds "Momma", and Reilly's bringing out of gray hairs in her Jewish "Momma" reminds her.

Also, by the way, a Happy Belated National Pet Day to all from "Momma" and Reilly.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

First Day Of the Early Pesach Observance...And No Card Yet...

At least "Momma" completed part of what she needed to complete for the card photoshoot, though—and to say that Reilly did not like some of the pre-photoshoot preparation is needless, as she hates trying on anything and having her photo taken in general.

Meanwhile, both Reilly and Camille received some matzah pieces as treats—beyond that, neither Reilly nor Camille partook in any of the dietary requirements for Pesach; and they'll receive more matzah in the coming days (י ר י ל ר). As for other treats? If they're, e.g., macaroons with chocolate or matzah-ball-mix-formed matzah balls, lo! Besides, having Reilly wait for matzah crumbs to drop while "Momma" was sprinkling matzah crumbs into the matzah-ball-soup-turned-matzah-ball-mix soup added more gray hairs to "Momma"'s head, as that particular brand of matzah-ball mix contains onion powder—and so did being afraid of Reilly getting even the slightest crumb of chocolate-chip-containing macaroons. 

An Early "Happy Pesach" From "Momma" and Reilly!

Notwithstanding that Pesach actually begins on the 12th, "Momma" caved and started observing Pesach yesterday because most people who observe Pesach it observe it per the Rabbinical calendar. By the way, be on the lookout for a Pesach card featuring Reilly and Camille. Also, Reilly will get some matzah as a treat and does not need to observe mitzvot v'halacha l'kashrut l'Pesach —meanwhile, only time will tell whether "Momma" and Reilly get a miracle that'll liberate (or at least help liberate) "Momma" (and Reilly) on individual levels.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

As "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" Promised...

With the klipeh that Camille can be, more jealously, and gray hairs, then...

  1. To make a long story short, Camille can be a klipeh—and a klipeh she was when "Mom-Mom" and "Mimi" tried her used to the electric brush—and with trying to run away, getting into her crate to avoid having to be brushed, attempting to bite and biting, attempting to scratch and scratching, Camille gave "Mimi" and "Mom-Mom" an absolutely-hard time. What the next attempt at acclimating her to the brush holds, only God knows!
  2. As usual, Reilly has tried to monopolize attention—and scare Cam out of getting attention. For example, Reilly blocked off Cam when she got to meet and get scritches from "Great-Grandma" again last week. Meanwhile, Reilly has yet to meet "Pop-Pop" and other paternal relatives of "Momma".
  3. As Reilly currently growls, "Momma" reflects on how many gray hairs she saw on her head in the mirror this morning—and she also reflects on how, for instance, she was lucky that she just tried to take Reilly "peedie" and had not yet gotten Reilly's harness and leash off, because she would not have been able to reach her to get the muzzle on her. She also had an incredibly-hard time rolling over Reilly's cousin, notwithstanding that she was also able to reach her only because she still had on her harness and leash. 👵🙁

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Preview Of the Next Post: Electric-Brush Hell, More Jealously, And Other Notes

  1. Grooming irked off Camille enough—taking the groomer's suggestion to gently use an electric toothbrush to get her used to brushing at the next grooming appointment irked her off even more, and "Mimi" once again got to see what "Auntie Nicole" had to endure after trying to get Camille's leash and harness on after the torando warning for a week or so.
  2. Once again, Reilly has continued to monopolize every bit of attention that she can get.
  3. "Momma"'s been worn out and tired once again—and Reilly, who, for example, could sense "Momma"'s anxiousness over trying to clean the coffee machine for "Mom-Mom" and "Auntie Michelle" today, also at least sometimes tends to affect anxiety (or even OCD/Anxiety flareups). Reilly has even helped contribute some gray hair (yes; gray hair!) to 27-year-old-and-only-getting-older "Momma" (and thanks to "Auntie Michelle" for pointing out to "Momma" that she has gray hair—as if she needed that pointed out to her with all the other stuff that she endures!).

Thursday, April 6, 2017

In Any Case, Camille's Hebrew Name Is Easier Than Reilly's; And...

"Camille Dominique"—per "Mimi", "perfect chosen one of God"—is...

  1. מושלמת ("Mushlemet")
  2. נבחרה-לאל ("Nikvarah-L'El") 
  3.  מושלמת נבחרה-לאל ("Mushlemet Nikvarah-L'El")
  4. Literally, "Perfect, she was chosen for God"
Google Translate, Milon, etc. helped "Auntie Nicole" greatly—nonetheless, coming up with Camille's Hebrew name was hard—and "Mushlemet" or "Nikvarah-L'El" might have sufficed, and "Mushlemet'el" may be controversial. As for Reilly's name...for starters, had "Momma" known that "Rose" is Vered...

Updated: Maybe it should be (שליחיה(ו—"Shliachyah(u)"—or (נביאהיה(ו—"Nevi'ahyah(u); or  "נבחרה מושלמת"—"perfectly chosen". Then again, Reilly has a middle name; though "Auntie Nicole" ("Momma" to Reilly) does not want to imply that Camille (or Reilly) is perfect, since only God is perfect.

(PS Speaking of names, "Momma" still won't reveal the name of whom she thinks her helpmate and Reilly's "Daddy" is. He'll have to confirm or deny "Momma"'s suspicions before she reveals it.)

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Happy Hebrew Birthday, Camille!

