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Showing posts with label analysis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label analysis. Show all posts

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Thanking All Who Liked My Page Recently and Like My Page, And...

  1. לפסח ושבת שלום ומבורך לכולם. (For a peaceful and blessed Passover and Sabbath to all.)
  2. For Messianic Jews/Jewish Christians, remember why we (and gentile Christians) celebrate פסח: 
  • "שמרו זאת בזיכרון של לי."
  • "בכל שעה שאתם אוכלים מצה הזאת ושותים הכוס הזה, אתם מכריזים המות שלי עד אני באה."
(If you don't read even some Hebrew, use Google Translate to translate it. Incidentally, I used, Milon, and other sources [including what I remembered from studying Hebrew in college] to translate it into Hebrew].)

Also, G-d willing, I'll try to record videos on, among other subjects:

  1. Bladder cancer, since I do volunteer for the Bladder Cancer Advocacy NetworkAs I explained to the recruiter (Natalie Bennett), I have a history of other cancers (e.g., Colon Cancer) in my family (e.g., Pop-Pop had it. BTW, he also died of Myelodysplasia that turned into Leukemia), and I can imagine that Bladder Cancer is exacerbated by conditions such as IBS (which I have) and, of course, Colon Cancer.  By the way, when I talked to Natalie, I learned that Bladder Cancer is the most-diagnosed cancer in the United States, despite that it hardly gets awareness raised for it (compared to, e.g., Breast Cancer. Great-Granddad's cousin Katarzyna Czerniecka Czokola, as I found out, did die of Breast Cancer, by the way.).
  2. Why Russia and the Middle East are, quite frankly, their own continents, despite their current classification. Technically, Central America could be its own continent, too.
  3. What "few in number" for Israel might actually mean (i.e., depending on who is considered Jewish ethnically and/or spiritually Biblically and amongst Jews. Either way, we're "few in number" from at least an ethnic standpoint.)
Meanwhile, ללילה ושבת ופסח טוב ושלום ומבורך לכל ישראל וצדוקים מגויים.

PS Part of the reason that I promoted my Facebook page is to (hopefully) get noted for my commentary and (G-d willing) get a job as a commentator and an analyst. Being, e.g., on SSI benefits sucks (and I opposed being on them at first, feeling that doing so was a form of socialism and being a burden on the tax payers. Besides, I have been persecuted for being on them [See below for a horrid example.]. But what can I do when, e.g., I have C.P., no paying job, etc.?)

JohnLeePedimore has replied to your comment on Shocking Video: Should "Adult Baby" Collect Social Security Benefits?:

Let me guess,your family actually works for a living and turned their back on you because you are a lazy pig.
You can reply back by visiting the comments page.
By the way, did you know you can rent movies from YouTube? Check it out now:
© 2011 YouTube, LLC
Also PS: I save most of my emails. BTW, I just noticed this now-just-reported comment, too:
It's bad enough that you people leech off the American taxpayer like parasites,but what really pisses me off is the utter contempt you have for the hard working people who foot the bill for your lazy ass.You don't appreciate anything you have because you didn't have to work for it. You are a thief.
Then people swear that attitudes toward people with disabilities has changed...actually, it has gotten worse. Then they want me to represent people with disabilities when they act like I, a person who lives with a disability, don't know what I'm talking kidding, as one Haggadah reads (with my emphasis and bracketed additions), that :
Access to affordable housing, quality health care, nutritious food and quality education is far from equal. The disparity between the privileged and the poor is growing, with opportunities for upward mobility still gravely limited. Maimonides taught, “Everyone in the house of Israel is obligated to study Torah, regardless of whether one is rich or poor, physically able or with a physical disability.” Unequal access to basic human needs [e.g., being treated as a human being who was created in the image of G-d], based on one’s real or perceived identity, like race, gender or disability, is a plague, antithetical to the inclusive spirit of the Jewish tradition.
We do not adequately address violence in our society, including rape, sex trafficking, child abuse, domestic violence and elder abuse [including verbal, mental/psychological, religious/spiritual, and other intangible/non-physical abuse; and neglect], even though it happens every day within our own communities.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

How A Skewed Taglit-Birthright Study Endangers Both the Jewish Community At Large And Will Taglit-Birthright's Reputation

I see plenty of issues with this study:

1) "Saxe and research associates Michelle Shain and Shahar Hecht collected data from August 6-11 via an online questionnaire, which included versions of the Pew survey questions. It was sent to eligible US Birthright Israel-Taglit candidates who had applied for a trip between summer 2011 and winter 2013/14."

