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Showing posts with label cousins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cousins. Show all posts

Monday, January 28, 2013


There is no proof that we're related to the Romanovs. Russian, yes. Polish, yes. Jewish by ethnicity, and the former two (as well as Hungarian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian, among other types of citizens in Eastern Europe) by citizenship, yes and yes. Romanovs? No...and there's no proof that Stefan Czarniecki (to whom we can't even trace our family tree back) was related to the Romanovs.

czarniecki family romanov family
czarniecki family romanov family related

PS When you find proof that the Czarnieckis or Czerneckis, Uszinskys, Gajdoszes, etc. were related to the Romanovs, please, let me know. By the way, I did see my mispacha from Switzerland. Shalom alecheim, and I'm sorry that I didn't acknowledge you before. By the way, as a PolishForums guy stated, "Andrius is lithuanian equivalent of russian Andrei which comes from greek. Andriulis in lithuanian means 'little Andrius' or 'dear Andrius'. Andriulis + evičius= Andriulevičius. I checked my LIthuanian surnames dictionary and there are a lot of different surnames with root Andr-, and Andrulevičius(without "i") almost exclusively comes from this little town STAKLISKES. Hope it helps."

So, we're Litvaks. Does this help? Incidentally, I'm very Litvake--more intellectual than emotional. 


Friday, June 22, 2012

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Darn Right That I'm Estranged From Much Of My Dad's Family...

And I, unlike some of them, make no secret or even falsehood about it. If you want me to lie about my family; you're asking me to be like my dad and his parents (among others), and I'm not going to do that. Unlike them, I'm going to be honest about our family history. The funny (strange and ironic) thing, meanwhile, is that they probably don't think that I check my blog stats. They can guess again:

Search Keywords
skylar curtis
nicole czarnecki and mark miskell
nicole czarnecki blog
nicole czarnecki estranged

Sunday, February 12, 2012

As a Jew, I Probably Shouldn't Be Viewing "Incorruptable" Corpses, But...

However, one looks like and probably is the body of Rudy Giuliani's cousin. I had to show my sister Veronica Giuiliani's body (or wax-or-something-covered skeleton). Anyway, you can see part of why I'm not Roman Catholic, though.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I Keep Getting Visitors From Russia... Relatives?

Look, guys (and gals); if you're mishpacha, do not be afraid to contact me. Besides, I still am looking for specifically Jewish (including Messianic) and Anusi (including Messianic, but just understandably scared to admit any Jewishness):

  1. Rusznaks (Rusnaks, etc.)
  2. Fockos (Foskos, Foczkos, etc.)
  3. Novaks (Nowaks)
  4. Gajdoszes (Gaydoses, etc.)
  5. Ushinskys (Uszinskys, etc.)
  6. Huglinksys
  7. Trudniaks (Trudniaks, etc.; since one did marry a Jewish Monka)
  8. Monkas
  9. Chernetskis (Czarneckis, etc.)
  10. Morgiewiczes (Margiewiczes, etc.)
  11. Andrulewiczes (Andruleviches, etc.)
  12. Danilowiczes (Daniloviches; even ones related to Kirk Douglas-- mi estomago!)
  13. Laczinskys (Latshinksys, etc.)
  14. Hanzoks (Hanssaks, etc.)
  15. Homas (Hamas-- plural of "Hama", not the terror group which no Self-Respecting Jew would hang around)
Contact me-- I don't bite.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Is Faceshuk Not Accepting My Blog Because I'm Messianic Jewish? Well, Wait a Minute...

I'm not a proselytizer. I'm going to be open about my faith, but not force my faith down people's throats. All of my dad's relatives but for the Trudniaks (as far as I know) died Crypto Jews in order to survive Anti Semitism in both Europe and America, and many of us live as Crypto Jews for the same. Sadly, they and others (e.g., Ashley Wojnar and Janet Rozzi) aren't proud to know that we're Jewish for good and bad. 

(Ola, Ashley; que no te gusta que somos judias y que tu abuelo Leo se parece ese un judio irani es lamentable. I'm like an elephant, Ashley-- I don't forget that you defriend me after that. Boo-hoo-- eres tu una supremista cubana, por cierto? Even if you don't like that you're a Jew first, you're a Jew first; and I'm rather proud that your grandmother Helen was Jewish, and that your granddad Leo looks like a fellow Jew. P.S. I figured out that we and he are Jewish.)

Now that I'm done ranting at Ashley (And in a way, I hope that Ashley and Brittany read this), let me get back to the categories of my family. As I said, "All of my dad's relatives but for the Trudniaks (as far as I know) died Crypto Jews in order to survive Anti Semitism in both Europe and America, and many of us live as Crypto Jews for the same. Sadly, they and others (e.g., Ashley Wojnar and Janet Rozzi) aren't proud to know that we're Jewish for good and bad."

