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Monday, October 1, 2012

My Family Last Names, Or...

Those which I'm sure of and listed, anyway ("Laczinsky" is tricky and in the air at this point--though why else would Great-Great-Granddad have used "Laczinsky" were that not his mom's name?):

  1. "Chernetski" referred to us settling in near the Czarnia River and being dark skinned. 
  2. "Trudniak", "difficult"--maybe they didn't like Jews or we wouldn't fit with the goyischer status quo? 
  3. "Foczko", form of "Focko"?--"foresail", imposed--as we are Levites. 
  4. "Ushinsky"--no idea. 
  5. "Gajdosz", "awkward legs" or "fat" or "drunk"--perhaps a schicker?
  6.  "Novak", "new"--maybe for "New Christian"? 
  7. "Rusznak"--imposed, maybe because we lived near Ruthenia at a point. 
  8. "Monka", "Miller"--Ashkenazic Jewish from "maka". "
  9. "Danilowicz"--either because we're of Dan or had a patriarch by that name. 
  10. "Morgiewicz", corrupted to "Margiewicz"--may be from "Margolis" or "Perl". 
  11. "Homa", "Thomas" or maybe from "homiyah" or just "homa"--e.g., "Har Homa".

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