There is no real "control" group. There are only Birthright applicants.

2) "Encouraged through an an opportunity to win one of two $100 gift cards, 1,756 young Jewish adults filled out the survey. The respondents included 1,122 who actually did go to Israel on a Birthright trip, and 634 nonparticipants."

The one group that there was, was pooled and divided unevenly. There should've been a total of either:

  1.  878 Birthright travelers and 878 non travelers (still 1,756 people total, and and bringing in a control subgroup of 878 people—because, again, there was no control group; and a control group within a group does not count as a separate control group), or 
  2. 1,122 travelers and 1,122 non travelers (keeping the 1,122 travelers who filled out the survey and bringing in a control subgroup). 

Either way, the surveyed ("treatment")-to-control group ratio is completely absent, let alone lacking.

3) "For the study, the Birthright applicants’ results were compared to a recent Pew survey and a Gallup poll, both of which were completed at the end of July."

The same problem regarding the subject pool and control groups is here, and data collection is also a problem here. Data from June 21, 2011-December 21, 2013 is older and more plentiful than data from July 2014, for example. Thus, there is no adequate amount of recency and amount of data to compare. In other words, the study would have been less skewed if both sets of data were from June 21, 2011-December 21, 2013; June 21, 2011-July 31, 2014; or July 31, 2014.

4) "Saxe feels the young Jews polled are a representative cross-section of young American Jews for several reasons. Primarily, bluntly, “because Birthright is free — and fun,” said Saxe, meaning the trip doesn’t only draw those who think it’s worth spending money on  a trip to Israel."

Any "representative cross-section of young American Jews" would include Messianic Jews (who are banned from applying to [and even specifically targeted for persecution by] Taglit) and others who Taglit bans .

In fact, the specific wording is in part:

"Eligible individuals are those who identify as Jewish and are recognized as such by their local community or by one of the recognized denominations of Judaism. Applicants must also have at least one Jewish birth parent, or have completed Jewish conversion through a recognized Jewish denomination. 

"*Those applying for trips leaving from the Former Soviet Union are eligible if they have at least one Jewish birth grandparent. The accuracy of information pertaining to the heritage of an applicant for a trip leaving from the Former Soviet Union is also verified by a local Consul before an applicant is considered eligible."

This on an international level alone would single out Karaites (who Rabbinate Judaism often slanders) and many other Jews, including Lemba Jews (who go by Patrilineal Descent and are mostly Messianic— despite that most sources try to separate them from the Jewish community at large because they "are Christian" [as if Christianity is not Jewish], etc..). Therefore, this certainly would not allow for just a "representative cross-section of young American Jews".

5) "Saxe said his team has analyzed the backgrounds of those who responded and the profiling is in context with last year’s massive Pew survey study of American Jews. The years of Jewish education, day school all look just about the same, he said, noting one slight difference — Birthright draws a lower proportion of children from intermarriages."

This skews the study as well. The "cross-section" are mostly Rabbinically-Jewish Rabbinical Jews (with a Rabbincally-Jewish Rabbincal Jew being a Jew who has at least one Matrilineally-Jewish parent "[and/]or have completed Jewish conversion through a recognized Jewish denomination".

([Do not kid yourself; Taglit would not look twice at Jews whose family was raised outside of a Rabbinate shul for two or more generations. In other words, for instance, Isaac Kaganowicz would not be considered a Rabbincally-Jewish Rabbincal Jew if both of his parents were Atheistically-raised Jews who were raising Issac in the same way that their parents raised them.)

"Since Taglit was founded in December 1999, annually some 20-25% of candidates have had no prior involvement in Jewish life, said Saxe. “The great piece of Taglit is that it levels the playing field,” said Saxe."

