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Thursday, September 12, 2013

One Thought That Occurred To Me After Engaging With Marianne Theresa Johnson-Reddick's Obituary

The first time that this has really turned over in my mind, much less even occurred as a thought: every day that Joan Gaydos Czarnecki had to deal with her mother, she probably had her questioned what her mother could do to her. She never has even visited her mother's grave. This is part of why the horror that Mary Rusnak Gaydos committed cannot be covered up--that is, not just for Vilmosz's et. al.'s sakes (though they will never come back in this lifetime and age--and do I believe that Yeshua was with them in their final moments at Auschwitz, so I'm willing to bet that we will see them with others who are asleep in Yeshua and will rise at the Rapture).

Tell me how that Grandma still won't even admit the indirect abuse that she received is okay. Tell me how that her mother ultimately turned relatives over to the Nazis is a form of abuse that she, then a six-to-eight-year-old child, should get over--especially when her older sister is holding back those supposedly-innocuous letters that were exchanged. Tell me how she can even speak about the abuse when Dr. MaryAnn Gaydos, who wields quite a bit of power in the family, won't speak about it and even once told me that she didn't want to be part of the family tree that I made--and she knows as much as I know that she said that because I found out that we are Jewish.

Keep in mind that if Dr. Gaydos tried to kibosh me from piecing together and telling our real story, she's making sure that younger sister Joan shuts up (and that others shut up) about Joan's and her mother refusing to help Vilmosz, Zoli, et. al. when they literally risked their necks and reached out to the Anusi branch for the sake of piku'ach nefesh (After all, we were minim, koferim, v'meshumadim to them; yet they somehow took a chance at trusting us and asking us for help.).

Again, and to sum up, let's just say that the fact that Great-Grandma Gaydos ultimately turned relatives over to the Nazis is a form of abuse that Grandma, then a six-to-eight-year-old child, rightly could never get over and probably had her questioning every day what her mother could do to her. She never has even visited her mother's grave.

By the way, Iwan Rusnak was murdered in 1942; Vilmosz, Zoli, et. al. in 1944.

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