Now Camille is officially two years old! Today is Nisan 6, 5777 (April 3-4, 2017), and the inadvertently-named-for-a-matriarch-of-"Mimi" Camille is two years old on both the Gregorian (secondary) and Hebrew (primary) calendars. She seemed to like when "Auntie Nicole" explained this to her (since she was listening and understanding as a puppy can understand) and was licking "Auntie Nicole"'s hand (She was either indicating her approval of her explanation, tasting whatever was on her hand, or doing both.).

Today, Camille has become a second-year "bark mitzvah" (in human terms, two years old; in canine terms, 24 years old, assuming that one would hold Cam's "bark mitzvah" when she was 12 canine years old; and "Auntie Nicole" just now felt a little verklempt about Camille getting older)!

Sunday, April 2, 2017

A Few (Or Many!) Post-Grooming Photos Of Begrudgingly-Somewhat-Cooperative Camille & Stubborn Reilly

Reilly and Camille came home with new looks and fared well despite that one of them has a UTI.

Reilly avoids the camera as she gets scritches.

The Most-Interesting Cam In the World

"Fake gasping is a 'no-no'."

"I am once again avoiding the camera."

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Reilly Has ANOTHER UTI 🙁....

April Fool's! It's actually Camille whom does 🙁. Given that she whimpered in her crate and even panted exactly how the YouTube star Amber panted during naptime, she really did need to "peedie" and wasn't just playing. She also, as "Mom-Mom" found out, had blood in her urine. Needlessly to say, this is why Camille is at a professional groomer's home office instead of getting groomed at home—i.e., long story short, "Mom-Mom" and "Mimi" endured Hell when they tried to trim Camille's hair before "Mom-Mom" took her to the vet—pictures are coming, by the way 🙂. 

Reilly's Photoshoot For Rosh HaShanah, Accompanied By the Promise Of A Treat

In sum:
  1. Reilly didn't like it, though she was a begrudgingly-good good sport for a treat.
  2. When Reilly ran despite that "Momma" actually wanted her to come in order for her to get her tallit and kippah off, Camille started playing with the tallit and panicked "Auntie Nicole".
  3. Reilly got her promised treat once she came (and had to be bribed with a treat to come) and got the tallit and kippah off.
  4. With the photo that was used in the card, "Momma" had a total of five photos that she took.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

לשנה תשע״ז טובה מ"אמא" וראיללי!

By the way, "Mimi" ecstatically kvelled when Camille demonstrated that she learned "Lie down!" last night. Also, may 5777 be the year in which a certain person finally enters (or, especially if he is who "Momma" thinks that he is*, reenters) "Momma"'s life and enters Reilly's life!

*He could be any of a few given people, though "Momma" thinks that he knows that she's referring to him. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Reilly the Trickster & Camille Getting "Lie Down" More & More

Two days ago, Reilly decided to bring back an old trick: "peedie" right in front of "Momma" on purpose. Needlessly to say, "Momma" worried that Reilly might have another UTI—and thus, Reilly had to go see the vet—and the vet pointed out Reilly's trick really quickly.

Long story short, Reilly rang the bell to "go potty" and not to—as she sometimes does—ring the bell to get attention. Therefore, she later decided to get back at "Momma" and to not even ring the bell the second time, and she "peedied" on the hallway carpet both times—and the second instance occurred when "Momma" was going to get socks to use to restuff one of the toys that both Reilly and Camille received for Chrismukkah (Fine timing, Ri; fine timing.).

As for Cam, she's getting "lie down" more and more—notwithstanding her stubbornness that she uses to act like she doesn't know how to "lie down"—and as "Auntie Nicole" types, Cam is (or was, and is again) napping on her favorite chair and snuggling with "Froggie" (whom "Auntie Nicole" restuffed with parts of a sock and arm-tiringly resewed, and whom Cam effectively reunstuffed). Now, "Auntie Nicole" has to go restuff the other toy.

By the way, "Momma"/"Auntie" Nicole is not doing any giveaways or free promotions of the book on Camille when it comes out—too many people got free copies of the other books without spreading the word about the books to their friends and/or buying copies of the other books, and that doesn't help "Momma" be able to provide as much as she can for Reilly (especially without a certain person in her and Reilly's lives).

Monday, March 27, 2017

Cam's Learning To Lay Down ("Lie Down")! Other Notes As Well

On Camille's birthday, Camille is learning "lie down". If Cam can fully and succesfully "lie down" without having to be prompted by treats right in front of her first, "Mimi" will be impressed 🙂.

Meanwhile, on th not-so-good notes:

  1. Reilly "peedied" in the house twice today, and once in front of "Momma"—either Reilly is (as "Auntie Michelle" thinks) entering her "terrible threes" or (as "Momma" thinks) jealous of Cam and trying to reclaim alpha status (since she perceives that she lost it), has drunk more water than usual, or has a UTI (🙁).
  2. As Camille and Reilly get older, "Momma" is re-reminded that everyone else is (or at least quite a few others are) getting married, started on having families, promoted at work, living out other dreams that they've had, etc., while "Momma" and Reilly are not getting younger. Meanwhile, "Momma" just wishes that a certain person whom might be "Momma"'s helpmate and Reilly's "Daddy" would just give her answer as to whether he thinks that he is one or the other way. After all, for example, another case of trying to roll Reilly this morning failed again.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Guess Who (Sort-Of) Turns Two Tomorrow?

Happy Birthday, Camille! Meanwhile, her Hebrew birthday isn't until Nisan 6 or 7, 5777—so, she technically remains two for a little longer—either way, she got used to when we brought her home on June 7, 2015 to live with her match (aka, her twice-removed cousin Reilly. "Auntie Nicole" is verklempt with watching those old videos, meanwhile):