They do go to shul, though. In fact, I had a peer at UMBC who is an Atheist and whose family goes to a Reform shul. So, the "20-25% of candidates" have either parents and/or grandparents who at least go to shul.

6) "Pew doesn’t consider many of the people who went on Taglit to be Jewish because they don’t call themselves Jewish by religion, rather by parentage. “They might not count themselves as Jews until they go on Birthright,” added Saxe."

The Pew data also skews the study.

In other words, the Taglit study (which is called a "Brandeis University" study) is flawed and both dangerous to the Jewish community at large (who, for example, loses numbers according to Taglit-Pew-Saxe standards) and Taglit Birthright itself (and Taglit Birthright has had trouble in the past).

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Sample Of My Schoolwork Writing: "Assessment and Analysis of a Scholarly Article" (Originally For SOWK 240)

In full disclosure, I will say that doing this assignment scared the crap out of me. I just hope that I did well on the assignment—i.e., I hope that I covered all of my bases and cited everything correctly. By the way, I—unless I am unaware of some law which states that I can't share my own writing on my own own blog—have the right to share my own writing. Also, for you to cite me if you use this blog entry would be nice; but I would be a hypocrite if I required that you cite that, since I believe in the Bible as opposed to the concept of "intellectual property".

Assessment and Analysis of a Scholarly Article:
Student Critique of “Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Students’ Prior
Sexual Abuse Victimization”
Nicole V. Czarnecki
University of Maryland, Baltimore County

            This article attempts to summarize, assess, and analyze Michelle T. Gore’s and Pamela J. Black’s study which is titled “Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Students’ Prior Sexual Abuse Victimization”. Published by Gore and Black (both of whom are affiliated with Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond, Kentucky) in Journal of Teaching In Social Work, the study stands for scrutiny insofar as it employed its chosen type of research and methodology, and insofar as it came to the conclusions to which it came. The scrutiny is the work of Nicole V. Czarnecki, who was then a student in the SOWK 240 (Information Technology in Social Work) class of Dr. Jessica Guzman-Rea at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). Czarnecki was a Political Science (as opposed to a Social Work) major and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science in December of 2013 (The time of Czarnecki’s critique of Gore’s and Black’s study was October 19, 2013, when Czarnecki was a to-be-graduating senior and Political Science major at UMBC.). Therefore, Czarnecki could not comprehensively assess and analyze the study of Gore and Black, both of whom are in the Social Work field (whereas Czarnecki is in the Political Science field).
            Keywords: analysis, assessment, Black, critique, Czarnecki, Eastern Kentucky University, Gore, social work, scholarly article, study, summary; University of Maryland, Baltimore County

            Michelle T. Gore and Pamela J. Black of Eastern Kentucky University conducted and published a study which they titled ““Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Students’ Prior Sexual Abuse Victimization”. Gore and Black published their study in Journal of Teaching In Social Work in 2009, and they described their 2009 publication as a study which “reports findings of an exploratory study surveying 61 students about their prior child sexual abuse victimization.” (Abstract From the Authors) They utilized quantitative work to attempt to answer the query of “What percentage of [Bachelor of Social Work] students [“at a south central U.S. regional university”] has been sexually abused (as defined by [the 2001 Kentucky Cabinet for Families and Children] statute) during childhood?” (“RESEARCH QUESTION” &“METHODOLOGY”)
            Gore and Black extensively laid out their 2009 study’s methodology. In sum, the methodology “consisted of 61 BSW students [who were] attending the university during the academic years of 2001 and 2002” and “taking a required course on child abuse”. The students each received “[a] confidential five-itemed questionnaire” (“SAMPLE” & “METHODOLOGY”). The questionnaires effected the researchers to find “that taking a child abuse course may increase BSW students’ self-awareness regarding prior victimization” and “social work students [indeed] report a higher occurrence of prior childhood abuse than the general population” (Abstract From the Authors & “DISCUSSION”).