By the way, I mean the ones born before and in the 1900s by "All". The "many of us" are descendants of the "All". Some of the "All" may have been Messianic, but never (as far as I know) admitted (though some dropped hints) that they were Jewish.

"They and others" refers to the "many of us" and "All" progeny like Ashley Wojnar who aren't proud of our Jewish heritage and that I found out that we are Jewish. Some are sadly seeming neutral on the subject or ignore it-- then again, they might fit in with the "many of us". Some of them are Messianic and nonetheless of the "many of us".

The fourth category is the descendants of the "All" who are Messianic Jews and/or are open about our Jewish heritage, even if implicitly. We even have a Non-Messianic Jewish Taoist among us (which is understandable after she was raised-- as many of us were-- in some of variant of Roman Catholicism. She was raised in regular Roman Catholicism, I in Episcopalianism until I was in fifth grade or thereabouts. We were both baptized Roman Catholic as well.).

In conclusion, Faceshuk should accept my blog because, if nothing else, of the four categories of my dad's family:

  1. The Ashkenazi Anusim from the 1770s (e.g., the Fockos, Foskos, Foczkos) to the 1900s (e.g., Anna Monkaova Trudniak), referred to as the "All".
  2. The "many of us"
  3.  The "they and others". "They and others" refers to the "many of us" and "All" progeny like Ashley Wojnar and Janet Rozzi (And Janet, I didn't forget that you defended your kapo American grandmother, my great-grandmother Mary Rusnak Gaydos.).
  4. The descendants of the "All" who are Messianic Jews and/or are open about our Jewish heritage, even if implicitly.
I might have to make a YouTube video to clarify this, by the way.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I'm Going To Rest the Family Matters With This Much...

If you'd prefer kisses of an enemy over faithful wounds of a friend, you'll have to deal with continuing the inquity of past generations down to the next generation; and when the pieces fall, who knows if I'll be there to help pick them up?

I might be dead; I might be there but not want to help you; I may've wiped you all together out of my concious memory. You don't know what tomorrow, even the next yoctosecond, holds -- look what happened to Patrice O'Neal.

If and when you're ready to talk like Great-Grandma Czarnecki was, I can't guarantee that I'll be there; but G-d will be there.

Friday, November 25, 2011

I Know That Shabbat's Today & That I'm Not To Hold A Grudge, But...

Since "Marcela" is trending on Twitter, I'm going to take the opportunity to remind everybody why my cousin Marcela J. "Mia" Danilowicz needs to be boycotted. By the way I didn't even write that Pop-Pop is a murderer when I mentioned him as being related to us; and as I've said, all I did was say that he was an IRS Agent who served tax papers to Nixon (which is true) and that Marcela's our cousin and a fashion designer (which is true).

I forgive and don't begrudge, but I don't pretend that the incident never happened or make the incident a repressed memory or memory to be wiped out of my memory bank. Besides, those posts promoted Mia and said that we're also not related to that Anti Semite Stefan Czarniecki-- and I'm a "fucking psycho"?

I'm not supporting or promoting anyone-- especially any family member-- who treats me and others like crap, and who threatens frivolous and unnecessary legal action against someone. By the way, using a lawyer as a threat is not cool-- our legal system is clogged up enough and has real problems to deal with.

January 6, 2010
How Are We Related?
My understanding (given your last name) is that we're related through my great-granddad Czarn(i)ecki's paternal grandmother, Katarzyna Danilowicza Czarniecka. But I'm wondering how we're specifically related through her or her family line. In other words, are we both descended from her (meaning we'd be x-degree cousins or x-times-removed cousins, like 4th or 4-times-removed cousins) or descended from her dad or granddad (meaning we'd be like 5th or five-times-removed cousins)?
I understand that you've seen that I'm looking for Danilowicz, Czarniecki, et. al. relatives (which is why you added me as a friend?); and I'm just trying to (if you will) connect the dots, and I honestly thought that my chances of connecting with a Danilowicz, or Czarniecki, or other cousin who's from or even still over in Poland were probably little to none (especially at this point).
By the way, correct me if any of my understanding is wrong and/or totally missing the mark. Thanks.
Nicole Czarnecki

November 7Sent from Mobile
Marcela J. Danilowicz

Hi you need to delete my name from all of the posts you made on urban dictionary, I cannot have anything like that on the Internet because of work, please do it now or I will contact urban dictionary and my lawyer.

November 7
Nicole Czarnecki

There's no way that I can delete those posts-- I tried to, but I can't. I, with all due respect, see no reason to contact your lawyer. However, I can see reasons for you to contact Urban Dictionary.

Thank you for letting me know about the consequences of the posts ahead of time before any adverse action was taken.

November 7
Marcela J. Danilowicz

Why did you write these posts. You are fucking psycho.

November 7
Nicole Czarnecki

If you feel that way, then you shouldn't have added me as a friend or acknowledged me as a relative in the first. Also, everything that I wrote is true to the best of my knowledge.