Assessment and Analysis
            As Gore and Black concede in their study’s “LIMITATIONS OF STUDY” section, “There were several limitations to this study.” One significant limitation is that Gore and Black used a highly-flawed methodology in that they defined “sexual abuse” in the terms of “[t]he state’s current definition of child sexual abuse” (“METHODOLOGY”), which in of itself is highly flawed. The definition, according to Gore and Black, is as follows (ibid.):
“‘‘Abused or neglected child’’ means a child whose health or welfare is harmed or threatened with harm when his parent, guardian, or other person exercising custodial control or supervision of the child:
(e) Commits or allows to be committed an act of sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, or prostitution will be committed upon a child;
(f) Creates or allows to be created a risk that an act of sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, or prostitution will be committed upon a child.
(Cabinet for Families and Children, 2001, p. 4)”
            The flaw in the definition is that it “addresses abuse by a parent, guardian, or
others [who was or who were] acting in a caretaking capacity. It does not pertain to sexual abuse from non-custodians, peers, or abuse from strangers. For example, incidents of sibling sexual abuse would not be included unless the perpetrator was acting in a caretaking role with the alleged victim.” The flaw specifically is that the definition does not cover “sexual abuse from non-custodians, peers, or abuse from strangers” or “sibling sexual abuse” as “sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, or prostitution” which a “parent, guardian, or other person exercising custodial control or supervision of the child… allows to be committed…[and/or] [c]reates or allows to be created.”
            Given that the definition is as highly flawed as it is, therefore, it alone nullifies and voids the study. After all, a “parent, guardian, or other person exercising custodial control or supervision of the child… allows to be committed…[and/or] [c]reates or allows to be created…sexual abuse from non-custodians, peers, or abuse from strangers” or “sibling sexual abuse”. Whether the custodian mandates, encourages, enables, or fails to act to stop and/or punish any “sexual abuse from non-custodians, peers, or abuse from strangers” or “sibling sexual abuse”, the custodian allows to be committed…[and/or] [c]reates or allows to be created…sexual abuse from non-custodians, peers, or abuse from strangers” or “sibling sexual abuse”. Therefore, Gore and Black must redo their study and base it on a definition that covers any and all custodian-mandated, -encouraged, -enabled, and –commended or –condoned sexual abuse.
            As far as the study’s other limitations, Gore and Black adequately speak to those limitations. Therefore, this critique needs to not comment on those limitations. As this critique aforestated, the study must go through a reworking process and base itself on a definition of any and all sexual abuse that anyone commits against a child.
            In conclusion, this critique assessed and analyzed Michelle T. Gore’s and Patricia J. Black’s 2009 annullable, voidable, and reworkable study which was published in Journal of Teaching In Social Work. This critique explicitly stated that Gore and Black must rework their study because of how they measured their concept of sexual abuse by the standards of the 2001 Kentucky Cabinet for Families and Children law, which  inadequately and illogically does not count “sexual abuse from non-custodians, peers, or abuse from strangers” or “sibling sexual abuse” as “sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, or prostitution” which a “parent, guardian, or other person exercising custodial control or supervision of the child… allows to be committed…[and/or] [c]reates or allows to be created.”

Gore, M.T., & Black, P.J. (2009). Bachelor of social work (bsw) students’ prior sexual abuse victimization. Journal of Teaching In Social Work, 29, 449–460. doi:10.1080/08841230903249786
Paiz, J.M., Angeli, E., Wagner, J., Lawrick, E., Moore, K., Anderson, M., Soderlund, L., Brizee, A., and Keck, R. (2013, March 1). General format. Retrieved from
“. (2013, September 28). Reference list: electronic sources (web publications). Retrieved from

Thursday, September 12, 2013

One Thought That Occurred To Me After Engaging With Marianne Theresa Johnson-Reddick's Obituary

The first time that this has really turned over in my mind, much less even occurred as a thought: every day that Joan Gaydos Czarnecki had to deal with her mother, she probably had her questioned what her mother could do to her. She never has even visited her mother's grave. This is part of why the horror that Mary Rusnak Gaydos committed cannot be covered up--that is, not just for Vilmosz's et. al.'s sakes (though they will never come back in this lifetime and age--and do I believe that Yeshua was with them in their final moments at Auschwitz, so I'm willing to bet that we will see them with others who are asleep in Yeshua and will rise at the Rapture).

Tell me how that Grandma still won't even admit the indirect abuse that she received is okay. Tell me how that her mother ultimately turned relatives over to the Nazis is a form of abuse that she, then a six-to-eight-year-old child, should get over--especially when her older sister is holding back those supposedly-innocuous letters that were exchanged. Tell me how she can even speak about the abuse when Dr. MaryAnn Gaydos, who wields quite a bit of power in the family, won't speak about it and even once told me that she didn't want to be part of the family tree that I made--and she knows as much as I know that she said that because I found out that we are Jewish.

Keep in mind that if Dr. Gaydos tried to kibosh me from piecing together and telling our real story, she's making sure that younger sister Joan shuts up (and that others shut up) about Joan's and her mother refusing to help Vilmosz, Zoli, et. al. when they literally risked their necks and reached out to the Anusi branch for the sake of piku'ach nefesh (After all, we were minim, koferim, v'meshumadim to them; yet they somehow took a chance at trusting us and asking us for help.).

Again, and to sum up, let's just say that the fact that Great-Grandma Gaydos ultimately turned relatives over to the Nazis is a form of abuse that Grandma, then a six-to-eight-year-old child, rightly could never get over and probably had her questioning every day what her mother could do to her. She never has even visited her mother's grave.

By the way, Iwan Rusnak was murdered in 1942; Vilmosz, Zoli, et. al. in 1944.

Friday, August 2, 2013

I Don't Hope That Nehemia Gordon's Happy With Himself, And...

Why should he be? After all, he took what I said--that "Rashi" ("Rabbi' Shlomo Yitzchaki) was Anti Messianic--and twisted it into some horrid and perverted rhetoric that I would never say. After I exposed him for doing that with a certain video, I got this strike on my YouTube account and had to later repost the video with the disclaimer that Nehemia is a public figure:

Unreal! And there's no chance to appeal it! As I've said, "My life is driven by being informed and informing others about what I know. After all, 'Tzedek, tzedek tirdof--Justice, justice, you shall pursue.'" and "Pursuing justice, therefore, begins with pursuing justice for my people and within my family--and that includes talking about....subjects which are to my mom's chagrin for me to talk about." And, of course, Mom and Michelle wouldn't want me talking about Nehemia--they'd just want me to let the whole situation go!

But as the situation stands, my moving forward as a commentator and pundit is hampered by him; and I'm also quite sure that he's still out there verbally abusing others and trying to wreck their lives all the more while abusing them! From what I understand, the guy still has a career--and that he does is rotten!

He also still has sleep at night! And how does he? That's part of why I get pretty riled up in my latest video--that is, I get riled up when I reflect on the fact that abusers and otherwise-jerky people like Nehemia Gordon can hamper and even destroy aspirations, careers, and lives of the very people who used or even put aside their own careers to support them. Remember that, for example, I would constantly refer and link to Karaite Korner on this blog, in my YouTube videos, etc.--and I had my defense of one of Nehemia's arguments twisted into horrid, perverted, Anti-Semitic rhetoric that Nehemia tried to put into my mouth!

And, again, that's part of why I'm moving forward with my aspirations and career as a commentator and pundit--so that people like Nehemia Gordon don't have careers and can't destroy the careers and lives of others (let alone of others who used or forewent their careers to help them). 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

To The People Who Think That I'm a B****...

Happy Fourth of July, by the way (unless you want to keep sticking your head in whatever miserable place you have it in). 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Analysis and Last Word After Krystal Keith Releases Her New Single

I actually started this analysis as comments on this YouTube video--of a version of a song which I hardly enjoy anymore, since I prefer the classic version now! I can hardly stomach this version; which, by the way and if one does not account for duplicates, has only 665,316 views at this time (11:00 PM EST on April 28, 2013). So, here's the analysis:

Some people might just think that she can't sing. What TK "Warriors" (and isn't it sad that they're not Jesus Warriors sad?) have a problem with is anyone criticizing their idol in any way shape, form, fashion, circumstance, and manner. That Krystal Keith cannot sing is a sentiment with which I disagree--and by the way, I was in my elementary, middle, and high school choirs. However, there was definitely too much Usheresqueness going on, on Krystal's part in the song to which I linked, 

Besides, both Toby and Krystal are jerks (and I've dealt with Krystal before and heard horror stories about Toby Keith). My problem is more with their personalities and their senses of self importance. My problem also continues to be Krystal's facade of her confidence in the length of her music career. I've blogged about this before (and, for this, have had the distinct honor of being blocked by both Mrs. Sandubrae and her worldly brother, by the way), and my continuing problem can be summed up as follows. 

She's: 1) using her dad's nom de celebree ("Keith") instead of her own name. 2) on her dad's record label (and her dad is also her producer). 3) let her dad write songs for her first album (should it actually ever become a worth-buying album, anyway). 4) released "Daddy, Dance With Me" as her first single--and which she wrote for her wedding. 5) touring with her dad. 

In light of all this and other factors  I suggested that she may not want to do all that and may want to make her own name. Did I get Hell for it! I was accused of being a Dixie Chicks fan by her and her crazy fan Denise Denis. Then she later complained in an article, "“I’m a completely different artist than he is, and I definitely want to have my own voice. I just want people to be at least open to listening to me with an open mind, and not just tagging me as soon as they hear my name.”"

So, I disagree with anyone who states that she can't sing. However, I will give you that she may as well pick up another job if you think that she should. After all, at least she is smart enough to know that she's probably not going to be in the music business for long--she has a degree in Communications with a Business emphasis from the University of Oklahoma; not in Music Business like Brad Paisley. So, I'll give her that she's smart enough to know that her music career will be short.

Therefore, months later, I recounted, "I got criticized for saying for how she's sabotaging her own music career by using her dad's stage name ("Keith"), being on her dad's record label, etc.. Then what do I see later? Herself promoting her debut single as a "father-daughter song" (There she goes again!) and, before that, complaining that she's her "own artist" in an interview that I read online. While I disagree that she isn't a good singer, I agree that she is just "Toby's daughter"."

By the way, I have no interest in listening to her first--perhaps (if one counts "Mockingbird") second--single. I will not give Krystal Keith one more view, penny, or other form of credence--and looking at her Facebook page and Twitter account to look at how many followers she has was giving her credence enough.

Friday, April 19, 2013

The Sad Part Is That...

They let the Saudi kid go and let the Saudi government deal with him, since he was on a student visa (Bad move.). The other two suspects were still Mohammedan, though, which goes to show that this was--once again--a Mohammedan (or as my racist Leftist ex friends would put it, a "Brown") terror attack. By the way, I normally don't link to the "Daily Beast, but Gary Aminoff tweeted this; and I trust Gary Aminoff.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Why Do We Care That the Boston Marathon Terrorist Was a Saudi Orthodox Mohammedan?

This young Saudi national clearly pulled from the 9/11 Playbook. What other kind of man would attack a city which has a substantial Jewish community (not to mention their own "Bostoner Rebbe") and is in the United States, Israel's stronger ally? Who else would also attack the city of the "Bostoner Rebbe" on Yom Ha'Atzma'ut? 

Let's be very clear, people: the Boston terrorist was a Saudi Orthodox Mohammedan, and we don't want other Mohammedans to become like him: we want them to be saved and fear the Yehovah of the Jews, the Elohim of Avraham and Yitzhak, the Fear of Yitzhak who the remnant of Esav and Yishma'el have chosen to embrace. Let's also face that most Mohammedans are Saudis--Arabs, sons of Esav and Yishma'el--like this young man who chose to murder at least three people and injure at least 144 others in a well-calculated Anti-Semitic, Anti-American attack.

That's why we need to get the truth about Mohammed ibn-'Abd and the Quran out there, and that's why we need to be clear that Islamophobia is not Muslimophobia. We don't want to see Mohammedans destroy their own and others' lives.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Anti Semitism In Boston? A Reminder Of 9/11? Let's Look At the Facts Here...

 I'm now suspecting that the hunch that the Boston Attack was an Anti-Semitic attack was absolutely a hunch from G-d. Let's look at the facts:

1) A supposedly "right-wing" Saudi national attacked Boston. Similarly, "Mullah Omar is reported to have opposed this course of action [i.e., 9/11] for ideological reasons rather than out of fear of U.S.retaliation.He is said to have preferred for al Qaeda to attack Jews, not necessarily the United States." (

Orthodox Mohammedans ("radical Muslims", "Muslim extremists") are often classified as "right-wing".

2) Israeli Independence Day began on April 15, 2013 at sundown.
3) There is a whole segment of the Jewish community known as the Bostoner Chabadi(c) (Chasidi[c]) community--in fact, there is a "Bostoner Rebbe".
4) Anti Semitism has (according to Tel Aviv University) increased by 30% globally.

Given all that, this (to say the least) smart-ass Saudi national created a (for a lack of a better term) "perfect crime" that he took right from (for a lack of a better term) the 9/11 playbook. Therefore, for the U.S. to bless Israel, and for Israel and especially her exiles in America (myself included) to stand with the U.S. is more important than ever. We need to remember that we are on a cusp of history that we cannot let repeat itself again.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

More Proof That We're Jewish

I've posted Granduncle Tony's whole e-mail before. But I've (I think) hardly dissected and analyzed the letter as fully as possible. So, here's more analysis, as I gave to a friend per the seeming contradiction between an infrequent letter and a no-contact relationship:

Granduncle Tony did say, "Periodically a church pastor would run a heritage trip back to Poland for a group. Very few of those who immigrated would return. Occasionally someone "in the family" in America would join a relative for the return trip, Usually meeting the Polish or Slovak relatives for the first time and occasionally maintaining a letter writing relationship afterwards. This DID NOT happen in our family.

"There was not very much correspondence with the Polish family. Only an infrequent letter. There were no exchanges other than through the Polish Church which would have clothing drives and send clothes to Poland in general, but not to specific family members. Bertha's photos which came after the trips were the only contact until they asked for the deed to be changed in the mid 1960's."

I suppose that any letters either were letters from us that they refused to answer or letters from them that came through Bertha Wawrzyn.

As Granduncle Tony describes, "I never seen nor did anyone mention anything special brought from Poland. A friend from Sugar Notch, Mrs. Bertha Wawrzyn, visited Poland every few years to see her family and would visit the family while there. All she ever brought back were photos that she took of the Polish Czarnecki's (see earlier comments)."

Some Jews and gentiles did have the attitude of, "You can befriend them; but don't marry them, and don't believe what they believe." As far as I know, Bertha was a Catholic gentile, and we were obviously Crypto Jews--most of the family back home was openly Jewish and Non-Messianic Jewish.

Does Messianic Judaism Forbid The Celebrations Of Christmas and Easter?

Nope. See Romans 14 and Colossians 2:13-17, among other verses. Also, I'm going to (G-d willing) expound more on this in light of Exodus 23-34--that is, the "tenor" of the Old Covenant, and thus the New Covenant--later.

15:08:23 -- 1 hour 10 mins ago

Friday, January 11, 2013

Are "Palestinians" Really Refugees? Actually...

Since a refugee is an internally- or externally-displaced person who is unable to reside in his or her country of nationality or citizenship, because the country persecutes him or her based on his or her "race" (ethnicity, nationality, ethnos), religion, "nationality" (citizenship), social-group affiliation, or political opinion; Jews in Gaza and the West Bank are internally-displaced refugees. The Arab ("Palestinian") governments are persecuting them within Israel--specifically, the parts which are misnominally called "The Occupied Territories". The Jews (Israelis, Israelites) are persecuted based on citizenship (Israeli), ethnicity (Israelite), religion (particularly Jewish and Messianic Jewish [Jewish Christian]), political opinion (Zionist), and social-group affiliation (with other "settlers", reclaimants).

In conclusion, therefore, the Israelis--not the "Palestinians"--are refugees; and the "Palestinians" are the occupiers of Israeli land. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Let's See...

  1. I observed my Blog Shabbat for this week yesterday.
  2. I'm changing my Blogger habits--sort of. For certain people (at least those who I'm friendly and/or reconciled with), I won't say and do certain things. As for the people that I don't like, I'm just not giving you the time of day and I'm letting you fall into your own trap unless I absolutely have to expose you--e.g., Toby Keith, Tiki Barber and Traci Lynn Johnson Barber. As for Toby Keith--as I've blogged before--, the man had gallbladder surgery and now has time to think and reflect--so, I wish the man well and hopes that he uses his time out to get his priorities in order. As for Tiki and Traci Lynn Johnson Barber; they're now married and the ones who are going to have to deal with what they've done if and when their marriage goes the way that Tiki Barber's first marriage did. As for who they're friends with and who's friends with them, I can do nothing about that. Besides, I have people in my own life for whom some people would like at me like I'm Tiki or Traci Johnson Barber.
  3. I'm given up on holding family, friends, etc. accountable in real life as well--not that I'm perfect, but you'll fall into whatever traps of your own that you've set up. As I did say in the open letter and the follow up (which few to none bothered to read), though (and both of which I ended up removing partly because so few people read the follow up); you can forget me sharing family pictures--after all, if I have to ask you to post an image while you're posting the same kinds of images (e.g., of yourself and of others who you've asked me not to post pictures of, all while you're posting pictures of yourself and even of them), you can perhaps even forget my taking of pictures of you. I'm not playing your hypocritical games anymore, and you'll miss of a heck of a lot of memories. By the way, this isn't everyone in the family--this is only those few with (so to speak) sticks up their butt about what I do and have a "G-d forbid that you do it, but I can do whatever I want" attitude. To the ones who aren't hypocritical and don't mind picture taking and sharing, you'll always be allowed to see my photos.  
  4. For some reason, my Google Chrome broswer and Wireless Mouse are going AWOL, and my Internet Explorer can be a bit slow.

I could go on, but few to none of you will probably give a darn.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Is the New Testament Anti Semitic?

This video best explains it, but I in particular want to respond to the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA; by the way, who I decided that I am not following on Twitter because of their endorsement of this article and Prof. Pieter van der Horst). I am disappointed in the JCPA for allowing Prof. van der Horst to decontextualize the New Testament and revise history.

Addressing Prof. van der Horst's first claim:

"The New Testament has several anti-Semitic elements in its chronologically latest documents. The Gospel of John has Jesus call the Jews “sons of the devil.” There is also a case of an anti-Jewish outburst by the Apostle Paul."

Prof. van der Horst cleary missed the verses about Jews worshipping either G-d or devils. For example:

  1. Leviticus 17:7
    They shall no more offer their sacrifices to demons, after whom they have played the harlot. This shall be a statute forever for them throughout their generations.”’
  2. Deuteronomy 32:17
    They sacrificed to demons, not to God, To gods they did not know, To new gods, new arrivals That your fathers did not fear.
  3. Joshua 24:14-15
    14 “Now therefore, fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord15 And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Prof. van der Horst also misses that Paul was not Anti Semitic but frustrated that these particular Jews would not accept that they had the blood of an innocent Man on their hands and that the blood could wash them clean only if they accepted that their Passover was sacrificed (cf. Matthew 27:24-26, Luke 23:33-35, Acts 18:5-8, 1 Corinthians 5:7). By the way--and this is another discussion--, Pilate was a vicious, crowd-riling Anti Semite who knew what he was doing and did not really believe Jesus to be innocent.

Paul indeed even stated:

"I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit,that I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my countrymen[a] according to the flesh, who are Israelites, to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the service of God, and the promises; of whom are the fathers and from whom, according to the flesh, Christ came, who is over all, the eternally blessed God. Amen."

What is Anti Semitic in that? 

In conclusion, Prof. van der Horst and Manfred Gerstenfeld, Prof. van der Horst's interviewer--as well as the rest of the JPCA--would do well to read the New Testament (Hadashah) and the rest of TaNaKH in content.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Can These Celebrities Stick To Entertainment For Once?

Durham, North Carolina arrived from on "The Nicole Factor: My Reaction To the Obamacare Ruling" by searching for tobykeith on obamacare rulling.
Celebrities chose to be singers, actors, dancers, and whatever else they chose to be besides news anchors, reporters, correspondents, pundits, analysts, commentators, and other kinds of journalists and politiques. So, Toby Keith--for once--needs to shut his hypocritical, verbally-abusive, PrObama, ignorant mouth.